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When you have got a lot of stuff,declutt...

    When you have got a lot of stuffdecluttering(整理)your home can be really necessary.Decluttering is just about putting new systems into place in your life.1. you realize how great you feel about itand you want to keep going.

Getting rid of things gives you time to look after yourself.2. or looking for the potato peeler—because everything has a home and you know exactly where it is—you’re free to spend that time on yourself and your family.Its liberating.

3..It has taken you a long time to get everythingand you wont be able to get rid of it all straight away.If youre pushed for timethere are easy ways of introducing decluttering into your life.Spend 10 minutes a day decluttering orif thats not manageabledeclutter three items a week.

Have three piles:one for things youre going to keepone for things that are a maybeand one for things youre going to give away.You will also need some bin bagsfor rubbish.A revisiting pile is important if youre struggling to get rid of things.4..More often than notyou end up sayingactuallyI dont need that.

Stay focused.People often get sidetracked when theyre trying to declutter.They start trying on clothes they had forgotten aboutor looking at old photos.Another common mistake is to just move things from place to placeinstead of getting rid of them.5. .

A.Once you start decluttering

B.You need time to reflect on what to keep

C.Dont expect to declutter everything overnight

D.When youre not always looking for the scissors

E.If you realise that you own six wine openerskeep only one

F.Start the decluttering process before you move in with a new partner

G.You can just leave things there for a few weeks before a final decision


1. A 2. D 3. C 4. G 5. E 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。当你有很多东西时,整理你的家是很必要的。文章介绍了整理东西的一些方法。 1.结合句子结构___1___ ,you realize how great you feel about it,and you want to keep going.此空应该是一个状语从句或非谓语动词的形式,所以在A/D/E中选择。再根据后半句提示“你意识到你感到多么伟大,你想继续。”由此可知A项Once you start decluttering(一旦你开始整理)切题。故答案为A。 2.分析句子结构,___2___ ,or looking for the potato peeler—because everything has a home and you know exactly where it is—you’re free to spend that time on yourself and your family.根据空格后的内容“或者找土豆削皮器——因为每样东西都有一个家,你知道它确切的位置——你可以自由地把时间花在自己和家人身上。”承接下文内容,D项When you’re not always looking for the scissors(当你不总是在找剪刀的时候)切题。 3.下文提示“花了你很长时间才能得到一切,而你无法摆脱这一切。”承接下文,C项Don’t expect to declutter everything overnight(不要指望一夜之间把所有东西都整理好)切题。故选C。 4.上文提示“如果你正努力摆脱这些东西,一堆旧物是很重要的。”再根据下文提示“往往你会说,其实,我不需要。”承接上下文,G项You can just leave things there for a few weeks before a final decision(你可以把东西放在那里几个星期,然后再做最后的决定)切题。故选G。 5.上文提示“另一个常见的错误就是东西从一个地方搬到另一处,而不是摆脱它们。”承接上文,E项If you realise that you own six wine openers,keep only one“如果你意识到你自己的六个开酒的起子,只保留一个。”切题。故选E。

    If American waterways had ever been voted on the yearbookthe Buffalo River could easily have been named Ugliest.It could be hard to find hope there.It took decades for public perception of the river to shift.But activist citizenswho collaborated with industrygovernmentand environ-ment~groups.never gave up on their polluted riverthe Buffalo River gradually went from being considered a lost cause to a place worth fighring for.And by now the cleanedup water is one of BuffaloS biggest attractions.

By the 1960sthe river was seen as one of the worst sources of pollution pouring into the Great Lakes.The Buffalo River had caught fire many times.The surface had an oily layerand any fish caught there were not eatable.

The waterways fate started shifting in the mid-1960s.Stanley Spisiak was a local PolishAmerican jeweler by daybut by evening he was the kind of guy whod chase down dumpers(垃圾车)he spotted on the Buffalo River.By 1966 he found himself winning the National Wildlife FederationsWater Conservationist of the Yearaward.And before long he got a nickname:Mr.Buffalo River.But there was only so much he could dothe river was still declared biologically dead in 1969.

Jill Spisiak Jedlicka is his great-grandniece.She picks up where he left off by directing the rivers protector organizationBuffalo Niagara Waterkeeper.Professor Schneekloth and seven friends founded the organization as an all-volunteer nonprofit in 1989after organizing the first river cleanup that year.Today the group employs 27 full-time workers and has helped oversee the Buffalo Rivers $100 million restoration.

So farthe Buffalo Rivers water quality has restoredbut it is still an ongoing issueas sewage(污水)can overflow into the river after storms.Habitat restoration continues as wellfish and plantings are still being sampled to measure how well its gone.

1.What did the Buffalo River use to be?

A. A waterway on the yearbook.    B. A river heavily polluted.

C. A great attraction of Buffalos.    D. A place worth fighting for.

2.Why was Mr.Spisiak namedMr.Buffalo River?

A. Because his fate shifted in the 1 960s.

B. Because he spotted dumpers on the River.

C. Because he spared no efforts to protect the river.

D. Because the river was declared biologically dead.

3.How long did it take for the fiver to restore?

A. More than half a century.    B. Just four decades.

C. About 30 years.    D. Only 27 years.

4.What can be a suitable title for this text?

A. The restoration of the Buffalo River    B. Stanley Spisiak:TheMr.Buffalo River

C. The future of the Buffalo River    D. River protection:A long way to go



    The Spanish sculptor Isaac Cordal sees the city as his playground.He specializes in miniaturea street art often representing a social commentary as a critical observation on capitalismpower and so on.

Cordal first models the sculptures in clay then reproduces them in cement(水泥)about 15cm in height.

As a materialcement seems very symbolic because it is one of our most recognizable footprints against nature.he says.Today we have been too used to cement city habitat.

For several years hes been working on the projectCement Eclipsesreferring to the state when a building covers the sun:Its a critical reflection on the idea of progress.

These tiny cement figures have appeared in cities across Europefound sitting on top of bus shelters or drowning in the grass land of the big city.The street became a perfect setting in which I could find enough landscapes for them.Due to their small size and colorthey go really well into the urban environment.They even normally go unseen by passersby.Im very interested in that moment of surprise when someone accidentally discovers them.he says.

Nowadays there is a fear of not being seen in the public areaso everything is always big and bold.We become a product of this and do not focus in as much.I think it is good to pay attention to small details.My work is a reward for those who do and it allows us to understand and change the world we have created in a different angle.Cordal says.

1.Which of the following best explainsminiatureUnderlined in paragraph 1 ?

A. Tiny sculpture.    B. Small playground.

C. Social comments.    D. Critical observation.

2.Whats Cordals attitude toward cement city habitat?

A. Indifferent.    B. Critical.

C. Neutral.    D. Supportive.

3.What does Cordal intend to tell us in the last paragraph?

A. Everything big in public is attractive.

B. Being small may be a fear in public.

C. We need to focus on the details of the products.

D. His work helps us to see the world differently.

4.What does the text mainly talk about?

A. Cordal and his street art.    B. Ways to be a sculptor.

C. Materials used for sculptures.    D. Reflections on city progress.



    Anadulting conference” (AC)this week allowed Kentucky high school seniors the chance to learn how to change a tirehow to cook and other basic life skillsthings that they may not have learned at home or in classes.A series of photos posted by Bullitt Central High School on social media shows students takingadulting conferenceare learning about personal financesresumes and other essential skills at the eventwhich has been widely reported on the local and national news outlets.

I saw a Facebook post that parents passed around saying they needed a class in high school on taxes and cooking,”AC organizer Hardin told Louisvilles WAVE 3 News.Those skills are taught at school theoreticallyshe saidbut the event gave students a chance to fill in gaps in their knowledge.

Students could choose to attend three workshops out of 11 total optionsthe school says.The workshops were held in cooperation with numerous community partners.

Some young people have left home and graduated school without having those gaps filledaccording to a report this week from CBS New Yorkwhich documented a trend of young people seeking outclasses to learn basic life skills.

While attending a cooking class29-year-old Elena Toumaras told the station shes struggling withsimple things.

I was so used towhen living at homemy mom always cooking,”she told the station.

AnAdulting Schoolin PortlandMaineaims to use a new online format to teach the youths skills like conflict resolutionsewing and appreciation for allthe station says.

Studentsfinancial literacy has been of particular concern to some expertsas financial education in schools has stagnated(停滞)in the U.S.with only 17 states requiring students to take classes in personal financea number that hasnt risen in years.

The majority of U.S.states are failing our students by declining to offer these fundamental courses which are critical to their financial stability and security later in life.And this will be changed.Nan J.Morrisonpresident and CEO of the Council for Economic Educationtold CNBC.

1.What do we know about theadulting conference?

A. It draws much attention from the media.    B. It is not taught at home.

C. It teaches seniors how to be a reporter.    D. It is broadcast live to the public.

2.What can we learn from what Christy Hardin said?

A. Only taxes and cooking classes ale demanded.

B. AC helps put what has been learnt into practice.

C. Many parents passed by the AC classroom.

D. The event was organized by.some parents.

3.Why did Elena Toumaras attend a cooking class?

A. To document a trend.    B. To struggle withsimple things.

C. To satisfy her mother.    D. To learn basic life skills.

4.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?

A. Expels will be concerned about finance.

B. Fundamental majors wont be provided in schools.

C. More financial courses will be offered.

D. More states will decline studentscourses.



    If you follow these insider tipsyour photos will look like you had the place to yourself at the popular tourist attractions.

Vatican Museums:Vatican City

The Vatican draws more than five million people each yearand queues can reach four hours during peak season.Christie Hudsonsenior communications manager at Expediarecommendschoosing a skip-the-1ine tour.This not only lets you avoid the ticket counterbut also includes the use of a private partner entrance.Extra time to visit the Sistine Chapel? Yes!

Bamboo Forest:KyotoJapan

Bamboo Forest is the most worthy sight in Kyoto.youre longing to enjoy the pathways and take pictures in total quietnessKyoto Arashiyama Travel Guide recommends hitting the famous Bamboo Grove Path as early in the morning as possiblethink 7 a.m.if youre up for it.Dont miss these hidden treasures you can only witness in Japan.

Chichen Itza:YucatánMexico

Home to E1 Castillo and the Temple of the WarriorsChichen Itza is a must-see.Want to beat the rush? Schedule an early tour that takes place before a site opens to the public.Led by an archaeologist guideits full of fascinating insights and factswithout tons of pack-wearing tourists.

Louvre Museum:ParisFrance

The Louvre is one of the most popular museums on the planet.If waiting around in line to get in isnt the way you prefer to spend your time in Parisconsider purchasing a reserved ticket.This will give you entry to the pyramid within a half-hour window.The Louvre is also open until 9:45 p.m.on Wednesdays and Fridaysif youre up for some late-night art visits.

1.What is recommended at Vatican Museums by Christie Hudson?

A. Queuing four hours.    B. Jumping the waiting line.

C. Taking a skip-the-line tour.    D. Visiting the Sistine Chapel.

2.Which of the following are available for early tourists to avoid the rush?

A. Vatican Museums and Bamboo Forest.    B. Chichen Itza and Bamboo Forest.

C. Bamboo Forest and Louvre Museum.    D. Chichen Itza and Louvre Museum.

3.Who might this passage be intended for?

A. Visitors interested in museums.    B. Guides at the tourist attractions.

C. People at the ticket counter.    D. Tourists to beat the rush.




1.How did Rebecca feel about her job at the big company?

A. It was meaningful.    B. It was not satisfying.    C. It was interesting.

2.Why did Rebecca open Dog Ma?

A. To adopt homeless dogs.

B. To have other dogs play with her dog.

C. To help dog owners take care of their pets.

3.How much should a dog owner pay for a day at Dog Ma?

A. About 25 dollars.    B. About 50 dollars.    C. About 75 dollars.

4.What service does Dog Ma offer?

A. Providing dogs with medical care.

B. Picking up dog owners.

C. Bathing the dogs.



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