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注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

As we all know, travelling can be an excited experience. Let me give you some

advices that you have to pay attention. You can find out more about your destination

by surf the internet before you set out. You needn’t take too many cash. Though it can be very convenient to pay in cash, using cheques is much more reliable. In additional, it will be wise of you to take an umbrella in case of it should rain. And if you are to travel abroad, you’d better understand the cultural diversity. Keep this in mind that being politely in foreign countries can help you had a wonderful trip.


  excited-exciting   advices-advice    attention-attention to   surf-surfing      many-much  additional-addition   去掉of  this-it  politely- polite    had-have 【解析】 试题分析:   excited-exciting 用现在分词转换的形容词来修饰事物,exciting令人兴奋的。   advices-advice  名词advice是一个不可数名词,没有复数形式。  attention-attention to 固定词组pay attention to…注意…本题中that作to的宾语。  surf-surfing  介词by表示方式手段,后面使用动名词的形式。  many-much 后面的名词cash是一个不可数名词,不能使用many修饰,使用much来修饰。   additional-addition 固定词组in addition另外。   去掉of 连词in case后面直接加从句,不要of;in case of后面要接宾语,不接从句。   this-it 本句中的it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的宾语从句being…trip。   politely- polite  应该使用形容词和系动词being在一起做句子的主语。  had-have 固定结构have sb do sth让某人做某事。 考点:考查学生在上下文语境中对词汇语法的掌握情况


1.As is known, the Great wall is one of the w___________ of the world.

2.In the accident, only two people s__________ at last.

3.The building is specially d__________ for the homeless people.

4.Some ___________(志愿者 in your room looks new at the first sight.

5.Enough e__________ can help him a lot in the court.

6.I got a very friendly ____________ (接待) when I arrived there.

7.I have some _________(怀疑) whether they will come here on time.

8.What`s the __________(不同) between these two words?

9.The thief           (承认) that he had stolen the bicycle.

10.The head of a large company has many          (职责).




根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项,并将答案填写在本题下 面的横线上。选项中有两项为多余选项。

A: Mary, we are going to have a party on New Year's Eve. Fm sure we'll have a good time. 1._____

B: I'd like to. 2._____

A: In our classroom. We are going to decorate it and turn it into a splendid ballroom.

B: 3.____ I shall be very glad to spend my first New Year in China with you.

A: But we are going to ask everyone at the party to give a performance. 4.____

B: I will. My voice is not very pleasant to the ear, though.

A : I heard you sang once. 5._____ Fm sure you'll be the star of our New Year party.

B: Oh, thank you.

A.Your voice was sweet and beautiful.

B.Where are you going to have it?

C.Would you like to join us?

D.Thank you for inviting me.

E. Oh, it is great.

F. Let's go to the ball together.

G. Do sing us some English songs, please.



A grave of a man dating back to around 2300 BC was found by archaeologists in England On May 3, 2002. Buried with him were the tools of a hunter or warrior. There was a bone pin that may have been from a piece of clothing such as a leather coat. He carried a copper knife on his breast. The most amazing find was two gold earrings. That would have made him a man of distinction. Only a few centimeters from his head were two pots made of clay, tools and materials to make arrows, a bow and a dozen arrows for hunting and a second, smaller copper knife. Next to them lay a cushion stone, upon which the man could work metal.

His grave is the richest of any found from that period, because this man was buried with two gold earrings which are the oldest gold ever found in Britain (dated to 2470 BC). Besides, he was buried three miles from Stonehenge. Archaeologists tend to believe he was a member of a powerful class who might have organized the construction of Stonehenge.

Stonehenge was begun around 3000 BC. In about 2300 BC the huge stone circles were built. The biggest stone weighed approximately 20 tons. But the smaller blue stones, still weighing 4 tons on average, came from west Wales. It is not yet known how these were conveyed over a distance of 380 km. It is also a mystery how early man was able to construct Stonehenge without the use of modern construction machines and lorries.

He is an example of people who brought culture and new techniques from the European mainland to Britain. In terms of technical development people were going from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age and then to the Iron Age.

1.Which are not included in the things that are found in the grave of a man?

A.Tools, a bone pin, a bow and a cushion stone

B.A copper knife and two gold earrings.

C.Two pots, arrows and materials to make arrows.

D.some chicken and grains.

2.The man buried in the grave might be ______ at that time.

A.A poor man        B.a kind-hearted man  C.a rich man         D.an ordinary man

3.Why is the man buried in the grave called the "king of Stonehenge" ?

A.He was buried three miles from Stonehenge.

B.He had the oldest gold ever found in Britain.

C.He might be a member of a powerful class who might have organized the construction of Stonehenge.

D.All of the above.

4.We can infer that _______ .

A.how Stonehenge was built

B.the King of Stonehenge was from France

C.Stonehenge was built through several ages

D.Stonehenge was built because of war



Villa Nicoletta, Genuine Relaxation

Somewhere in the world, there’s a place where stress isn’t allowed and peace and genuine relaxation are the only demands of the day. If you could go there, you would thoroughly enjoy yourself. There are not too many places in the world like this, but this is one of them. It’s luxurious. It’s ultra-private.

Welcome to Villa Nicoletta

Villa Nicoletta is a 4-bedroom luxury villa and an oasis(绿洲) of rest and rejuvenation(恢复活力)in a land of unspoiled peace. Located on a 70-foot cliff overlooking the north shore of the island of St. Thomas and the pretty waters of Caret Bay, Villa Nicoletta offers the finest accommodations in the Caribbean for those seeking a vacation of elegance, peace and privacy. You’ll see how the sun blankets the landscape and water in shimmering brilliance by day and how the sky twinkles like billions of bright diamonds at night.

Completed in 2000, the 3,300-square-foot Villa Nicoletta is fully equipped with state-of-the-art electronics.

When you book Villa Nicoletta, you shall book the entire villa.

Off Season: April 16 to December 14

★4 bedrooms — $5,700/week (8 people max)

Sleep sofa can add additional 2 people $200/night

Peak Season: December 15 to April 15

★4 bedrooms — $6,300/week (8 people max)

Sleep sofa can add additional 2 people $200/night

1.The villa can be rented to a maximum of _______ people at a time.

A.five              B.eight             C.thirteen           D.ten

2.If a family with 6 people spends a fortnight’s Christmas holiday in the villa, how much will they pay?

A.$12,600.         B.$15,400.         C.$11,400.         D.$13,200.

3.Villa Nicoletta is most likely to be popular with tourists who _______.

A.like adventure

B.want to escape the noisy life of the city

C.enjoy the winter sports

D.seek excitement in the sea

4.We can infer that _______.

A.you can share the villa with other tourists

B.the island of St. Thomas is famous for the ocean theme amusement park

C.fewer tourists stay in Villa Nicoletta in autumn than in spring

D.you can go in for extreme sports in Villa Nicoletta



Why is pink or purple a color for girls and blue or brown for boys?

The answer depends largely on cultural values as well as personal experiences. To the Egyptians, green was a color that represented the hope and joy of spring, while for Muslims, it means heaven. Red is a symbol (象征) of good luck in many cultures. In China, children are given money in a red envelope to bring good fortune in the New Year. For many nations, blue is a symbol of protection and religious beliefs. Greek people often wear a blue necklace hoping to protect themselves against evils (灾祸).

People’s choice of colors is also influenced by their bodies’ reactions (反应) toward them. Green is said to be the most restful color. It has the ability to reduce pain and relax people both mentally and physically. People who work in green environment have been found to have fewer stomach aches.

Red can cause a person’s blood pressure to rise and increase people’s appetites (食欲). Many decorators will include different shades of red in the restaurant. Similarly, many commercial websites will have a red “Buy Now” button because red is a color that easily catches a person’s eye.

Blue is another calming color. Unlike red, blue can cause people to lose appetite. So if you want to eat less, some suggest that eating from blue plates can help.

The next time you are deciding on what to wear or what color to decorate your room, think about the color carefully.

1.Muslims regard green as a symbol of heaven mainly because of their______.

A.cultural values                         B.commercial purposes

C.personal experiences                    D.physical reactions to the color

2.Why will many commercial websites have a red “Buy Now” button?

A.To relax people physically.

B.To increase people’s appetites.

C.To encourage people to make a purchase.

D.To cause a person’s blood pressure to rise.

3.What color might help lose weight according to the text?

A.Red.             B.Green.            C.Blue.             D.Purple.

4.Which of the following would be the most proper title for the text?

A.Colors and Human Beings

B.The Cultural Meaning of Color

C.The Meaning and Function of Color

D.Colors and Personal Experiences



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