满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Making mistakes is a part of life. _____...

Making mistakes is a part of life. ________ matters is _________ you do afterwards.

A.It; what           B.All; what          C.What; what        D.That; what


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:犯错误是人生一部分,真正重要的是之后我们所做的。第一空中what引导主语从句,在句中作主语;第二空what引导表语从句,做do的宾语。故选C. 考点:名词性从句

________ the past, leaving the sadness behind, _____ you’ll see the door of a new bright world open before you.

A.Forget; and        B.Forgetting; and     C.Forget; /          D.To forgetting; /



I hope that my father will quit smoking because I want him to live   my grandpa does.

A.as a long and healthy life as                B.as long and healthy a life as

C.such long and healthy a life as              D.so long and healthy a life as



It’s very funny that many people who lose weight gain it back after some time and end up back __________ they started.

A.when            B.after             C.since             D.where



The government officials met the workers and engineers working on the stadium, most _________ being migrant workers.

A.of them           B.of what           C.of whom          D.of which



Our special thanks go to thousands of volunteers, without ________tireless work, none of this would be possible.

A.whose            B.which            C.whom            D.that



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