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Glancing at the large room through her b...

Glancing at the large room through her blue eyes, four-year-old Nicole in her oversize short skirt began to cry. “It’s okay, honey,” I tried to encourage. “Come play with the other children.” But the more I persuaded, the more the water flowed.

Every week for the past eighteen years, I’ve spent Tuesdays with a dozen kids dressed in satin ribbons, feathers, butterfly wings and plastic jewelry. These afternoons are free flowing and non-threatening but for some strange reason, Nicole saw this as the final kiss of death.

In her mind, she was going to be left all alone with a strange woman and several other children. Uncontrollable tears rapidly started to flow and there wouldn’t be enough tissues in the whole building to mop up the flood.

Tip toeing quickly to the door, I gently called to her father. “Just sit in here for a while until she warms up,” I said. Standing next to his first born, Rich took his daughter's hand and led her to the centre of the room. Slowly he pushed, but again the damn broke. “Daddy, don’t leave me!” Nicole cried. “Don't make me do this.” Bending down on his knees until they were nose-to-nose, Rich gently whispered in her ear, “I’ll do it with you. There’s nothing to be afraid of.” Holding her entire young hand around his middle two fingers, the pair went on to skip around the floor.

“Wow!” I cheered. “You deserve a prize. I’ve never seen a dad do that before.”

For a brief second Rich paused, and then with a smile, he replied, “Isn’t this part of the job?”

That wonderful moment was two years ago and I've thought of it often, especially when I see how well Nicole performs in class. More importantly, however, I’ve remembered it because it takes me back to my own dance beginnings with my father.

From the moment I was born, music spoke to me. The moment the radio or record player was turned on, I flay my arms and legs about the room in wild fashion. Most of the time, I was fine to perform alone, but the minute my dad walked into the room, I’d jump into his arms, hug him tight and place my tiny feet on top of his highly shined shoes.

While this memory is sweet, the real reason I hold it dear to my heart is because of what went behind his action. My father was not the most gifted creature on two legs when it came to dancing, but he’d stepped out of his comfort zone(区域)and danced because he knew how much I loved it. For him, helping his only daughter develop, despite how uncomfortable it made him feel, was part of his job.

As a child, my father did what he was told and lived as expected. But when it came to his own children, he allowed us the chance to follow our own path and we were never forced to be like him, live like him or think like him. He provided an environment where my three brothers and I were permitted to explore our own jungle until we found the life that was right for us.

To all you fathers who’ve influenced your children's lives by stepping out of your comfort zones to dance, whether it is in mind, body or soul-this one’s for you! You give a child the courage to stand on the center stage of life.

1.Why was Nicole so sad at her first dancing class?

A. She was asked to mop up the floor.    B. She had to be left with the strangers.

C. She didn't like the dancing dresses.    D. She was threatened by the older boys.

2.What does the father mean by saying “Isn’t this part of the job?” in Paragraph 6?

A. Dancing with their daughter is a father’s part-time job.

B. It’s a father’s job to force her daughter to learn dancing.

C. Fathers are always there to help their daughter if necessary.

D. Fathers are required to accompany their daughter in dancing classes.

3.What do we know about the author’s father?

A. He was fond of dancing.

B. He liked to make choices for his children.

C. He required his children to follow his path.

D. He tried to live up to his parents’ expectations.

4.What is the best title for this passage?

A. Dance with my father    B. Stay in your comfort zone

C. Follow your own path    D. Find a dancing partner


1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者通过讲述舞蹈班里的孩子Nicol因为害怕而哭着不肯让爸爸走,爸爸鼓励孩子和帮助孩子的行为,让作者回忆起自己的父亲,并建议所有的父亲们,你们对孩子的影响很大,请给孩子们站在舞台中央的勇气。 1.细节理解题。根据第三段的In her mind, she was going to be left all alone with a strange woman and several other children.可知,Nicole伤心是因为她认为自己被丢给了陌生人,故选B。 2.推理判断题。结合上下文语境,尤其是下文中作者由Nicole的爸爸所做的,回想到自己的父亲也是这样的,作者提到自己的父亲时说的“For him, helping his only daughter develop, despite how uncomfortable it made him feel, was part of his job”可推断出,本句话的意思是,女孩的爸爸认为当孩子需要父亲的时候,帮助孩子是一个父亲应该做的,故选C。 3.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的As a child, my father did what he was told and lived as expected.可知,作者的父亲是按照父母的期望而生活的,故选D。 4.主旨大意题。文章开头以一个小女孩父亲帮助孩子摆脱恐惧来引出作者回忆自己小时候跳舞时,父亲虽然在这方面没有太大的天赋,但是依然陪着作者跳舞,父亲的帮助对作者的影响很大,结合四个选项,本文的标题应为“与父亲共舞”,故选A。

At home and at work, invisible radio waves from dozens of wireless networks are running through your space and body. It’s reasonable to worry about what effect all that wireless energy might have on your health.

But while the wireless equipment is becoming popular recently, the kind of radiation they produce has been carefully examined for decades, says John Moulder, a professor from the Medical College of Wisconsin. In 2013, Moulder wrote a report about the existing health research on Wi-Fi. Like your mobile phone, Wi-Fi routers(路由器)send and receive information using radio waves, he says.

The research on radio waves and human health goes back at least to the 1950s, when there were concerns about Navy servicemen being exposed(暴露)to powerful shipboard radar(雷达). “We have 50 or 60 years of research into the kind of radiation connected with Wi-Fi,” Moulder says.

Foster was Moulder’s partner on that 2013 report of Wi-Fi's health effects. He says that, based on our understanding of radio wave strengths and risks, world health organizations have set safety standards for all the equipment that gives off radio waves—from phones to microwaves.

But some experts have more concerns about the types of weak radiation our wireless equipment produces. “We have animal studies suggesting even low-level exposures to the kind of radio wave radiation connected with Wi-Fi could have various negative health effects,” says Joel Moskowitz, a professor from the University of California.

Earlier this year, an animal study found heavy exposures to cell phone radiation increased rats’ risks for some brain and heart problems. But many of these animal studies are “all over the place” in their design quality, Foster says. Animal research often does not translate to humans. Also, many of the experiments are quite worrying, for the levels of radiation that the tested animals received are far greater than what people suffer when using mobile phones or wireless networks.

Moskowitz doesn’t disagree with Moulder. But he says the amount of radio wave radiation people receive today is different, and this raises new concerns. When it comes to our long-term, increasing exposures to all our wireless equipment, “we’re flying blind,” he says.

Of course, trying to avoid radio wave exposure is more or less impossible if you live in modern society. Moskowitz advises keeping wireless equipment away from your body and turning off wireless networks when they’re not in use. While any health risks are yet to be proved, “I think trying to minimize exposure is the best advice at this point,” Moskowitz adds.

1.What can be inferred from what John Moulder and Kenneth Foster say?

A. The study of Wi-Fi dates back to the 1950s.

B. There is no need to worry about the use of Wi-Fi.

C. People take risks when using phones and microwaves.

D. Navy servicemen near radar were in great danger.

2.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6 suggest?

A. Many studies on animals can be seen here and there.

B. The design quality of animal research is far from scientific.

C. The conditions set for animal studies are similar to those of humans.

D. Human beings suffer from stronger radiation than the tested animals.

3.What’s Moskowitz’s attitude towards the use of wireless equipment?

A. Cautious.    B. Uncaring.

C. Positive.    D. Curious.



Have you noticed that every time you have an exam at your doctor, your prescription glasses(验配眼镜)always get higher and higher? You then get a new pair of glasses, and you move on with your life. And then comes your next exam the next year, and your prescription goes higher again. When will it stop? Will you be living your life with vision that gets poorer and poorer?

There are many other choices for you, such as eye surgeries and laser therapies(激光治疗), but do you really want to go through with these dangerous and expensive operation? Are the risks worth it? For many, it’s not.

Introducing an amazing breakthrough in eye care and considered to be the very solution to eyesight improvement-Quantum Vision System.

What is this amazing Breakthrough?

The System promises to recover your vision at the sped of light, or more exactly in at least 7 days. It is an ebook that can be downloaded onto any electronic equipment such as a personal computer or a smartphone, so you get access to the guide from anywhere and at any time you wish.

The ebook is created by Dr. William Kemp, who completely transformed his clinic and practice when he discovered this scientific breakthrough.

Inside the ebook are several step-by-step instructions, guides, and videos, explaining the very causes of poor eyesight and what you can do to recover yourself. The program uses 100% all-natural methods to help you achieve a perfect 20/20 vision in a matter of days.

The program costs only $37, which you can buy online from their official website. Once you pay for the program, you get instant access to all the information you need to move from one prescription point to another in just 10 minutes, and achieve 20/20 vision in just 7 days.

The program comes with a 60-day 100% money back guarantee so if you don’t see any results or if you think it doesn’t work, you get your full money back without question.

1.Quantum Vision System is intended for those who ______.

A. have eyesight problems    B. receive eye surgeries

C. suffer from mental disorder    D. suffer from blindness

2.The system can be purchased ______.

A. at the clinic    B. on the App store

C. on the website    D. on the phone

3.The passage is meant to ______.

A. recommend a doctor who transformed his clinic and practice

B. advocate an eye operation that helps people regain their eye vision

C. introduce a scientific discovery which will greatly improve people’s lives

D. advertise an ebook which can recover your vision naturally in a short time



A city child’s summer is spent in the street in front of his home, and all through the long summer vacation I was watching enviously the other boys play baseball. I was never asked to take part even when one team had a member ________ because they thought I would be no good at it. They were ________, of course.

I would never forget the wonderful evening when my life as a(n) ________ changed. The baseball ________ about eight or eight thirty when it grew dark and it was the _______ of the boys to gather by a little stoop(门廊)and talked about the games. Then long silences would fall and the boys would ________ off one by one. I can no longer remember which boy broke the ________ with a question: but whoever he was, I nod to him _________ now. “What’s in those books you’re reading?” he asked without much _________.

Instead of ________ the question, I told them for two hours the story I was reading. They listened breathless. I must have told it ________, but I think there was a deeper reason that made them keep a(n) ________. Listening to a tale being told in the dark is one of the most ancient of man’s ________, but I was offering them a new and exciting experience.

The next night and many nights thereafter, I would take my ________ in the center of the stoop and begin the evening’s stories. Some nights, in order to taste my ________ more completely, I cheated. I would _______ at the most exciting part of a story, telling them that was as _______ as I had gone in the book and it would have to be _______ the following evening.

Other words of mine have been ________ to by larger and more fashionable audiences, but I have an unreasoning love for the ________ audience that sat close outside the candy store, and it will last forever.

1.A. missing    B. playing    C. waiting    D. failing

2.A. cautious    B. proud    C. cruel    D. right

3.A. outsider    B. insider    C. success    D. loser

4.A. started    B. ended    C. paused    D. came

5.A. honor    B. order    C. custom    D. responsibility

6.A. drop    B. fall    C. wander    D. take

7.A. record    B. link    C. promise    D. silence

8.A. gratefully    B. politely    C. eagerly    D. quickly

9.A. kindness    B. doubt    C. difficulty    D. interest

10.A. asking    B. answering    C. raising    D. keeping

11.A. directly    B. simply    C. well    D. roughly

12.A. watch    B. eye    C. audience    D. secret

13.A. entertainment    B. permission    C. focus    D. reception

14.A. turn    B. place    C. chance    D. step

15.A. peace    B. bravery    C. bitterness    D. victory

16.A. stop    B. argue    C. laugh    D. predict

17.A. long    B. soon    C. far    D. much

18.A. polished    B. continued    C. shortened    D. changed

19.A. related    B. adjusted    C. listened    D. limited

20.A. clever    B. greedy    C. lazy    D. athletic



---I like play basketball but this morning I wouldn’t like to.


A. So it is with me    B. So do I

C. Nor do I    D. So am I



The information you give in the application is too general. You should __________ something special about yourself.

A. spy on    B. rely on

C. cut back on    D. focus on



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