满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I made a promise to myself on the way do...

I made a promise to myself on the way down to the vacation beach cottage. For two weeks I would try to be a loving husband and father. Totally loving. No ifs, ands or buts.

The idea had come to me as I listened to a talk on my car radio. The speaker was quoting a Biblical passage about husbands and their wives. Then he went on to say, “Love is an act of will. A person can choose to love.” To myself, I had to admit that I had been a selfish husband. Well, for two weeks that would change.

And it did. On arriving at the beach cottage, I kissed Evelyn meeting me at the door and said, “That new yellow sweater looks great on you.” “Oh, Tom, you noticed”, she said, surprised and pleased. Maybe a little puzzled. After the long drive, I wanted to sit and read. Evelyn suggested a walk on the beach. I started to refuse, but then I thought, “Evelyn’s been alone here with the kids all week and now she wants to be alone with me.” We walked on the beach while the children flew their kites.

So it went. Two weeks of not calling the Wall Street firm where I am a director; a visit to the shell museum though I usually hate museums. Relaxed and happy, that’s how the whole vacation passed. I made a new promise to keep on remembering to choose love.

There was one thing that went wrong with my experiment, however. Evelyn and I still laugh about it today. On the last night at our cottage, preparing for bed, Evelyn stared at me with the saddest expression.

“What’s the matter?” I asked her.

“Tom,” she said in a voice filled with distress, “I don’t?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well…that checkup I had several weeks ago…our doctor…did he tell you something about me? Tom, you’ve been so good to me…am I dying?”

It took a moment for it all to be understood. Then I burst out laughing.

“No, honey,” I said, wrapping her in my arms. “You’re not dying; I’m just starting to live.”

1.From the story we may infer that Tom drove to the beach cottage ______.

A.with his family      B.with Evelyn        C.alone             D.with his children

2.During the two weeks on the beach, Tom showed more love to his wife because ______.

A.he was determined to be a good husband

B.he had made a lot of money in his Wall Street firm

C.she looked lovely in her new clothes

D.the doctor said his wife was seriously ill

3.The author says, “There was one thing that went wrong with my experiment.” What does “one thing” refer to?

A.He praised her sweater, which puzzled her.

B.She insisted on visiting a museum, which he hated.

C.He knew something about her illness but didn’t tell her.

D.He was so good to her that she thought she must be dying.


1.C 2.A 3.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要讲了Tom去海边与妻子孩子度假。由于他在车上收听了一个节目,他决心做一个好丈夫、好父亲。Tom与妻子孩子度过了一个快乐的假期。 1.根据On arriving at the beach cottage, I kissed Evelyn meeting me at the door and said, “That new yellow sweater looks great on you.”故选C。 2.根据For two weeks I would try to be a loving husband and father.故选A。 3.根据“Well…that checkup I had several weeks ago…our doctor…did he tell you something about me? Tom, you’ve been so good to me…am I dying?”故选D。 考点:人生百味类短文阅读理解。

The world always makes way for the dreamer.

When I was twelve years old, my father took me to see Zig Zigler. I remember sitting in that dark hall listening to Mr. Zigler   1  everyone’s spirits up to the ceiling. I ___2___there feeling like I could do anything. When we got to the car, I turned to my father and said, “Dad, I want to  3  people feel like that.” My father asked me   4  I meant. “I want to be a motivational(激发积极性的)speaker just like Mr. Zigler,” I replied.  A(An)  5  was born.

Recently, I began seeking my dream of motivating others. 6  a four-year relationship with Fortune 100 Company   7  as a sales-trainer and ending as a regional(地区的) sales manager, I left the company at the height of my .  Many people were  9  that I would leave after earning a six-figure income(收入). And they wondered__10  I would risk everything for a dream.

I made my   11  to start my own company and leave my worryingless position(职位)after  _12__ a regional sales meeting. The vice-president of our company made a   13   that changed my life. He asked us, “If a god would offer you three wishes, what would they be?” After giving us a   14  to write down the three wishes, he then asked us, “Why do you need a   15  ?” I would never forget the power I felt at that moment. I realized that   16  I had accomplished in the past had prepared me for this moment. I was ready and didn’t need a god’s help to become a motivational speaker. A motivational speaker was   17  .

Having made that decision, I was immediately   18 ___. One week after I gave notice, my husband was laid off (下岗) from his job, and now we had no  19 . But I held fast to my dream. The wonder really began to happen. In a short time my husband found a better job. And I was able to book several   20  engagements(业务)with new customers. I discovered the unbelievable power of dreams.

1.                A.rise            B.do             C.put  D.raise


2.                A.left            B.came           C.arrived   D.reached


3.                A.get            B.hope           C.make D.cheer


4.                A.that           B.what           C.which    D.if


5.                A.dream         B.idea           C.girl  D.speaker


6.                A.After          B.Before         C.Because  D.While


7.                A.beginning       B.working         C.acting    D.regarding


8.                A.life            B.love           C.money   D.career


9.                A.disappointed    B.moved         C.surprised D.delighted


10.               A.when          B.why           C.if    D.how


11.               A.plan           B.promise        C.decision   D.mind


12.               A.attending       B.joining         C.entering   D.holding


13.               A.newspaper      B.book           C.report    D.speech


14.               A.day            B.instant         C.week D.moment


15.               A.love           B.worker         C.god  D.company


16.               A.everything      B.anything        C.nothing   D.something


17.               A.alive           B.dead           C.missing    D.born


18.               A.examined       B.searched       C.found D.tested


19.               A.help           B.harm          C.income    D.money


20.               A.selling         B.speaking        C.writing    D.listening




I think you should complain, _____, of course, you are happy with the way things are.

A.until             B.although          C.when             D.unless



Rescuers had to _____ the search because of worsening weather conditions.

A.call off            B.take off           C.come off          D.cut off















注意:1. 词数120左右。

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:促进  promote 文化遗产  cultural relics

古代伟大文明的象征a symbol of great ancient civilization

Recently our class had a heated discussion about                           






There is a crack (裂痕)in everything,that's how the light gets in.(Leonard Cohen,Canadian singer)







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