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Once when Kevin was selling hats under a big tree, the monkeys on the tree picked some hats and put them on. Kevin took1.his own hat and threw it onto the ground. The stupid monkeys also threw their hats! Kevin collects all the hats and left2.(happy).

Fifty years later, young Tony, grandson of Kevin, also sold hats for a 3.(live). After a long walk, Tony was tired, so he put his bag of hats beside him and lay down under a big tree. He soon fell asleep.

When he woke up, Tony 4. (find) that there wasn’t any hats left in his bag! Tony looked up and found some monkeys in the tree 5.(wear) his hats.

Tony didn’t know what 6.(do). Then he remembered the story of his grandfather. “Yes! I can make these 7.(fool) monkeys return all my hats!” said Tony.

Tony then waved, and 8. did the monkeys. Tony started dancing, and the monkeys were dancing,9.. Tony threw his hat on the ground…

Just then, one of the monkeys jumped down from the tree, picked up 10. hat and said to Tony, “Do you think only you had a grandfather?”


1. off 2. happily 3. living 4. found 5. wearing 6. to do 7. foolish 8. so 9. too 10. the 【解析】 本文是一个小笑话,50年前,Tony的爷爷戏弄了一只猴子,50年后,Tony也想用同样的办法再次戏弄一群猴子,没想到它们竟是当年那只猴子的孙子,所以没有上当。 1.考查固定短语。句意:Kevin摘下帽子,把它扔在地上。take off表示“脱下”,故填off。 2.考查副词。句意:Kevin收起所有的帽子,高兴地走了。修饰动词left用副词,故填happily。 3.考查名词。句意:50年后,Kevin的孙子Tony也以卖帽子为生。do…for a living表示“以……为生”,故填living。 4.考查时态。句意:醒来后,Tony发现兜子里的帽子都不见了。讲述的是过去的事情应该用一般过去时,故填found。 5.考查非谓语动词。句意:Tony抬头一看,发现树上的几个猴子正戴着他的帽子。find sb doing sth表示“发现某人正在做某事”,故填wearing。 6.考查固定结构。句意:Tony不知道该做什么。此处为疑问词+不定式结构,作know的宾语,故填to do。 7.考查形容词。句意:我能让这些愚蠢的猴子把帽子还回来。修饰名词monkeys用形容词,故填foolish。 8.考查倒装。句意:Tony挥了挥手,猴子也挥了挥手。此处为“so+助动词+主语”的不完全倒装,表示“主语也和前面的情况一样”,故填so。 9.考查副词。句意:Tony开始跳舞,猴子也跳舞。此处表示“也”,位于句末,故填too。 10.考查冠词。句意:其中的一只猴子从树上跳下来,捡起Tony的帽子并对他说:“只有你有爷爷么?”,此处特指Tony的帽子,故填the。

Mr.Jones had always wanted to make a trip into the middle of Africa to shoot wild animals._______first he had no enough money, and then he was married.His wife had not wanted him to_______her.At last his wife_______to the trip if he allowed her to go, too.

“But it will be very uncomfortable,” Mr.Jones_______her, “ It will be very hot and we shall live in a tent, and it_______be dangerous.”“I don’t care,” said his wife, “I want to go with you.” So they bought a big tent, camp beds, a refrigerator(电冰箱)which did not need _______and many other things which would make the trip comfortable, and went off to the_______of Africa.

The first morning,_______Mr.Jones took his gun and left the tent, he_______his wife a bell and explained to her , “If you fall in________and you need me , ________this bell and I’ll come at once.”

After a few minutes, he heard the bell and returned________to the tent.“What’s the matter?” he asked.“________” said his wife, “I was only ________the bell.” Mr.Jones went off, but after a quarter of an hour, the bell rang________.

Mr.Jones hurried back to the tent, but his wife said, “I’m________.I was cleaning our tent, and I touched the bell by mistake.” Mr.Jones returned to his________, but soon he heard the ________once more.This time, when he got back to his________, the tent was burning and Mrs.Jones was lying on the ground, with________running from a big cut on her shoulder.“That’s better!” said Mrs.Jones.“This time the bell had been used correctly!”

1.A. And    B. But    C. For    D. So

2.A. leave    B. miss    C. marry    D. care

3.A. allowed    B. permitted    C. satisfied    D. agreed

4.A. said    B. advised    C. persuaded    D. warned

5.A. may    B. ought    C. can’t    D. must

6.A. money    B. electricity    C. force    D. time

7.A. south    B. middle    C. east    D. west

8.A. while    B. until    C. before    D. after

9.A. gave    B. sold    C. lent    D. bought

10.A. hurry    B. surprise    C. safety    D. danger

11.A. hit    B. knock    C. beat    D. ring

12.A. again    B. back    C. quickly    D. home

13.A. Something    B. Nothing    C. No    D. None

14.A. ringing    B. trying    C. using    D. testing

15.A. again    B. once    C. across    D. away

16.A. happy    B. sorry    C. tired    D. all right

17.A. wife    B. tent    C. trip    D. hunting

18.A. cry    B. shot    C. bell    D. shout

19.A. garden    B. house    C. camp    D. office

20.A. water    B. tears    C. blood    D. sweat



When your children become teenagers, it’s time to start considering an after-school job.

1., so why shouldn’t our children? When your child has a job, he/she is responsible for getting to work on time and doing his/her job correctly. An after-school job is a good way to teach your teenager about responsibility.

By allowing your teenagers to have an after-school job you allow them to learn about money management. 2., they will have to manage how much money they can spend. They will realize that they can’t spend every dollar they make if they want to reach their goal.

You are probably saying, “Teens will get into trouble whether they have a job or not.”

3.. Depending on the distance from work to home, you could allow your children some extra time to get home after work. This will ensure that they don’t feel rushed but can still get home on time.

It’s a good idea to show your teenagers that hard work is what it takes to finish everything in their lives. 4.. What will they expect when they are out on their own if they have never had to work hard for what they want?

5.. All teenagers, no matter what their parents’ financial situation is, should have a job. They will need the experience before they do get out in the real world.

A. If they are saving up for their first car

B. When they refuse to have an after-school job

C. It is a good idea for all teenagers to have an after-school job

D. Most of adults in the U.S. had a job during their teenage years

E. They can’t learn the meaning of hard work if everything is handed to them

F. Having an after-school job will help your teenagers know their direction

G. But it is less likely that your children will get into trouble if they are working five evenings a week.



In early autumn I applied for admission to college. I wanted to go nowhere but to Cornell University, but my mother fought strongly against it. When she saw me studying a photograph of my father on the sports ground of Cornell, she tore it up.

“You can’t say it’s not a great university, just because Papa went there.”

“That’s not it at all. And it is a top university.” She was still holding the pieces in her hand. “But we can’t afford to send you to college.”

“I wouldn’t dream of asking you for money. Do you want me to get a job to help support you and Papa? Things aren’t that bad, are they?”

“No,” she said. “I don’t expect you to help support us.”

Father borrowed money form his rich cousins to start a small jewellery shop, His chief customers were his old college friends. To get new customers, my mother had to help. She picked up a long-forgotten membership in the local league of women, so that she could get to know more people. Whether those people would turn into customers was another question. I knew that my Parents had to wait for quite a long time before their small investment (投资) could show returns. What’s more, they had not wanted enough to be rich and successful Otherwise they could not possibly have managed their lives so badly.

I was torn between the desire to help them and change their lives, and the determination not to repeat their mistakes. I had a strong belief in my power to go what I wanted. After months of hard study I won a full college scholarship(奖学金).My father could hardly contain his pride in me, and my mother eventually gave in before my success.

1.The author was not allowed to go to Cornell University mainly because      .

A. his father graduated from the university

B. his mother did not thinks it a great university

C. his parents needed him to help support the family

D. his parents did not have enough money for him

2.The father started his small shop with the money from         .

A. a local league    B. his university

C. his relatives    D. his college friends

3.Why did the mother renew her membership in the league?

A. To help with her husband’s business

B. To raise money for her son

C. To meet her long-forgotten friends

D. To better manage her life

4.According to the text, what was the author determined to do in that autumn?

A. To get a well-paid job for himself

B. To improve relations with his mother

C. To go to his dream university

D. To carry on with his father’s business



Grandma, almost ninety years old, sat weakly on the park bench. She didn’t move. She just sat with her head down staring(凝视)at her hands. When I sat down beside her, she didn’t even notice me. I wondered if she was OK. So I asked her if she was OK. She raised her head, looked at me and said with a smile,” Yes, I’m fine .Thank you for asking me.”“I didn’t mean to disturb you, Grandma, but you were just sitting here staring at your hands and I wanted to make sure you were OK,”I expained to her.

“Have you ever looked at your hands?” She asked “I mean really looking at your hands.” I slowly opened my hands and stared down at them. And then I turned them over. No, I guess I had never really looked at my hands as I tried to figure out the point my grandma was making. Grandma smiled and told me the following story, “My hands put food in my mouth and clothes on my back. They tied my shoes and pulled on my boots. They held my husband and wiped my tears when he went off to war. They were uneasy when I tried to hold my newborn son. Decorated with my wedding band, they showed the world that I was married and loved someone special. They wrote my letters to him and shook when I buried my parents. They held my children and grandchildren and comforted my neighbors. They covered my face ,combed() my hair and washed the rest of my body. These hands are the mark of where I’ve been and the ruggedness (崎岖)of life.”

I never look at my hands the same again. When my hands are hurt or when I touch the faces of my children and my husband, I think of my grandma. I know I can also create a bright future using my hands.

1.The writer disturbed her grandma in order to know ________.

A. what she was doing    B. whether she understood the writer·

C. why she was staring at her hands    D. if there was something wrong with her

2.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. The writer had hardly seen such weak hands.

B. The writer had seldom stared at her hands before.

C. The writer had never realized the importance of hands before.

D. The writer couldn’t figure out the secret of her grandma’s weak hands.

3.What do you think of the writer’s grandma according to the passage?

A. She is fond of telling stories.

B. She treats others in a caring and helpful way.

C. She loves telling stories in an interesting way.

D. She prefers to talk with others about her friend.

4.What can be inferred from the writer’s grandma’s story?

A. She couldn’t do anything as a result of her weak hands.

B. She lived a poor life without any help of technology.

C. She felt very tired when dealing with life with her weak hands.

D. She managed to go through many difficulties with her weak hands.



When we hear the word “pyramid”(金字塔) there is little doubt that Egypt(埃及) and the desert come to mind. Did you know, however, that continents and oceans away — in what is today Central America and Mexico — people also built pyramids? While they look somewhat different from the ones we see in Egypt, they also were built with great skill.

The pyramids of Central America were built by the Mayan(玛雅) and Aztec(阿芝台克) peoples, as well as other smaller groups. Both Mayan and Aztec cultures built pyramids for their gods. They thought that building higher pyramids would allow them to get close to heaven. These cultures believed that the gods were found in nature. One of the most important gods was the sun. Many of the pyramids were for their sun god. At the top of the pyramids they built temples to make the gods happier. However, pyramids were not used only for their gods.

Before Europeans came to the area in the 1500s, many of the cultures of the Americas, such as the Mayan and Aztec, had much knowledge about mathematics and astrology. They thought that the night sky could be used as a mirror to explain many aspects of life, which is the reason why they studied it carefully. The temples on top of the pyramids were also used as places for watching the skies. The Mayans had a solid understanding of the movement of stars and planets. This helped them understand the seasons. They were the first to create a 365-day calendar.

1.Why did they build pyramids?

A. For their king.    B. For themselves.

C. For their gods and to study the sky.    D. For the moon.

2.Which of the following sentences is not true?

A. Before Europeans came to the area, the Mayans and Aztecs had no knowledge about mathematics and astrology.

B. Building higher pyramids would allow the Mayans and Aztecs to get close to heaven.

C. Many of the pyramids were for the sun god.

D. The Mayan and Aztec pyramids built look somewhat different from the ones built in Egypt.

3.Where did people build pyramids besides Egypt ?

A. In Central America.    B. In Japan.    C. In Egypt.    D. Not mentioned.

4.Where can you find the passage?

A. Newspaper.    B. Advertisement.    C. Novel.    D. Magazine.



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