满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Tim Becker and his neighbors are doing s...

Tim Becker and his neighbors are doing something to make their neighborhood a trouble-free area.

When Tim Becker gets in his car to go shopping, he doesn't _______ drive to a store and back home. He always looks _______ up and down the streets of his neighborhood. He looks for anything _______ such as strange cars, loud noises, _______ windows, or people gathering on street corners.

Tim _______ to a neighborhood watch group in Stoneville, Indiana. USA. The neighborhood watch group _______ on the third Wednesday of every month. That's ____ Tim gets together with about ten of his neighbors to discuss community _______. Members of the neighborhood watch group want to help the police _______ their homes, streets, and families safe.

Tina Stedman, president of _______ neighborhood watch group, agrees with Tim.

"People seem to think that crime (犯罪) happens to other people but not _______ them. Well, it's never happened to me," she said, "but I don't think anyone has the _______ to steal from other people or to make them feel _______ sitting in their own homes."

Alex, a member of the group, said that all the neighbors _______ out for one another. "We _______ each other's homes. We keep watch on the neighborhood at night and on weekends. Usually a _______ of four or five of us goes out together. If something doesn't look right, then we call the _______. For example, if we notice a group of teenagers who seem to be looking for ________, or someone destroying property (财产), we report to the police."

Alex feels the neighborhood watch groups ________ a lot in keeping crime down. Her husband Jim agrees, "Police are good people, but they can't do _______."

1.A. yet    B. still    C. just    D. rather

2.A. carefully    B. clearly    C. nervously    D. coldly

3.A. familiar    B. unusual    C. expensive    D. interesting

4.A. curtained    B. open    C. old    D. broken

5.A. attends    B. belongs    C. goes    D. turns

6.A. meets    B. quarrels    C. sings    D. searches

7.A. where    B. why    C. when    D. how

8.A. politics    B. wealth    C. health    D. safety

9.A. keep    B. hold    C. let    D. protect

10.A. its    B. his    C. their    D. your

11.A. round    B. on    C. about    D. to

12.A. right    B. chance    C. courage    D. mind

13.A. unlucky    B. unsafe    C. disappointed    D. discouraged

14.A. set    B. let    C. hold    D. look

15.A. care    B. enter    C. watch    D. manage

16.A. group    B. set    C. number    D. crowd

17.A. judges    B. police    C. firemen    D. doctors

18.A. work    B. burden    C. service    D. trouble

19.A. produce    B. find    C. get    D. help

20.A. anything    B. everything    C. harm    D. wrong


1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. C 11. D 12. A 13. B 14. D 15. C 16. A 17. B 18. D 19. D 20. B 【解析】 16.C。本题考查副词词义辨析及学生依据语境选用恰当副词的能力。从后面的句子可以知道Tim Becker去买东西时不只是从家到商店直来直去,而是还要在居民区里巡视,所以应选用副词just。 17.A。本题考查学生根据上下文判断并选择恰当副词来修饰动词的能力。学生此处要考虑Tim是怎样在居民区巡视的,从整篇文章可以看出,Tim对居民区的保卫工作很负责任,同时下面一句也讲到他对发生的任何可疑情况都很注意,所以可以判定Tim总是“looks carefully”,而不是其他。 18.B。本题考查考生根据上下文对所给形容词做出判断选择的能力。Tim是为了社区安全进行巡视,应注意一些可疑情况,且后面举的例子也是一些反常情况,属于“unusual”。 19.D。本题考查学生根据上下文进行判断选择的能力,前面提到的“anything unusual”为本题设立了前提,那么选A、B、C,即“拉着窗帘的窗户、开着的窗户、旧的窗户”都不属于“unusual”,而选择D,“打破的窗户”应为最佳答案。 20.B。本题考查动词词意的辨析。Tim与watch group的关系应是其中的一个成员,因此应选“belong to,属于”。 21.A。本题考查根据上下文做出判断及动词词意的辨析。此题的提示在后面一句,即“…Tim gets together with…”,所以本句应理解为“社区巡视组的成员每月的第三个星期三会面一次。” 22.C。本题考查学生对文章的准确理解并做出判断的能力。句中“that”一词对此题的选择至关重要,that指“每月第三个星期三会面”,接下来应理解为“那是Tim和其他成员交流讨论情况的时间”。 23.D。本题考查学生词意辨析和根据上下文进行判断的能力。如果学生能知道四个名词的意思,此题应该比较容易。根据文章的整体意思,显然他们讨论的是社区安全问题。 24.A。本题考查学生动词词意辨析及对句子的准确理解的能力。根据文章意思,巡视组应是帮助警察维护社区的安全,即“keep…safe”,此题的干扰项是D,如果用“protect,保护”,虽然意思也正确,但不需要句子后面的safe,两个词意思重复。 25.C。本题考查学生对句子的准确理解及判断的能力。此题的干扰项是B,如果选B,意思便是Tim的居住区,而Tina(注意Tina是女的)是这个巡视组的组长,也应住在此居民区,所以应该用“their,他们的居民区”。 26.D。本题考查学生对一些句型的掌握及句意的理解。本句的意思是“人们好像觉得犯罪(案件)只是发生在别人身上,而不是发生在他们自己身上”。此处承前面的动词happen,因此应该选“to”。 27.A。本题考查学生对词意的辨析及阅读理解能力。此句的意思是“我认为任何人都没有权力去偷别人的东西或是使得别人坐在家都觉得不安全。”这里选用“任何人都没有机会/勇气/想法 ……”都是不合适的。 28.B。本题考查根据上下文判断句意。如果有被偷窃的可能,人们或许也会感到不幸、失望或泄气,但本篇文章讲的是关于社区安全,所以选择感到不安全,更符合上下文的意思。 29.D。本题考查学生对一些常用动词短语的掌握。set out意为“出发”,let out意为“发出”,hold out意为“举出”,look out意为“小心”。根据上下文判断,D为正确答案。 30.C。本题考查动词词意辨析及在具体语境中的使用。根据上下文,最佳选择应是watch,意为“巡视、留意(彼此的家)”,而不是“介意”“进入”或“经营”(彼此的家)。 31.A。本题考查的是一组名词的词意辨析。后面的“four or five of us”决定了应是“a group of,一小组/一小队”,而不是“a set of,一套”“a number of,若干个”或“a crowd of,一大群”。 32.B。本题考查学生根据上下文进行推理判断的能力。此题的提示在后面一句“For example,if…,we report to the police.”这里的“For example”即把本题句子的内容具体化了,所以应选择“call the police”,而不是其他。 33.D。本题考查学生根据上下文进行推理判断的能力。因为“we report to the police”,所以应是出现一些不良现象或犯罪情况,如:“someone destroying poverty”,因此应选择“look for trouble”,选项B的意思是“负担”,此处也不合适。 34.D。本题考查学生对文章的理解能力和根据上下文进行判断的能力。根据上下文,特别是后面一句中“agree”一词,说明Alex和她丈夫的观点是一致的,因此19、20两题相互提示、相互补充,那么在19题中应理解为“巡视小组对减少犯罪有很大帮助”,而不是“产生很多(A)”“发现很多(B)”,或“得到很多(C)”。 35.B。本题考查学生根据上下文进行推理判断的能力。前面讲到巡视小组对控制犯罪帮助很大,此处接着阐述这一观点,即“警察(在维护治安中)很重要,但他们不可能做好一切。”

How to Love Your Parents

Even if you think that your parents are mean-spirited at times, loving your parents is a normal and fulfilling part of life.You love them for the fact that they created you, raised you, and are in part, a source of who you are.1.

Tell them you love them every morning.A gentle "good morning" and "I love you" will warm a coldest heart. Remember that they brought you into this world. Without your parents, we might still wander at an unknown corner in an unknown world.

Respect them more and cherish these moments.You can use these moments to learn from them, preparing yourself for when you're off on your own.It's OK to get angry but angry actions don't help you or your parents. Act calmly, cool off, write down your feelings, or talk to a friend. 2.

Obey their requests.It will make your attitude better and earn you more respect from them.It may seem like you are going through hell when you don't get what you want or you have to clean.However, you had better remember they keep a roof over your head when it's cold, raining, snowing, or too hot.Understand that parents are human beings and make mistakes.3. Since you can forgive your friends, why not forgive your parents?

Keep company with them.Do things with your parents like watching TV, or go somewhere with them.4. Listen to their old stories and learn from them. You will find they are your teachers in this way or another.

Some people simply may not be able to love their parents.5. Seek help if you are being abused(虐待)in any way. Parents do not have a right to harm you.

A. Parents will in turn express their love to you.

B. Forgiveness is the key.

C. Here are some ways to love your parents.

D. There can be realistic reasons for this, family violence for example.

E. Anyway, spend as much time with them as you can.

F. After this, share your feelings with your parents.

G. Please remember parents are as important as friends.



The Pew report—which was based on surveys carried out in Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, Poland and the Czech Republic—concluded that the European Union was “ the new sick man of Europe”.

The percentage of Europeans with a favorable view of the EU has plunged from 60 percent last year to 45 percent now.

The UK may be considered the most Eurosceptic(欧洲怀疑论者)country, but its support for the union has barely changed in the past 12 months, slipping only two points to 43 percent.

By contrast, France’s backing for the EU has slipped sharply, from 60 percent last year to 41 percent today.

On the question of whether to remain in the EU, 46 percent of the British want to leave the union and surprisingly, the same percentage want to stay.

The Pew report’s authors said, “The long-drawn economic crisis has created bad forces that are pulling European public opinion apart, separating the French from the Germans and Germans from everyone else.”

They added, “The effort over the past half century to create a more united Europe is now the main disaster of the euro crisis. The European project now stands in a bad reputation across much of Europe.”

The only European leader rated highly by their own voters was the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, with 74 percent voters in favor of her.

Prime Minister David Cameron was the next highest with a positive score of 37 percent among the British public, although he can take some comfort from the fact that 58 percent of Poles(波兰人)and half of all French people think he is doing a good job.

In spite of the dark economic future and growing doubt of the EU, there were strong majorities of more than 60 percent in favor of keeping the euro in the five countries surveyed that use the single currency.

1.Which of the following is TRUE about the recent Pew report?

A. The UK has the smallest number of people against the EU.

B. There’s a slight change of the UK’s support for the EU.

C. More than half the Germans raise doubt about the EU.

D. A vast majority of French people are in favor of the EU.

2.As to whether to remain in the EU, ______.

A. The British are divided equally    B. few British want to stay

C. half British want to leave    D. many British don’t care about it

3.What’s the Pew report’s authors’ attitude towards the relation between France and


A. Enthusiastic.    B. Optimistic.

C. Negative.    D. Neutral.

4.Why does Prime Minister David Cameron feel a little bit comfortable?

A. Only a score of 37 percent of Britons go against him.

B. Many of the Poles and French think well of him.

C. More than 60 percent of the Europeans are in favor of keeping the euro.

D. Angela Merkel has 74 percent voters supporting her.



Believe it or not, the size of the human brain has become smaller over the past 20,000 years. Scientists argue over whether this means we are becoming more or less intelligent as a species.

“I’d call that a major downsizing in an evolutionary eye blink (眨眼),” John Hawks told Discover magazine.

Why is the brain becoming smaller?

There are different theories to explain it. One is that tens of thousands of years ago, before the decline began, to survive in cold and dangerous conditions, humans needed a stronger and larger body and therefore, a larger head. Also they had to chew the tough meat of rabbits, foxes and horses. As conditions improved, the brain stopped growing, according to supporters of this theory.

Another theory comes from a recent study by David Geary and Drew Bailey. They found that brain size decreased as population density(密度) increased.

“As complex societies appeared, the brain became smaller because people did not have to be as smart to stay alive.” Geary told AFP.

But smaller brain size does not necessarily mean that modern humans are less smart than their ancestors. “Modern humans simply developed different, more complex forms of intelligence,” said Brian Hare.

Hare’s studies focus on two types of great apes: chimpanzees and bonobos. Both are much like humans, but are physically quite different from one another. The bonobo has a smaller brain than the chimpanzee, and is also much less aggressive and more tolerant.

“When it comes to working out a problem,” Hare said, “chimpanzees are much less likely to accomplish it if it involves working together. Not so with bonobos.”

The smaller brain in modern humans may be evidence that we can cooperate,” Hare told the US National Public Radio.

1.Which of the following words can be used to replace the underlined word in Paragraph 2?

A. speed    B. increase

C. decline    D. change

2.We can learn from the passage that ____________.

A. the size of human brain has something to do with many factors

B. the brain size increases because of the increase of population density

C. the abilities of the bonobos and the chimpanzees are almost the same

D. modern humans can certainly do teamwork better than other species

3.According to Brian Hare, _____________.

A. bonobos are much likely to cooperate better than chimpanzees

B. chimpanzees tend to work well with others

C. modern humans are less smart their ancestors

D. small brains are certainly connected with intelligent beings

4.Which of following is probably the best title of the passage?

A. Bonobo or Chimpanzee—Which Smarter?

B. Smaller Brain--Less Intelligent?

C. Human and Animal—More Intelligent?

D. Human Brain-Why Downsizing?




Valerian capsules(缬草胶囊)

A traditional herbal medicinal product used for the temporary relief of symptoms of mild anxiety and to aid sleep. This is based on traditional use only.

Active Ingredients:

Each capsule contains 337mg of extract (as dry extract) from Valerian root (Valerian officinalis L)  (equivalent to 1683mg-2020mg of Valerian root).


For oral use only.

For adults and elderly:

Mild anxiety — Take 1 capsule 3 times daily.

To aid sleep — Take 1 capsule 30 minutes to 1 hour before bedtime with an earlier dose during the evening if necessary.

Swallow the capsule with water. As the effects of this product may not occur immediately, the capsule should be taken continuously for 2-4 weeks.

The maximum dose is 4 capsules per day.

Duration of use: If symptoms worsen or do not improve after 4 weeks, a doctor or a qualified healthcare practitioner should be consulted.


Do not exceed (超过) the stated dose.

Do not take this product if you are:

Under 18 years of age

Pregnant or breastfeeding

Allergic to Valerian or any of the excipients (辅药)in this product

Already taking a medicine for sleep or anxiety

Storage:  Store the capsules below 25℃.

Keep the bottle tightly closed.

Keep out of sight and reach of children.

Registration Holder:  NBTY Europe Limited, Samuel Ryder House, Barling Way, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 7RH, United Kingdom

1.What people is this product especially suitable for?

A. All kinds of people.    B. Children having mild anxiety.

C. People suffering from severe anxiety.    D. Old people having sleep problems.

2.If you wish to relieve anxiety, how many capsules should you take per day?

A. 1.    B. 2.

C. 3.    D. 4.

3.How long should this product be taken continuously at least before its effects occur?

A. 4 weeks.    B. Half a month.

C. 1 hour.    D. 30 minutes.



Around three forty-five on a rainy Saturday morning, I was woken up by the sound of my pager(呼机) beeping. As a volunteer firefighter and emergency medical technician, I can never count on a full night of sleep. I pulled myself out of bed and went toward the desk to grab my radio. Our crew was being sent to a nearby home where a man was in cardiac arrest (心脏骤停). We found the man lying on the kitchen floor with his wife beside him. We rushed the patient to the hospital, but despite our efforts, we were unable to save his life.

In my line of life, I rarely get any recognition from the patients we treat, or from their loved ones. But that night, a man’s wife approached us, and through her tears, whispered, “Thank you.” Then she hugged each of us. She knew we answered her late-night call for help, even though the ending was not positive.

There is something deeply rewarding about helping people in these circumstances. Sometimes, I’m able to make their worst day a bit better: like seeing the tears of an injured child turn into a smile when I gave him an interesting toy; or watching a terrified mother’s screams turn into tears of joy when she realized her baby was going to be fine.

Experiences like these allow me to see the impact my work has on others. At the same time, I also know the effect it has had on my own life. As a teenager, I felt awkward when my dad hugged me and said, “ I love you, my dear son.” I was equally uncomfortable and responded, “I love you.” But then I imagined him lying on the kitchen floor that rainy night and realized that my opportunity to say those three words could—at any moment—be taken away forever. Now, I extremely treasure the moment when my father says those three words to me. I’ve learned to appreciate every relationship I have, to tell people I care about them, and to never take anything in life for granted.

1.On that rainy Saturday morning, the author was woken to ____________.

A. meet his father for the last time    B. put out a really big fire

C. save a man’s life    D. do a scientific experiment

2.The author mentioned the injured child and the terrified mother to show that________.

A. Life was not always pleasant

B. His help could bring people happiness

C. He saved a lot of people

D. They were very grateful to him

3.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refers to ___________.

A. a rainy Saturday morning    B. special love

C. others’ recognition    D. the author’s work

4.According to this passage, we know that ___________.

A. The author’s work greatly influenced him

B. The author’s father died several years ago

C. The author regretted treating his patients badly

D. The author never treasured every relation with others



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