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A camp built by students and volunteers ...

A camp built by students and volunteers spreads over Southern Methodist University(SMU). The affordable  21  are designed to be used by the poor as well as survivors of war and natural disasters.

“By the time 2020, there’s going to be about 1.7 billion people living in slums(贫民窟) so we would like to  22  change,” says Stephanie Hunt, co-founder of the Hunt Institute for Engineering and Humanities at SMU. The institute, which  23  build the village on SMU’s campus, was established to solve problem of the poor in the United States and around the world through engineering, and the free  24 .

The goal is not just to  25  lives, but to change the victims’ lives. The Institute hopes some entrepreneurs(企业家) might program and  26  some money with these ideas. One of the structures in the SMU village was built with bricks made  27  from recycled plastic bags.

They’re  28  together with heavy wires. Harvey Lacey, father of two college-aged sons, including one here at SUM, heard about this project and  29  his invention. It’s a heavy-duty, hand-crank compactor(手动压缩机)that anybody can use to form the big bricks he calls Ubuntu Blox.

“The advantages are that these  30  weigh less than two pounds. They’re very, very  31  These things can go for many generations of housing, ”says Lacey, who is  32  the design. Anybody can follow his online plans to  33  the compactor that turns plastic bags into bricks.

On this warm day, it’s  34  inside the Ubuntu Blox hut, thanks  35  to the thick plastic insulation(绝缘). Kenyan  36  Ronald Omyonga, visiting the global village before returning to his native Africa, says his country is full of these recyclable bags. With Lacey’s design, he says that litter could be transformed into  37  housing. He dreams of other  38  too.

“Look at the Harvey Lacey hut, as a means of creating  39  ,”says Omyonga.“Leaning the environment, and turning  40  into something that can form houses, not just for the poor.”

1.                A.shelters        B.clubs           C.parties   D.rooms


2.                A.affect          B.adapt          C.effect    D.adopt


3.                A.discovered      B.helped         C.studied   D.explored


4.                A.entry          B.competition     C.trade D.market


5.                A.save           B.survive         C.defend   D.cure


6.                A.share          B.donate         C.earn D.cost


7.                A.briefly         B.relevantly       C.mostly    D.efficiently


8.                A.held           B.stressed        C.knocked  D.packed


9.                A.delivered       B.contributed      C.devoted  D.sacrificed


10.               A.piles           B.masses         C.loaves D.blocks


11.               A.fragile         B.thick           C.hard  D.bitter


12.               A.giving out       B.giving off       C.giving up  D.giving away


13.               A.build          B.invent          C.improve   D.possess


14.               A.hot            B.cold           C.wet  D.cool


15.               A.nearly         B.exactly         C.partly D.fairly


16.               A.doctor         B.athlete         C.photographer   D.architect


17.               A.safe           B.dangerous      C.beautiful  D.large


18.               A.advantages      B.chances        C.benefits   D.profits


19.               A.things          B.jobs           C.wonders   D.conditions


20.               A.waste          B.resources       C.ideas D.technology



1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.D 11.C 12.D 13.A 14.D 15.C 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:南部卫理公会大学的学生和自愿者建造了一些价格低廉的庇护所,可供穷人以及战争和自然灾害的幸存者居住。难民村里一个建筑是用主要由回收塑料袋制作的砖头建造的。这既可以把垃圾变成房子,还可以增加就业机会。 1.考查名词:A. shelters避难所B. clubs俱乐部C. parties 聚会D. rooms房间,他们建造了一些价格低廉的庇护所,可供穷人以及战争和自然灾害的幸存者居住。选A 2.考查动词:A. affect影响B. adapt适应C. effect 带来D. adopt收养,采纳,我们希望能带来一些改变。”C 3.考查动词:A. discovered发现B. helped帮助C. studied研究,学习D. explored探索,亨特的研究所资助建造这个难民村,B 4.考查名词:A. entry 条目B. competition 比赛C. trade贸易D. market市场,通过工程和自由市场解决美国和周边国家的穷人的问题。选D 5.考查动词:A. save拯救B. survive幸存C. defend 保护D. cure治愈,目标不是拯救生命而是改善受害者的生活。选A 6.考查动词:A. share 分享B. donate捐赠C. earn挣D. cost花费,它还希望一些企业家能够通过这些构想挣到钱。选C 7.考查副词:A. briefly简单的B. relevantly相关的C. mostly主要的D. efficiently有效的,难民村里一个建筑是用主要由回收塑料袋制作的砖头建造的。选C 8.考查动词:A. held举办hold sth together把…连接在一起。B. stressed 强调C. knocked 敲D. packed打包,它们被很粗的铁丝连接在一起。选A 9.考查动词:A. delivered 发表,投递B. contributed贡献C. devoted投入,奉献D. sacrificed牺牲,他听说这个计划后,贡献了他的发明。选B 10.考查名词:A. piles堆B. masses大量C. loaves块D. blocks砖头,从上文was built with bricks made  27  from recycled plastic bags. 可知选D 11.考查形容词:A. fragile脆弱的B. thick 厚的C. hard 坚硬的,D. bitter痛苦的,从后面的These things can go for many generations of housing,可知这些砖头很坚硬。选C 12.考查动词短语:A. giving out散发,用尽B. giving off散发C. giving up 放弃D. giving away赠送,从上文的heard about this project and  29  his invention.可知是赠送这项发明的人。选D 13.考查动词:A. build建造B. invent发明C. improve改善D. possess加工,任何人都可以按照网上的说明造手动压缩机。选A 14.考查形容词:A. hot热的B. cold冷的C. wet 潮湿的D. cool冷酷的,凉爽的,从前面的On this warm day 可知里面是凉爽的。选D 15.考查副词:A. nearly几乎B. exactly确切的C. partly部分的D. fairly相当的,一部分多亏了厚的塑料绝缘。选C 16.考查名词:A. doctor医生B. athlete运动员C. photographer摄影师D. architect建筑师,从上下文看:Ronald Omyonga 是个建筑师。选D 17.考查形容词:A. safe安全的B. dangerous危险的,C. beautiful美丽的D. large大的,垃圾可以变成安全的房子。选A 18.考查名词:A. advantages好处B. chances机会C. benefits利益D. profits利润,他幻想有其他的益处。选C 19.考查名词:A. things事情B. jobs工作C. wonders奇迹D. conditions条件,这种房子可以创造出就业机会。选B 20.考查名词:A. waste废物B. resources资源C. ideas 相法D. technology科技,把废物变成可以做房子的人,不仅是为了穷人。选A 考点:考查新闻报导类短文

—What? You failed the driving test again!


A.So what           B.How come         C.Why not          D.What for



—Did you have a wonderful weekend?

—We could have if it ____ fine. But it____ all the time.

A.was; has rained                         B.was; rained

C.had been; has rained                     D.had been; rained



假设你是李华,你们学校的外教老师Mr. Hans组织英语小组同学周六下午去他公寓交流阅读莫言小说《蛙》(Frog)的读后感,你因故无法参加。请按下列要求用英语给他写一封100~120个词的信件。内容应包括:

1. 表示歉意;

2. 解释缺席原因;

3. 询问借阅讨论摘要的事宜。

Dear Mr. Hans,






Best wishes,


Li Hua







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Mr. Black,

I’m Li Hua, an exchange student from China. I had been studying in your school for a year. I am deep moved by the kindness of people around. What I want to say first is that the teachers here are very friendly. They do what they can help me and encourage me to study hard. Whenever asking, they give satisfactory answers. Beside, my classmates offer me a lot of help, either. We get on well to each other and I have made quite a few good friend. At home, Walter’s parents take good care of me, treating to me as if I were their own child.

I’m so grateful to all these people, with their help I have been accustomed to American culture and gained a lot of knowledge.

Best wishes!


Li Hua




A. Kripke’s Research Tool

B. Dangers of Habitual Shortages of Sleep

C. Classification of Sleep Problems

D. A Way of Overcoming Insomnia

E. Sleep Problems of Long and Short Sleepers

F. Oversleeping — Too Much of a Good Thing

1. ______

Although the dangers of too little sleep are widely known, new research suggests that people who sleep too much may also suffer the consequences.

2. ______

Investigators at the University of California in San Diego found that people who clock up 9 or 10 hours each weeknight appear to have more trouble falling and staying asleep, as well as a number of other sleep problems, than people who sleep 8 hours a night. People who slept only 7 hours each night also said they had more trouble falling asleep and feeling refreshed after a night’s sleep than 8-hour sleepers.

3. ______

Previous studies have shown the potential dangers of chronic(慢性的) shortages of sleep — for instance, one report demonstrated that people who habitually sleep less than 7 hours each night have a higher risk of dying within a fixed period than people who sleep more.

4. ______

For the current report, Kripke reviewed the responses of 1,004 adults to sleep questionnaires, in which participants indicated how mush they slept during the week and whether they experienced any sleep problems. Sleep problems included waking in the middle of the night, arising early in the morning and being unable to fall back to sleep, and having tiredness interfere with day-to-day functioning.

5. ______

Kripke found that people who slept between 9 and 10 hours each night were more likely to report experiencing each sleep problem than people who slept 8 hours. In an interview, Kripke noted that long sleepers may struggle to get rest at night simply because they spend too much time in bed. As evidence, he added that one way to help insomnia is to spend less time in bed. “It stands to reason that if a person spends too long a time in bed, then they’ll spend a higher percentage of time awake,” he said.



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