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In 2015, motorcyclist Robert Jan kicked ...

In 2015, motorcyclist Robert Jan kicked off a three-month solo(独自的) ride from the Netherlands to India.

1. One day when he was watching a TV show about a man documenting his travels across countries, Robert decided he wanted to do something similar. About a decade later, he got his driver’s license.  2. Two years after that, Robert began a solo motorcycle trip from his home in the Netherlands to India. He traveled more than 10,000 miles in just under three months.

Robert, who is today a 30-year-old graphic designer (平面设计师), began planning the trip in September 2014, shortly after his graduation from Willem de Kooning Academy. 3. He secured the necessary paperwork, got cash, and supported the adventure through a graphic design job. He and his blue motorcycle—which he nicknamed Perry—took off in late August of 2015.

4. He met fellow travelers along the way and slept outside, all the while writing about his experience on his blog, Going Eastwards.

But the three-month adventure also came with its challenges. Sometimes, he would go miles without spotting a much-needed gas station, and money eventually grew scarce(不足的). 5. In the end of November, Robert finally reached Mumbai, India. There, he shipped his bike back to Houten in the Netherlands and put himself on a plane back home.

“Took 81 days to get there,” he posted on Instagram, “back within 18 hours.”

A. And in 2013, he bought his first motorcycle.

B. From a young age, Robert has been an adventurer.

C. By the time he arrived, all the beds were occupied.

D. They helped Robert get the motorcycle out of the freezing cold water.

E. Riding through 14 countries, Robert met a diverse set of people and landscapes.

F. Closer to the end of the trip, the motorcycle broke down—but a local helped him out.

G. He spent the next several months reading stories of motorcycle adventurers like Paul van Hoff and Gordon G. May.


1. B 2. A 3. G 4. E 5. F 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。罗伯特从小就是一个冒险家。他买了第一辆摩托车之后,在2015年,摩托车手罗伯特·简(Robert Jan)开始了从荷兰到印度的为期三个月的单人骑行。 1.下文提示“有一天,当他在看一个关于一个人记录他的国家旅行的电视节目时,罗伯特决定做一些类似的事情。”承接下文,B项From a young age, Robert has been an adventurer.(罗伯特从小就是一个冒险家。)切题。故选B。 2.下文提示“两年后,罗伯特开始了从他在荷兰的家到印度的摩托车之旅。”承接上文,A项And in 2013, he bought his first motorcycle.(2013年,他买了第一辆摩托车。)切题。下文中的that指代的就是“他买第一辆摩托车”。故选A。 3.上文提示“罗伯特现在是一名30岁的平面设计师,2014年9月从威廉德库宁学院(Willem de Kooning Academy)毕业后不久就开始计划这次旅行。”承接上文,G项 He spent the next several months reading stories of motorcycle adventurers like Paul van Hoff and Gordon G. May.(接下来的几个月,他读了保罗范霍夫(Paul van Hoff)和戈登g梅(Gordon G. May)等摩托车冒险家的故事。)切题。故选G。 4.下文提示“一路上,他遇到了旅伴,就睡在外面,一边往东走,一边在博客上写下自己的经历。”承接下文,E项 Riding through 14 countries, Robert met a diverse set of people and landscapes.(罗伯特穿越了14个国家,遇到了各种各样的人和风景。)切题。故选E。 5.上文提示“有时,他会跑好几英里都找不到急需的加油站,钱最终变得越来越少。”再根据下文提示“11月底,罗伯特终于到了印度孟买。”承接上下文,F项Closer to the end of the trip, the motorcycle broke down—but a local helped him out.(快走到终点时,摩托车坏了,但一个当地人帮了他。)切题。故选F。

I’ve recently published a book of letters from 32 amazing Australian women about their experiences of new motherhood. Perhaps the most common question I’ve been asked since publication is why more of the mothers didn’t ask for help. If those early months were so hard and so exhausting as they were described, then why didn’t more of these women simply ask for help?

Embedded (……牢牢地嵌入) deep in this enquiry is the assumption that if you ask, you shall receive—and that you shall receive without judgment. And if there is any experience of new motherhood in the 21st century it is the inescapability of judgment. By asking for help new mothers open themselves up to a wave of quiet---and not-so-quiet---disapproval of why on earth they need it.

The earliest moments of motherhood are synonymous with sacrifice(等同于牺牲). A mother sacrifices her body for not nine but almost ten long months, sharing her shell with a new being. A mother sacrifices her control, and often her mental and physical health, during the painful process of childbirth. A mother, in the weeks and months that follow, puts the needs of another before her own, sacrificing her sense of self, her ambition and all too often, her happiness.

We don’t normally use the word sacrifice to describe the newborn period. It’s supposed to be sweet and milky and warm but a sacrifice is exactly what it is. And when we sacrifice we should be entitled (使享有权利) to mourn—a privilege new mothers are expressly prevented from.

We have reached the point where being a mother who admits she needs help is like saying your child isn’t worth the sacrifice. The suffering has become a badge(徽章) of honor, worn in service to your family.

The role of mothering is not an easy one, nor will it ever be. But it could be made more manageable if we were all to offer help or support.

1.What is the author’s book probably about?

A. The troubles of working women.    B. The education of newborn babies.

C. The lifestyle of Australian women.    D. The suffering of some new mothers.

2.According to Paragraph 2, the public seems to believe that ____.

A. it’s wrong to judge new mothers

B. new mothers live a very hard life

C. new mothers shouldn’t ask for help

D. people are willing to help new mothers

3.Which of the following statements would the author agree with?

A. The newborn period is just sweet and milky.

B. New mothers should give up their sense of self.

C. The newborn period means privileges for mothers.

D. New mothers have to sacrifice a lot for their babies.

4.What does the author want to show in the text?

A. Women should manage to be a good mother.

B. New mother’s suffering is a badge of honor.

C. It should be made easier for new mothers to get help .

D. People should be encouraged to mourn their sacrifices.



When it comes to climate change, there are always some new, terrifying consequences to worry about—like ancient viruses and bacteria coming from the ice as the earth warms. Unfortunately, researchers fear we may see more of this in the future.

Some of these viruses and bacteria may have been trapped for thousands of years, and it’s not even totally clear yet what they are, let alone what kind of damage they might have.

Researchers have met complex “giant viruses” in the melting permafrost(永久冻土) of Siberia. One such virus, 30,000 years old, was still infectious when it was discovered in 2015, though it posed no danger to humans. It turns out that permafrost is excellent at preserving bacteria and viruses that are temporarily inactive, and then become reactivated with warming.

Scientists have discovered Spanish flu viruses in dead bodies buried in 1918 in the Alaskan tundra (冻原). When close to half of the population of a Siberian town in the 1890s died of smallpox (天花), their bodies were buried in the permafrost along the Kolyma River. The banks of that river are now beginning to wear away amid global warming, the BBC reports.

In Siberia in August 2016, some 100 people and 2,300 deer were infected with anthrax(炭疽) in the first outbreak in the area since 1941. One boy died from the disease. Scientist believed the anthrax had been trapped in the body of a long-frozen dead deer and became active during particularly hot summer of 2016, releasing the bacteria cells into the environment.

But even in warmer climates, rising temperatures can help grow and spread dangerous diseases. Over a decade ago, researcher Paul Epstein prophesied the possible spread of mosquito-born illnesses as a result of climate change. “Mosquitoes are sensitive to temperature changes,” he said. “Warming speeds up their rates of reproduction and the number of blood meals they take, makes their breeding (繁殖) season long, and shortens the maturation period for the germs they spread” --- all of which makes them more efficient at spreading disease.

1.Why are researchers worried about?

A. More ancient germs may reappear.    B. The earth is being seriously polluted

C. Ice melting may cause heavy floods.    D. Global climate change is worsening.

2.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

A. No “giant viruses” were discovered in Siberia.

B. A new way was found to deal with the new germs.

C. One ancient virus could still result in people’s death.

D. Permafrost can keep germs alive for a long time.

3.What led to a boy’s death in Siberia?

A. Flu.    B. Cancer.

C. Anthrax.    D. Smallpox.

4.Which can best replace the underlined word “prophesied” in the last paragraph?

A. Denied.    B. Predicted.

C. Doubted.    D. Prevented.



In 1996, someone found some very old clothes in an old mine in Nevada, USA; they included a pair of dirty old jeans. Today, those jeans are very valuable, and they are now in the Levi Strauss Archival Collection in San Francisco. The jeans, which are over 120 years old, are the oldest pair of Levi’s 501 jeans in the world.

They are almost the same as a modern pair of 501’s; there are just some small differences in the detail. For instance, today’s 501’s have two back pockets, while the old pair just has one.

In 1853, a young tailor from Germany, called Levi Strauss, began working in San Francisco; Levi sold thick canvas(帆布) to miners; the miners used the canvas to make tents.

One day, a miner told Levi that he could not find trousers that were strong enough for work in the gold mines. Levi decided to make some trousers out of canvas. Very soon, he sold all the canvas trousers he had made! They were just what miners wanted.

However, the canvas was rather heavy and stiff(坚硬的). Levi therefore began to look for a different textile(织物). Soon he found a heavy textile from France; it was denim(斜纹粗棉布). Denim was a bit lighter than canvas, but is was very strong. It was ideal for miners.

However, original denim was almost white, and miners did not like the color! Their denim trousers got dirty as soon as they began working! Levi Strauss therefore decided to use colored denim, and he chose dark blue. In 1873, he began to make denim trousers with metal rivets(铆钉) to make them stronger. “Blue jeans” arrived!

Levi’s jeans were so popular that his company got bigger and bigger. Soon, other firms were making blue jeans too. Miners liked them, but so did cowboys and other working men. Blue jeans became classic American working trousers. After the Second World War, jeans became popular all over the world. Today, blue jeans are made all over the world.

1.What are the old jeans found in Nevada like?

A. They are very heavy.    B. They have unique and valuable decorations.

C. They are very much like modern jeans.    D. They have two black pockets.

2.How were Levi’s canvas trousers?

A. They were very popular.    B. They were easily broken.

C. They were too expensive.    D. They were quite comfortable.

3.What were the problem with original denim?

A. It was too soft.    B. It got dirty too easily.

C. It was not strong enough.    D. It was not bright enough.

4.For whom were blue jeans first designed?

A. Tailors.    B. Miners.

C. Soldiers.    D. Cowboys.



Snorkelling in Silfra

The clear water at this UNESCO world heritage(遗产) site in Thingvellir National Park will leave you speechless. It is one of the highest rated dive sites in the world. During this journey, you will snorkel within a crack between the Eurasian and American continents. You’ll experience truly amazing views of the colorful underwater landscape, marine life(海洋生物), and geological formations. Silfra’s water is fresh and drinkable at around 2°C -- 4°C all year round. Visibility can reach more than 100 meters, and swimming often feels more like flying.

This trip is for anyone who knows how to swim and is up for a unique adventure. We offer transportation with a pick-up in Reykjavik, and provide you with a dry suit. The total length of the tour is approximately five hours, and includes in-water snorkelling lasting around 30 minutes. We’ll guide you through the main Silfra Big Crack, Silfra Hall, Silfra Cathedral and Silfra Lagoon.


★ All necessary snorkeling equipment;

★ Hot drinks and food;

★ Silfra entrance fee of 1,000 ISK.

Availability: All year at 09:00 and 15:00. Pick-up in one hour before.


Participants need to complete the Silfra medical statement before the tour.

Divers must:

★ Be at least 18 years old (young people under 18 years old need a signature from their legal guardian), and the maximum age is 65 years old;

★ Be able to communicate in English.

★ Be physically fit;

★ Not be pregnant;

★ Not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs;

★ Sign a medical form.

1.What will be offered to you if you take this trip?

A. Cold drinks.    B. Two dry suits.

C. Round-trip air tickets.    D. Equipment for snorkeling.

2.When is the earliest pick-up time every day?

A. 07:00.    B. 08:00.

C. 09:00.    D. 14:00.

3.To participate in the trip, one must ____.

A. be over 18 years old.    B. be under 66 years old.

C. have the support of parents.    D. have a high level of ability in English.



假如你是北京某中学的高中生张华,Jack是你的美国笔友,他通过网上新闻了解到你的家乡有雾霾天气。因此, 他来信询问此事。请你按照以下提示给他回一封电子邮件,内容如下:

1. 因大气污染严重,自去年年底以来,发生数次雾霾天气;

2. 政府已意识到其危害,正在采取各种措施;

3. 谈谈你的想法。

要求:1. 参考词汇:雾霾 haze

2. 词数100-120词左右。 开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Jack,

I’m glad to receive your letter, and thank you for your caring for the weather and my health. Now I’d like to tell you something about the haze.






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