满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—Can I have ________ apple? —Oh, your si...

—Can I have ________ apple?

—Oh, your sister has just had it.

A.another        B.other        C.one more         D.the other


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查上下文串联。本题的关键是抓住上下文的关键词,本题要抓住it,说明指上文的同意事物,说明上文的是特指。句意:我可以吃另外一个苹果吗?—你的姐姐已经吃了。Another另外一个;other其它的;one more再一个,又一个;the other 指两者中的另外一个。故D正确。 考点:考查上下文串联

For _____ person with reading habits, _____ printed page contains not only words but ideas, thoughts and feelings.

A.the; a            B.the; the           C.a; the            D.a; a



—Hello. Is Mary there, please?

—I’m sorry, she is not here right now. _______?

A.What do you want her for                 B.What do you want to say

C.Can I take a message                     D.Can you tell me something



I can spare you only a few minutes. Just tell me ____what happened.

A.personally         B.spiritually          C.thoroughly        D.briefly



I realized the purpose of the whole experience: I needed to learn to open my heart and give love without requiring anything _____.

A.by design         B.for once          C.in return          D.as a consequence



On the international market, the price of petroleum has been falling down, which is now _____ it used to be.

A.as one third as                         B.one third as much as

C.one third more than                     D.as one third much as



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