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The Thanksgiving day has been alive for ...

The Thanksgiving day has been alive for hundreds of years.The customs we see in our homes today remind us of ancient celebrations of harvest,thankfulness for peace,and the hard work of native Americans.It is made up of stories of those who believe that thanks for blessings is what people must own 1. Have you wanted to make special gifts?.

Custom of Praying

For centuries,'Thanksgiving Day' is associated with prayers in church and in homes. 2. It is a time,when mankind thanks God for all his blessings and mercy.It is also a day to show gratitude to their friends and relatives for all the good deeds.


Everyone follows the custom of family dinner and reunion every year.Distances don't really matter as relatives can drive down to be with their family.Feasts are usually held at home.It is a time to enjoy their favorite Turkey the family.

Custom of Decoration

4. People beautify their homes,give the interiors a whole new look and feel.They light lamps to brighten the environment.Tables are adorned with best china and antique silver cutlery to mark the occasion.

Custom of sending messages

Thanksgiving is a day when people send loving messages and warm wishes to their relatives,colleagues at work place,superiors and subordinates,near and dear ones. 5.

A.People present gifts to friends

B.Custom of Family Dinner

C.People like to get together and have turkey.

D.People offer various meal time prayers during the day.

E.Like Christmas,millions of cards are sent every year.

F.Thanksgiving is a time to decorate homes with wreaths,fresh and dried flowers.

G.It is a day of expressing their feelings through Thanksgiving cards.


1. A 2. D 3. B 4. F 5. G 【解析】 本文介绍感恩节的一些风俗习惯。 1.A 根据下句:你想做特别的礼物吗?可知上句的意思应该是:在感恩节人们赠送礼物给朋友。故选A。 2.D 根据上句:几个世纪以来,“感恩节”与在教堂和家里祈祷者有关。再根据空格下句:这是一个人类感谢上帝带来所有祝福的时候,同时也是一个感激你的朋友和亲人及所有的好事的时候。可知此处要表达的意思是:人们在白天提供各种进餐时间的祈祷。故选D。 3.B 此空是小标题。根据下文:每个人都遵循家庭聚餐和团圆的习俗。距离并不重要,因为亲戚可以开车去跟他们的家人团聚。可知此处指的是家宴习俗。故选B。 4.F 本段标题是:装饰习俗。本空是段落首句。根据下文:人们美化家园,给内部一个全新的外观和感觉。他们点灯照亮周围环境。桌子也挂有最好的瓷器、古玩银餐具以示庆祝。可知感恩节是人们装饰房屋,用清新干花点缀房间的时间。故选F。 5.G 根据上句:感恩节是人们送爱的信息和温馨的祝愿给他们的亲戚、同事、上司和下属、极亲密的人的一个节日。可知这一天他们通过赠送感恩节贺卡来表达自己的感受。故选G。

In Armenia, when a baby’s first tooth arrives, often in four to seven months, a celebration takes place known as the “agra hadig” or “atam hatik”. As part of the celebration, objects(物品)related to different professions(职业) are placed in front of a child. Whichever object a baby chooses first is thought to be a sign of where the child’s professional talent lies.

With the appearance of teeth, a child can begin to eat solid food. It is believed to be a proper time to predict what the future holds.

“Parents may ‘arrange’ the future life of their children by offering only those objects that stand for respectable professions,” said Professor Antonyan from Yerevan State University. “A book for a writer; a pencil for an artist or a designer; a coin for a businessman.” Parents can also game the selection by putting objects nearer to or father from their kids’ reach. At one recent celebration, “the father of the baby asked to place a ladle(长柄勺) a bit far from his daughter to save her from a future of a housewife,” Antonyan said.

In the earliest written records of the event, from the 19th century, just two objects were put before the teething child. But the prediction then was not about an adult profession. In the event, holding a knife meant a brother was on the way, a comb or a mirror a sister.

“The prediction for the future profession was developed in the modernized environment of Soviet Armenia when the future career would determine the baby’s life,” Antonyan said. Today, teeth-shaped cakes, toys and balloons are popular party favors at these celebrations.

1.After the American children have the first tooth, a celebration is held to ________.

A. predict their future jobs

B. honor their skills of eating

C. know if they are healthy

D. understand what they like to eat

2.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

A. Parents can change children’s future by changing the objects.

B. A girl picking up a ladle is often considered to become a cook.

C. A book is often put farther than a ladle for a baby to choose.

D. Parents can influence their children’s choices in the celebration

3.What may be Antonyan’s attitude towards the mentioned prediction method?

A. Supportive    B. Objective

C. Disappointed    D. Unconcerned

4.What is the text mainly about?

A. A traditional celebration in Armenia.

B. How Americans celebrate birthdays.

C. Armenian children’s health problems.

D. How childhood influences one’s future



Scientists and marine biologists(海洋生物学家) had something to celebrate last week when two lost humpback whales(座头鲸) returned to the Pacific Ocean. Delta and Dawn — a mother and a baby — had circled the Sacramento Bay area for two weeks before going back to the ocean.

"We all shouted loudly like ‘Yay’!"said Jim Oswald, a spokesman for the Marine Mammal Center. "It’s been really exciting."

The humpback whales were last spotted on May 29 near the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California. Scientists are sure that the whales swam into open water during the evening of May 29 or early the next morning, since there have been no further sightings of the whales. Even so, boats were sent out to look for them, just in case the whales made another wrong turn.

Officials spent two weeks trying to get the whales to turn back towards the ocean. Biologists played recordings of whale-feeding as well as unfamiliar sounds to try to make the whales head back to the Pacific Ocean.

However, Delta and Dawn gave scientists an unexpected chance to study humpback whales in the wild. Scientists were able to gather sound recordings and watch their behaviors. This is especially exciting because humpback whales are an endangered species. What’s more, scientists don’t usually have the chance to observe (观察) them in their natural habitat.

"All those things are very hard to get," said Oswald,"So what we are doing is filling up the knowledge blank on humpback whales in the wild. " Scientists should be able to use this information to help other lost whales in the future.

1.Jim Oswald was very happy because____________.

A. the whales traveled to Sacramento Bay

B. he found the lost humpback whales

C. the scientists held a great celebration

D. the whales returned to the Pacific Ocean

2.In order to make the whales go back to the ocean, the biologists____________.

A. fed them with other animals    B. swam into open water

C. played music for them    D. played strange sounds to them

3.The fifth paragraph mainly tells us that____________.

A. humpback whales will disappear in the future

B. humpback whales were excited in their natural habitat

C. scientists learned more about humpback whales

D. scientists are worried about humpback whales

4.What’s the best title for the passage?

A. Looking for the Lost Whales    B. Helping the Lost Whales

C. The Lost Whales Returned    D. Two Whales Were Lost



Using a mobile phone before going to bed can damage your health, according to a major study.

It says that radiation from the mobile phone can cause insomnia(失眠症) and headaches as well as cutting the time spent in deep sleep. Failing to get enough sleep can lead to depression, lack of concentration and personality changes. In teenagers and young children, lack of sleep can result in attention disorders and poor grades.

The research showed that using mobile phones before bed causes people to take longer to reach the deeper stages of sleep and to spend less time in them.

Deep sleep is important as it is the time when the body rejuvenates(更新) cells and repairs damage suffered during the day. Scientists found that using mobile phones an hour before sleep affects it. In the study scientists examined the sleep patterns of 36 women and 35 men aged 18 to 45. Some were exposed to radiation that is similar to what a person receives when using a mobile phone. The others received none. The results are as follows: The first group took longer to enter the first of the deeper stages of sleep and spent less time in the deepest one. However, the second group was opposite.

The findings will shock many parents. Many parents are always worried about their children’s health. But they didn’t have a better way to persuade them not to use a mobile phone.

1.The passage mainly tells us that ________.

A. deep sleep is good for your health

B. using a mobile phone before sleep can damage your health

C. different people have different sleep patterns

D. long sleep can renew cells

2.The underlined word “ it”refers to ________.

A. people’s body    B. deep sleep

C. a sleep pattern    D. a day

3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Deep sleep is a good time for the body to repair damage suffered during the day

B. The study examined the sleep patterns of about 70 people.

C. The findings shocked many teachers and teenagers.

D. Using mobile phones before bed causes people to take longer time to enter the deep sleep.

4.We can infer from the passage that _________.

A. the lack of sleep can lead to children’s excitement

B. radiation from the mobile phone can cause parents’ worries

C. many children use mobile phones before sleep

D. using a mobile phone before sleep doesn’t harm the aged



School activities for kids and teens

July is a month of fun-filled activities for kids and teens as long as you know where to find them. When you want some fun activities for July, consider these ideas happening in this month.

Secret of the Dragon

Time: Monday, July 1, 2013, 10:30 am

Cost: Adult: 7.40

Children: half.

Bookings Phone: 3403 2578

Address: Brisbane Botanic Gardens

Note: Secret of the Dragon is a magical story about two children who are taken on a dragon

The Search for Life: Are WeAlone?

Time: Thursday, July 4, 2013, 2:00 pm

Cost: Adult: 14.50

Children: 8.70

Bookings Phone: 3403 7689

Address: Brisbane Botanic Gardens

Note: Are we truly alone in space? Is there any life out there? These are the questions asked in this show.

ride to expel the universe.


Magic Class

Time: Friday, July 12, 2013, 10:00 am

Cost: Free

Booking Phone: 34038470

Address: Centenary Community hub, 171 Dandenong

Note: Would you like to be a magician?

Then join David, the magician, to learn about real magic with playing cards, coins, ring ropes and DIY projects and be able to become the life of the party.

Science with Me: Making your own guitar!

Time: Saturday, July 20, 2013, 3:00 pm

Cost: Free

Booking phone: 3403 1226

Address: 10, Egginton Close

Note: Do you want to make a guitar with Katy and her morn? Science with Me is going to be with you. Please remember to bring a piece of wood, a hammer, some rubber bands and some nails with you.



1.Alec is strongly interested in space life. He may go to ________.

A. Magic Class    B. Science with Me

C. The Search for Life    D. Secret of the Dragon

2.John and his 10-year-old twins want to watch Secret of the Dragon. How much should they pay?

A. 7.40    B. 11.10

C. 14.80    D. 23.20

3.What do the four activities have in common?

A. They can all be booked by phone.

B. They happen in the same place.

C. They are all weekend activities.

D. They are all free.



假设你是学校Campus English的编辑李华,学校将举办一次40周年校庆作品展示,请你用英语写一则作品征集启事。要点如下:






3.参考词汇:40周年(the 40th anniversary)。




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