满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。 Once upon...


Once upon a time, two young men were spending some time in the country. One day, while taking a walk together, they crossed a large field. 1.   (sudden) a bull (公牛) appeared and began to chase (追逐) them. They were very 2.   (frighten) and began to run, but the bull kept  3.   (run) after them. Finally, one of the men climbed up a tree and  4. other one jumped into a hole. Soon, however, the man  5. had jumped into the hole came out again.

Immediately the bull chased him back into the hole again. This 6.  (go) on for five or six times. Finally, the man in the tree came up 7. an idea and shouted to his friend, “Stay in the hole for a while or this bull 8. (keep) us here all day!”   9.he jumped back into the hole again, he said,“It's easy for you to say,   10. there is a bear in this hole.”


1. Suddenly 2. frightened 3. running 4. the 5. who 6. went 7. with 8. will keep 9. After/Before/When 10. but 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,两个年轻人遇见了一头公牛,公牛一直追赶他们,其中一个年轻人跳进了洞里,却发现里面有一头熊。 1.考查副词。句意:一头公牛突然出现,并开始追逐他们。在英语里副词通常做状语修饰形容词、副词、动词或整个句子。句中使用副词修饰动词appear,所以要填副词Suddenly。 2.考查形容词。句意:他们非常害怕,开始逃跑,但是那头公牛一直追赶他们。过去分词转换的形容词通常修饰人,现在分词转换的形容词通常修饰事物。句中使用frightened修饰主语they,所以要填frightened。 3.考查固定搭配。句意:他们非常害怕,开始逃跑,但是那头公牛一直追赶他们。固定搭配keep doing sth一直在做某事,所以句中要填running。 4.考查代词。根据上文可知两个年轻人去散步。两者中另外一个要用“the other”表示,所以句中要填定冠词the。 5.考查定语从句。句中定语从句的先行词是the man,关系代词who指代先行词,引导定语从句并在句中做主语。所以要填who。 6.考查时态。句意:这种情况继续了五六次。本文是一篇记叙文,讲述过去发生的事情,全文都以一般过去时为主,本句也应该使用过去时。所以要填went。 7.考查动词短语。句意:最后,树上的那个人想出了一个主意,对他的朋友大喊:留在洞里一会,否则这头公牛会把我们留在这里一整天。动词短语come up with意为“提出、想出”,在句中做谓语。所以句中要填with。 8.考查时态。句意:留在洞里一会,否则这头公牛会把我们留在这里一整天。本句前半句是一个祈使句,相当于条件句,后面的并列句中使用一般将来时。所以要填will keep。 9.考查连词。句意:在他再次跳进洞里之前/之后/时,他说:说得很容易,但洞里有一头熊。句中应该使用时间状语从句,所以要填After/Before/When。 10.考查连词。句意:说得很容易,但洞里有一头熊。根据句意可知上下文是转折关系,要用表示转折关系的连词,所以要填but。

Scientists find that hardworking people live longer than average men and women. Career women are ________ than housewives. Evidence shows that the ________ are in poorer health than the job-holders. A study shows __________ the unemployment rate increases by 1%, the death rate ________ correspondingly (相应地) by 2%. All this comes down to one point: work is _________ to health.

Why is work good for health? It is ________ work keeps people busy, away from loneliness and solitude (孤独). Researches show that people feel ________, worried and lonely when they have nothing to do. Instead, the happiest are those who are ________. Many high achievers who love their careers feel that they are happiest when working hard. Work serves as a ________ between man and reality. By work, people ________ each other. By collective (集体的) activity, they find friendship and warmth. This is helpful to health. The loss of work ________ the loss of everything. It affects (影响) man spiritually and makes him liable to (易于) ________.

_________, work gives one a sense of achievement (成就感). Work makes one feel his ________ and status in society. When a ________ finishes his writing or a doctor successfully ________ a patient or a teacher sees his students ________, all of them will be happy beyond ________.

From the above we can ________ the conclusion (结论) that the more you ________, the happier and healthier you will be. Let us work hard, study well and live a happy and healthy life.

1.A. cleverer    B. healthier    C. weaker    D. worse

2.A. beautiful    B. injured    C. jobless    D. sick

3.A. whenever    B. whether    C. though    D. since

4.A. stays    B. changes    C. falls    D. increases

5.A. helpful    B. equal    C. harmful    D. familiar

6.A. where    B. that    C. why    D. because

7.A. lucky    B. serious    C. cheerful    D. sad

8.A. busy    B. free    C. lazy    D. empty

9.A. river    B. gap    C. channel    D. bridge

10.A. come up with    B. have contact with    C. look down upon    D. look up to

11.A. means    B. explains    C. becomes    D. matches

12.A. peace    B. silence    C. happiness    D. disease

13.A. Besides    B. Nevertheless    C. However    D. Yet

14.A. pay    B. value    C. rate    D. price

15.A. worker    B. farmer    C. writer    D. manager

16.A. manages    B. controls    C. operates on    D. deals with

17.A. stand    B. grow    C. rise    D. sleep

18.A. doubt    B. actions    C. notes    D. words

19.A. come to    B. turn to    C. stick to    D. point to

20.A. dance    B. play    C. speak    D. work



How Can I Fight Laziness?

Lazy people will never amount to anything in life. However, laziness can be defeated once a few changes have been made in your mind.

1.Many people lack sleep constantly, since they stay up too late and get up too early to prepare for work. These people have little motivation once they arrive home. Laziness works hand in hand with a lack of motivation and a tendency (趋势) to put off things. By adjusting your sleep schedule to provide a few more hours of meaningful rest, you can fight laziness throughout the day.

Another way to fight laziness is to change your mind from passive to active.   2.Others take a more active approach, viewing each task as a challenge they must overcome alone. Laziness sets in when you no longer feel in charge of your own life.

Some people fight laziness by removing the temptations (诱惑) that surround them. A television in the living room may provide entertainment. However, watching too much TV in your spare time often contributes to laziness.3.Complete a few tasks and reward yourself with what you enjoy, such as a good dinner or a film. Laziness can also be a lasting problem at home. Couples and children may all have different energy levels, but laziness can be spread if not dealt with immediately.

4.Be the first to collect and wash dishes after a meal. Others in the home may eventually follow your example and perform their own task. It is difficult to practice laziness when you are surrounded by motivated people.

5.Enough exercise and a balanced diet can enable you to have more energy and help lift your spirits.

A. To fight family laziness, set an example.

B. Knowing how to fight laziness is important.

C. One way to fight laziness is to get enough sleep.

D. Finally, developing a healthy lifestyle can help you fight laziness.

E. With strong determination (意志力), you will be able to achieve your goal.

F. Some people treat their lives as if they were pushed from task to task.

G. Create a reward system for yourself, just as parents do for a child.



Travel is fun and exciting, but it's not if you get sick.You may think,“Not me, I won't get sick on my vacation.”But for many people, that is what happens.

A vacation is supposed to be a time for relaxing.But very often it is not.“What can I do when I am a tourist?”This is what we should often think about.Usually there are so many places to visit:museums, shops, parks and churches.You may spend most days walking around these places.This can be very tiring.Your feet may hurt.And you may have a terrible headache after a few hours.If this is what you feel, you should take a rest.Don't ask your body to do too much.A tired body means a weak body.And a weak body can make you get sick easily.Just sit down for a few hours in a nice spot.In good weather, look for a quiet park bench.Or you can rest at a café.You can learn a lot by watching people when you have a rest.

Sleep is also important.If you want to stay healthy you need enough sleep.You may have trouble sleeping at night when you travel.Your hotel room may be noisy, or the bed may be uncomfortable.If that is true, don't be afraid to change rooms or hotels.You may not get enough sleep for another reason.You may want to stay out late at night.In many cities the night life can be very exciting.Then you should plan to sleep for an hour during the day.That extra hour can make a big difference.

Finally, if you want to stay healthy, you must eat well.That means eating the right kinds of foods.Your body needs fresh fruit and vegetables, and some meat, milk or cheese.When you are in a new country you may want to try new foods but you need to be careful about how much you eat.Lots of rich food is not very good for you.

1.Travel is____________.

A. the best way to relax    B. unhealthy

C. never any fun    D. very tiring

2.It's a good idea to ________ when travelling.

A. spend every night in hotels.    B. change hotels.

C. get some rest every day.    D. take lots of medicine.

3.According to the passage, we can get to know the local people by ________.

A. watching them    B. visiting their homes

C. writing to them    D. going to the shops

4.Which of the following is true to stay in good health on a vacation?________

A. Try not to visit every museum and church in a place.

B. Eat proper food, have enough sleep and rest.

C. Stay up late every night and sleep for an hour in the day.

D. Visit as many shops as you can.



Dublin City Guide

Delightful and full of surprises, Dublin packs a blow that, delivered correctly, will leave you a shock. Dublin, locals will tell you, has personality, which is much more important than good looks and will last far longer. That’s big talk for a small capital in true Irish style.

About Dublin City Guide

*One Dublin author, over 500 hours of research, and over 300 shopping, eating and drinking recommendations.

*Insights into city life, from a local fashion designer’s shopping tips to a food expert’s top restaurant picks.

*Explore the living places that inspired Dublin’s literary greats—Swift, Yeats, Beckett and Joyce.

Book (USD $21.99)

What you get:

* 1 printed book

* Pages: 276 pages, 12 color pages, 29 maps

* Size: 128mm×197mm

* Weight: 0.31kg/0.68lb

About books only purchase: We’ll send you the physical printed book but you won’t be given access to our e-book downloads. Select “Book + E-Book” and you would also like to download a digital version of this book.

E-Book (USD $ 15.39)

* “Contents”, “Getting Started” and “Index” are all free.

* “Background”, “Neighborhoods”, “Eating &Drinking” and “Sleeping” are $4.95 each.

Book and E-Book (USD $28.59)

Including: 1 printed book and all PDF chapters—8 PDF files.

About book + E-book: We’ll send you the physical printed book and while that’s on the way you can download our e-books.

1.According to the text, Dublin City Guide ______.

A. was written by an American    B. helps readers choose books to read

C. contains a fashion designer’s advice    D. reminds readers to mind table manners

2.Which of the following is TRUE about the physical printed book Dublin City Guide?

A. It has about 267 pages.    B. There’s no color page in it.

C. It has maps to help readers.    D. It contains E-book downloads.

3.If we want to read “Index” and “Sleeping” of the e-book, we have to pay an extra ______.

A. $ 4.95    B. $ 9.90

C. $ 20.34    D. $ 19.80



Teenagers who spend hours in front of the television may have a poorer diet as young adults.

A study,which included nearly 1,400 high school students,found those who watched TV for five hours or more per day had less healthy diets than peers(同龄人)five years later. Why does this happen? Should the parents take any measures?

On the one hand,people who spend a lot of time in front of the TV, especially teenagers,may snack more,and that may affect their long-term diet quality.

On the other hand,TV ads for fast food,sweets and snacks tempt teenagers to eat more of those foods. And TV time might also replace exercise time for some kids.

Lead researcher Dr. Daheia J. Barr-Anderson,of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis,told Reuters Health a clear correlation between TV time during high school and diet quality in young adulthood. While the heaviest TV viewers were eating the most junk food , those who'd watched less than two hours per day had the highest intake(吸收)of fruits,vegetables, whole grains and high-calcium food. In her opinion,parents should limit and monitor TV viewing.

As far as I am concerned,children should watch no more than two hours of television per day. And parents should set a good example by eating right,being physically active and curbing their own TV time.

1.What's the best title for this passage?

A. People should keep away from TV to keep healthy.

B. Teenagers' TV time may affect their diets later.

C. Why do teenagers like TV"

D. Parents' own habits may affect children later.

2.According to the passage,heavy TV viewers tend to_.

A. eat more fruits    B. eat less junk food

C. take in fewer vegetables    D. take in high-calcium food

3.What suggestion does the author give the parents?

A. They must watch TV with their children.

B. They should forbid the children to watch TV.

C. They should pay attention to nutrition in diets.

D. They can't do what they don't want their children to do.

4.The underlined word“curbing" in the last paragraph can be replaced by

A. controlling    B. checking

C. adding    D. stopping



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