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As of Tuesday, Chinese box office hit “Wolf Warrior 2”  has earned more than 3.4 billion yuan ($507 million),1.(break)China’s all-time box office record,which 2.(set) last year by Hong Kong comedy “The Mermaid.”

The leading character is Leng Feng, played by Wu Jing, the film’s writer and director. Leng is a 3.(fear) former special forces soldier of the People’s Liberation Army. During a military rebellion(反叛) in4.African country, Leng almost single-handedly helps Chinese workers and African locals escape the war-torn nation. But the fighting scenes alone don’t explain the movie’s 5.(succeed)--it’s also the patriotism(爱国主义)and spirit of the film projects 6. have impressed Chinese audiences.

Tong Yemeng, a 32-year-old office worker from Beijing, “I felt so proud of7. ( I )country when I saw Wu Jing waving the national flag in the war zone,” she said. “It showed our8.(increase) national power.”

The movie’s patriotic reaction can be attributed to its timing. “Wolf Warrior 2” hit cinemas as India and China were involved 9. a border dispute, as the central government is promoting its international Belt and Road Initiative(倡议), 10. as the People’s Liberation Army celebrated its 90th anniversary.


1. breaking 2. was set 3. fearless 4. an 5. success 6. that 7. my 8. increasing 9. in 10. and 【解析】 本文是一篇新闻报道。文章介绍了影片《狼战士2》的有关事宜。截至周二,中国票房大片《狼战士2》赢得了超过34亿元人民币(合5.07亿美元),打破中国的历史票房纪录。 1.考查现在分词作结果状语。句意:截至周二,中国票房大片《狼战士2》赢得了超过34亿元人民币(合5.07亿美元),打破中国的历史票房纪录,那是去年香港喜剧“美人鱼”创下的。此处是现在分词作伴随状语。故答案为breaking。 2.考查被动语态。句意:截至周二,中国票房大片《狼战士2》赢得了超过34亿元人民币(合5.07亿美元),打破中国的历史票房纪录,那是去年香港喜剧“美人鱼”创下的。此处是现在分词作伴随状语。此处先行词record和set之间是被动关系,再根据last year,所以这里用一般过去时态的被动语态,故答案为was set。 3.考查形容词。句意:Leng是一名无畏的前中国人民解放军特种兵。此处是形容词修饰名词,故答案为fearless。 4.考查不定冠词。句意:在一个非洲国家的军事叛乱中。此处African是元音音素开头,表示“一”时,用an。故答案为an。 5.考查名词。句意:但仅凭打斗场面并不能解释这部电影的成功。形容词性物主代词修饰名词,结合句意可知答案为success。 6.考查强调句式。句意:给中国观众留下深刻印象的也是影片的爱国主义和精神。此处是强调句式,故答案为that。 7.考查形容词性物主代词修饰名词。句意:“当我看到吴京在战区挥舞国旗时,我为我的国家感到骄傲。” 形容词性物主代词修饰名词,故答案为my。 8.考查形容词性物主代词修饰名词。句意:“这显示了我们国家实力的增强。” increasing “正在增长的”,故答案为increasing。 9.考查固定搭配。句意:印度和中国卷入了边界争端。固定搭配:be involved in“涉及到------”,故答案为in。 10.考查并列连词。句意:在中央政府推进“一带一路”国际战略之际,在中国人民解放军庆祝建军90周年之际。结合句意可知此处是并列关系,故答案为and。

About two weeks before Christmas of 2014 my wife bought me an early Christmas present. It was a beautiful three-month-old cockatiel(鸡尾鹦鹉).

I had always ______ for a bird but as my wife had objected to the very idea of getting one, I was really _______ when she brought her home. I immediately fell in love with her and named her Bleng.

From the beginning I was ______ by the owner of the pet shop not to put a _______ in her cage, as she would think that the reflection was another bird. This could cause Bleng to become   ______as the reflection wouldn’t react to her.

____ , my little Bleng _______reflective surfaces around the house all on her own: in the kitchen, against the refrigerator, etc, She spread her wings out slightly every time she _____ her reflection and she spent a lot of time around these ______.

But it wasn’t until last July when we bought a mirrored bedside table for my mother-in-law’s room, that things really became _____ .

Bleng _____ spending time around this bedside table and around her new “______ “!

One day, my mother-in-law went to her room and noticed a real ______ . Seeds were scattered all around the bedside table. She ______ Bleng running to her cage, which was in another room, and _____ carrying seeds to the bedside table and setting them down on the   ____. Bleng had noticed that her reflection _____ went to the seed bowl to eat, _____ she brought the seeds over to her “friend!”

We had always known that Bleng was a _____ creature, but it was at that moment that we all learned just how ______ her heart really was!

1.A. prepared    B. longed    C. waited    D. looked

2.A. frightened    B. relaxed    C. worried    D. surprised

3.A. advised    B. allowed    C. invited    D. urged

4.A. bowl    B. bird    C. mirror    D. seed

5.A. satisfied    B. proud    C. afraid    D. disappointed

6.A. Besides    B. However    C. Instead    D. Therefore

7.A. spotted    B. collected    C. checked    D. made

8.A. ignored    B. remembered    C. saw    D. doubted

9.A. animals    B. areas    C. rooms    D. people

10.A. amusing    B. confusing    C. complex    D. annoying

11.A. avoided    B. regretted    C. missed    D. enjoyed

12.A. master    B. friend    C. cage    D. tool

13.A. mess    B. trend    C. chance    D. crowd

14.A. imagined    B. stopped    C. observed    D. kept

15.A. escaping    B. hiding    C. considering    D. returning

16.A. ground    B. bed    C. mirror    D. paper

17.A. already    B. also    C. never    D. still

18.A. or    B. so    C. for    D. but

19.A. huge    B. dangerous    C. poor    D. loving

20.A. cold    B. heavy    C. big    D. weak



A Bristol teacher has proved that you don't have to earn a fortune to be able to make ends meet. Kath Kelly spent a year living on just one pound per day. This money did not include the rent of her room on a shared flat or the utility bills(水电费), which were all paid in advance. 1.

The motivation for the experiment came from her concern about buying a wedding present for her brother and his fiancée. At the time she had an income of $10,000a year, which meant that she was fairly hard up most of the time.

2.If she spent less than $1 a day, she could not carry the money over. She also decided not to borrow from friends.

Kath was often attending free events, from book launches to gallery openings... 3.  Buses were out, so every journey had to be made on foot or by bicycle, and as she couldn't afford phone calls, she would visit friends or leave them notes if she had anything to tell them.4. "Instead of meeting for lunch in a cafe as we used to, we'd take sandwiches and eat them on a bench in the park," she explains.

At the end of the year, Kath was able to buy her brother and his new wife a $1,300 life membership of the National Trust as a wedding present with her savings. 5.While helping out on a farm she met her current boyfriend and found true love at last.

A. She would attend any event that might have free snacks.

B. She made soups from whatever vegetables she could find

C. From the beginning she set some very strict rules for herself.

D. Kath's promise of poverty actually meant she went out more

E. Kath says her friends were great about the change in her lifestyle

F. However, it did have to cover everything else, including clothing and food

G. Besides achieving what she'd set out to do , Kath's experiment also had an unexpected result.



As a professor at a large American university,there is a phrase that I hear often from students:“I’m only a 1050.”The unlucky students are speaking of the score on the Scholastic Aptitude Test(SAT),which is used to determine whether they will be admitted to the college or university of their choice,or even if they have a chance to get a higher education at all.The SAT score,whether it is 800,1100 or 1550,has become the focus at this time of their life.

It is obvious that if students value highly their test scores,then a great amount of their self-respect is put in the number.Students who perform poorly on the exam are left feeling that it is all over.The low test score,they think,will make it impossible for them to get into a good college.And without a degree from a prestigious university,they fear that many of life’s doors will remain forever closed.

According to a study done in the 1990s,the SAT is only a reliable indicator of a student’s future performance in most cases.Interestingly,it becomes much more accurate when it is set together with other indicators-like a student’s high school grades.Even if standardized tests like the SAT could show a student’s academic proficiency(学业水平)they will never be able to test things like confidence,efforts and willpower,and are unable to give us the full picture of a student’s potentialities(潜力).This is not to suggest that we should stop using SAT scores in our college admission process.The SAT is an excellent test in many ways,and the score is still a useful means of testing students.However,it should be only one of many methods used.

1.The purpose of the SAT is to test students’ ______.

A.strong will

B.academic ability

C.full potentialities

D.confidence in school work

2.Students’ self-respect is influenced by their ______.

A.scores in the SAT

B.achievements in mathematics

C.job opportunities

D.money spent on education

3.“A prestigious university” is most probably ______.

A.a famous university

B.a technical university

C.a traditional university

D.an expensive university

4.This passage is mainly about ______.

A.how to prepare for the SAT

B.stress caused by the SAT

C.American higher education

D.the SAT and its effects



I don’t consider myself to be a vegetarian, at least not in the strictest sense of the term. The two rules I follow as a semi-vegetarian are that I never cook meals at home using meat, nor do I order meat dishes when dining out. Obviously, these aren’t the only occasions when I have meals. My friends sometimes throw dinner parties and I wouldn’t want to force my dietary beliefs upon them. So I eat whatever they prepare.

I’m not offended by the taste of meat at all. Actually, I grew up eating meat. As an adult, however, I became more conscious of my eating habits. I started to eat less and less meat, until one day I found that I could go for months without eating any meals containing meat at all. I began to explore the idea of giving up animal-based foods altogether, just to see how I would get on.

Soon enough, a whole new world of food opened up to me. I started eating a lot of vegetables. What I discovered is that maintaining a vegetarian diet is not only healthy, delicious and inexpensive, it’s also abundant in variety.

Even with all the health benefits of a vegetarian diet—lower risk of heart attack, prevention of high blood pressure, reduced rates of cancer—there still seems to be a complete lack of vegetarian restaurants and a shortage of vegetarian options at most restaurants. I began to wonder if people were simply addicted to meat. That may be true for some, but for others who might give vegetarianism a try, I realized that there was something else in the way—the culture of vegetarianism appeared to be unpleasant. It seems that there are too many vegetarians who believe that their way of eating is superior to any other. They aren’t just vegetarians; they’re better people, or so they think. This is rather offensive.

So, I propose that we, the vegetarians of the world, should become, more relaxed about our meat-eating friends. Perhaps, if vegetarianism is seen to be an attractive option, more people might try it. I suppose, for vegetarianism to take root in society for all to enjoy, it needs to change its image to one that is fun, inviting and worth following.

1.Why does the author eat whatever his friends prepare?

A. He has no choice    B. The food is appealing

C. He wants to be a polite guest    D. It doesn’t break any of his rules

2.How did the author give up meat?

A. Through a gradual process

B. Through the help of other vegetarians

C. By cooking vegetarian meals at home

D. By setting himself a goal of eating no meat

3.What does the author think is the main problem with vegetarians?

A. They are aggressive    B. They are prideful

C. They are unsocial    D. They are rude

4.The phrase” take root” in the last paragraph refers to vegetarianism becoming more___

A. valuable    B. fashionable

C. exciting    D. established



From the White House balcony, President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, and the Easter Bunny welcomed thousands of children, members of the military, staff, volunteers, and families to the 139th annual Easter Egg Roll on Monday, April 17. "Think of it, 139. It began a long time ago: 1878," President Trump told the crowd. "And we will be stronger and bigger and better as a nation than ever before." He thanked the many volunteers who renewed "this wonderful tradition."

The annual Easter Egg Roll has its roots in the 1800s when local schoolchildren on spring break would play on the Capitol grounds and hold hard-boiled egg races down Capital Hill. This tradition ended when Congress passed the Turf Protect Law banning children from using the grounds as their "playground." In 1878, President Ruthford B. Hayes began to formally welcome children to the White House grounds each year at Easter.

The egg roll in 2017 seemed to put together three themes: children, family and the military. There were military families, multiple military bands, and a military officer singing the U.S. national anthem. At the Operation: Thank Our Troops station, children and families could color cards to send to soldiers serving overseas. Conway, the president's counselor, brought her children to the egg roll and highlighted the challenge of work-family balance. "The hardest part of my job is being away from my four children." she said," Helping the nation."

During the Easter Egg Roll , parents struggled to keep up as their children rolled brightly-colored eggs with wooden spoons down the South Lawn . Outside of the roll , kids played soccer . Some danced to the music. Many kids took turns taking photos with popular characters such as Elmo, Dr.Seuss's Cat in the Hat, the Teeenage Ninja Turtles, and Peppa Pig.

The Reading Nook was a particularly popular spot for children, who listened quietly as Melania Trump read a children's book aloud. The First Lady said she chose to read the book, Party Animals," Because it shows that we are all different, but we are all the same." When asked about her favorite part of her new role as First Lady, she said. "Serving the country. It's an honor helping people in this great nation."

1.What stopped the Easter Egg Roll tradition in history?

A. The outbreak of war    B. The reduction of eggs

C. The adoption of a law    D. The repairing of Capital Hill

2.How did Conway find her work ?

A. Difficult and boring    B. Pioneering and complex

C. Dangerous but meaningful    D. Demanding but worthwhile

3.What can be inferred about the 2017 Easter Egg Roll?

A. It featured colorful and interesting activities

B. It strengthened the nation's family values

C. It called on people to do military service

D. It stressed the importance of reading

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. A day for the kids    B. A tradition rolls on

C. The fun of festival activities    D. The story of the Easter Egg Roll



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