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My uncle will never forget what happened...

My uncle will never forget what happened to him yesterday. Towards the evening, he was 1.(邀请) to an inn. He enjoyed his dinner with his friends, 2.() a lot of wine As a r3., he got drunk. He insisted on driving home after the meal, although his friends tried to 4.(说服)him not to.    A few minutes later, he was winding his w5. on the street.  And then his car ran 6.a tall tree. Fortunately, he was still alive, though s7. injured. The police came to the scene, and he was taken to hospital. Naturally, he had to 8. in hospital for several days. W9. still, his driving license was cancelled. How he regretted 10. he had done without listening to his friends.


1. invited 2. drinking 3. result 4. persuade 5. wheels 6. into 7. seriously 8. be/stay 9. Worse 10. what 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者的叔叔和朋友聚会,喝了很多酒,不听朋友劝,车撞上树,被送到医院,他后悔没听朋友的话。 1.考查被动语态。句意:快到傍晚的时候,他被邀请到一家客栈。此处是一般过去时态的被动语态,was已经给出,故答案为invited。 2.考查现在分词作伴随状语。句意:他和朋友们共进晚餐,喝了很多酒。此处是现在分词作伴随状语,故答案为drinking。 3.考查固定词组。as a result“结果”,故答案为result。 4.考查动词不定式。句意:他坚持饭后开车回家,尽管他的朋友们劝他不要这样做。根据所给汉语可知答案为persuade。 5.考查名词复数。句意:几分钟后,他在街上转动轮子。结合句意“轮子”应该用名词复数,故答案为wheels。 6.考查词组。句意:然后他的车撞上了一棵大树。固定词组:run into撞上,偶遇,故答案为into。 7.副词修饰过去分词。句意:幸运的是,他还活着,尽管受了重伤。此处是副词修饰过去分词,故答案为seriously。 8.考查连系动词。句意:很自然,他不得不住院几天。have to do sth.不得不做某事;再根据后面的介词短语in hospital,故答案为be/stay。 9.考查固定结构。Worse still“ 更糟糕的是”,故答案为Worse。 10.考查宾语从句的引导词。句意:他多么后悔没有听朋友的话就做了那件事。此处regret后面的定语从句缺少引导词,宾语从句谓语动词do缺少宾语,所填词应该起双重作用,故答案为what。

Vibram FiveFingers Shoe Sale

● Styles

Vibram FiveFingers Shoe, more like gloves than shoes, come in a variety of styles and sizes including KomodoSport, Classic, Sprint, Flow, KSO, Bikila, men's styles FiveFingers Spyridon, and women's styles. Children's KSO styles are available. KSO is the most popular. The Vibram FiveFingers Classic Barefoot Shoe is one of the most creative products on the market and is based on the concept that being barefoot helps you balance, your connection with the earth and energy, and gives you the ability to move in a more natural, healthy way.

● Origin

Vibram FiveFingers was invented in 1999 by Robert Fliri, a design student from Vinschgau who wanted to "figure out a way to keep firm when moving around." They were developed and introduced in 2005. These super-thin sports shoes will be a hit in the world of running and fitness.

● Purpose

Their potential use of Vibram FiveFingers was suggested to the Vibram CEO by Ted McDonald, a runner who earned the nickname "Barefoot Ted" for his bare feet and successful career as a barefoot running coach. The purpose of these shoes is to provide for fitness, running, water sports, yoga, travelling and other sports. However, Vibram FiveFingers is a type of sports shoe, which was originally invented for boat racers to deep firm on wet smooth boat floors without the barefoot experience.

● Health effects

Strange though FiveFingers may look, these so-called barefoot shoes reproduce the effect of barefoot running but with less pain. Barefoot running, which is similar to running with FiveFingers on, appears to decrease the risk of ankle injury.

1.It can be inferred that FiveFingers shoes can _________.

A. have a space for each toe

B. be worn for many years

C. be difficult to wash

D. be the latest Nike model

2.What kind of Vibram FiveFingers sells best according to the passage?

A. Classic.    B. Flow.    C. Bikila.    D. KSO.

3.Why was Vibram FiveFingers invented?

A. To give runners the ability to run in a natural and healthy way.

B. To let runners have some experiences with barefoot running.

C. To help boat racers keep firm on wet smooth boat floors.

D. To provide footwear to be mainly used for water sports.

4.We can know from the passage that____.

A. FiveFingers can hurt runners’ feet sometimes

B. FiveFingers can protect runners’ feet very well

C. runners wearing FiveFingers can run on sharp objects

D. runners wear FiveFingers to exercise the muscles in their feet



What do you get when you mix six little pigs, four monkeys and the deadly Ebola virus? Bad news, according to a recent experiment by Canadian researchers.

The experiment is the first to suggest that the Ebola virus can spread through the air. The study, published in November, detailed how the virus apparently moved from pigs to monkeys without their coming into physical contact. Previously, researchers thought animals had to touch to pass along the virus, which has been blamed for the deaths of more than 1,500 people.

In the experiment, researchers infected six piglets with Ebola. The team then placed the infected piglets in a room with several monkeys. A barrier separated the monkeys from the pigs, so the two species could not touch. And yet, after about a week, two monkeys became sick, infected with the virus. A few days later, the other two monkeys also fell sick with Ebola.

The Ebola virus is named for a river in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa, close to where the germ was discovered. The virus causes high fevers and deadly bleeding disorders in primates, including people and monkeys. It is often deadly. However, scientists previously believed that the virus spread only through direct contact with the blood or other body fluids of an infected person or animal. Other viruses, including the ones that cause chicken pox and the common cold, are known to spread through the air.

Though Ebola too appeared to spread through the air in the laboratory experiment, researchers haven’t documented any cases of airborne infection under normal conditions. Since the discovery of Ebola in 1976, it has infected more than 2,200 people. Of that total, only 13 people fell ill apparently without coming into direct contact with an infected animal or person. If Ebola spreads easily through the air, scientists and doctors would expect to see more such cases.

1.What does the underlined part “Bad news” in Paragraph1 refer to?

A. The animals will only spread the virus to other animals.

B. Canadian researchers have not reached a conclusion.

C. The virus will be spread among people by pigs and monkeys.

D. The pigs and monkeys will get infected with the virus.

2.What have researchers surprisingly found about the Ebola virus recently?

A. The Ebola virus can be deadly to animals in the wild.

B. The Ebola virus can spread without direct physical contact.

C. The Ebola virus can kill humans after they get infected with it.

D. Animals have to touch each other to pass along the Ebola virus.

3.What do we know about the Ebola virus?

a. It was first found in an African country.

b. It spreads totally differently from chicken pox.

c. It cannot spread through other body fluids besides blood.

d. People usually suffer from high fevers after getting infected.

e. It spread only through direct contact with the blood in the past.

A. abe    B. ad    C. abc    D. bcde

4.It is implied about the Ebola virus in the last paragraph that ___.

A. it has killed thirteen people in total through air spreading

B. it cannot cause any human infections under normal conditions

C. spreading through the air is not an efficient route of transmission

D. more than 2,200 people have died because of the infection of the virus



American cities are similar to other cities around the world. In every country, cities reflect the values of the culture. American cities are changing, just as American society is changing.

After World War II, the population of most large American cities decreased; however, the population in many Sun Belt cities increased. Los Angeles and Houston are cities where population shifts(转移)to and from the city reflect the changing values of American society. In the late 1940s and early 1950s, city residents(居民)became wealthier. They had more children so they needed more space. They moved out of their apartments in the city to buy their own homes. They bought houses in the suburbs(郊区)。

 Now things are changing. The children of the people who left the cities in the 1950s are now adults. Many, unlike their parents, want to live in the cities. They continue to move to Sun Belt cities and older ones of the Northeast and Midwest. Many young professionals are moving back into the city. They prefer the city to the suburbs because their jobs are there; or they just enjoy the excitement and possibilities that the city offers.

This population shift is bringing problems as well as benefits. Countless poor people must leave their apartments in the city because the owners want to sell the buildings or make apartments for sale instead of for rent. In the 1950s , many poor people did not have enough money to move to the suburbs; now many of these same people do not have enough money to stay in the cities.

Only a few years ago, people thought that the older American cities were dying . Some city residents now see a bright, new future. Others see only problems and conflicts. One thing is sure: many dying cities are alive again.

1.What does the author think of cities all over the world?

A. They are alive.    B. They are hopeless.

C. They are similar.    D. They are different.

2.Why did American city residents want to live in the suburbs after World War II?

A. Because older American cities were dying.

B. Because they were richer and needed more space.

C. Because cities contained the worst parts of society.

D. Because they could hardly afford to live in the city.

3.According to the 4th paragraph, a great many poor people in American cities .

A. are faced with housing problems.    B. are forced to move to the suburbs.

C. want to sell their buildings.    D. need more money for daily expenses.

4.We can conclude from the text that     .

A. American cities are changing for the worse.

B. people have different views on American cities.

C. many people are now moving from American cities.

D. the population is decreasing in older  American cities.



Many people have low iron in their blood. But pregnant women need extra iron for their own health and their baby's health. Iron is important to the development of a baby's brain and central nervous system.

In poor countries, however, providing all pregnant women with iron supplements can be a financial issue. Some experts say giving supplements to babies after they are born is enough.

Someone who disagrees is Paul Christian, a nutritionist at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in Maryland. She and other scientists have been doing research in Nepal. She says their latest findings should settle any question about the value of making sure every pregnant woman receives iron supplements.

Iron is a micronutrient. Micronutrients are important substances that are found in small amounts in foods.

The researchers first completed a study among poor women in Nepal ten years ago. During pregnancy some of the women received supplements containing iron and folic acid.

Professor Christian says that study showed the supplements could improve child survival.

Now the children are older. The researchers returned to Nepal and tested their neurological(神经的) development. They found improved intellectual and fine motor abilities among those whose mothers had received iron and folic acid during pregnancy and for three months after.

The findings appear in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Another new study, published in the journal Pediatrics, looks at levels of vitamin D in babies. It says newborns with the lowest levels were twice as likely to develop respiratory infections(呼吸道感染)as those with normal levels of vitamin D.

Vitamin D helps build strong bones and strengthens the body's defenses against disease. The vitamin is commonly added to cow's milk and also found in supplements. But vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin. The body naturally produces it from sunlight.

Carlos Camargo from Harvard Medical School in Massachusetts and other researchers did the study. It followed more than nine hundred children in New Zealand until they were five years old.

1.The passage is intended to tell us that_________.

A. iron is as important as Vitamin D to people’s health

B. pregnant women need much more iron and Vitamin D

C. in poor countries babies are lacking iron and Vitamin D

D. iron and Vitamin D may lead to smarter, healthier children

2.When expecting a baby, a woman doesn’t necessarily receive some extra_________.

A. iron    B. folic acid    C. vitamin D    D. supplements

3.It can be learnt from the passage that__________.

A. providing all pregnant women with extra iron may be difficult for all countries

B. plenty of micronutrients can be found in foods that you eat in your daily life

C. it’s more possible for babies lacking vitamin D to suffer from respiratory infections

D. all the vitamins that you need to keep healthy can be received from the sunlight

4.The underlined words in Paragraph 5 refer to_________.

A. a micronutrient    B. a food    C. a metal    D. a medicine



Much of the value mothers and fathers bring to their children is due to the fact that mothers and fathers are different. And by cooperating together and complementing each other in their differences,they provide these good things that same­sex caregivers cannot provide.

Mothers and Fathers Play Differently. Fathers tend to play with, and mothers tend to care for children. While both mothers and fathers are physical,fathers are physical in different ways.

Fathers are rough while mothers are gentle. Fathers encourage competition;mothers encourage fairness. One style encourages independence while the other encourages security.

Both provide security and confidence in their own ways by communicating love and physical intimacy.

Fathers Push Limits;Mothers Encourage Security. Go to any playground and listen to the parents. Who is encouraging their kids to swing or climb just a little higher,ride just a little faster,throw just a little harder?Who is yelling,“Slow down,not so high,not so hard”?Of course,fathers encourage children to take chances and push limits and mothers protect children and are more cautious.

Joined together,they keep each other in balance and help children remain safe while expanding their experiences and confidence.

Mothers and Fathers communicate differently. A major study found that when speaking to children,mothers and fathers are different. Mothers will simplify their words and speak on the child's level. Men are not as inclined to modify(修改) their language for the child simply.

Children who do not have the chance to meet both will not learn how to understand and use both styles of conversation as they grow. These boys and girls will be at a disadvantage because they will experience these different ways of communicating in relationship with teachers,bosses and others.

Mothers and Fathers Discipline Differently Educational psychologist Carol Gilligan tells us that fathers stress justice,fairness and duty,while mothers stress sympathy,care and help. Again,either of these parenting styles by themselves is not good,but together,they create a healthy,proper balance.

1.From Paragraph 1,we learn that     .

A. mothers and fathers bring much of the important value to their children

B. the fact that mothers and fathers are different is considerable and thoughtful

C. parents and same­sex caregivers all want to provide good things to their children

D. cooperating together and complementing each other in parents' differences are very valuable

2.The main purpose of writing the passage is     .

A. to report the different roles mothers and fathers play in child­development

B. to introduce a famous educational psychologist to readers

C. to explain the natural state of mothers and fathers

D. to show children's agreement on parents' differences

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Children need moms' softness as well as dads' roughness.

B. Fathers tend towards encouraging risk while mothers tend towards security.

C. Fathers' talk tends to be briefer while mothers' tends to be more childish.

D. Either of these parenting styles by itself can be healthy to children.

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. How Children Recognize Their Fathers and Mothers

B. Why Children Need Father­love and Mother­love

C. What Children Need during Their Study

D. When Children Should Be Taught



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