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Fifteen-year-old David had spent six mon...

Fifteen-year-old David had spent six months planning a hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon (大峡谷)with his classmates. No one could have known it would end in tragedy.

When the group arrived at the starting point for the hike, they found out there was a problem with their permit. To solve it, the five boys and three leaders walked back up to the ranger station (护林站)一only to find out it was closed.

When the boys got moving, they'd already drunk most of their water. In the burning sun, temperatures reached a 115°F. Even the leaders were having trouble walking on. But the group finally made it down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. Heat evil was occurring. "My son made it about 100 yards from the river and then dropped," says his father, Robin. Two boys of them raced to the river to get him water.

When the boys arrived, the last rafting (筏运) trip of the day was passing by. As luck would have it, among the waiting riders were a few doctors. They rushed to give David first aid before going for help. But it was too late. David passed away from the heat evil.

It's been 21 years since the boy's death, and hiking still holds a strong memory of David for his family. The summer before the tragedy, his father had a long time to devote to his family. David and his dad spent the summer hiking all over the High Uintas, where snow-topped peaks reflect tower over glacier(冰川) formed lakes.

The photo Robin took of Christmas Meadows there won the Reader's Digest "From Sea to Shining Sea" photo contest and appeared on the July 2017 magazine cover. To Robin, it isn't just a fascinating landscape--it's also a powerful reminder of his late son.

1.How many people does David's group consist of?.

A. 11    B. 10

C. 9 .    D. 8

2.What does the sentence "Even the leaders were having trouble walking on." in Paragraph 3 suggest?

A. The leaders were taller and older.

B. The leaders covered shorter distance.

C. The leaders were healthier and stronger.

D. The trouble the group faced was so great as to be beyond expectation.

3.Where did Robin take the photo which won the Reader's Digest "From Sea to Shining Sea" photo contest?

A. On the High Uintas.    B. Where David had been to.

C. In the Grand Canyon.    D. In the Christmas Meadows.

4.What does the passage intend to tell us mainly?

A. Take enough water with you when hiking.

B. Don't hike to the Grand Canyon in too hot weather.

C. Robin still misses his late son, David.

D. Doctors can't necessarily succeed in saving every patient.


1. D 2. D 3. A 4. C 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲了David和同学去Grand Canyon徒步旅行,不幸死于高温。然而,在20多年后的今天,David和父亲一起攀登High Uintas时所拍的照片赢得了《读者文摘》举办的"From Sea to Shining Sea"摄影赛大奖,更重要的是,该张照片提醒Robin永远怀念David。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段中的"the five boys and three leaders walk back up to the ranger station"可知D项正确,故选D。 2.推理判断题。该句的句意是:甚至领头人继续前行也有困难。一般来说远足领头的人经验更丰富、身体更健康、体力更好,他们都感到困难,可见困难出乎预料地大,因此D项正确,故选D。 3.细节理解题。根据最后一段中的"The photo Robin took of Christmas Meadows there"可知A项正确。此处"there"指代"High Uintas",故选A。 4.主旨大意题。根据最后一段中的"it’s also a powerful reminder of his late son(这张照片使他想起已故的儿子)"可知:C项"Robin现在仍怀念已故的儿子,David"正确,故选C。

Magic is the performance of tricks. It has been a part of almost every culture in the world. Magic shows might include a disappearing act, card tricks, or pulling a rabbit out of a hat. But what could that have to do with health?

Kevin Spencer, an American magician goes beyond just entertaining crowds. He also makes magic to improve the lives of people with disabilities.

What made him change the focus of his work was an accident. It took him almost a year to regain the skills he'd lost as a result of the accident and this made him think about using magic tricks as a tool for healing. So Spencer started conducting workshops all over the world. He teaches magic tricks to children and adults with disabilities.

Mr. Spencer says magic therapy(疗法) may seem non-traditional. But many skills needed to perform a good magic trick are used in traditional forms of therapy - physical movement, thinking, understanding and social skills are all there. And that social connection with other people can also help people feel better about themselves and increase their confidence.

Liam Shannon is an example. Liam has a brain disorder that can make learning and connecting with people difficult. People with severe brain disorder may also have trouble understanding complex emotions. The 10-year-old boy said after he learned a few simple tricks, he felt many different emotions. " It made me feel happy and proud. It was great! " Liam said.

Kevin Spencer says seeing kids like Liam come alive is better than all the applause in the world. “We can be on a stage and get the applause of thousands of people, but that is nothing compared to the smile that comes across a kid's face and when they say 'Look! I did it!' and it's like, 'yeah, you did!" .

He says he plans to spend more time working with people with disabilities.

1.What do you think of Kevin Spencer?

A. Kind    B. Humorous.

C. Brave.    D. Honest

2.Magic therapy is similar to traditional forms of therapy in_____________.

A. the use of tools    B. the use of skills

C. the length of history    D. the variety of forms

3.The author mentioned Liam Shannon in the text in order to ____________..

A. show Liam Shannon likes magic very much

B. tell us Liam Shmnon has a talent for magic

C. prove the success of Kevin Spencer's magic therapy

D. explain the connection between magic and personality

4.What is mainly talked about in the text?

A. Magic is an interesting performance.

B. Kevin Spencer is popular with children.

C. Kevin Spencer has a deep love for magic.

D. Kevin Spencer use magic to help the disabled.



Stay-at-home or working mom?

Nowadays, there is a heated discussion: Which is worthwhile, being a full time working or a stay-at-home mum? Readers share their opinions and you're welcome to add yours.

Catherine (China)

I love being a stay-at-home mom. In the beginning it was truly rough for me from being a workaholic(工作狂) to staying at home. Yet, I did not want my child to face growing up with both parents at work. So after discussing it with my husband, we decided that I would be the one to stay at home. Now, our daughter is soon to be 3 years old, and has an amazing personality. It's not for everyone but it is very rewarding in the long term.


Taking care of children is a temporary job, and children will grow up and leave. The longer women are out of the workplace, the harder it is to enter it. Women need to realize and accept that you do not want to be dependent on anyone for basic food, clothes and shelter. It has been hard to work and take care of my kids but I make it work.

Cynthia (US)

Some days I think we shouldn't give up on our careers. And some days I'm jealous of the moms who get to stay home or at least work part time. I'm the only one that supports the family, so there will never be an option for me. I have the career and title I've always wanted but now I can't help but think it's at the expense of precious time with my family.

Celina (US)

Being a stay-at-home mom isn't always easy, but it is worth it! Being there with my children means they are getting the exact love and care I want them to have. We do not have a lot of money, but we've sacrificed to make it possible.

1.What can we learn about Catherine?

A. She stayed at home because she was tired about her job.

B. Her daughter was very naughty.

C. Her husband agreed with her staying at home.

D. She accustomed herself to staying at home easily.

2.How many working moms in this passage?

A. 1    B. 2

C. 3    D. 4

3.Which one is NOT true?

A. Celina feels dissatisfied with the life now.

B. Cynthia has no other choice but to get a job.

C. Sassy is determined to be an independent woman.

D. Catherine thinks that being a stay-at-home mom is worthwhile.




You may know all about vitamin C,but do you know why vitamin D is also important to your body?Experts from the Children's Hospital in Boston,US,have said that some teens don't get enough of this important nutrient.

Vitamin D can help bones and muscles grow strong and healthy.If a person is short of vitamin D,he or she may have problems like rickets(佝偻病)and osteoporosis.Rickets is mainly found in children.Osteoporosis,the thinning of bone,is a common problem as people get older.

Studies in these years have found that vitamin D may also have other uses.If someone is short of vitamin D, he may have heart problems or die from some cancers.

The easiest way to get vitamin D is from sunlight.But many people worry about getting skin cancer and skin damage from the sun.Also, even skin color has an influence.Darker skinned people get less vitamin D than lighter skinned people.Older people get less vitamin D than younger people.You can also get it from foods.Some food such as cheese and egg yolks (蛋黄) have some vitamin D.But most of vitamin D in the American diet comes from food like milk with the vitamin added.

Now more doctors are testing for vitamin D in their patients.But some doctors worry that if people take too much vitamin D, it might be bad for their body.At the same time, skin doctors tell people to be careful with sunlight.





假如你是李华,最近你的英国网友David 给你发来邮件,谈到他想利用假期去做兼职,但是遭到母亲的反对。他希望你可以谈谈假期打工的好处,以帮助他说服母亲。请据此给他回复一封邮件。

注意: 1、词数80左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。)


Dear David,








Li Hua



A Brief Introduction to Gandhi

Mohandas Gandhi (1869----1948), an Indian national hero, was honored 1.the father of the Indian nation. He has been respected and beloved by the Indians.

He was born in India in 1869. Following the local custom, he got 2.(marry) at the age of 13. In 1888 he sailed to England, 3. he studied law for three years and became a lawyer. On his return to India, he was sent to South Africa to work on a law case.

In South Africa he 4.(surprise)to find that the problem of racial discrimination (种族歧视)was serious. There he formed an organization and started a magazine to fight 5. equal rights.

Gandhi returned to India in 1915,6. India was controlled by the British. He led the Indians to fight for an end to the British rule and 7.(depend)for his country. In the political movement many Indians including Gandhi were put in prison. 8., the struggles never stopped. The British government had to give 9.and India won its independence in 1947. 10.(fortunate)Gandhi was shot by an Indian who opposed his views and died on January 30th, 1948.



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