满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

There is a lot of talk these days about ...

    There is a lot of talk these days about how kids should be interested in science Here's an area of science for everyone and these cool new books might inspire you to discover your inner scientist

Scaly Spotted Feathered Frilled by Catherine Thimmesh 58 pages ages 912

Seeing a picture or a model of a dinosaur do you wonder how anybody knows what they look like After all nobody has seen a living dinosaur This book explains how scientists and artists work together to recreate dinosaurs As scientific discoveries have been made the models have changed Scientific tests may one day show what a dinosaur's coloring was but now artists have to use their imagination to decide how these huge creatures looked

Beyond the Solar System by Mary Kay Carson 128 pages ages 1013

This book takes readers back to the beginnings of space explorationthousands of years ago when people began star observationand forward to today's search for planets in distant parts of the Milky Way Along with history lessons readers get 21 activities such as making a black hole and creating a model of Albert Einstein's universe using a Tshirt The activities are perfect for cold winter days

Ultimate Bugopedia by Darlyne Murawski and Nancy Honovich 272 pages ages 7 and older

If you're always on the lookout for butterflies this book is for you Hundreds of color photos of common and unusual insects fill this hardcover There are fantastic stories related to the photos For example do you know an insect feeds on the tears of Asian cattle There's a questionandanswer section with an insect scientist and advice on how to help protect endangered insects

Journey into the Invisible by Christine Schlitt 80 pages ages 912

If you use a magnifying (放大的) glass you know a leaf looks quite different This book explains what microscopes do and then shows what happens to things around the house when watched with this amazing scientific tool The bacteria (细菌) in your mouth when magnified 20000 times look a bit like swimming pool noodles Attractive photos are paired with suggestions about how to learn about the world around you just by looking a little closer

1.Kids interested in prehistorical animals might read     

A. Ultimate Bugopedia

B. Beyond the Solar System

C. Journey into the Invisible

D. Scaly Spotted Feathered Frilled

2.Beyond the Solar System is mainly about     

A. space exploration

B. the Milky Way

C. history lessons

D. Albert Einstein's universe

3.From the passage we can learn that     

A. butterflies are fond of the tears of Asian cattle

B. scientists have discovered the dinosaur's coloring

C. microscopes can present you with an amazing world

D. man has explored the black hole for thousands of years

4.The main purpose of the passage is to     

A. compare features of different books

B. inspire people to become scientists

C. teach children some knowledge of science

D. recommend new science books to children


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.D 【解析】 试题本文主要介绍了适合孩子阅读的四本科技类书籍,并介绍了这四本书的特点以及具体内容。 1. 2. 3. 4.






参考词汇:五彩田园 the Hitech Idyllic Resort

Dear Tom

How 's everything going ___________________________________________________________________








Li Hua










It was in a mountain  area where  I went hiking with my friends last summer  It was the good  trip in the beginning but something unexpecting happened later One of my friend  suddenly felt a terrible pain in his stomach and he couldn 't move any farther Nobody knew how to deal it One girl tried to call her mom and there was no signal in the mountain area Worried about him we put up a tent that we brought with and let him to rest in it After taking some pills he drink some  water and  ate  some food Fortunate he felt much better and we walked on We all enjoyed us on the top of the mountain




Speaking of talented  people   we will think of the young  Mozart  created his first  piano concerto at 11  Yet I can 't help  but draw much1. inspire from those who succeeded at  an old age2. give hope I am convinced that our dreams can come true if we  have faith3.ourselves  and  keep learning  and working for4.

Consider the story of Mary Declany a 72year﹣﹣old woman from the UK who invented a new art form  in the 1770s On a visit to a friend   she  met two plant experts  who5. take a trip with  an explorer through  the South  Pacific   Interested  in  their work   she  picked  up a pair of6. scissor and began making flower collages with cut paper

7.surprised  us most  was  that  her works of  art  were  so unique and8. value that they were on display in the British Museum There 's  the modern  versio9. create  our  lives without worrying about our age And away from the mysterious world Colonel Sanders didn 't open  his first  KFC restaurant10.he was 62 while Fauja Singh ran his first marathon at 89



    Most people are anxious about the unfamiliar   or unknown while some are thrilled I am one of the latter The idea of skiing to the  North  Pole had  never crossed  my  mind  until I saw an_____in a newspaper  looking  for people  to join a team that would_____350 miles to the magnetic North Pole Back  in 1996   a woman from the UK  had  never_____this challenge I wondered what it would be like to_____in temperatures that cold so I sent off for the application form

When the application form_____  it said  "Are You Man Enough for the Ultimate Challenge  "  and it was full of  pictures of_____explorers   I was angry and  decided  that women  could do it too so it made me even more_____ to get on the team

Over 500 individuals_____ for a place in  the team   and  the selection  process included  physical and psychological tests designed to_____ the  best  group  Our  test  was  to complete  the Sandhurst military assault course where the UK 's  best officers are trained   and it 's not for_____ We had to climb  a huge rope ladder and  I stopped  at  the  top  because I have  a fear of_____ I thought  all  hope was_____ But two others helped  me over  and later I found  out  that  the organizers  were  not looking for amazing_____ but great team players and this moment had shown them who would_____ others in the team

I had also shown my  real self  and  in a  place  like  the Arctic   you  have  to  be  yourself_____ there is nowhere to hide These_____of asking for help and showing your real self are necessary for  women to master

I realized that by being myself I  could_____  I  was  chosen  for  the team and as a result became the_____ British  woman  to ski to the  Magnetic  North  Pole  I realized  that  I could  achieve more than I ever_____ was  possiblebut  more  importantly by sharing  my  story  with  others I could_____them to take a step into the unknown

1.A. notice    B. advertisement    C. announcement    D. report

2.A. ski    B. run    C. drive    D. fly

3.A. enjoyed    B. ignored    C. received    D. accomplished

4.A. exist    B. suffer    C. survive    D. hide

5.A. passed    B. appeared    C. returned    D. arrived

6.A. female    B. brave    C. proud    D. male

7.A. confident    B. determined    C. enthusiastic    D. satisfied

8.A. applied    B. hunted    C. waited    D. cared

9.A. pick    B. develop    C. train    D. challenge

10.A. someone    B. no one    C. anyone    D. everyone

11.A. loss    B. silence    C. heights    D. changes

12.A. left    B. lost    C. wasted    D. missed

13.A. individuals    B. team    C. men    D. skiers

14.A. catch up with    B. look out for    C. take advantage of    D. get rid of

15.A. unless    B. while    C. though    D. as

16.A. talents    B. experiences    C. qualities    D. beliefs

17.A. try    B. succeed    C. guarante    D. improve

18.A. excellent    B. extra    C. noble    D. first

19.A. imagined    B. predicted    C. remembered    D. admitted

20.A. push    B. promise    C. require    D. inspire



    Earth is home to around 7 000 languages around half of which are expected to disappear by 2100

Languages disappear for many reasons Sometimes younger generations stop learning a language because  parents  want children  to fit in1. Native American children of the latel9th century were required to attend boarding schools where educators forbade them from speaking  their native languages

The United  Nations  ranks endangered  languages  according  to their  risk  levelFor  example   a " critically endangered " language is one that even grandparents don ' t speak often New York ' s Onondaga language is an example with only 50  speakers left  An " extinct"  language  has no speakers It is gone forever Alaska 's Eyak language is one example2.

3. In the same way different languages contribute to cultural diversity Saving these languages benefits our understanding  of other cultures Languages  can show how a society looks at the world and what it values A language may describe something in a way that is funny too In  Welsh it rains not cats and dogs but old wives and walking sticks

The Endangered  Language  Alliance wants to save languages from disappearing4. However its efforts are limited If an endangered language is going to make a real comeback it '11probably get its start in schools For nearly 100 years public schools in Hawaii did not teach the Hawaiian language Now students can keep learning in Hawaiian  from elementary  schools to college and beyond

5. At least one did In 1881 a Jewish linguist named Eliezer BenYehuda brought the 3 000yearold language Hebrew back to life Today it is one of  the  official  languages of  the country of Israel with more than 4million speakers

AThe last person who spoke it died in 2008

BWhy should we save endangered languages

CVarious animals and plants benefit our environment

DWith just 5 speakers left it is absolutely endangered

ECan a language with zero native speakers come back to life

FSometimes  societies force minorities  to give up their language

G The nonprofit group finds native speakers and records their stories



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