满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I am Henry Jekyll. I was born in the 1 8...

    I am Henry Jekyll. I was born in the 1 800s. I inherited(继承) a large fortune, a healthy body and an excellent mind. I was naturally hard-working and soon I was very successful in my job. So the outside world saw a serious, hard-working, successful doctor. Behind this quiet character, however, was a wild, fun-loving, irresponsible young man. Both of them were me. They lived together in the same body.

“Was it possible," I wondered, “to find a drug that could give each side of my character its own separate face and body?"

After much thought and careful study I believed I had found the answer. I had read many scientific books and spent many hours in my laboratory, searching for the right mixture of chemicals to make my drug. At last I got everything ready.

Late one night, I mixed everything together and prepared my drug. I watched the smoke rising from the liquid as its color changed from red to purple and at last to green. Then, bravely, I drank every bitter drop.

I felt a violent sickness in my stomach and a terrible pain in all my bones. The room seemed to turn round and round and I trembled with fear. Then the fear and pain disappeared and a strange, sweet feeling took its place. Wild thoughts danced through my mind- the wild passions of an evil and cruel stranger. But inside myself I felt younger, lighter, more carefree than ever before. "If this is pure evil," I thought, “I like it.”

I stood there, enjoying these strange new thoughts and passions and suddenly realized that I was shorter. So I decided to go to my bedroom in my new body and take a look at myself in the mirror there. As I came into my room, I saw Edward Hyde for the first time.

At that time, the good side of my character was stronger than the evil side. Henry Jekyll had his faults, but he was mostly a good, kind man. I believe that is the reason why Edward Hyde was so much smaller than Henry Jekyll. But that was not the only difference between the two men. Henry Jekyll had a kind, open, honest face. But pure evil stared out of Edward Hyde's eyes. I felt no dislike, however. Indeed, I welcomed him. Edward Hyde was me, young and strong and full of life.

1.In others' eyes, the writer was _____________.

A. wild and successful    B. fun-loving and responsible

C. serious and hard-working    D. quiet and irresponsible

2.The writer wanted to find a drug to _____________.

A. discover the right mixture of chemicals

B. observe the change of the chemicals

C. create separate bodies for both sides

D. make himself smaller but stronger

3.From the passage we can learn that the writer _____________.

A. was satisfied with both of his bodies

B. preferred kind Henry to pure evil Edward

C. was very sick of the shorter Edward Hyde

D. felt quite delighted right after taking the drug


1. C 2. C 3. A 【解析】 本文为科幻故事。作者是一个外表严肃、勤奋、成功的年轻医生,而内心又是一个狂野、有趣、不负责任的人。有一天,他发明了能为他性格两面创造出独立身体的药物。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段中的So the outside world saw a serious, hard-working, successful doctor.可知,作者在外人眼中是一个严肃、勤奋、成功的医生。故C选项正确。 2.推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Was it possible,” I wondered, “to find a drug that could give each side of my character its own separate face and body?”(我想知道,找到一种能让我性格的每一面都有自己的脸和身体的药是可能的吗?)可推知,作者想找一种药物来为两种性格创造不同的身体。故C选项正确。 3.推理判断题。根据最后一段中的Henry Jekyll had a kind, open, honest face. But pure evil stared out of Edward Hyde’s eyes. I felt no dislike, however. Indeed, I welcomed him. Edward Hyde was me, young and strong and full of life.(Henry Jekyll有开放而诚实的脸孔。但是,纯粹的邪恶从Edward Hyde的眼睛里瞪了出来。然而,我并不觉得讨厌。的确,我欢迎他。Edward Hyde是我,年轻强壮、充满活力)可推知,作者对他的两个独立的个体还是很满意的。故A选项正确。

    As a teenager, I was pretty lazy when it came to doing things for my family. I worked hard at school, and sometimes looked after my younger sister. Still, I found myself regularly resisting the urge to______out at home with even the simplest things.

Every Wednesday afternoon, for example, my mother ______ me to another town for a piano lesson. During my two-hour lesson, she'd rush to the nearby store and buy a week's worth of_______. Given the fact that my mom had driven me twelve miles there, twelve miles back,_____for my lesson, and bought me a candy bar, you'd think I'd be very_____ to help her bring the groceries into the house._____ I wasn't. I generally just brought in an armload and left the______ for Mom as I ran to my room, shut the door, and started studying.

Don't get me wrong: even back in my room, I felt______about not helping my mother more. Deep inside, I wanted to change my________ But I also realized that once I did change, there'd be no going back.________I took on more responsibility, my parents would start_______more of me. At age fifteen, I sensed that this one small change would ______ something much bigger: my personal change from a cared-for, spoiled (被宠坏的) child to a more_____caring and giving young man.

I'll never forget the Wednesday when I made a(n)________to jump in and see what happened. Returning home from the________I disappeared into my room, as usual. But once inside, I felt that deep and burning_______.Throwing my school books on the bed, I suddenly opened my door and_______back to the garage to help my mother. How happy I felt that day!

Surely, over time, I continued to help out with more housework. The neat thing was, the more I helped out, the_______I felt about myself and my place in my family. As Mom and Dad realized they could ______on me more, our trips became far less stressful, too. In short, it was a win-win situation for everyone.

Sometimes the little things we put off doing the longest________ out to be the simplest things to complete. And feeling happy beats feeling guilty any day.

1.A. start    B. cry    C. help    D. work

2.A. sent    B. guided    C. walked    D. drove

3.A. fruits    B. flowers    C. groceries    D. vegetables

4.A. fought    B. paid    C. applied    D. planned

5.A. grateful    B. nervous    C. confident    D. unwilling

6.A. So    B. And    C. Thus    D. But

7.A. one    B. other    C. next    D. rest

8.A. excited    B. curious    C. doubtful    D. guilty

9.A. way    B. world    C. career    D. shape

10.A. Once    B. Though    C. Unless    D. Since

11.A. warning    B. reminding    C. expecting    D. informing

12.A. mark    B. tell    C. express    D. describe

13.A. energetic    B. ambitious    C. outgoing    D. responsible

14.A. excuse    B. decision    C. statement    D. appointment

15.A. duty    B. lesson    C. store    D. holiday

16.A. shame    B. anger    C. delight    D. pleasure

17.A. called    B. looked    C. headed    D. handed

18.A. smarter    B. better    C. warmer    D. stronger

19.A. live    B. press    C. focus    D. count

20.A. make    B. turn    C. point    D. bring



Directions: Write an English composition in 120 - 150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.


1.    你认为校园里还可以采取哪些措施来达到节能的目的 12个措施)

2.    这些措施如果实施,可以带来怎样的好处。




Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.







Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Getting up early has been regarded as a good habit since ancient times. Many years ago, people thought that if we went to bed early and get up early, we would be energetic the whole day. Nowadays, people still hold the same view. So, getting up early is of great importance to us all.

In fact, morning is the best time of a day. In the morning, the air is the freshest and people are usually in the best conditions. Many of us may have the experiences that we memorize some things more quickly and accurately in the morning than any other time of the day.

In addition, if we get up early and do some morning exercise or only take a short walk in the morning, without doubt we can build our bodies and become much healthier. That is why many people getting up early do physical exercise year after year.

Also, we will have enough time to make a plan and get ready for our work or study of the day if we get up early. However, if we get up late, we will probably have to do everything in a great hurry, making it in a mess.

Let us remember getting up early is a good habit and try our best to keep it. If we stick to getting up early every day, we will certainly benefit a lot from it.




Driving each other crazy

There’s a well-known joke: A woman is driving down a motorway and her husband phones her on her mobile. ‘Darling, be careful!’ he screams, ‘I’ve just heard there’s a car driving the wrong way on the motorway near where you are.’ ‘It’s not just one car,’ she says, ‘there are hundreds of them!’

And here’s another one: a man is driving his daughter and they are stuck in traffic. The little girl says, ‘I have a question.’ ‘What is it?’ asks her father. ‘When you’re driving, are YOU ever the stupid idiot?’

1. Is it because we recognize some truth in them? A lot of people seem to think that men and women do display quite different characteristics when it comes to driving, and in general, both male and female drivers tend to be quite critical of the opposite sex.

‘Men are too confident in their own abilities. They never listen, they never need a map. They’re always sure they know the way,’ says Cathy, whose husband rarely lets her drive the car. ‘They tend to drive too close to the car in front and they’re incredibly impatient. If there’s a car in front, they have to pass it even if it doesn’t make a difference to their overall speed. I think it’s some sort of territorial thing.2..

What do men think about women?3.‘Women passengers can’t keep quiet,’ says Paul, a retired architect. ‘You know: “You’re going too fast”, “Can you see that pedestrian?”, “Didn’t you see that traffic light?” or “I feel sick. Can’t you go straight?” There’s always some comment.’

Despite men’s generally high opinion of their own driving skills, a report published in 2004 came down firmly in favour of women drivers.4.There included driving within the speed limits, overtaking safety and conducting different strategies successfully, including signaling in good time, reversing and braking quickly. They also had a better awareness of other drivers on the road. There was only one aspect of driving where women did not perform as successfully as men and that was—no surprise—the ability to park their cars.

A. They have to be king of the road and everybody else on the road is an idiot

B. So what’s the point of these jokes?

C. Interestingly, one of their main concerns is about women as passengers.

D. There is no doubt that women are considered better passengers than men.

E. According to the report, women score more highly than men on almost all counts.

F. Why do we laugh at these jokes?



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