满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Shangri-La Hotel Singapore Singapore 22 ...


Shangri-La Hotel Singapore

Singapore 22 Orange Grove Road, 258350


● Air-conditioned public areas

● Ballrooms

● Bar

● Coffee shop or café

● Elevator/lift

● Gift shops

● Restaurants in hotel

● Outdoor swimming pool

● Free Internet access

Check-in time: 2:00 pm

Check-out time: noon

Pets not allowed

Swissotel Merchant Court

Singapore 20 Merchant Road, 058281


● Air-conditioned public areas

● Ballrooms

● Bar

● Coffee shop or café

● Elevator/lift

● Restaurants in hotel

● Outdoor swimming pool

● Television in lobby

Cheek-in time: 3:00 pm

Check-out time: noon

Pets not allowed

Royal Plaza On Scotts

Singapore 25 Scotts Road, Orchard, 228220


● Air-conditioned public areas

● Ballrooms

● Bar

● Elevator/lift

● Gift shops

● Restaurants in hotel

● Smoke-free environment

● Outdoor swimming pool

Check-in time: 2:00 pm

Check-out time: noon

Pets not allowed

Landmark Village Hotel

Singapore 390 Victoria Street, 188061


● Air-conditioned public areas

● Ballrooms

● Bar

● Coffee shop or café

● Elevator/lift

● Restaurants in hotel

● Outdoor swimming pool

Check-in time: 2:00 pm

Check-out time: noon

Pets allowed

1.Which of the following can you do in every hotel mentioned above?

A.You can have a swim.                     B.You can have free coffee.

C.You can check in at the same time.          D.You can’t bring your pet with you.

2.In which hotel can you buy things on the Internet?

A.Shangri-La Hotel Singapore                B.Swissotel Merchant Court

C.Royal Plaza On Scotts                     D.Landmark Village Hotel

3.The purpose of the passage is ________.

A.to make people enjoy their trips            B.to persuade people to visit Singapore

C.to introduce four hotels in Singapore        D.to improve the hotel services


1.A 2.A 3.C 【解析】 试题分析:文章主要是介绍几个新加坡的旅店。包括它们的地理位置,设施和服务等信息。 1.细节题:每个旅店都提到Outdoor swimming pool可知选A。 2.细节题:在Shangri-La Hotel Singapore Free 广告中有Internet access,可知选A 3.主旨题:文章主要是介绍几个新加坡的旅店。选C 考点:考查广告类短文

When looking back at the scary situation that happened to him on Saturday, Patrick Canney said he couldn’t still believe that it was true. It was a situation that could have ended with a tragedy for Patrick, his father and his sister. But it didn’t really happen thanks to Patrick.

That morning, Patrick’s father was driving down busy Interstate 95 in Peabody, Massachusetts. The car started going really slowly, which seized Patrick’s attention. And then he realized that something was wrong. At that point, Patrick found his father was having a seizure (中风).

“It was really scary,” he said. “It was unlike anything that had ever really happened to me.” But Patrick didn’t act scared. He took control of the situation and got behind the wheel of the SUV. He turned the key off and pulled the car over to the breakdown lane (车道). He then stopped the SUV, grabbed a cell phone out of his dad’s pocket and called 911 for help.

Patrick’s 9-year-old sister was in the SUV, too. He told his little sister not to worry about it. Then he opened the door and stood right next to the guard rail. Thanks to Patrick’s description of their location during the 911 call, Massachusetts State Police were able to locate the Canneys within minutes -- and get them all to safety.

“A 12-year-old boy’s clear thinking and decisive action actually saved this family from a tragedy,” said state police spokesman David. “That’s Patrick. He is cool and collected. I couldn’t imagine what would be the result if he were panicked (惊慌失措).”

Patrick’s father was expected to recover fully from the seizure. And thanks to Patrick, all of the Canneys are still alive. “The word hero may be overused in our society,” said David. “But Patrick is surely that -- and then some.”

1.As soon as he found his father had a seizure, Patrick ________.

A.told his sister not to worry                B.called the police for help at once

C.tried his best to save his father             D.managed to take control of the car

2.The underlined word “collected” in Paragraph 5 means “_________”.

A.confused          B.positive           C.calm             D.serious

3.What did David think of Patrick?

A.Patrick should learn from real heroes in society.

B.Patrick was a cool boy who matched the word hero.

C.Patrick should be rewarded for his behavior.

D.Patrick should protect his family carefully in the future.

4.Which of the-following best expresses the main idea of the passage?

A.A kid made every effort to survive in a car crash.

B.A kid turned into a lifesaver after his father was ill.

C.A kid learned how to become a hero by using his wisdom.

D.A kid saved his sister when they drove on a highway.



Monty Roberts often let me use his house to hold fund-raising events to raise money for young people in need.

The last time I was there he   36  me to a group of people by saying, “I want tell you   37  I let Jack use my house. It   38  a story about a young man. When he was a high school student, he was asked to write a paper about his   39 .”

“That night be wrote a seven-page paper   40  his goal of someday owning a horse ranch (大牧场). He wrote about his dream in great   41  and he even drew a picture of a 200-acre ranch, showing the   42  of all the buildings, the stables(马厩)and the track. Then he drew a detailed plan for a 4,000-square-foot house that would   43  on a 200-acre ranch.”

“When he received his paper, he found that there was a big red ‘F’ on the front page with a note   44 , ‘see me after class.’”

“The boy went to see the teacher after class and asked, ‘Why did I receive an F?’”

“The teacher said, ‘This is a(an)  45  dream for a young boy like you. If you __46  this paper with a more realistic goal, I will reconsider your   47  .’”

“Finally, after a week, the boy handed in the same paper, making no   48 . He stated, ‘You can   49  the F and I’ll keep my dream.’”

“I told you this story because you are sitting in my 4,000-square-foot   50  in the middle of my 200-acre ranch. I still have that school   51  .”

He added, “That   52  teacher came to my ranch. Before leaving, he said, ‘During those years I   53  a lot of kids’ dreams.   54 , you didn’t give up yours.

Don’t let anyone steal your dream. Follow your   55 , no matter what.

1.                A.warned         B.informed        C.helped   D.introduced


2.                A.why           B.when          C.how D.where


3.                                  A.breaks away from B.gets along with

C.goes back to                       D.is occupied with


4.                A.feeling         B.dream          C.difficulty  D.contribution


5.                A.expecting       B.drawing         C.imagining D.describing


6.                A.strength        B.detail          C.surprise  D.courage


7.                A.owner         B.construction     C.locations  D.prices


8.                A.sit             B.cover          C.rise  D.remain


9.                A.writing         B.expressing      C.suggesting D.reading


10.               A.unrealistic      B.wonderful      C.fantastic   D.disappointing


11.               A.exchange       B.check          C.rewrite    D.treat


12.               A.goal           B.grade          C.future D.behavior


13.               A.senses         B.changes        C.comments D.excuses


14.               A.keep          B.follow          C.continue  D.choose


15.               A.field           B.ranch          C.office D.house


16.               A.building        B.address        C.story D.paper


17.               A.same          B.kind           C.single D.famous


18.               A.tested         B.asked          C.stole  D.missed


19.               A.Therefore      B.Fortunately      C.Surprisingly D.Generally


20.               A.advice         B.heart          C.trend D.statement




When it comes to a foreign language, he is not ________ quick a learner as his brother.

A.very             B.too              C.so               D.rather



假设你是李华,你班同学李阳和赵民发生争吵,关系很紧张。原因是李阳晚上在寝室打手机,赵民觉得这影响了他的休息。请你结合此事,并根据以下提示,用英语写一篇短文,向学校英文报“Happy Teens”专栏投稿。










Conflicts with others are common in everyday life. ____________________________________









注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

As everyone knows, people can get a lot of informations through the Internet. Meanwhile, people are also clearly aware of their disadvantages, and some children don’t realize they sometimes make friends with bad people online. In my opinion, people can use the Internet make friends, download the useful materials and go shopping online. It’s really very helpful. Besides, there are also many disadvantages about the Internet. If you can’t use it correctly, it may be harmful for you. In junior middle school, I was once crazy about playing online games and I couldn’t control myself. As a result, my study results are getting from bad to bad. Besides, if you believe that your friends say online, you will be cheated by them some day, I think.



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