满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I realized the purpose of the whole expe...

I realized the purpose of the whole experience: I needed to learn to open my heart and give love without requiring anything _____.

A.by design         B.for once          C.in return          D.as a consequence


C 【解析】 试题分析:考查介词辨析。A故意地;B仅仅一次;C作为回报;D结果是;句意:我意识到这个经历的重要性,我需要学会开放我的内心,不希望任何回报的付出我的爱心。根据句意说明C正确。 考点:考查介词短语辨析

On the international market, the price of petroleum has been falling down, which is now _____ it used to be.

A.as one third as                         B.one third as much as

C.one third more than                     D.as one third much as



We can no longer ____to consider water an almost free resource that we can use as much as we like.

A.permit            B.afford            C.expect            D.offer



After talking with his father for about half an hour, he felt better and began to know how to ____ this kind of situation.

A.strengthen        B.explore           C.handle            D.arrange



---I failed today’s math test! What shall I do?

---____! Try once more.

A.Come on          B.Hurry up          C.Take it easy        D.Don’t mention it



He lost his job three years ago; _____, he was seriously injured in an accident last week.

A.in the first place    B.worse still         C.on the contrary     D.in other words



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