满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1. 节日的名称及选择此节日的原因

2. 节日的庆祝活动



Dear Peter, I’m delighted to know you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals. You might have never heard of Chong Yang festival, but it is actually my favorite. It falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. Since nine is the largest single number, it is viewed as Senior Citizens’ Day. People often do activities like going hiking and admiring flowers on this day. As for me, I had never thought about doing anything for the elderly until I learnt about the festival at school. Our teacher asked us to do a nice thing for our grandparents. For the first time in my life, I washed my grandma’s feet. I’ll never forget the sweet smile she wore and the happiness I felt. You see, I like Chong Yang festival not just because of the popular activities. The most important reason is that it serves as reminder that I should do something to show my appreciation of my grandparents’ love for me. Yours, Li Hua Possible version 2 Dear Peter, I’m very delighted to know you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals. I want to introduce the most important one, Spring Festival. During every Spring Festival all the family members get together to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year. On the eve of the day, we often sit around the table to have a big dinner, and jiaozi is the most traditional food. In many places, people like to set off firecrackers and put up spring couplets on the door. Children like the festival very much, because they will receive lucky money for good fortune. Spring Festival is a time I look forward to all year round, because it is the happiest time, when I can enjoy the pure bliss of family reunion. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求写一封书信。 第1步:根据提示可知,本篇为一封书信;假设你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter对中国文化很感兴趣,来信请你介绍一个中国的节日,你给他回信,内容包括:节日的名称及选择此节日的原因;节日的庆祝活动。人称应为第三人称,时态应为一般现在时。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如节日的名称及节日的庆祝活动。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。











1.He kicks the ball with great a_________________.

2.The students were told to c_______________ solve the problem.

3.The i_______________ reporter made a lot of mistakes the first week on the job.

4.We're trying to p______________ Michael that taking breaks from work is important.

5.There are many websites that allow you to watch movies without d______________ them.

6.I'm so g______________ to have a good friend like you.

7.The northern lights over Alaska are an e_______________ sight to see!

8.It's important to protect yourself from the h_______________ effects of the sun.

9.Owls have a k______________ sense of hearing.

10.Our family trip to Thailand was a very m______________ experience.

11.I have an u_________ message. Call me back as soon as possible.

12.Lila's education classes helped her gain some i______________ into the minds of preschoolers.

13.Many books are written, but not all are p______________.

14.Koalas have a r______________ for sleeping a lot.

15.The public library here has a great art e______________ in the reading room.

16.Dogs are l_______________ to their owners.

17.Good proofreaders carefully s______________ documents for mistakes before publication.

18.There was a whole s__________ of events that led me to study medicine.

19.After losing the championship, the whole team was p_______________ and emotionally exhausted.

20.I didn't like his old songs, but his new songs are r_______________.

21.Time spent with one's family is p________________. You can never get that time back.

22.Most of the building was d_______________ by the big fire.

23.I wanted to take part in the wedding, but I didn't receive an i______________.

24.The volunteers c_______________ huge amounts of time to the school decoration.

25.Nowadays many teenagers d______________ their rooms with pop stars posters.

26.At a traditional Chinese wedding c__________ the bride usually wears red clothes.

27.The children seriously list the gifts they want in the letter to Santa Claus and put it into the e_______________ for mom to post.

28.When I was admitted to the university, my family c_______________ me on my excellent performance.

29.After a 5-hour bus ride we reached our d______________ tired and hungry.

30.They have just got married and bought a house in Beijing. They will s______________ in the modern city.

31.Too much noise will a______________ our health.

32.Thailand has a lot of tourist attractions, so t_______________ is a major source of income for the people there.

33.The Forbidden City is in c_______________ Beijing.

34.The plane c_______________ into the mountain, but the pilot managed to survive.

35.When I got there, they were p______________ their luggage in the room.

36.The World Trade Center was a______________ by terrorists and fell to the ground.

37.When you have set your goals, you can get to work and_______ (看着你的努力得到回报).

38.It is the perfect setting to_________________(让人们的想象力恣意驰骋).

39.Images of cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie_______________(闪过我的脑海).

40.The style of the speech is notable because it is so_______________(简洁而简单)

41.The sculptures are large but_______________ (有精致的外表).




1.Parties at Bruno's house were always dominated by Grandmother's singing, which for some reason always seemed to ___________ the moment when Mother moved from the main party area to the kitchen, followed by some of her own friends.

A. put up with    B. coincide with

C. come up with    D. contradict

2.However, Mother and Father's voices were muffled and hard to___________, Grandfather's was not to be heard at all, while grandmother's was surprisingly blurred.

A. comment on    B. make sense

C. make out    D. weigh up

3.The pyjama people all jumped to attention whenever the soldiers ___________ and sometimes they fell to the ground and sometimes they didn't even get up and had to be carried away instead.

A. assumed    B. saluted

C. vanished    D. approached

4."Poland,' said Bruno thoughtfully, ___________ the word on his tongue.

A. weighing up    B. making up for

C. insisting    D. winding up

5.An hour before the Fury ___________ Gretel and Bruno were brought downstairs, where they received a rare invitation into Father's office.

A. soaked up the applause of the guests    B. showed off

C. erupted in excitement    D. was due to arrive

6.Shmuel watched him do this and ___________ nervously. "I have to go back,' he said.

A. phrased the question    B. backed away

C. shrugged his shoulders    D. steadied himself

7.Every afternoon when classes were finished Bruno took the long walk along the fence and sat and talked with his new friend Shmuel until it was time to come home, and that had started to___________all the times he had missed Berlin.

A. run into    B. march into

C. make up for    D. glare at

8.‘We're not close, my father and I,' said Lieutenant Kotler quickly, looking around the table as if he___________. ‘Really, we haven't spoken in years.'

A. was particularly impressed    B. stayed rooted to the ground

C. felt increasingly fed up    D. owed everyone an explanation

9.Gretel opened her mouth and stared at him before_____________. ‘An imaginary friend!' she cried. 'Aren't you a little old for an imaginary friend?'

A. taking a deep breath    B. breaking into a laugh

C. exploding    D. trembling

10.He sat in the living room for several hours but couldn't concentrate on his book and didn't dare to go back to the kitchen until later that evening, when lieutenant Kotler had already come back and ___________ Shmuel and taken him away again.

A. collected    B. investigated

C. irritated    D. confirmed



Work and the Young: Generation Jobless

“YOUNG people ought not to be idle (闲置的) . It is very bad for them," said MargaretThatcher in 1984. She was right: there are few worse things that society can do to its young than to leave them ignored.

Yet more young people are idle than ever. The International Labour Organization reports that 75m (m=million) young people globally are looking for a job. World Bank surveys suggest that 262m young people are economically inactive. The number of young people without a job is nearly as large as the population of America (311m).

Two factors play a big part. First, the long slowdown in the West has reduced demand for labour, and it is easier to put off hiring young people than it is to fire older workers. Second, inemerging economies population growth is the fastest in countries with disordered labour markets, such as India and Egypt.

One possible way to settle this problem is to stimulate growth. That is easier said than done in a world suffering from debt, and is anyway a possible answer. The countries where the problem is worst (such as Spain and Egypt) suffered from high youth unemployment even when their economies were growing. Throughout the recession ( 经济不景气),companies have continued to complain that they cannot find young people with the right skills. This underlines the importance of two other solutions: reforming labour markets and improving education.

Youth unemployment is often at its worst in countries with inflexible labour markets. High taxes on hiring, strict rules about firing, high minimum wages: all these help force young people to the street corner. South Africa has some of the highest unemployment, in part because it has powerful trade unions and inflexible rules about hiring and firing. Many countries with high youth unemployment rate have high minimum wages and heavy taxes on labour. India has around 200 laws on work and pay.

Across the OECD (经合组织) , people who left school at the earliest opportunity are twice as likely to be unemployed as university graduates. But it is unwise to conclude that governments should simply continue increasing the number of people who graduate from university. In both Britain and the United States many people with arts degrees are finding it impossible to get appropriate jobs. In North Africa university graduates are twice as likely to be unemployed as non-graduates.

What matters is not just number of years of education people get, but its content. This means expanding the study of science and technology and closing the gap between the world of education and the world of work-for example by upgrading vocational education and by building closer relations between companies and schools. Germany, which has the second lowest level of youth unemployment in the rich world, owns long-history system of vocational schooling and apprenticeships (学徒制).

The problem of youth unemployment has been getting worse for several years. But there are at last some reasons for hope. Governments are trying to address the mismatch between education and the labour market. Companies are beginning to take more responsibility for the young. The world has a real chance of introducing an education-and-training revolution worthy of the solution to the problem.

1.According to the passage, which of the following statements may the author approve of ?

A. A flexible labour market is not enough to raise youth employment.

B. As long as the economy grows youth unemployment will soon be settled.

C. Firms fire more older workers than the young in the economic slowdown.

D. Powerful trade unions and high minimum wages lead to high employment.

2.The author mentioned the German's education system in order to show_____________.

A. rich countries are responsible for high youth unemployment

B. the problem of youth unemployment has been settled

C. companies have more responsibilities to settle youth unemployment

D. the match between education and the labour market can reduce youth unemployment

3.What does the underlined phrase "vocational education” mean in Para.7 ?

A. Technical training.

B. Higher education.

C. Moral education.

D. Business courses.

4.The passage mainly talks about _____________.

A. the need for labour market revolution

B. possible ways to settle global youth unemployment

C. the relations between education and employment

D. factors contributing to low youth unemployment



Senses That Work Together

When we think about how our senses work, we usually imagine them operating separately: you sniff a flower, and the smell is delivered uninterrupted from nose to brain. However, it's more complex than that. Most evidence for cross modal perception (知觉) comes from studies into sound and vision (视觉). But research that shows other senses crossing over is coming out all the time, and it seems that even sound and smell sometimes form an unlikely pairing.

When New York researchers, Daniel Wesson and Donald Wilson, tried to find out the truth about a "mysterious” area of the brain called the olfactory tubercle, they had to deal with this fact. Originally, they only intended to measure how olfactory tubercle cells in mice responded to smell. But during testing, Wesson noticed that every time he put his coffee cup down, the mouse cells jumped in activity. In fact, the olfactory tubercle is well-placed to receive both smell and sound information from the outside world. Later they found that among separate cells, most responded to a smell but a significant number were also active when a sound was made. Some cells even behaved differently when smell and sound were presented together, by increasing or decreasing their activity.

Of course, mice aren't people, so research team has been carrying out further experiments. They pulled together a group of people and gave them various drinks to smell. Participants were asked to sniff the drinks, and then match them to appropriate musical instruments and produce the notes at different levels. The results were interesting: piano was regularly paired with fruity fragrances; strong smells sounded like the instruments that are made of metal.

Further research found that listening to different sounds can change your perceptions. Studying taste this time, the team ordered some special toffee (太妃糖) and put together “soundscapes” corresponding to bitterness and sweetness. Participants tasted similar pieces of toffee while listening to each soundscape, and found the toffee more bitter or sweeter, depending on which soundrack they were listening to.

Studies like this are helping scientists correctly describe our understanding of the senses, and how the brain combines them with its advantage. The consequences are worth considering. Could we see musicians work together with chefs to produce sound-improved food and drink? Will you be ordering a coffee with a soundrack to bring out your favorite smell? Come to think of it, that could be one thing you hope coffee shop chains don’t get round to.

1.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A. A lot of research focuses on the senses.

B. There can be a link between sound and smell.

C. Sound and vision are relatively easy to study.

D. Evidence about the way senses work is hard to obtain.

2.In Wesson and Wilson's research,__________.

A. the mice were affected more significantly by sound

B. the result confirmed what the researchers had suspected

C. the connection between sound and smell was found by chance

D. the mice seemed to be afraid of certain sounds or smells

3.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?

A. Participants took an active part in the experiments.

B. The purpose of the further experiments was totally different.

C. The result failed to support what was found in previous experiments.

D. Experiments showed that links between sound and smell were consistent.

4.How does the author feel about the effect of the research?

A. She is surprised at the recent developments.

B. She is excited about the creative chances.

C. She is convinced that the findings will be used soon.

D. She is worried about how the knowledge can be applied.



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