满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I guarantee you __________ be rewarded f...

I guarantee you __________ be rewarded for any useful clues to the missing document of the local Health Department.

A. shall    B. may    C. have to    D. would


A 【解析】 考查情态动词。句意:你为当地卫生部门丢失的文件,提供任何有用的线索,我保证你将获得奖励。A. shall用于二、三人称肯定句中,表示许诺、威胁、命令、规定、警告等语气;B. may可能;C. have to不得不;D. would将会,文中表示“承诺”,故选A。  

—You mean the position is still vacant?

—Yes, but you must know our job is very demanding.


A. With pleasure    B. I don’t mind    C. Don’t mention it    D. That’s all right



Her voice was shaking _______ all her efforts to control it.

A. although    B. in terms of    C. despite    D. therefore



Some old people don’t like rock’n’roll because they can’t _______ so much noise.

A. overlook    B. tolerate    C. resist    D. ignore



She has wrongly left_________ a letter when spelling the word “accommodation”.

A. for    B. behind    C. out    D. aside



It is you who are the only person that can change what you feel. A new relationship, a new house, a new car, a new job, these things can temporarily distract(转移) you from your ______, but no other person, no material possession, no activity can remove, release, or ______ how you feel. How often do you ______ people say things like “when I have enough ______, I won’t be afraid anymore”, only to find there never seems to be enough money to ______ being afraid. Or “when I’m in a secure relationship I won’t ______ lonely any more”, and finding they are still ______ regardless of their relationship. We need to _____ that we take our feelings with us _______we go. A new dress, a new house, a new job, none of these things change how we feel. Our feelings ______ within us until we release them.

You can not change or ______ your emotions. You can learn how to ______ with them, living peacefully with them, releasing them, and you can manage them, but you _______ control them.

Think of the people who go along day after day seeming to function normally, and all of a sudden they will ______ in anger at something that seems relatively little and ______.

That is one sign of someone who is trying to control or repress(压抑) their _____ but their repressed emotions are ______. The more anyone tries to control their emotions, the _______ they resist control, and the more frightened people ______ become at what is seen to be a “______ of emotional control”. It is a vicious(恶性的)circle.

1.A. belongings    B. earnings    C. surroundings    D. feelings

2.A. change    B. make    C. interrupt    D. abstract

3.A. watch    B. notice    C. hear    D. listen

4.A. courage    B. confidence    C. possessions    D. money

5.A. improve    B. stop    C. continue    D. suggest

6.A. feel    B. live    C. keep    D. have

7.A. desperate    B. lonely    C. helpless    D. careful

8.A. appreciate    B. admire    C. unfold    D. understand

9.A. whatever    B. however    C. wherever    D. whichever

10.A. remain    B. leave    C. fade    D. keep

11.A. waste    B. exchange    C. ruin    D. control

12.A. agree    B. do    C. be    D. help

13.A. cannot    B. wouldn’t    C. shouldn’t    D. had better not

14.A. calm    B. enjoy    C. function    D. explode

15.A. huge    B. giant    C. harmless    D. beneficial

16.A. emotions    B. wealth    C. actions    D. characters

17.A. fading away    B. leaving out    C. leaking out    D. going through

18.A. less    B. more    C. fewer    D. higher

19.A. thoroughly    B. eventually    C. completely    D. hopefully

20.A. loss    B. handle    C. victory    D. way



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