满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was the hottest day of the summer. I ...

    It was the hottest day of the summer. I was driving along County Route 2, which went through the Sonoran Desert. Then I saw that a car had _______ down up ahead. It was the first car I'd seen in about half an hour. In the___________, a few hundred feet ahead of the car, I saw a stooped(曲背的) figure _______ with a gas can in his hands. "There was nothing around for miles. There was no way this person going to _________it to the nearest town, which was a good twenty miles away, in this desert heat.

I'd always been told to stay away from _______, but I thought if there ever was a time to do a good deed, this was it. Besides, _________I neared the figure, I saw an elderly man. I thought there was little_________that he'd do me any harm. Therefore, I slowed down and pulled over. "Need a _______?" I asked.

Now that I could see him clearly, it was  _______ the old man was already in trouble. He’d only walked a hundred yards or so, and he looked as if he was going to pass out any moment. “I’d be most grateful, young lady, if you could help me get to a gas station,” he said slowly. “I seem to be out of petroleum.”

"No problem," I replied.

He ________ slowly into the car and kept silent for a few minutes while his body temperature normalized. I offered him a bottle of iced soda water. He accepted it __________. As we got close to the gas station, I asked him if he would like a ride back to his____________. "I know it is __________your way," he paused. "And just where is your home, young lady?"

"Elmwood," I replied, "And my name is Emily. Emily Hampton. "

"You're a very kind lady, Ms. Hampton. My name is Edward Gilliam," said Edward.

Edward ________ up his gas can. Then I drove him back to his car and helped him pour the petrol into his tank(邮箱). After that I followed him back into ________just to make sure he was OK. At the gas station, we waved goodbye.

The next morning, the doorbell rang. I came down the stairs and saw a giant bouquet of flowers with small note________

"Dearest Emily, thank you for your ________yesterday. You just might have saved my life. You  ________an old man of how much beauty there is in this world. "

1.A. cut B. broken C. set D. settled

2.A. air B. way C. distance D. advance

3.A. walking B. driving C. lying D. carrying

4.A. fix B. link C. push D. make

5.A. elders B. strangers C. receivers D. beggars

6.A. although B. because C. if D. as

7.A. chance B. hope C. doubt D. time

8.A. seat B. lift C. guide D. treat

9.A. complex B. astonishing C. obvious D. rare

10.A. drew B. reached C. pulled D. climbed

11.A. curiously B. gratefully C. generously D. selflessly

12.A. can B. home C. station D. car

13.A. out of B. from across C. by D. in

14.A. looked B. folded C. filled D. built

15.A. town B. desert C. house D. route

16.A. bought B. sent C. said D. attached

17.A. respect B. honesty C. kindness D. optimism

18.A. warned B. reminded C. rid D. persuaded


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.C 18.B 【解析】 本文为记叙文。夏天最热的一天,作者当时正沿着县2号公路行驶,这条路穿过索诺兰沙漠。然后她看到前面有辆车抛锚了,随后看到一个提着汽油桶的老人。在这沙漠的酷热中,这个人是不可能到达最近的镇子的,那个镇子离这儿足足有二十英里远。作者善意地帮助了老人,第二天老人给作者送来了鲜花,表达了感谢。 1.考查动词辨析。A. cut down削减,砍倒;B. broken down分解,发生故障;C. set down放下,记下;D. settled down定居,安定下来。根据下文a few hundred feet ahead of the car, I saw a stooped figure ___3___ with a gas can in his hands.可知,前面有辆车发生故障了。故B选项正确。 2.考查名词辨析。A. air空气;B. way方式;C. distance远方;D. advance提前。根据下文a few hundred feet ahead of the car可知,在远处(in the distance),在汽车前面几百英尺的地方。故C选项正确。 3.考查动词辨析。A. walking走;B. driving开车;C. lying躺着;D. carrying带着。句意:我看见一个正在走着的弯着腰的人,手里拿着一个汽油桶。故A选项正确。 4.考查动词辨析。A. fix安装;B. link连接;C. push推;D. make制造。make it“成功做到”。句意:在这沙漠的酷热中,这个人是不可能到达最近的镇子的,那个镇子离这儿足足有二十英里远。故D选项正确。 5.考查名词辨析。A. elders老年人;B. strangers陌生人;C. receivers接受者;D. beggars乞丐。根据下文I thought there was little____7____that he'd do me any harm.可知,作者总是被告知远离陌生人。故B选项正确。 6.考查连词辨析。A. although尽管;B. because因为;C. if如果;D. as当……的时候。句意:此外,当我走近那个身影时,我看到一个老人。故D选项正确。 7.考查名词辨析。A. chance机会,可能性;B. hope希望;C. doubt疑惑;D. time时间。根据下文Therefore, I slowed down and pulled over.可知,作者认为他几乎没有伤害自己的可能性。故A选项正确。 8.考查名词辨析。A. seat座位;B. lift搭车;C. guide导游;D. treat款待。根据语境,此处指作者问老人需不需要搭便车。故B选项正确。 9.考查形容词辨析。A. complex复杂的;B. astonishing令人惊讶的;C. obvious显然的;D. rare稀少的。根据下文He’d only walked a hundred yards or so, and he looked as if he was going to pass out any moment.可知,显然老人遇到了麻烦。故C选项正确。 10.考查动词辨析。A. drew拉,拖;B. reached到达;C. pulled拉;D. climbed爬。根据上文He’d only walked a hundred yards or so, and he looked as if he was going to pass out any moment.可知,老人有些筋疲力尽,此处应是慢慢地爬上作者的汽车。故D选项正确。 11.考查副词辨析。A. curiously好奇地;B. gratefully感激地;C. generously慷慨地;D. selflessly无私地。老人感激地接受了作者给他的冰镇苏打水。故B选项正确。 12.考查名词辨析。A. can罐子;B. home家;C. station车站,驻地;D. car汽车。当他们快到加油站时,作者问他是否愿意搭车回到他的汽车那里。故D选项正确。 13.考查介词辨析。A. out of自……离开;B. from across从对面;C. by通过;D. in在里面。句意:我知道这会让你偏离自己的路线。故A选项正确。 14.考查动词辨析。A. looked up查找;B. folded up折叠;C. filled up装满;D. built up建立。句意:爱德华把他的汽油罐加满了。故C选项正确。 15.考查名词辨析。A. town城镇;B. desert沙漠;C. house房子;D. route路线。句意:在那之后,我跟着他回到镇上,只是为了确定他是否没事。故A选项正确。 16.考查动词辨析。A. bought买;B. sent发送;C. said说;D. attached贴上,使依附。句意:我走下楼梯,看到一大束鲜花,上面附着一张小纸条。故D选项正确。 17.考查名词辨析。A. respect尊重;B. honesty诚实;C. kindness善良;D. optimism乐观。句意:亲爱的艾米丽,谢谢你昨天的善良。故C选项正确。 18.考查动词辨析。A. warned警告;B. reminded提醒;C. rid使摆脱;D. persuaded说服。句意:你让一位老人想起这个世界有多么美丽。故B选项正确。









Dear Mr. Smith,







I' m looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua










When I grow up, I'll work with animals. Though I don't know exactly how I can do for the animals yet, I can at least to follow my brother. He is a excellent vet. He looks after frightened snakes. He says that snakes are easy to deal as they don't have any legs. My father, a scientist, works to save rarely birds, some of that are really clever and can even say some words. My mother trains dolphins every workday. They practise in the pool. She hears the dolphins talk and sang. That sounds really cool! There are so many, animal job to choose from, but which one is right for them? I'll have to wait and see!




In the past nothing aroused the spirit of America 's emerging economy like the skyscraper. Height1.be) a fascination since the pyramids. It's closer to the heaven. It scares off your enemies. It makes you faithfully kneel down in awe.

But the height of these buildings2.(create) many new engineering problems. The real challenges are that architects are moving into a different league of engineering, one of3.is wind loading. Wind loading is a term engineers use4.(measure) the effect of the wind on a tall building. The more flexible the building, the5. (safe) it is. A tall building's flexibility also helps it survive earthquakes. Probably the safest place you can be in6.earthquake is in a tall building. When the earthquake hits the building, it's able to just bend and move with the earthquake force but not break. All7.all, the engineering advancements used to construct these super tall buildings can turn one man's dream into8.(real). As a matter of fact, we're not so much9.(interest) in how a building meets the ground as we are how a building meets the sky. Despite the challenge of10.(construct) the word's tallest skyscrapers, the passion of exploration will never go out.



    Four brothers left home for college, and they became successful doctors and lawyers.

Some years later, they got together again. While having dinner, they_________for a long time. They discussed the_________they had given their elderly mother who lived far away in another city. The first said, “I had a_________house built for Mama." The second said, “I had my Mercedes-Benz dealer ( 奔驰经销商) send a_________to her." The third said, “I built a beautiful _________for Mama." The fourth said, “You know_________Mama loved reading poems and you know she can't read any more because she can't _________very well. I met a businessman who had a parrot that can recite many_________. It took him 12 years to_________it to speak and he earns his living by renting it out. I had to pay him $100,000 a year for twenty years,__________it is worth it." On hearing that, the other brothers were__________by his good thought.

After the holidays, their mother__________ her thank -you notes, which read“Milton, the house you built is so huge. I only live in one room, but I have to clean the whole house. It's a (an)__________job. Thanks anyway." “Marvin, I am too old to__________.I stay home and have others work for me, so I'll__________ use the car. The ________was good, although not realistic. Thanks."

“Michael, you gave me an expensive building for many people to__________plays or I watch movies in it, but all my friends are dead. I've almost__________my hearing and I' m nearly blind.I won't use it. Thank you all the same.'

“Dearest Melvin, you are the__________ son to have the good sense to give a little thought to your gift. The chicken tasted so__________. I liked it very much. Thank you."

1.A. fought B. studied C. talked D. slept

2.A. chances B. gifts C. wishes D. challenges

3.A. big B. warm C. safe D. lonely

4.A. book B. bike C. car D. bag

5.A. station B. museum C. library D. theater

6.A. how B. what C. why D. when

7.A. listen B. feel C. see D. walk

8.A. stories B. poems C. words D. lyrics

9.A. protect B. beat C. raise D. train

10.A. but B. so C. unless D. although

11.A. shocked B. embarrassed C. frightened D. impressed

12.A. took out B. put up C. sent out D. picked up

13.A. enjoyable B. tiring C. delightful D. amusing

14.A. learn B. work C. exercise D. drive

15.A. never B. often C. regularly D. sometimes

16.A. future B. idea C. hobby D. program

17.A. enjoy B. create C. bring D. record

18.A. admired B. lost C. remained D. discovered

19.A. same B. last C. only D. next

20.A. strange B. unpleasant C. terrible D. delicious



    Travelling is a great way to interact with a culture which might be completely different from your own.

1. Before I moved to Sicily I had travelled around the whole of Italy, the south and the north, and I absolutely fell in love with the culture and the language, so I was inspired to learn the language and also to move here. And here I am now, living in Sicily.

2.When you get back home you'll have lots of stories to tell your friends and family. Even if something isn't very fun, it will be funny to look back and laugh at those awkward or harsh moments. For example, I was travelling with a group of friends in Pisa and we took the wrong bus to get to the beach area, so we ended up being stuck in the rain and having to walk back.

When you travel, you expose yourself to different people.3.It's a great learning experience for both you and the other person because you can share and exchange your own ideas and opinions on a range of topics. For example, I met an Iranian philosopher and we talked about the nature of magic. A lot of his ideas were shaped by his Iranian background and Iranian philosophy.4.

Travelling is the realization of home.5.Since I've been away from London I've come to appreciate the little things that I used to take for granted, like our amazing transport- everything runs on time; everything runs well. So sometimes it takes being away from home to realize how much you absolutely love your hometown.

A. It was a really interesting discussion.

B. Travelling will make you a really good storyteller.

C. Travelling could enrich your awareness of the world.'

D. They may have a completely different outlook on life.

E. We realize how much we miss our hometown when we travel.

F. Travelling might just convince you to move to another country.

G. Being away from home, we miss our friends and our family very much.



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