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书面表达(满分25分) 根据下面提示与要求,请以 “Animal In Dang...


根据下面提示与要求,请以 “Animal In Danger” 为题, 写一篇100—120 词的英文短文。 简单说明原因,并就动物保护措施提出建议。






As we know, a lot of animals are in danger now. Air and water are being polluted so that the environment in which animals live are destroyed. Besides, many trees are being cut down, making many animals lose their homes. What’s worse, many animals are over hunted for money and are being killed without mercy so that some of them are in danger of dying out. In my opinion, something must be done now. Firstly, natural reserves should be set up to protect the animals. Secondly, all the illegal hunting should be punished. Thirdly, people should be made aware of the importance of environmental protection. Only in this way can we save the animals. To save the animals is to save ourselves. 【解析】 试题分析:对于本文的写作,可以分两段进行。首先对动物濒临灭绝的原因,即污染是生存环境遭到破坏、乱砍乱伐现象、过度捕杀进行阐述,分三层意思进行平行或是递进式的表达,以显出文章的层次感。第二段提出动物保护的措施,对于此部分的写作同样要注意条理清晰,句式富于变化。最后进行总结,说出保护动物的重大意义。 考点:提纲类写作



(1)Canadian culture was heavily influenced by British culture and traditions. Now one can also notice the influence of American culture. Over the years, lots of people have moved to Canada. There has been a healthy change of Canadian’s ideas that has resulted in the development of certain special features in Canada. The people of Canada have always been proud of their diverse cultural backgrounds.

(2)Art:Canada has some of the most wonderful classical works of art . In the year 1930, artists began developing their own personal style. The“Group of seven”is considered to be the first group of native artists to create their own style.

(3)Language and religion:Because of its diverse cultures, Canada has two official languages, English and French. There is         . A number of people in Canada have confirmed that they have no religious belief, though there are many other groups that follow Protestantism as areligion.

(4)Literature:The literature of Canada basically shows the different cultural influences of other countries. Some of the early works were divided according to the region of Canada from which the author came, but there were also authors who gave a humorous touch to serous contents. A number of authors have been awarded for their literature works.

(5)Music:Music in Canada has seen many developments in styles along the way. Many Canadian musicians have earned worldwide fame. From folk music to rock, Canadian music continues to entertain people. In recent years, music from Asia and Africa has found quite a fan following in Canada.

1.What is the main idea of the text?(no more than 3 words)


2.Who is the first group of native artists to create their own style of art? (no more than 4 words)


3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (no more than 3 words)


4.What does the word“their”(Line 4, Para. 1) refer to? (no more than 2 words)


5.Canadian culture has been influenced by many other countries. List all of them mentioned in the text. (no more than 10 words)





Dear Boris,


After I had spent a week with my English family, I slowly began to understand their English a little better.    2   Students in my group are from different cities of Britain and their dialects are different too!  Some of their accents are quite strong and they also have their own words and expressions.

3    Before I came to England I had thought that fish and chips were eaten every day.  That’s quite wrong!  I get rather annoyed now when I hear all the foolish words about typical English food.

I had expected to see “London fog”.  Do you remember our texts about it? We had no idea that most of this “thick fog” disappeared many years ago when people stopped using coal in their homes.  But the idea to speak about weather was very helpful.   4  On the other hand, habits are different.  People tell me what is typical British here in London is not always typical in Wales or Scotland.   5  

But what is ordinary for all British is that they follow traditions(传统).  Probably Britain has more living signs of its past than many other countries.  And people have always been proud of having ancient (古老的) buildings in capitals, big cities and the countryside.

I will tell you more about Britain in my other letters.

Love from Britain.

A.The weather in London is really changeable.

B.I have difficulty in understanding my classmates.

C.Thanks for your nice letter.

D.The family I live with are friendly.

E. It’s very different from what I learned at school.

F. Local habits and traditions are not the same as what we knew.

G. But it’s not the language that’s different and surprising.



For many years, artists have flocked to Paris, France, to paint or to learn to paint. Perhaps artists first went there because of the city′s beauty. They went to paint pictures of the broad, tree-lined streets, the great churches, and the graceful river bridges.

The artists felt comfortable in Paris because the people of the city had always enjoyed art. Paris had great art museums, filled with famous paintings and statues(雕像)from many countries. And the people of Paris had always welcomed new ideas. In this city, artists felt free to experiment with new ways of painting.

As soon as famous artists painted in Paris, students came to learn from them. People came to buy paintings. People called  art dealers set up galleries where paintings were bought and sold. Others kept shops that sold artists′ paints and supplies.

Students and artists who were not yet famous could live in Paris for very little money. They learned by studying great art in the museums, and they learned from one another. They held art fairs, hanging their paintings outdoors along the streets.

Today, New York City and Florence, Italy, are also famous art centers. But the world’s main art exhibits are still held in Paris. Important judges of art live there. Most of the new ways of painting that have started in the last hundred years began in Paris. So artists and art dealers still go to Paris because it is the world′s leading art center.

1.The story does not say so, but it makes you think that.

A.Paris is famous for its artists’ paints and supplies

B.there is more than one way to paint

C.art fairs are held in galleries

D.Florence is the center of world art exhibits

2.Which of the following statement is not a reason why so many artists prefer to stay in Pairs?

A.Pairs is a beautiful city.

B.The French are willing to accept any new things.

C.All the museums are free of charge in Pairs.

D.Artists can make an easier life in Pairs.

3.On the whole, this story is about.

A.the world′s most famous art center

B.how to buy a painting in Paris

C.the famous art centers of New York and Florence

D.where to set up galleries



Searching the Internet may help middle-aged and older adults keep their memories sharp,US researchers said.

Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles ,studied people doing web searches by recording their brain activity.

“What we saw was people who had Internet experience used more of their brain during the search,”Dr.Gary Small, a UCLA expert on aging, said,“This suggests that just searching on the Internet may train the brain and that it may keep it active and healthy.”

“This is the first time anyone has simulated(模拟)an Internet search task while scanning the brain,”Small said. His team studied 24 normal volunteers between the ages of 55 and 76. Half were experienced at searching the Internet and the other half had no web experience. However, the two groups were similar in age, gender and education.

Both groups were asked to do Internet searches and book reading tasks while their brain activity was monitored.

“We found that in the book reading task, the visual cortex— the part of the brain that controls reading and language — was activated,”Small said,“In doing the Internet search task, there was much greater activity, but only in the Internet-savvy(了解)group.”

He said it appears that people who are familiar with the Internet can engage in much deeper level of brain activity. Activities that keep the brain engaged can preserve brain health and thinking ability. Small thinks learning to do Internet searches may be one of those activities.

1.Researchers          when volunteers were doing web searches.

A.studied the Internet

B.activated the brain

C.recorded their memories

D.monitored the brain activity

2.The two volunteer groups were         .

A.similar in education

B.of the same age

C.good at the computer

D.book lovers

3.According to the passage, we can learn that         .

A.reading books keeps the brain more engaged

B.searching the web keeps the brain more engaged

C.watching TV keeps the brain more engaged

D.chatting online keeps the brain more engaged

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.When you read, the whole brain will be activated.

B.Dr.Gary Small is a UCLA expert on brain health.

C.Internet searches can preserve brain health and thinking ability

D.People who read books may have a better memory.



To me, life without music would not be exciting. I realize that this is not true for everybody. Many people get along quite well without going to the concert, and listening to the record. But music plays an important part in everyone's life, whether he realizes it or not. Try to imagine, for example, what films or TV plays would be like without music. Would the feelings, the moving plot, and the greatest interests, be so exciting or dramatic? I'm not sure about it.

Now, we have been speaking of music in its more common meaning----the kind of music we hear in the concert hall. But if we look at some parts of music more closely, we discover them in our everyday life too----in the rhythm of the sea, the melody of a bird in the woods and so on. So music surely has meaning for everyone, in some way or other. And, of course, it has special meaning for those who have spent all their lives working on playing or writing music.

It is well said, “Through music a child enters into a world of beauty, expresses himself from his heart, feels the joy of doing things alone, learns to take care of others, develops his mind and makes his body strong.”

1. What dose the writer say more about in the text?

A.Life full of music.

B.Life without music.

C.The importance of music.

D.The development of music.

2. From the text, we learn that many people________.

A.don't realize the importance of music

B.get along quite well without music

C.go to the concert instead of enjoying music

D.think music would be less exciting than films

3. What does the underlined word “melody” mean in the text?

A.flying             B.looking           C.singing            D.living

4. From the last paragraph, we learn that music________.

A.is very important, especially for children

B.is very necessary for our everyday life

C.can make our life exciting and dramatic

D.can enter into another beautiful world



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