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Ever since Donald Trump w as elected Pre...

Ever since Donald Trump w as elected President of the US , the entire Trump family has been put under a microscope.

In China, the spotlight has been main ly focused on Trump and his daughter Ivanka. She is described on WeChat as an extremely inf luent ial ro le model w ith strik ing beauty, a successful career, and happy family. She leads a dream life that a million g irls w ould long for. Yes, she w as born w ith a silver spoon in her mouth. But she got w here she is by herself.

There’s alw ays going to be articles that say people born into w ealthy families are better looking and have a better family background than you, but these people do w ork harder than you.

There is a tendency in the med ia now adays to encourage elit ism(精英主义). They are trying to brainw ash young people into think ing that they should invest an enormous amount of time and money in bodybuild ing and appearance improvement. They make you believ e that if you do as they say, you can improve the quality of your life and join the upper class.

But w hat’s the dow nside of being average or common? Do you really need to go to the gym five days a w eek unless you are a gym crazy? Do you really need to break your neck and sacrifice to earn your first pot of gold only to w orry constantly about how to enter high society later?

Don’t let the idea of elit ism get to you. Everybody has a right to live the life they w ant. Human beings should not be judged as a success or failure based on w hether they are a part of the upper class or not. As long as you lead a happy and comfortable life, w hy bother to chase after other people’s shadows? Choose your ow n life path and go for it.

1.Which of the follow ing about Ivanka is NOT mentioned in the text?

A. She w as born in a w ealthy family.

B. She has a successful career.

C. She made it due to her father.

D. She is pretty beautiful.

2.What is the author ’s attitude tow ards the tendency in the media to encourage elitism?

A. Unconcerned.    B. Negative.    C. Doubtful.    D. Approving.

3.What may be the best title for the text?

A. Run After Stars’ Shadow s    B. Elitism and the Upper Class

C. Trump and His Daughter Ivanka    D. Follow Your Ow n Course in Life


1. C 2. B 3. D 【解析】 本文是一篇议论文,作者通过介绍特朗普的女儿伊万卡切入文章,提出很多媒体鼓吹精英主义,但是作者认为不要让精英主义的思想影响你,每个人都有权利过自己的生活。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段后四句“She is described on WeChat as an extremely influential role model with striking beauty, a successful career, and happy family. She leads a dream life that a million girls would long for. Yes, she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. But she got where she is by herself.”可知伊万卡的确出生富贵、非常漂亮、事业成功。但是并没有说她依靠特朗普,本段最后一句告诉我们伊万卡是依靠自己去的成功的。故C项说法错误。 2.态度观点题。根据最后一段前两句“Don’t let the idea of elitism get to you. Everybody has a right to live the life they want.”可知作者认为不要让精英主义的思想影响你,每个人都有权利过自己的生活。说明作者认为媒体鼓吹的精英主义持反对观点。故B项正确。 3.主旨大意题。本文是一篇议论文,作者通过介绍特朗普的女儿伊万卡切入文章,提出很多媒体鼓吹精英主义,但是作者认为不要让精英主义的思想影响你,每个人都有权利过自己的生活。D项“Follow Your Own Course in Life”与文章中心思想一致。所以选择D项。

Is  “plogging” the most  2018  fitness  trend yet? They  brought  us hygge, lagom and fika,  but  now  a new Scandinavian trend is coming, and it couldn’t be more 2018.

Hailing  from  Sw eden,  “plogging ”  is  a  fitness  craze  that  sees  participants  pick  up  plastic  litter  w hile jogging—adding a virtuous, environmentally driven element to the sport.

Plogg ing appears to have started around 2016, but is now going global, due to increasing aw areness and fear over plastic levels in the ocean.

The appeal of plogging  is its simplicity, and the feeling of getting fit w hile supporting a good cause. By adding regular squats and carrying w eight to jogging, w e can assume the health benefits are increased.

Running and good causes have alw ays gone hand in hand—just think of all the fundrais ing marathon runners do. But there couldn’t be a more on-trend w ay of keeping fit than plogging.

“Anyth ing that’s getting people out in nature and connecting positively w ith their env ironment is a good thing,” says Lizzie Carr, an environmentalist w ho helped set up Plastic Patrol, a nationw ide campaign to rid our in land w aterw ays of plastic pollut ion. “There’s been a real shift in the public mindset around plastics, helped by things like Blue Plan et high lighting how catastrophic the crisis is,” she says. “We need to keep momentum high and the pressure up, and empow er people through initiatives  like plogging and Plastic Patrol.”

The Plastic Patrol app allow s users to map plastic anyw here in the w orld by collecting disc arded items, photographing them and up load ing to the app, giv ing us a better know ledge of w hat sorts of plastic and w hich brands are being throw n out. “I’d urge all ploggers to get involved,” adds Carr. As w e can see, plogging has become a new fashion in 2018. How ever, plogging isn’t the first fitness trend to combine running w ith a good cause.

1.What does the underlined w ord“discarded”mean?

A. Useless.    B. Abandoned.    C. Exposed.    D. Distinct.

2.Carr helped set up Plastic Patrol, a nationw ide campaign, in order to                   .

A. raise public aw areness of pollution

B. shift the public mindset around plastics

C. connect positively w ith their environment

D. make our inland w aterw ays free of plastic pollution

3.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Plogging is the best w ay to keep fit.

B. 2018 sees an environmentally  friendly w ay of fitness.

C. Running w ith good causes can make a great difference.

D. The Plastic Patrol app is an effective w ay to help you run.

4.What w ill the author continue to w rite?

A. other new fashions in 2018.

B. the first healthy trends in sports.

C. other fitness w ays of running w ith a good cause.

D. the first healthy running trend w ith a good cause.



Steven Spielberg never fails to blow us aw ay w ith his imagination.

The US director ’s latest film Ready Play er One, w hich w as released in Ch inese cinemas on March 30, is a story set in the year 2045, w hen people escape their hopeless everyday lives by putting on a VR mask and ent ering a virtual w orld named Oasis. This fantasy land is filled w ith characters and settings right out of classic films and video games. At the age of 71, Spielberg is still at the top of his game.

Indeed, Spielberg has alw ays been a “gamer” himself-or more precisely, a “game changer”. When his thriller Jaws came out in 1975, it struck a chord w ith audiences all around the w orld and even kept people from going sw imming for fear of the “teeth in the sea”. The film w as also an example of w hat w e know as summer hits. And again in 1982 his alien film E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Spielberg challenged people’s belief that aliens are something to be feared by telling a story about a loving friendship betw een a space culture and a little boy.

Now comes Ready Player One. When Wade Watts, the film’s teenager leading figure, finally prevents Oasis from falling into the w rong hands, he is given ow nership of the virtual w orld by its late designer James Haliday. But Watts makes a decision that he hopes w ill mak e people w ant to appreciate their real liv es, instead of spending all their free time escaping reality in Oasis, w hich is a real-life message that Spielberg is trying to deliver to the audience.

1.Which movie mentioned in the passage is not a science fiction?

A. Ready Player One.    B. Jaw s.    C. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.    D. Jurassic Park.

2.Why Spielberg is regarded as a “game changer”?

A. Because his movies are very thrilling.

B. Because his movies are alw ays leading the trend.

C. Because he could make a breakthrough at the age of 71.

D. Because he tries to convey an important message to his audiences.

3.What message does Spielberg try to send to his audiences in his latest movie Ready Player One?

A. We shouldn’t escape from reality.

B. He holds an optimistic view about human’s future.

C. There might be friendships betw een aliens and human beings.

D. VR technology w ill be w idely used in our society in the future.

4.What is the best title of this passage?

A. A Leading Director—Spielberg    B. Spielberg’s Life Achievements

C. Famous Blockbusters    D. A Game Changer—Spielberg



Our Annual Cultural Events

We are proud to bring the energy and enthusiasm of Brazilian Carniv al to Char lotte w ith A N ight in Rio! Get a taste of Carnival through dancing, live music, authentic food, drinks and marketplace. Put on your green and yellow, and join us for the unforgettable experience of Brazilian  Carnival!

Date: Saturday, February 24, 2018

Location: Neighborhood Theatre, Charlotte

Time: 7 PM


Ritmo & Sabor

We are thrilled to bring the annual celebration Ritmo & Sabor Festival! Featuring dance performances and FREE dance lessons and delic ious, authentic Latin cuisine, this festival w ill be a fantastic celebration for the entire family to enjoy! Food and beer w ill be available for purchase. Come out to enjoy a great summer evening of Ritmo & Sabor!

Date: Saturday July 2, 2018

Location: International & Cultural Center, Charlotte

Time: 5-11 PM FREE ADMISSION Las Américas

Join us in the annual celebrat ion LAS AMÉRICAS! We d isplay our h istory and ident ity of Lat in America through musical performances, story-telling and poetry. Enjoy yourself w ith local artists, shop your w ay through a market of arts and crafts and join in some of the f inest Latin American cuisine.

Date: August 18, 2018

Location: Midw ood International & Culture Center, Charlotte

Time: 2-7 PM Admission is FREE.

Lat in American Festival

Festival Lat inoam ericano returns for its 28th year, w ith musical artists and dance perfo rmances, a diverse authentic selection of Latin American food, visual artists, and a street festival environment w ith activities for the w hole family.

Location: Symphony Park at South Park Mall, Charlotte

Date: Saturday Sept. 29 (1-8pm)

Admission: $10; Children aged 8 & under are free.

1.What does Ritmo & Sabor mainly provide?

A. Music and visual art.    B. Food and beer.

C. Dance and poetry.    D. Dance and food.

2.What can you do at Las Américas?

A. Buy some local crafts as souvenirs.

B. Enjoy typical Latin American beer.

C. Dance in green and yellow clothes.

D. Watch local dancers’ performances.

3.Which event requires a ticket for a seven-year-old child?

A. Las Américas.    B. Ritmo & Sabor.

C. A Night in Rio.    D. Latin American Festival.

4.The event in   is held in the first quarter of the year.

A. Neighborhood Theatre    B. International & Cultural Center

C. Midw ood International & Culture Center    D. Symphony Park at South Park Mall




1.What does pressing 2 allow people to do?

A. Speak to an operator.    B. Buy tickets.    C. Hear movie information.

2.Where does the story in Don’t Make a Sound take place?

A. In a forest.    B. In a city.    C. On a farm.

3.What is playing in Theater 2?

A. A movie about monsters.    B. A movie about friendship.    C. A movie about a restaurant.

4.When is Final Cut showing?

A. At 7:00.    B. At 9:30.    C. At 10:30.




1.Why doesn’t Sue have the cake?

A. She hates it.    B. She w ants to lose w eight.    C. She’s trying to avoid being sick.

2.What did Jill bring to the party?

A. Salads.    B. Sandwiches.    C. Soup.

3.Where w ill Sue probably go next?

A. To the restaurant.    B. To the backyard.    C. Into the house.



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