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注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

The students today are given very much homework to do after class. Most of them have difficulty finishing them on time. As a result some and more parents offer to help their children with their homework, hope to reduce their learning burden in a way. People have different view on whether parents should help their children do their homework. As far as I am concerned, it was beneficial for parents to help their children unless the homework is too difficult for them to deal with. For one thing, it relieves the children’s stress or builds up their confidence. For another, it’s a good way for parents to know their children better off. Most important of all, it strengthens relationship between parents and children.


【解析】 如今,孩子的课业负担很重,越来越多的家长帮助他们做作业,对于这种现象,人们有不同的看法。 第一处:very→too。考查副词。very much"非常"为副词短语,不可修饰名词;too much"太多",后接不可数名词,故改very为too。 第二处:finishing后的them→it。考查代词。根据语境可知,此处指代前文的不可数名词homework,故应改them为it。 第三处:some→more。考查形容词。根据语境可知,此处表示越来越多的家长帮助孩子做作业。故将some改为more。more and more"越来越多的"。 第四处:hope→hoping。考查非谓语动词。此处应用现在分词作状语,表示伴随状况,故改hope为hoping。 第五处:view→views。考查名词。different后应接名词的复数形式,故改view为views。 第六处:was→is。考查时态。本文的主体时态为一般现在时,此处陈述的是客观情况,应用一般现在时,故改was为is。 第七处:unless→if/when。考查连词。连词if表示条件,根据语境可知,此处表示如果作业太难, 孩子们无法应对,家长帮助他们是有益的。此处表示假设,故改unless为if。此处也可用when引导时间状语从句。 第八处:or→and。考查连词。本句有两个谓语relieve和build up,它们之间是并列关系,不是选择关系,故改or为and。 第九处:去掉off。考查介词。此处表示这是父母更好地了解孩子的一种好方法。know sb. better表示"更好地了解某人",better off 是well off的"比较级",意为"更富有的",不符合句意。故去掉介词off。 第十处:在relationship前加the。考查冠词。此处特指父母与子女间的关系。故在relationship前加the。  

Four months ago, I lost my sister to breast cancer. It was a hard loss. So when my mother 1.(call) to tell me she had been diagnosed with lung cancer just weeks later, my five-year-old daughter, Daelynn, and I were heartbroken. We made a special trip to Wisconsin a week ago 2.(stay) with my mother for some time. A few days ago, Daelynn saw 3.advertisement on television about donating hair to those 4.have cancer. First, she asked if she could give 5.(she) to Grandma. I told her that Grandma 6.(probable) would like to see her donate it to another little girl who might need it more. Then she asked if her hair was long enough to share with someone who needed it. 7.I said yes to her, she decided to get it cut and was very 8.(excite) about sharing her hair. We measured and cut off a few 9.(inch). She said that two people were glad. I told her that more than two people were glad and that I was so proud of her for 10.(choose) to do such a beautiful thing for someone else.



    Anyone can try to lead a group. 1.. Good leaders possess a few qualities that can mean the difference between success and failure of the group. These are the qualities the leaders of higher rank will look for when choosing a leader for a group. They’re also the qualities team members want in a group leader.


Group leaders might share tasks when necessary, but eventually a group leader needs to be able to accept that responsibility lies on his shoulders. That means that if things go wrong in a group project, he’s the one who must accept the consequence and deal with the problem. 3., but also he should be ready to admit any mistakes the group has made as a result of his leadership.

Show concern for members.

A group leader has a commitment to the task or project at hand, but perhaps more importantly, he has real concern for each person who is part of his group. This means getting to know the strengths, weaknesses and goals of team members, as well as building the group through collective activities. 4..

Be a good listener.

5.. Not only will this allow complaints to be addressed and potentially suitable ideas to be put into practice, but also a leader who listens will also encourage group members to share their concern and thoughts,creating an atmosphere of free speech and productivity.

A. He not only has the power to control everything group members do

B. A group leader needs to listen to the suggestions, complaints and ideas of group members

C. Share tasks with group members

D. However, not every individual is fit for leadership

E. Attending collective activities is an effective way to relieve pressure

F. He should make sure everyone is included even if an individual is new to the group

G. Take responsibility



Do you have a spare room in your house? What about a driveway for your car? Both of these can help you make money. Many people who are feeling the pinch are taking advantage of what’s been called the "sharing economy".

Perhaps the best-known example of a company in this field is Airbnb — an American web business which allows you to rent out your spare room to holidaymakers. It says it operates in 34,000 cities and it has over 1,500,000 listings. It seems to have cornered the market!

A British company is doing something with parking spaces. JustPark’s founder, Anthony Eskinazi, says, "When I had the original idea, I spotted a driveway close to a sports stadium. It would have been so convenient if I could have just parked in that driveway rather than in a commercial car park." And he has a big clientele(顾客): around 20,000 people have advertised their spaces on the site, and he says around half a million drivers use it. There are other sites doing very similar things, like Uber and Lyft — these let drivers share their cars with other passengers. Any driver knows how valuable a place to park is. A church near Kings Cross in central London has apparently made over £200,000 by renting out space in its yard to travelers!

Because this is a new business world, those rules aren’t there yet and many people are happy to share... as long as it pays!

But the sharing economy has its critics: the competitors of these new companies. People who run things like traditional B&B, commercial car parks and taxi services are afraid of ending up out of pocket. And there is another issue: regulations on these new businesses are unclear. How will renting out your driveway affect your neighbor?

1.What does the underlined phrase "feeling the pinch" probably mean?

A. Lacking in money.

B. Full of curiosity.

C. Willing to help others.

D. Unsatisfied with their life.

2.Who may be against the sharing economy?

A. A taxi driver who can’t find a parking place.

B. A priest in the church near Kings Cross.

C. A traveler who needs accommodation.

D. A well-known high-end holiday hotel.

3.Why are many people pleased to share according to Paragraph 4?

A. They can gain huge profits.

B. They needn’t pay any fee.

C. There’re few rules to limit them.

D. The new business has no risks.

4.Which of the following words can best describe the booming business?

A. Creative and developed.

B. Competitive but unpractical.

C. Effective but worrying.

D. Traditional and acceptable.



    SUBJECT: making a difference in your community with the Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth (CBFY)

Do you feel that you would love to help out your community but do not know how?

Is it time to try something new?

Come and join the Bridge Foundation!

We are looking for volunteers to help us support newly immigrant youth that live within the city.

We provide various programs such as:

Life Skill Program: Provides the students with a sense of belonging to the school and community in different lessons once a week. These programs are located in primary, junior high and at high school level.

Homework Club: Lends a hand with Math, Science, ESL and Social Studies for students between grades 1 to 12.

Family Program: Connects newcomer families with community resources to deal with cross-cultural problems that may occur.

Immigrant Youth Pilot Project: One-on-One assistances for students at the high school level who have limited English language, math and literacy skills, and few community supports.

We are looking for individuals with the following characteristics:

● Energy

● Enthusiasm

● Managing time

● Attending to details

● Speaking effectively

● Writing briefly

● Second language would be a value. (Languages in high demand are Chinese, Middle Eastern Arabic, and Persian Farsi)

Our programs are located in various locations within the Calgary area.

If you would like to volunteer or have any other questions, please contact Musani, at 531-3920 or e-mail admin@calgarybridgefoundation.com

The Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth is a non-profit organization that is ready to serve immigrant youth by assisting in the development of youth through education, information exchange and support.

1.The purpose of the notice is to                 .

A. look for immigrant youth with different skills

B. make money by organizing the programs

C. connect newcomer families with community resources

D. look for volunteers to help support newly immigrant youth

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the notice?

A. CBFY locates Life Skill Programs in every corner of the city.

B. The programs can benefit any student aged under 12.

C. CBFY provides different training programs for the volunteers.

D. To be a volunteer, you must at least be energetic and enthusiastic.

3.Which of the following suits you best if you have a good knowledge of either history or geography?

A. Life Skill Program.

B. Homework Club.

C. Family Program.

D. Immigrant Youth Pilot Project.



___________salaries for teachers in rural areas are made higher, they may still choose to leave for a more comfortable and respectable life.

A. Once    B. Since

C. Even though    D. Now that



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