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假定你是李华,你校的英国外教 David将于圣诞节举办一场庆祝晚会,现就活动内容...

假定你是李华,你校的英国外教 David将于圣诞节举办一场庆祝晚会,现就活动内容在你校学生中收集建议。请你用英语给 David写封邮件,内容包括:






Dear David

I'm very delighted to hear that



Li Hua


Dear David, I’m very delighted to hear that you are asking all the students and teachers for advice about the Christmas activities for the evening party. Now I’m writing to recommend two interesting ones to you. First, in order to test how much we know about the origin, customs and traditions of Christmas Day, you’d better design a quiz show, which I think must be beneficial to us. Second, as teenagers, we would like to appreciate some wonderful performances given by our classmates. Of course, we are especially eager to see you dress up as Santa Claus and hand out gifts to us all. I hope my suggestions are of great help to you and look forward to taking part in the exciting evening party! Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求写一封邮件。 第1步:根据提示可知,本篇为一封邮件;假定你是李华,你校的英国外教David将于圣诞节举办一场庆祝晚会,现就活动内容在你校学生中收集建议,请你用英语给David写封邮件。人称应为第一人称,时态应为一般现在时、一般将来时。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:ask sb. for advice(向某人征求意见)Christmas activities(圣诞节活动),recommend(推荐)等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。结构上:采用三段成文,第一段欢迎美国朋友的到来;第二段介绍英语周的活动;第三段表达愿望,希望获准。







Yesterday, I read article about the Hongkong-zhuhai-macao Bridge, the longer sea-crossing bridge in the world.It is55 kilometers long, which lifespan(使用寿命) is set at120 years. And it can stand heavy storm and earthquakes. What's more, the travel time among Hongkong and Zhuhai is cut from 3 hours to just 30 minutes.

After reading the article, I feel wildly excited. In my opinion, drive a car on the bridge was an enjoyable experience. Besides, my dad didn’t agree with me, because she was not skillful at switching (切换 ) freely between Chinese driving and English driving. Though I can understand him now. but I do hope someday we can drive on the bridge.




The Great Wall of China1.(list) in the World Cultural Heritage(世界文化遗产) by UNESCO in 1987. Just2. a huge dragon, it winds up and down across deserts grasslands and mountains, covering3. (approximate)6.700 kilometers from the east to the west of China.

In ancient China, many people built walls around their states to protect their land. It was Emperor Qing Shihuang who had the walls4.(join) up. The project cost much money and hundreds of thousands of people worked on5. wall. On top of it, it is wide enough for five horses or ten men6. (walk) side by side. Along the wall are watchtowers,7.soldiers used to keep watch. With a history of more than 2000 years, some of the sections of the Great Wall are now in ruins or even disappeared. However, it is still one of the most8. (attract) spots around the world because of its wonderful buildings and historical9.(important). Many of the tourists have come to know the famous Chinese saying— "He who does not reach the Great Wall  10. (be) not a true man.”



When I was in high school, I belonged to a club that did community service work. There was one special_______that was uncommon for me. I spent three or four hours_______out warm dinner to the homeless out in the streets and then in a homeless_______not far from the Bay Bridge as well.

I was in high school and at the time my little sister was too _______to join in. She wanted to help, so she made many chocolate chip cookies for me to_______and hand out to people. When getting to the shelter(避难所 ).I passed out the_______ .I began making sandwiches and_______them with the crowd. I had the boxes with my sisters_______in them and began to_______around offering them to anyone near me.

I moved towards an old gentleman and said, "Sir, would you like a cookie? "He stopped and  __________looked at me and said. "What did you say? Did you call me sir? I told him I had, and his eyes __________a little bit and said " No one has ever called me sir in the Past 60 years. “So he was completely __________when I did so.

It shocked me. I explained I had been raised that whatever a persons__________and social position were, he deserved respect. It __________me to think that just because he was homeless, no one __________ him the honor. It broke my heart. I just didn’t understand why no one ever called him sir, I had never thought that anyone was __________me because I wasn't raised that way. Every __________ person deserves to be treated with respect. Years later, I still__________that memory and the__________it taught me .Sometimes, what we take for granted can__________make a difference in someone s life

1.A. matter    B. chance    C. accident    D. event

2.A. carrying    B. picking    C. handing    D. bringing

3.A. shelter    B. club    C. community    D. school

4.A. afraid    B. active    C. selfish    D. young

5.A. enjoy    B. eat    C. collect    D. take

6.A. papers    B. meals    C. books    D. gifts

7.A. shared    B. provide    C. helped    D. returned

8.A. dishes    B. fruits    C. cookies    D. sandwiches

9.A. walk    B. turn    C. run    D. show

10.A. went through    B. stayed up    C. turned around    D. went ahead

11.A. watered    B. shut    C. opened    D. closed

12.A. angry    B. moved    C. sad    D. excited

13.A. memory    B. home    C. color    D. heart

14.A. persuaded    B. saddened    C. frightened    D. moved

15.A. handed    B. offered    C. provide    D. promise

16.A. opposite    B. with    C. beside    D. below

17.A. normal    B. single    C. special    D. usual

18.A. carry    B. remember    C. share    D. forget

19.A. reality    B. class    C. truth    D. lesson

20.A. hardly    B. nearly    C. really    D. usually



Helpful ways to deal with a know-it-all friend

Sometimes having a friend who thinks she knows everything and always offers her unsolicited(主动提供的) advice can really make one upset. But with some ways to deal with know-it-all, you can easily cope with that friend. Also a know-it-all friend often acts as if she were the best. 1.

Try to understand. There may be a reason why your know-it-all friend does so. Maybe she has low self-esteem(自尊),or she s not happy in her life. 2.This tip is very important, especially if the know-it-all is your best friend

Give her a little attention, Giving a little attention is one of the best ways to deal with a know-it-all friend. Show some enthusiasm about what the know-it-all says to give her enough attention, 3. Or this can lead to her giving more unsolicited advice 4.Often the know-it-all friend can say some not-so-nice things, and these things are usually about you. Instead of thinking that something is not okay with you, never take her comments and advice personally. If you do so. you may really begin to become unnecessarily anxious.

Have a talk with her. If you re sick and tired of all those unsolicited advice, come right out with it. Speak politely and don’t insult(辱骂)her. Try to find a good time to talk to her. 5..Tell your know-it-all friend how it makes you feel and maybe she will respond well

A. Feel free to ignore her all the time.

B. Don't take her comments personally.

C. However, make sure you don’t overdo it

D. Try not to go to those places where you think shell be

D. Try not to go to those places where you think shell be

E. If you have such a friend, here are a few tips on coping with her

F. Try to understand her and understand why she acts the way that she does.

G. You need to know what you re going to say and be sure to use only kind words



You discover a shampoo that leaves your hair looking beautiful. But gradually, as you use it more, it's magical effects seem to disappear. "It’s just your hair getting used to it, "your mom says. And so you put the shampoo away and look for your next wonder product.

It sort of makes sense -why would something that left you looking nice at first suddenly start losing its effect after some time? Are there some other factors(因素)at play? Can your hair really get used to a certain shampoo?

Marie Claire spoke to hair experts and it turns out that it’s not true. Your hair cannot get so used to a product that it just stops working.

So what is the deal? Cynthia Alvarez, a famous hair stylist, explained that there are a number of factors leading to your hair puzzle, but basically, it's not the shampoo. "A shampoo does not stop working because your hair get used to it, she said. " If your shampoo stops giving you the results you want. the condition and needs of your hair have most likely changed, or the season may have changed -it's more humid(in $), the sun is stronger, or the air is drier. Your state of health may also be different from a recent illness.

In other words, you need to give up blaming the shampoo. So what can you do to make your hair look beautiful for a little longer? Alvarez suggests changing your ways of hair care when factors, such as the weather, change. Experts also suggest keeping an eye on the amount of shampoo and conditioner(H %i )you're using because over conditioning can be bad for your hair.

1.What is the topic of the first paragraph?

A. A mother s opinion about a hair conditioner.

B. A misunderstanding about shampoo.

C. The shampoo market

D. Shampoo misuse

2.What is Cynthia Alvarez's opinion about shampoo and hair care?

A. You hair can easily get used to a shampoo

B. Your hair can get used to different shampoos

C. A shampoo can still work after being used for a long time.

D. Your hair condition is decided by the quality of your shampoo.

3.According to Cynthia Alvarez, how many factors have effect on your hair condition?

A. One    B. Two    C. Three    D. Four

4.To keep your hair looking nice, you should_______

A. keep your way of hair care

B. change the shampoo regularly

C. keep an eye on changes in your health condition

D. use a proper amount of shampoo every time



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