满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Until a few years ago, I was a calm pers...

Until a few years ago, I was a calm person. If you were going to ______ me I almost never lost it ______; of course I felt hurt, but I didn't show it.

Then, one day, I met my husband and I fell ______ in love with him, a proud Italian who loudly discusses things ______ with himself when he's not happy. Things got worse for me when we started ______ on things. He seemed really angry and loud, while I seemed detached and polite. Truth is that I was ______ too. Fight after fight, he always acted as if nothing had happened a few minutes after each quarrel, while my moments of ______ discontent started to ______ more and more in time until they became hours, sometimes even days.

I felt this had to change and the conversation went ______ like this:

Me: “Either you change your ______ when we fight or I will start avoiding any discussion, and this will ______ our relationship.”

Him: “Did you ______ the Mpemba Effect? If you put two ______ containers filled with the same amount of water into the fridge except that one has boiling water in it while the other one has water at ambient(周围的)______, the boiling water will ______ faster than the ambient water. Baby, you got to boil first, to cool down faster. That's why the Italians live ______ than Canadians.”

The connection he suggested is to be ______. but I have learned a fact I didn't know, one that has ______ me to understand that if I'm angry about something or someone, for that anger to disappear, it has to be towards the ______ or otherwise it is like hiding the dust under the ______: your house might look clean, but it is not.

1.A. cheat    B. offend    C. impress    D. defend

2.A. in return    B. in place    C. in public    D. in time

3.A. hopelessly    B. steadily    C. hurriedly    D. blindly

4.A. always    B. ever    C. even    D. seldom

5.A. working    B. disagreeing    C. operating    D. trying

6.A. boiling    B. struggling    C. controlling    D. preparing

7.A. possible    B. abrupt    C. extra    D. inner

8.A. spread    B. withdraw    C. recover    D. expand

9.A. more or less    B. sooner or later    C. by and by    D. up and down

10.A. vision    B. viewpoint    C. attitude    D. attention

11.A. compensate    B. sacrifice    C. mend    D. clarify

12.A. hear about    B. worry about    C. learn from    D. hear from

13.A. mobile    B. relevant    C. solid    D. similar

14.A. level    B. temperature    C. heat    D. environment

15.A. burst    B. deposit    C. explode    D. freeze

16.A. longer    B. shorter    C. wealthier    D. simpler

17.A. practiced    B. proven    C. inspected    D. created

18.A. informed    B. reminded    C. inspired    D. required

19.A. outside    B. inside    C. public    D. personal

20.A. dustpan    B. broom    C. roof    D. carpet


1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. D 14. B 15. D 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲了我经常因为一些琐事和丈夫发生争执。结果有一次丈夫提到的姆潘巴现象给我一个很重要的启迪:有火气就要发泄出来。 1.考查动词辨析。根据上下文语境可知,这里指我很冷静,即使你冒犯了我,我也不会当众发脾气。A. cheat欺骗;B. offend冒犯;C. impress给人印象;D. defend保卫,故选B。 2.考查固定短语辨析。句意:我很冷静,即使你冒犯了我,我也不会当众发脾气。A. in return作为报答;B. in place适当;C. in public当众;D. in time及时,故选C。 3.考查副词辨析。句意:我碰到我现在的丈夫,然后完全爱上了他。hopelessly在这里意为“无可救药地;完完全全地”,符合句意。A. hopelessly完完全全地;B. steadily稳定地; C. hurriedly匆忙地;D. blindly盲目地,故选A。 4.考查副词辨析。句意:当他不高兴的时候,甚至会一个人在那里自言自语。选择even表示强调,加强语气。A. always总是;B. ever永远;C. even甚至;D. seldom很少,故选C。 5.考查动词辨析。根据前半句的things got worse可知,这里指当我们两个人意见不合(disagreeing)时,情况变得更加糟糕。A. working工作;B. disagreeing不同意;C. operating操作;D. trying尝试,故选B。 6.考查动词辨析。句意:他非常生气、很大声,而我看起来很冷静、有礼貌。事实情况是,我也是怒火中烧。boil在这里意为“非常气愤;怒火中烧”,符合语境,故选A。struggle(斗争;挣扎);control(操作);prepare(准备)。 7.考查形容词辨析。句意:经过日积月累,我内心的(inner)的不满越来越多,开始膨胀(expand)。故选D。possible(可能的);abrupt(突然的;意外的);extra(额外的)。 8.考查动词辨析。句意:经过日积月累,我内心的的不满越来越多,开始膨胀。即我内心的不满日积月累,越来越多,开始膨胀(expand)。A. spread 蔓延;B. withdraw撤退;C. recover恢复;D. expand膨胀,故选D。 9.考查固定短语辨析。句意:我们之间的对话差不多像这样……more or less(差不多);sooner or later(迟早);by and by(不久;马上);up and down(上上下下)。故选A。 10.考查名词辨析。句意:我们吵架的时候,要么你就改变态度(attitude),要么我就不和你进行任何讨论。故选C。vision(视力;美景);viewpoint(观点);attention(注意力)。 11.考查动词辨析。句意:如果我停止和你讨论,那将牺牲(sacrifice)我们之间的关系。故选B。compensate(补偿);mend(修理);clarify(澄清)。 12.考查动词短语辨析。句意:你听说过姆潘巴现象吗?hear about(听说……);worry about(担心……);learn from(跟……学习);hear from(收到……的来信)。故选A。 13.考查形容词辨析。句意:如果你将两个相似的(similar)容器里装上相同数量的水的时候。故选D。mobile(移动的);relevant(相关的);solid(固体的)。 14.考查名词辨析。句意:一个容器里装的是沸腾的水,另外一个里面装的是和周围环境同样温度(temperature)的水。A. level水平;B. temperature温度; C. heat高温;D. environment环境,故选B。 15.考查动词辨析。句意:放进冰箱里的沸腾的水比常温的水结冰(freeze)更快。故选D。burst(爆炸);deposit(存放);explode(爆发)。 16.考查形容词辨析。根据上面介绍的姆潘巴现象可知,温度较高的水更容易冷却结冰,而意大利的温度要比加拿大的高,所以“我”丈夫的意思是,意大利人发火快,冷静也快,所以意大利人比加拿大人的寿命长(longer)。A. longer更长; B. shorter更短;C. wealthier更富有; D. simpler更简单,故选A。 17.考查动词辨析。句意:他说的这种二者间的联系有待于证明(proven)。A. practiced练习;B. proven证明;C. inspected检查;D. created创造,故选B。 18.考查动词辨析。这里指他的话给了我启发,让我理解,如果我生气了,就要将它表现出来,而不能闷在心里。inspire在这里意为“启发”,符合语境,故选C。inform(通知);remind(提醒);require(要求)。 19.考查形容词辨析。根据前半句中的for that anger to disappear可知,这里指为了让自己的怒火消失,就要让它在外面(outside)表现出来(即将怒火发泄出来)。故选A。inside(内在的);public(公开的);personal(个人的)。 20.考查名词辨析。根据上下文语境可推知,这里指如果将怒火藏在心里,就像将灰尘藏在地毯(carpet)下面一样,房子看似干净了,但是其实一点都不干净。故选D。dustpan(簸箕);broom(扫帚);roof(屋顶)。

—Won’t Terry be upset?

—_______? He never thinks about anyone but himself.

A. Guess what    B. Now what

C. Who cares    D. Who knows



Only since the Industrial Revolution ________ in places away from their homes or been left to raise small children without the help of multiple adults.

A. most people have worked    B. have most people worked

C. most people had worked    D. had most people worked



The type and quantity of illegal drugs a person is carrying when ________ by the police determine the punishment, ________ from a small fine to life imprisonment.

A. caught; ranging    B. caught; ranged

C. catching; ranging    D. catching; ranged



The extraordinary advances technology has made over time have raised hopes that devices _______ within, the body can become even more capable.

A. being inserted    B. are inserted    C. to inserted    D. inserted



US singer Bob Dylan was awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature, becoming the first songwriter ______ the honor.

A. winning    B. having won

C. to win    D. to be won



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