满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



World’s First Virtual Reality Cinema

Going to the VR CINEMA offers you the opportunity to watch movies like you’ve never done before. You can see 360 degree movies using a VR headset. In the VR CINEMA, ringing mobile phones and noisy visitors belong to the past. Furthermore, traditional red cinema chairs or the big white screen are nowhere to be found. Instead, a Samsung Galaxy S6 (smart phone) together with the Samsung Gear VR (virtual reality glasses) transports you to a completely new world. Headphones shut out background noise, and above all, offer super sound quality. Turning chairs allow you to freely look around and see what’s happening above, below, behind, in front, on the right and on the left side of you. So no sore neck, we promise.

In the VR CINEMA, you will experience 30 minutes of the coolest virtual reality films. We proudly present four film selections in different themes in order to please every virtual reality lover. Are you brave enough for our scary films? Will you immerse (沉浸于) yourself in VR documentaries from around the globe? Do you prefer to go on an adventurous journey like no other? Or do your kids want to swim with dolphins, interact with magical characters, and experience the moving stories beyond imagination? Supernatural, Documentary, Journey and Fun are waiting for you!

For kids, young and older ones, there’s the cheerful and colourful selection. The only thing you have to do is sit back, relax and enjoy the VR experience of your choice.

Location: Oosterdokskade 5, 1011 AD Amsterdam The Netherlands

Tel: +31(0) 6 27 00 69 16

E-mail: mail@thevrcinema.com

Ticket Price: 12.5

Opening hours: Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: 14:00-21:00

Saturday & Sunday: 12:00-22:00

1.According to paragraph1, we know that the headphone functions as a(n)_________.

A. cellphone B. screen

C. earphone D. reader

2.What is the VR CINEMA like?

A. It has a big white screen. B. It is full of noisy visitors.

C. It offers 360 degree movies. D. It is equipped with red chairs.

3.What’s the main purpose of the text?

A. To introduce new VR films. B. To present VR film schedules.

C. To report development of VR films. D. To attract people to the VR CINEMA.


1.C 2.C 3.D 【解析】 这是一篇广告布告类阅读。文章主要介绍了去VR影院可以让你有机会看你从未看过的电影。你可以用VR头盔观看360度电影,并对其票价、开放时间等具体信息进行了说明。 1.推理判断题。答案定位在第一段Headphones shut out background noise, and above all, offer super sound quality.(耳机屏蔽了背景噪音,最重要的是,提供了超强的音质。)由此推断出headphone的功能是耳机,故选C。 2.细节理解题。答案定位在第一段Going to the VR CINEMA offers you the opportunity to watch movies like you’ve never done before. You can see 360 degree movies using a VR headset.(去VR影院可以让你有机会看你从未看过的电影。你可以用VR头盔观看360度电影),故选C。 3.写作意图题。根据文章的题目WELCOME TO THE VIRTUAL REALITY CINEMA AMSTERDAM可知作者写这篇文章的目的是吸引人们到VR影院,故选D。

    I grew to be a tall girl but I tried to be as ordinary as possible. At school, I always chose a seat in the back of the room, and never raised my hand in class. When I was 16, I went to my new school. And I liked the English teacher. In my last year in high school, however, we were told that a new English teacher, Oliver Bascom, was going to teach us.

Oliver Bascom! The girls laughed as we imagined a short and bald(秃头的)manThe situation was not funny, because this man would teach us for the whole year. Surprisingly, after we opened the door, there in front of the blackboard, we saw a young and handsome man!

What followed was chaos, seventeen-year-old girls flying to get to seats in the front of the room. And I managed to get a front and center desk.

I really wanted to make a good impression on my new teacher, but I usually kept quiet. The day that directions were given for our first major writing assignment, I arrived late to class. A friend later gave me the guidelines and I thought I understood them. I worked the whole weekend on the essay and waited nervously for Mr. Bascom’s evaluation.

After three days, he arrived in class holding the corrected papers. “I’ve chosen the ten best essays for class discussion.” he said.

Twenty minutes later, my heart sank when he got to the last essay, and I didn’t hear my name.

“These are all great essays,” Mr. Bascom continued. “However, I am now going to read you the most successful of all…” We were all surprised as I was the author of this unusual work. A different girl walked out of the classroom that day. I knew that I had a new set of standards to live up to and that anything was possible in the future. Finally, I raised my head.

1.Before 16, the author______.

A. was not active in class B. behaved badly in class

C. couldn’t fit in high school D. disliked her English teacher

2.When the girls first saw their new teacher, they_______.

A. played a joke on his name B. rushed to get the back seats

C. became totally quiet at once D. were attracted by his appearance

3.When the teacher announced the most successful work, the author felt______.

A. calm and relaxed B. amazed and excited

C. upset and puzzled D. anxious and disappointed

4.Through the experience, the author _______.

A. gained her self-confidence

B. came top of the class in English

C. decided to work harder at writing

D. dreamed of being a teacher in the future



Overcome the Fear for Your Dream

I stood nervously behind the red curtain and glanced out across the stage. A girl about my age sat at a piano; I could see her fingertips moving over the black and white keys in front of her. The beautiful melody (旋律) was so relaxing, ________ my body tensed with anxiety.

My body ________ when the girl stood up from the bench. It was finally my turn. A part of me wanted to run home and ________ under my bed, but I knew I had chosen to ________. When the girl onstage walked toward me, I could hear my heart beating ________. The girl had a proud smile on her face and when she passed me, I heard her say “Good ________”!

“Well, here goes nothing.” I said to myself.

I stepped onto the ________ and walked slowly toward the piano. The bright lights nearly ________ me, making it difficult to see the audience. When I reached the ________, I automatically slid onto the bench into position. The sounds of whispering and people walking around gave way to complete silence. I stared at my ________ fingers and for a moment my mind went ________. Closing my eyes, I imagined the music sitting in front of me and tried to recall every tiny detail.

Finally, I took a deep breath and began to play Beethoven’s Moonlight sonata(协奏曲). The rich tones of the piano rang out. One by one, each muscle in my body loosened and relaxed. I sat on the bench and my ________ danced over the row of black and white keys as if they had a mind of their own.

All the practice and ________ I put in for six months showed this was what my teacher was pushing for. I tried to ________ all the things she reminded me to do. “Keep your wrists up, relax your arms, don’t raise your shoulders… ” I remembered feeling slightly annoyed hearing these things continuously, but I never realized until now how it really ________.

When I reached the end of the piece, the audience started ________. I rose from the bench and gave a deep bow. A proud smile ________ up my face. Inside I felt ________ that it was over and that I had done so well. As the applause died down, I turned and walked to the other side of the stage. I saw a young boy standing nervously behind the red curtains staring ______out at the stage. When I walked by, I passed to him the two words that were given to me for______: Good luck!

1.A. but B. and C. for D. so

2.A. ached B. bent C. froze D. moved

3.A. drink B. sleep C. play D. hide

4.A. run B. perform C. stand D. escape

5.A. happily B. loudly C. weakly D. lightly

6.A. guy B. music C. luck D. performance

7.A. chair B. bridge C. path D. stage

8.A. hurt B. blinded C. killed D. frightened

9.A. entrance B. curtain C. light D. piano

10.A. shaking B. waving C. unfolding D. crossing

11.A. blank B. wild C. awake D. wrong

12.A. fingers B. feet C. arms D. legs

13.A. excuse B. support C. effort D. service

14.A. recall B. forget C. ignore D. grasp

15.A. started B. helped C. stopped D. formed

16.A. joking B. blaming C. clapping D. leaving

17.A. burned B. lit C. dried D. lifted

18.A. confused B. worried C. embarrassed D. relieved

19.A. confidently B. excitedly C. fearfully D. angrily

20.A. reward B. sympathy C. appreciation D. encouragement



在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

Over the past few years, square dance 1. (become) a more and more popular exercise, especially among senior citizens. They often dance in the open areas in community. However, many 2. (resident) who live around are annoyed by the loud music. For example, students 3. (prepare) for important exams are 4. (deep) affected.

People may have different opinions on this issue. Some people think 5. is necessary for senior citizens to give up the hobby for the good of most people, 6. others argue that senior citizens have the right 7.dosomething they like in public places. They are both right to some extent. 8. my opinion, the authorities, instead of forcing senior citizens to stop dancing, should do something to meet everybody’s requirements. For example, they can supply some buses which can transport senior citizens to a place 9.there are few apartments around. Besides, local communities can also organize leisure activities that little noise 10. (create).

In short, there are always some good ideas that can meet the needs of people. After all, everybody has the right to live a happy and fulfilled life.




The Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China is moving to ban teachers from assigning homework on mobile apps or asking parents to grade students’ homework as part of an effort to save students’ eyesight. Through these efforts, the overall myopia (近视) rate among teenagers reduces by more than 0.5 percentage points per year from 2019 until 2023.

Provinces with a high incidence (发生率) of myopia are required to cut at least 1 percentage point per year. By 2030, the myopia rate for 6-year-old children should be below 3 percent, for primary school students, below 38 percent, for middle school students, below 60 percent, and for high school students, below 70 percent. Along with banning app-based homework assignments, the regulation would limit the use of electronic devices to 30 percent of total teaching time and instead encourage homework to be completed by hand on paper.


1. 用约30个词概括上述图文内容;

2. 结合上述信息,简要分析导致学生近视问题的主要原因;

3. 请你从社会和个人两方面谈谈如何保护学生的视力(不少于两点)。


1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。








Is loneliness a health epidemic?

In recent decades, researchers have discovered that loneliness left untreated is not just psychically painful; it also can have serious medical consequences. Rigorous epidemiological studies have linked loneliness and social isolation to heart disease, cancer, depression, diabetes and suicide. Vivek Murthy, the former United States surgeon general, has written that loneliness and social isolation are “associated with a reduction in life span similar to that caused by smoking 15 cigarettes a day and even greater than that associated with obesity.”

But is loneliness, as many political officials and pundits are warning, a growing “health epidemic” (流行病)I don’t believe so, nor do I believe it helps anyone to describe it that way. Social disconnection is a serious matter, yet if we set off a panic over its prevalence (流行) and impact, we’re less likely to deal with it properly.

Anxiety about loneliness is a common feature of modern societies. Today, two major causes of loneliness seem possible. One is that societies throughout the world have embraced a culture of individualism. More people are living alone, and aging alone, than ever. Neoliberal (新自由主义的) social policies have turned workers into insecure free agents, and when jobs disappear, things fall apart fast. Labor unions, civic associations, neighborhood organizations, religious groups and other traditional sources of social solidarity are in steady decline. Increasingly, we all feel that we’re on our own.

The other possible cause is the rise of communication technology, including smartphones, social media and the internet. A decade ago, companies like Facebook, Apple and Google promised that their products would help create meaningful relationships and communities. Instead, we’ve used the media system to deepen existing divisions, at both the individual and group levels. We may have thousands of “friends” and “followers” on Facebook and Instagram, but when it comes to human relationships, it turns out there’s no substitute for building them the old-fashioned way, in person.

In light of these two trends, it’s easy to believe we’re experiencing an “epidemic” of loneliness and isolation. Surprisingly, though, the best data do not actually show a boom in either loneliness or social isolation. Yet the research tells us something more specific. In places like the United States and Britain, it’s the poor, unemployed, displaced (无家可归的) and migrant populations that are suffering most from loneliness and isolation. Their lives are unstable, and so are their relationships. When they get lonely, they are the least able to get adequate social or medical support.

Passage outline

Supporting details

Research finding

Loneliness is likely to cause various kinds of medical consequences unless 1..

The author’s


♦ Loneliness is not a growing “health epidemic”.

♦ Don’t take loneliness too 2. , which may result in panic and 3.to handle it properly.

An analysis of

possible causes of


♦ A culture of individualism has become 4.all over the world.

♦ People are doing5.jobs and traditional sources of social solidarity are declining.

6.to what some companies promised, the development of communication technology are 7.the situation.

♦ Traditional face-to-face communication is the 8.way to build human relationship.


♦ We are 9. by the two trends into believing we are

experiencing a loneliness epidemic, but it isn’t the case.

♦ Some groups of people are still suffering from loneliness and isolation, among whom social and medical support are badly 10..





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