满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I was holding her hand when the man in t...

I was holding her hand when the man in the white coat came in. ______ both sets of X-rays, he said seriously: Her lungs were filling up with fluid(液体). This meant that ______ I would need to consult with specialists, and stop whatever was ______ into my mother’s lungs.

____, this doctor seemed to have another plan. He began speaking to me about “the quality of life.” He gave me a list of my mother’s ______ and then concluded that they added up to the ______ of her life. I had heard the phrase “We can make her ______” too many times. Now I was more ______ than hurt when doctors wanted to kill my mother.

My mother couldn’t walk, talk or swallow after her stroke, but nursing her was not ______. Whenever I asked her if her diseases were too hard on her, she just ______ her head. She was conveying to me her love and understanding beyond ______. And not just to me.

A young nurse stopped me just before the doctor appeared: “You know, I ______ my new job to your mother: She ______ me to learn to drive, so I would be not ______ buses and I could get to the hospital to work.”

So, I couldn’t help questioning the doctor’s ______ of quality of life. How did he arrive at the ______ that my mother should die? Was he making a(n) ______ calculation, that to keep a bedridden(卧床不起的) person alive was costly? He certainly did not “calculate” her endless love, the way it ______ everyone who came in contact with her. If human life is ______ to cost-benefit analyses, all forms of caring for any reason other than self-interest will be ______. Can we do better?

1.A. Looking up    B. Holding up    C. Setting up    D. Drawing up

2.A. immediately    B. occasionally    C. eventually    D. recently

3.A. stealing    B. marching    C. rushing    D. storming

4.A. Therefore    B. Moreover    C. However    D. Otherwise

5.A. vices    B. strengths    C. sacrifices    D. disabilities

6.A. whole    B. peak    C. future    D. end

7.A. unbearable    B. moveable    C. unconscious    D. comfortable

8.A. relieved    B. excited    C. disappointed    D. ashamed

9.A. tiring    B. easy    C. casual    D. pleasant

10.A. nodded    B. hung    C. shook    D. lifted

11.A. reach    B. words    C. belief    D. hope

12.A. relate    B. owe    C. lose    D. submit

13.A. forced    B. encouraged    C. intended    D. ordered

14.A. at the mercy of    B. at a loss for    C. in favor of    D. in charge of

15.A. framework    B. instruction    C. warning    D. measure

16.A. precise    B. rough    C. arithmetic    D. economic

17.A. conclusion    B. agreement    C. consensus    D. answer

18.A. transmitted    B. transferred    C. transformed    D. transported

19.A. admitted    B. reduced    C. sentenced    D. committed

20.A. included    B. robbed    C. excluded    D. confirmed


1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. C 11. B 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. D 16. A 17. D 18. C 19. B 20. C 【解析】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,作者的母亲中风后留下了严重的残疾,生活不能自理,医生认为这种情况下,母亲活着没有什么意义了,但作者了解到母亲鼓励过一个护士学习开车,让她有了一份新工作,作者不禁质疑医生对母亲的生命质量的衡量,卧病在床的母亲也能用爱改变与她接触的人,由此,作者认为如果将人类的生命简化为成本效益分析,那么除了利己以外的所有形式的关心都将被排除在外。 1.考查动词短语辨析。A. Looking up抬头;B. Holding up举起;C. Setting up建立;D. Drawing up拟订。根据本空后的“both sets of X-rays, he said seriously: Her lungs were filling up with fluid”可知,医生举着两张X光片,严肃地说:“她的肺部充满了水肿”,故B项正确。 2.考查副词词义辨析。A. immediately立即;B. occasionally偶尔;C. eventually最终;D. recently最近。母亲的肺部充满了水肿,这意味着我需要马上咨询专家,阻止任何东西进入我母亲的肺部,故A项正确。 3.考查动词词义辨析。A. stealing偷;B. marching进军;C. rushing猛冲;D. storming大发雷霆。我需要马上咨询专家,阻止任何东西进入我母亲的肺部,steal into表示“潜入”,故A项正确。 4.考查副词词义辨析。A. Therefore因此;B. Moreover此外;C. However然而;D. Otherwise否则。根据本空后的“this doctor seemed to have another plan.”可知,然而,这个医生似乎有另一个打算,与前面我想咨询专家形成转折关系,故C项正确。 5.考查名词词义辨析。A. vices恶习;B. strengths优势;C. sacrifices牺牲;D. disabilities残疾、障碍。根据下文中的“My mother couldn’t walk, talk or swallow after her stroke”可知,母亲中风后不能说话、不能走路、还不能吞咽,这些都属于残疾,故D项正确。 6.考查名词词义辨析。A. whole整体;B. peak顶点;C. future未来;D. end结束。他说母亲的残疾会加速她生命的终结,故D项正确。 7.考查形容词词义辨析。A. unbearable难以忍受的;B. moveable可移动的;C. unconscious无意识的;D. comfortable舒适的。我无数次听过“我们能够让她舒服”,但是,现在医生要结束我母亲的生命时,我感到的失望多于伤害,故D项正确。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。A. relieved放心的;B. excited兴奋的;C. disappointed失望的;D. ashamed羞愧的。听说医生要结束我母亲的生命时,我感到更多的是失望,故C项正确。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。A. tiring累人的、麻烦的;B. easy简单的;C. casual随便的;D. pleasant令人愉快的。虽然母亲中风后不能说话、不能走路、还不能吞咽,但照顾她并不累,故A项正确。 10.考查动词词义辨析。A. nodded点头;B. hung悬挂;C. shook摇头;D. lifted举起。每当我问她是不是病得太重时,她总是摇头,故C项正确。 11.考查名词词义辨析。A. reach范围;B. words话语;C. belief信仰;D. hope希望。她向我传达了她难以言表的爱和理解,故B项正确。 12.考查动词词义辨析。A. relate联系;B. owe归功于;C. lose失去;D. submit服从。这个护士对我说她的这份新工作多亏了我母亲,故B项正确。 13.考查动词词义辨析。A. forced强迫;B. encouraged鼓励;C. intended打算;D. ordered命令。根据本空后的“me to learn to drive”可知,这个护士说我母亲鼓励她学习开车,故B项正确。 14.考查介词短语辨析。A. at the mercy of受……的支配;B. at a loss for因……感到迷惘;C. in favor of支持;D. in charge of负责。根据本空后的“buses and I could get to the hospital to work.”可知,这护士说她不会受公交车的摆布,能够自己开车去医院上班,故A项正确。 15.考查名词词义辨析。A. framework框架;B. instruction指令;C. warning警告;D. measure衡量。所以,我不禁质疑医生对母亲的生命质量的衡量,故D项正确。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。A. precise精确的、明确的;B. rough粗略的;C. arithmetic算数的;D. economic经济的。我质疑医生对母亲的生命质量的衡量——他是怎么得出我母亲应该死去的结论的呢?arrive at the precise that表示“准确地说”,故A项正确。 17.考查名词词义辨析。A. conclusion结论;B. agreement同意;C. consensus一致;D. answer答案。他是不是在计算答案——让一个卧床不起的人活着是很昂贵的,故D项正确。 18.考查动词词义辨析。A. transmitted传送;B. transferred转移;C. transformed转变;D. transported运输。他一定没有算过母亲用她无尽的爱改变了每一个与她接触的人,故C项正确。 19.考查动词词义辨析。A. admitted承认;B. reduced减少;C. sentenced判决;D. committed委托。根据本空后的“to cost-benefit analyses, all forms of caring for any reason other than self-interest will be…”可知,如果将人类的生命简化为成本效益分析,那么除了利己以外的所有形式的关心都将被排除在外,故B项正确。 20.考查动词词义辨析。A. included包括;B. robbed掠夺;C. excluded排除、驱逐;D. confirmed确认。除了利己以外的所有形式的关心都将被排除在外,故C项正确。

Raising a child can be _______, but it is well worth it.

A. over the moon    B. a piece of cake

C. on its last legs    D. a Herculean task



Many of us have concerns about the challenges facing future generations as our global population _______ and the earth’s natural resources decrease.

A. extends    B. declines

C. swells    D. varies



If she _______ make such a simple wish as not to be teased for disability last Christmas, Amy would still feel lonely now.

A. had dared not    B. hadn’t dared to

C. dared not    D. didn’t dare to



On November 11, Alibaba sold more than 210 billion yuan ___________ goods on its e-commerce platforms Taobao.com and TMall, making headlines all over the world.

A. sum of    B. value for

C. worth of    D. profit for



I am impressed with China’s commitment to its climate goals, evidenced by the fact we are sure of ______ China has met its 2020 targets three years ahead of schedule.

A. that    B. which

C. what    D. where



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