满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

People often ask successful men and wome...

People often ask successful men and women questions about they how they succeeded. What schools did they _____? What did they study? Why did they choose a particular career (职业)The answers are ______. But business writer Tom Corley has _____ one thing in his study that most of them have in common: they______every day.

Corley's______ shows that 85 percent of successful people read at least two books a month. That comes to reading twenty four books a ______. They have discovered the importance of continuing to learn_______things.

Some______ business leaders with reading habits include Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Elon Musk. They art ______ about what they read, though. They read for ______rather than fun. They also read to _____ themselves.

What types of ______do they choose? They read life stories of other ______ people.

They ______ read science, history and health books. Business management, leadership, career

advice and current events are other favorite answers.

Let’s learn from those who have ______success, and open a good book today.

1.A. leave    B. attend    C. build    D. visit

2.A. different    B. correct    C. confusing    D. similar

3.A. understood    B. thought    C. discovered    D. finished

4.A. write    B. exercise    C. meet    D. read

5.A. rule    B. plan    C. study    D. advice

6.A. week    B. day    C. month    D. year

7.A. simple    B. new    C. difficult    D. possible

8.A. crazy    B. handsome    C. international    D. ordinary

9.A. selective    B. worried    C. mad    D. careless

10.A. truth    B. knowledge    C. belief    D. honor

11.A. improve    B. value    C. control    D. protect

12.A. career    B. answers    C. people    D. books

13.A. honest    B. successful    C. kind    D. happy

14.A. never    B. seldom    C. almost    D. also

15.A. created    B. discussed    C. achieved    D. explained


1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. B 11. A 12. D 13. B 14. D 15. C 【解析】 本文是一篇议论文。人们经常问成功的男人和女人关于他们是如何成功的问题。但商业作家汤姆•科利(Tom Corley)在他的研究中发现了他们大多数人的一个共同点:他们每天都读书。让我们向那些取得成功的人学习,今天就翻开一本好书。 1.考查动词。A. leave离开; B. attend 参加; C. build 建造; D. visit访问。根据What schools did they ___1___?可知,他们上的是什么学校?故选B。 2.考查形容词。A. different不相同的; B. correct正确的; C. confusing令人困惑的; D. similar相似的。根据上面的三个问句,可知The answers are ___2___.“答案是不相同的”。故选A。 3.考查动词。A. understood明白,理解; B. thought想,认为; C. discovered发现; D. finished完成。根据But business writer Tom Corley has ___3___ one thing in his study that most of them have in common: they___4___every day.“但商业作家汤姆•科利(Tom Corley)在他的研究中发现了他们大多数人的一个共同点:他们每天都读书。”故选C。 4.考查动词。A. write写; B. exercise锻炼; C. meet遇见; D. read阅读。根据But business writer Tom Corley has ___3___ one thing in his study that most of them have in common: they___4___every day.“但商业作家汤姆•科利(Tom Corley)在他的研究中发现了他们大多数人的一个共同点:他们每天都读书。”故选D。 5.考查名词。A. rule规则; B. plan计划; C. study学习; D. advice建议。根据Corley's___5___ shows that 85 percent of successful people read at least two books a month.“Corley的研究表明,85%的成功人士每月至少阅读两本书。”故选C。 6.考查名词。A. week周; B. day天; C. month月; D. year年。根据That comes to reading twenty four books a ___6___.“也就是说一年要读24本书。”故选D。 7.考查形容词。A. simple 简单的; B. new新的; C. difficult困难的; D. possible可能的。根据They have discovered the importance of continuing to learn___7___things.“他们已经发现继续学习新事物的重要性。”故选B。 8.考查形容词。A. crazy疯狂的; B. handsome英俊的; C. international 国际的; D. ordinary平常的。根据Some___8___ business leaders with reading habits include Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Elon Musk.“一些有阅读习惯的国际商界领袖包括比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)、沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)和埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)。”故选C。 9.考查形容词。A. selective具有选择性的; B. worried 担忧的; C. mad疯的; D. careless粗心的。根据They art ___9___ about what they read, though.“不过,他们对阅读的内容是有选择性的。”故选A。 10.考查名词。A. truth事实; B. knowledge知识; C. belief信仰,相信; D. honor荣誉。根据They read for ___10___rather than fun.“他们读书是为了知识而不是为了乐趣。”故选B。 11.考查动词。A. improve提高; B. value评估,估价; C. control 控制; D. protect保护。根据They also read to ___11___ themselves.“他们也通过阅读来提高自己。”故选A。 12.考查名词。A. career事业; B. answers回答; C. people人们; D. books书。根据What types of ___12___do they choose?“他们选择什么类型的书?”故选D。 13.考查形容词。A. honest诚实的; B. successful成功的; C. kind善良的; D. happy高兴的。根据They read life stories of other ___13___ people.“他们阅读其他成功人士的生活故事。”故选B。 14.考查副词。A. never从来没有; B. seldom 很少,难得; C. almost几乎; D. also也。根据They ___14___ read science, history and health books.“他们还阅读科学、历史和健康方面的书籍。”故选D。 15.考查动词。A. created创造; B. discussed讨论; C. achieved取得成就; D. explained解释。根据Let’s learn from those who have ___15___success, and open a good book today.“让我们向那些取得成功的人学习,今天就翻开一本好书。”故选C。

“I'm going to fail !"My best friend cried. She and I had this conversation almost every day while we were in high school.

The truth was that my friend never failed in any subjects. I just think that she can't accept failures because she lives her life as a perfectionist (完美主义者). What she fails to understand is that a lot of good can come from failures.

For example, failure can help build relationships. Once was cooking dinner for a friend. I was tired, and several dishes I tried to make turned out bad. I grew more and more upset until my friend told me that I shouldn't worry. She cared more about our friendship than the dishes. That day, I learned that failure doesn't always make people dislike you. In fact, after she said those words to me, I grew closer to her.

Failure can make success ever more exciting. Every few years, there would be an important test in the PE class at our school. Students had to run a mile within eight minutes. I was never good at running , so I failed every time until the third year at school. Then I began working out regularly, and yet I still failed that year. A few days later, however, the teacher gave me and some other students another chance to run and I got a pass finally!, You can 't imagine how excited I was after that. I felt the memory of the success was as sweet as honey, because I had to overcome failure to reach it.

Now it's clear to see that failure can teach us good lessons. It's not an end — it can be a beginning.

1.What can we learn about the author's best friend from the first two paragraphs?

A. She liked taking tests.    B. She was afraid of failures.

C. She often failed in study.    D. She knew how to be perfect.

2.What did the author finally get from a failed cooking?

A. Bad feelings.    B. Worries.

C. A closer friendship.    D. More experience.

3.Why did the author feel excited after the running test?

A. Because she could work out regularly.

B. Because she received honey as a reward.

C. Because she got another chance to take the test.

D. Because she achieved success after many failures.

4.The underlined word overcome in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to       .

A. successfully deal with    B. quickly respond to

C. narrowly escape from    D. eagerly come up with

5.The author wrote this passage        .

A. to show the negative effects of failures

B. to point out her best friends fear of failures

C. to encourage the readers to face failures bravely

D. to introduce different types of failures



Nowadays, many of us spend about 10 hours a day in front of a Computer or other electronic devices and less than 30 minutes a day outdoors. The result is that our Brain easily feels tired. We need to give the brain a rest, but how?

David Strayer is a professor of psychology at the University of Utah. He claims that camping may be just what a tech-tired brain needs. His argument finds strong support from Carl and Kate, two experienced campers. Carl, who works for a mobile phone company, says that being outdoors makes him feel relaxed. It also prepares him for the work he must do. "Camping gives us a chance to be in touch with nature and it's very relaxing. When you return to work on Monday, you're in a better state of mind. I really like the way I feel on Monday. Kate is a senior editor. She says camping brings her some peace she couldn't have otherwise. She even finds herself more creative.

David Strayer explains that camping allows close contact with nature and being in nature calms the brain and helps it to focus. When people go camping, they need to learn about animals and natural environments; they have to deal with the weather, learn to stay dry in the rain or warm in the snow and have to keep the feet in good condition when hiking and walking.

Some might say that taking a long walk in the woods or by the ocean or in a city park is wonderful, too. But camping requires that one spend more time in nature and it can test him in different ways. And it brings more health benefit as well.

1.What is the result of using electronic devices too much?

A. We will waste time.    B. Our brain will feel tired.

C. Our study will be influenced.    D. Our brain will be refreshed.

2.How does Carl feel after camping?

A. Warm    B. Calm

C. Relaxed    D. Peaceful

3.Why does the author take Carl and Kate as examples?

A. To share a good camping site.    B. To share their work experiences.

C. To show their interest in camping.    D. To show advantages of camping

4.Which of the following is the benefit of camping?

A. It helps protect the environment.    B. It helps us learn more about nature.

C. It teaches us to keep warm in the rain.    D. It teaches us to avoid difficult situations.

5.What is the author’s attitude towards camping?

A. Positive.    B. Negative.

C. Uninterested.    D. Doubtful.



Once there was a woman who was greatly disturbed by her husband. He seemed to care little about her.

So the woman took her trouble to the local magician. She told him her story, full of pity for herself. " Can you give me some magic powers to make him love me again? ” she asked anxiously.

The magician thought for a moment and replied,“ I will help you, but first you must bring to me three hairs from a living lion. These! Must have before I can give you my magic powers.”

There was indeed a lion that often came near to the village. It was frightening. The woman thought again and again and at last she had an idea.

The next morning she took a young sheep and waited anxiously. When she saw the lion approaching, she left the sheep in the path of the lion quickly and went back home. So it happened that, every day early in the morning, the woman would rise and take a young sheep to the lion. Gradually the lion came to know the woman. Seeing the lion's trust in her, the woman carefully pulled three hairs from it and set out for the magicians house “Look, "she said happily as she entered, " here they are! "And she gave him the three hairs.

“How did you make it ?"asked the magician in surprise.

The woman told him the whole story. A smile spread over the magicians face. "You may treat your husband the same way you've treated the lion, "he said

1.What was the woman’s problem according to Paragraph 1?

A. Her husband took no notice of her.

B. The woman was afraid of her husband.

C. Her husband always got her into trouble.

D. The woman and her husband had a hard life.

2.Whom did the woman ask for help?

A. a sheep.    B. a lion.

C. A magician    D. Her husband.

3.Before she got the magic power, the woman had to        .

A. make magic powers with the magician    B. get three hairs from a living lion

C. rive the lion away from the village    D. leave a sheep in the path of the lion

4.Why did the woman take a sheep to the lions?

A. To confuse the lion.    B. To catch the lion.

C. To get the lions trust.    D. To show her pity for the lion

5.What is the best title from the passage?

A. An Honest Magician    B. Husband and Wife

C. An angry Lion    D. Good Advice



—— Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the railway station?

——          . You can' t miss it.

A. Yes, I can    B. It's my pleasure to help you

C. That’s easy    D. Turn left at the first crossing



—Tom, you’ve made rapid progress in English!


A. I think so    B. Not too bad

C. Thank you    D. It’s all right



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