满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



Self-confident people are admired 1.others and inspire confidence in others. They know that no matter what difficulties come their way, they have the ability2. (solve) them. Self-confident people tend to see their lives in a positive light even when things aren't going so well, and they are typically3.(satisfy) with themselves. Wouldn't4.be amazing to have this kind of self-confidence? Guess what? You can.

Self-confidence can be learned, practiced and mastered-just like any5. skills. You can begin by changing your body language. Just the simple act of 6.(pull) your shoulders back gives others the7.(impress) that you are a confident person. Next, look at the person you are talking to—keeping eye contact  8.(show) confidence. Last, speak slowly. Research has proved that those who take time to speak slowly and9.(clear) feel more self-confident. The added bonus is that they will actually be able to understand 10.you are saying.


1. by 2. to solve 3. satisfied 4. it 5. other 6. pulling 7. impression 8. shows 9. clearly 10. what 【解析】 文章主要讲述了自信的人受到人们敬佩。通过肢体语言以及说话的语速可以给人以自信。 1.考查介词。句意:自信的人是受人敬仰的。在被动语态中,由…敬佩,使用介词by。根据题意,故填by。 2.考查动词不定式作定语。句意:他们知道无论遇到什么困难,他们都有能力解决。动词不定式作定语修饰名词ability,解决问题的能力。根据题意,故填to solve。 3.考查形容词。句意:他们通常也会对自己感到满意。be satisfied with对…满意。根据题意,故填satisfied。 4.考查代词。句意:这种自信是不是让人很惊奇。it做形式主语,动词不定式to have this kind of self-confidence做真正主语。根据题意,故填it。 5.考查不定代词。句意:自信是可以学习,练习并且掌握的,就像其他的技能一样。any other任何其他的。根据题意,故填other。 6.考查动名词。句意:简单的把肩膀往后拉的动作给别人的印象就是你是一个自信的人。介词of后应使用动名词。根据题意,故填pulling。 7.考查名词。句意:简单的把肩膀往后拉的动作给别人的印象就是你是一个自信的人。同位语从句“that you are a confident person”为名词impression解释内容。根据题意,故填impression。 8.考查谓语动词。句意:与你说话的人保持目光接触这表现了自信。动名词做主语谓语动词应使用单数形式。根据题意,故填shows。 9.考查副词。句意:研究表明说话缓慢并且清楚的人更加有自信。副词修饰动词speak。根据题意,故填clearly。 10.考查宾语从句。句意:额外的好处是,他们会明白你在说什么。understand后引导宾语从句,what在从句中做宾语。根据题意,故填what。

Brandon and Derek's mother, Beth Lash, shared a Facebook video on Dec. 25, 2017. It captured the moment when Brandon ______ his card out loud. On Brandon Lash's 24th birthday, his little brother, Derek, ______ him with a rather large card filled with an even bigger ______.

“I have always _______you," Brandon reads from the front of the card,_______ by his brother.

"I love spending time with you... I'm so ______ I have you for my brother. You have always been there for me, even though I get on your nerves sometimes. You will always have a piece of my heart," Brandon continues, opening up the   ______

"And now you will have my ______, too. We are a ______ match," Brandon reads, ______ the card to the floor and breaking down into_____

Brandon has kidney disease and is currently in chronic(慢性的) failure and has extremely low kidney function. He receives _______three times a week, and was told that he had been recommended for the transplant list. Unfortunately, his parents are not a match, but________his brother is.

“I can’t believe Derek would _______so much all this for me,” Brandon tells the publication. “He's giving me a________to have a healthy life again. I ______ can't believe it's happening.”

“I________seeing him sick and knew something needed to be done to make him healthy again,” Derek adds. "Not only was it the _______thing to do, but the only thing to do. He's my brother... We didn't know _______he could be on the transplant list, and I knew I just wanted my_______ brother back."

1.A. read    B. sang    C. called    D. shouted

2.A. provided    B. issued    C. presented    D. supplied

3.A. claim    B. award    C. smile    D. surprise

4.A. taken charge of    B. looked up to    C. got hold of    D. lived up to

5.A. signed    B. drawn    C. written    D. described

6.A. thankful    B. satisfied    C. awkward    D. confused

7.A. paper    B. card    C. book    D. cover

8.A. nerves    B. eyes    C. kidney    D. heart

9.A. perfect    B. possible    C. equal    D. friendly

10.A. losing    B. dropping    C. throwing    D. blowing

11.A. screams    B. worries    C. laughs    D. tears

12.A. treatments    B. experiments    C. directions    D. observations

13.A. finally    B. possibly    C. luckily    D. exactly

14.A. advise    B. experience    C. allow    D. sacrifice

15.A. chance    B. fortune    C. accident    D. occasion

16.A. always    B. already    C. forever    D. still

17.A. regretted    B. minded    C. hated    D. opposed

18.A. fair    B. right    C. normal    D. real

19.A. when    B. how long    C. how much    D. while

20.A. lovely    B. brave    C. honest    D. healthy



This summer, I, along with several other international students, traveled to the region of Berounka and found a lovely camping place beside the river. At night, I shared a tent with three girls from Brazil, the United States, and Belgium. 1. I didn't know what to bring, just my sleeping bag and some warm clothes. And with the light of the campfire burning all night, I was unable to sleep until 1 o'clock.

Later that morning, when we were all on the raft and ready to leave, I was told to sit in the middle because I'd never used a paddle before. 2.Once we set off, my US friend showed me how to use a paddle. I found it wasn't so hard—it just made my arms really tired. I listened carefully to what my friends were saying, at the same time looking around at the beautiful scenery. 3. Suddenly, the raft turned over. and we all fell into the water. My friends managed to reach the other side of the river quickly, but they couldn't catch me. I felt panicked but wanted to get out of the water as soon as I could.4..

At last, I finally made it to a rock near the riverbank. I was so delighted and asked my friends to take a photo of me.5.From then on, I tried rafting almost every summer. My experience taught me that we should try new things and get to know new people, even if it means facing danger.

A. I'd never camped outside before.

B. I heard my friends cheering me up loudly.

C. I shared what I brought with my three roommates.

D. So I grasped my paddle and swam stoutly to my friends.

E. I held on tightly to my paddle, not daring to move one bit.

F. I had fallen into the river, but I fell in love with this sport too.

G. Tree-filled mountains, the clear blue sky, and wooden cottages surrounded me.



Golden eagle populations in the UK are set to increase as some chicks are reintroduced to the north of England. Ten birds will be released(释放)from south of Edinburgh in summer 2018, with the hope of bringing the species back from disappearing in England. More eagles will be released in the summertime of the next five years.

The project received £ 1.3 million of lottery funding in March and has now been awarded a further £ 150,000 to employ workers to run the operation. Project manager Cat Barlow said: “This is a really exciting time as the project is now starting to happen and we will soon start to see its benefits. Work will start next summer, when we will collect a number of golden eagle chicks in the Highlands and bring them south to be reared and released from an already selected place.”

The birds will be released with satellite tracking tags that will allow the scientists to gather information about their behavior and find if they suddenly go offline.

Recently, golden eagles have died out in England as the last known individual is believed to have died. Due to the popularity of shooting birds of prey(食肉猛禽), those birds in the wild struggle to survive. Main causes of death are systematic poisoning, shooting and nest disturbance by gamekeepers.

It is hoped that the newly released birds will move further south in search of new living areas and food supplies. The project expects to see the number of wild birds in Scotland and England increase as the range of the animals develops. While the birds were gone in England, in the Highlands of Scotland the number of golden eagles rocketed. With up to 500 breeding pairs, the chicks will be sourced from here. It is hoped that golden eagles may finally return to the north of England, and if all goes well, numbers should grow steadily.

1.Why will some golden eagles be set free from south of Edinburgh?

A. To keep the balance of nature

B. To prevent eagles from dying out

C. To bring back the number of other species

D. To encourage more birds to live in the wild

2.Which word can replace the underlined word “reared” in Paragraph 2?

A. Raised    B. Stored

C. Sold    D. Exhibited

3.What does Paragraph 4 focus on ?

A. Harmful effects of shooting birds

B. Why animal hunting should be forbidden

C. Reasons for golden eagles’ dying out

D. The difficult situation golden eagles face

4.What is the author’s attitude towards the golden eagle project?

A. Ambiguous    B. Cautious

C. Doubtful    D. Hopeful




Student residences

Banbury House  Tel: 564839

Enjoy mixing with other students in comfortable accommodation? 10 minutes' walk to the university district and close to all main bus stops. Single and double rooms. All cleaning services offered. Please bring your own bedding.

Three Seasons  Tel: 445987

We can provide all types of accommodations for all types of single students. Rooms are fully furnished with bedding and there are four bathrooms each floor. Meals provided. 20 minutes' walk to the university and city center.

First Stop  Tel: 223300

Suitable for new students. We provide double rooms. If you wish, we can offer assistance in finding a suitable person to share a room with. All washing and cleaning services offered at extra charge. A large canteen and three bathrooms on each floor.

Sturtin Hotel  Tel: 876333

Located in pleasant countryside surroundings. We offer scenic views and old-world attractiveness. Relax after a long day by swimming in the pool or using the exercise gym. Separate study rooms; bar and restaurant available. No children.

Downtown Digs  Tel: 882313

Do you worry that you will not have enough money to see them through? Don't waste it on expensive housing. This is a hostel(招待所) run by students. No references and no rules. Shared bathroom, dormitory accommodation. 30 minutes' walk to university and city center.

Hilton Hostel  Tel: 846241

It's not quite the Hilton Hostel but all rooms are fully provided with meals, bedding and cleaning services included. 5 minutes' walk to the university and bus stops to the city downtown. Minimum stay period of six months. Singles only.



1.If you like swimming, you will choose

A. Banbury House    B. Three Seasons

C. Sturtin Hotel    D. Downtown Digs

2.In what way is Downtown Digs different from the other residences?

A. It is comfortable.    B. It is expensive.

C. It is cheap.    D. It is quiet.

3.If you would like to live as close as possible to the university, you'd better choose

A. Banbury House    B. Three Seasons

C. Downtown Digs    D. Hilton Hostel



When Boris left school, he could not find a job. He tried hard and pestered (纠缠)his relatives, but they had problems of their own. He answered advertisements until he could not afford to buy any more stamps. Boris grew annoyed, then depressed, then a little hardened. Still he went on trying and still he failed. He began to think that he had no future at all.

“Why don't you start your own business?” one of his uncles told him. “The world is a money-locker. You'd better find a way of opening it.”

“But what can I do?”

“Get out and have a look round,” advised his uncle in a vague sort of way. “See what people want; then give it to them, and they will pay for it.”

Boris began to cycle around the town and found a suitable piece of a waste ground in the end. Then he set up his business as a cycle repairer. He worked hard, made friends with his customers and gradually managed to build up his goodwill and profit. A few months later, he found that he had more work than he could deal with by himself. He found a number of empty shops but they were all no good:in the wrong position,too expensive or with some other snag(障碍).But at long last, he managed to find an empty shop on a new estate(土地,地区) where there were plenty of customers but no competition.

Boris and his assistant taught themselves how to repair scooters and motorcycles. Slowly but surely the profits increased and the business developed. At last, Boris had managed to open the moneylocker and found bank notes and gold coins inside.

1.Which of the following would be the BEST title for the passage?

A. Goodwill is the key to success

B. The world is a moneylocker

C. No education, no future

D. Difficulty of starting a small business

2.Boris started his career by________.

A. cycling around the town

B. developing a waste ground

C. repairing cycles

D. buying empty shops

3.Boris finally chose an empty shop on a new estate because________.

A. it was not so expensive

B. he had a lot of old customers there

C. he could make good use of his skills there

D. there were good opportunities there

4.We can infer from the last paragraph that Boris______.

A. still couldn't make good profits

B. set off in a successful career

C. found a lot of gold coins by accident

D. had great difficulty running his business



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