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Last week I went to countryside to visit my parents.I enjoyed the warmly family atmosphere.That eveninga group of local actor came to give a performance in the village hall.When the news gets aroundexcitement filled the whole village.Unluckilymy glasses was broken.As a resultI couldnt go and watch it.All my parents went to the hallwhich many villagers had waited anxiously.I did nothing but sit on the sofalistened to English programs on the radio.Two hours laterI heard a knock over the door.The performance was finished and my parents returned back home.


countryside前面加上the warmly→warm actor→actors gets→got was→were All→Both which→where listened→listening over→at/on 去掉back 【解析】 本文为记叙文。文章记叙了上周作者去乡下看望父母所经历的一件事情。 第一处:考查冠词。countryside前必须要加定冠词,属于固定用法。故countryside前面加上the。 第二处:考查形容词。此处修饰family atmosphere,做定语,应使用形容词。故warmly改为warm。 第三处:考查名词复数。根据a group of 可知,此处应使用名词复数。故actor改为actors。 第四处:考查时态。根据语境可知,此处描述的是上周的事情,应使用一般过去时。故gets改为got。 第五处:考查主谓一致。主语是my glasses ,谓语动词应使用复数形式。故was改为were。 第六处:考查代词。all指“三者(或三者以上)都”,both“两者都”。此处指“我的父母都去大厅了”。故All改为Both。 第七处:考查定语从句。此处先行词是the hall,关系词在从句中做地点状语,应使用关系副词。故which改为where 第八处:考查现在分词。此处与主语I之间是逻辑主谓关系,应使用现在分词,表主动。故listened改为listening。 第九处:考查介词。knock over“打翻,撞倒”,knock at/on“敲(门、窗等)”。故over改为at/on。 第十处:考查动词用法。return“返回”,home是副词,back明显多余。故去掉back。


Beijing’s Forbidden City is a place full of wonders. From its thousands of rooms to its many beautiful artifactsit’s no wonder it is one of China’s most popular scenic 1.(spot).But even more than 600 years after it 2. (build)it’s still managing to serve up surprises.

The Forbidden City draws visitors because of its rich history and 3.(culture) significancebut perhaps it should add one more thing to its list of attractions: earthquake shelter. While most structures aren’t made 4. (survive)natural disastersthe Forbidden City seems to withstand anything.

To show how strong the ancient Chinese architecture really is5. model of one of the Forbidden City’s palaces was put to the test. It survived a simulated(模拟的) earthquake of 9.5 on the Richter scale—equal to the  6. (1arge)ever recorded quake. Instead of falling apartthe model was just moved gently during the test.

According to expertsthe key 7. the Forbidden City’s strengthas well as other ancient Chinese structures 8. (1ie)in dougong(斗栱)—a centuries-old building method invented in China. Ancient Chinese craftsmen created structures 9. were both enduring(耐用)and elegant10. (show)their advanced understanding of mathematicsarchitecturematerialsand structural science.



    Ten years ago I was visiting Costa Rica when I found I was in a bad situation. I only knew basic Spanishand the only _______ I had was some coins and a return ticket to Guatemala in two weeks.

With the coinsI managed to arrive at Santa Rosa by bus. It was _______ in the middle of the nightbut I could see some _______ in the distanceso I _______  toward them.

I went _______ door to doorexplaining my situation. “I can _______ and clean and look after your kidsI can do anythingcan you give me a _______ ?”Everybody replied saying “Oh my goshbut we are so _______.We have no extra food. Maybe you can try the next _______.”

FinallyI arrived at a Chinese restaurantthe owner of which was incredibly ________ .She told me that her son had a(n) ________ experience. At that timesome other people were very kind to himand she remembered how ________ that made her feel. She called the Red Cross to ________me.With their help, I spent my ________ days in Costa Rica.

I've ________ all over the world. But this was one of the best tripsthe best two ________ I ever had in my traveling life.

At firstI felt ________ and stupid for not traveling with a clear plan. But then I realized that when you’re in a position to be able to ________it actually makes people feel happier. Being able to receive kindness is a ________ for other people as well. And kindness ________ more kindness in small ripples(涟漪).

1.A. possession B. file C. choice D. fortune

2.A. busy B. dark C. hot D. cold

3.A. stores B. bus-stops C. bookshops D. houses

4.A. wandered B. fled C. walked D. jumped

5.A. knocking B. hitting C. answering D. kicking

6.A. cook B. fish C. swim D. fight

7.A. coffee B. bed C. tip D. job

8.A. unlucky B. poor C. mean D. hard

9.A. company B. factory C. restaurant D. family

10.A. honest B. polite C. kind D. easygoing

11.A. similar B. different C. relaxing D. pleasant

12.A. tough B. grateful C. awkward D. warm

13.A. seize B. check C. find D. rescue

14.A. passing B. remaining C. rewarding D. exciting

15.A. surveyed B. driven C. studied D. traveled

16.A. days B. weeks C. months D. years

17.A. fortunate B. optimistic C. guilty D. curious

18.A. offer B. help C. receive D. repay

19.A. gift B. talent C. chance D. character

20.A. proves B. reflects C. forces D. inspires



    Penguins are flightless birds that spend half their time on land and half in the water.

1. They have dark and white feathersand their wings have evolved into flippers(脚蹼).Most penguins feed on fishsquid and other forms of sea life caught while swimming.

2. They are mostly found in groups that include thousands of penguins.Penguins each have their own unique mating calland they use that to locate their mate and chicks in such a large group.

Although almost all penguin species are native to the Southern Hemisphere, they are not found only in cold Antarctica.3. Several species are even found in the temperate zone, and one speciesthe Galátpagos penguinlives near the equator(赤道).

Unfortunately, many penguin species worldwide are facing threats.The biggest is climate change and global warming. As the earth warms upthe sheets of ice have meltedand the algae(藻类)that grow under the ice decrease.The algae are eaten by tiny creatures called zooplankton. When there is a drop in zooplankton, it affects the fish that depend on it.4.

Another major threat is from oil spills. If coated with oil, penguins cannot float or swim in  water. Also, if oil is swallowed, penguins will die from poison.5.

A.These birds are very social.

B.In fact, only a few of them live so far south.

C.Penguins are highly adapted for life in the water.

D.The biggest threat for penguins comes from humans.

E.They have a tendency to live in a community together.

F.As a resultpenguins have less fish to eat and thus starve.

G.Others include overfishingillegal egg harvestingand natural enemies.



    We often seek food after focused mental activitylike preparing for an exam.Researchers guess that too much thinking consumes a lot of energy from the brain.So the brainsensing that it may soon require more calories to keep goingapparently leads to bodily hungerand even though there has been little physical movementwe eat.

The researchers note that tiring activity both increases the amount of blood sugar and lactate(乳酸盐)circulating in the blood and increases blood flow to the head.

Because the brain uses sugar and lactate as fuelresearchers wondered if the increased flow of fuelrich blood during exercise could feed a wornout brain and reduce the urge to overeat.

Thirty—eight healthy college students were invited to determine their fitness and metabolic(新陈代谢)rates and to report what their favorite pizza was.Afterwardthey sat quietly for 35 minutes before being given as much of their favorite pizza as they wanted.At a later datethe volunteers returned and spent 20 minutes making selections from college and graduate-school entrance exams.

Nexthalf the students sat quietly for 15 minutesbefore being given pizza.The rest of the volunteers spent those 15 minutes doing intervals on a treadmill(跑步机)two minutes of hard running followed by about one minute of walkingrepeated five times.These students were then allowed to gorge on pizzatoo.But by and largethey did not overeat.

When the researchers factored in(将……作为因素考虑)the calories burnt on runningthey determined that those students actually consumed 200 fewer total calories after their brain workouts than the resting students.

The researchers do not know if the runners consumed extra calories at dinner.They also cannot tell whether other types of exercise would have the same effect as runningalthough the researchers say they suspect that if an activity causes someone to break into a sweatit should also increase blood sugar and lactatefeeding the brain and weakening hungers call.

1.What do we learn from the first paragraph?

A. We eat for more physical movements.

B. A busy brain can make one hungry.

C. Energy from the brain cant be used up.

D. An exam results in caloric consumption most.

2.What can a physical movement do?

A. Increase blood flow. B. Increase the amount of blood sugar.

C. Urge one to eat more. D. Make the brain tied.

3.What does the underlined phrasegorge onin paragraph 5 mean?

A. Eat. B. Purchase. C. Taste. D. Obtain.

4.What do the researchers want to know from the study?

A. Whether brain uses sugar and lactate as fuel.

B. Whether brain can be tired during exercise.

C. Whether exercise can reduce eating desire.

D. Whether exercise increases blood sugar.



    An unconventional new initiative(首创)in Canada will soon allow doctors to prescribe art to their patientsby giving them free access to a local museum.Wandering through the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts(MMFA)these patients and their loved ones will be able to feast their eyes on the peaceful collections of art.

The initiative is the first of its kind in the world.And while you certainly cant replace a conventional treatment with a couple of paintingsthe idea is for suchprescriptionsto assist a persons current treatment plan.Under the new programmembers of the Francophone Association of Doctors in Canada(MFDC)will be able to hand out up to 50 prescriptions for their patients.

These prescriptions will be available for those with a wide range of mental and physical illnessesand each of them will allow two adults and two children to visit the museum for free.

By offering free admission to a safewelcoming placea relaxing experiencea moment of reliefand an opportunity to strengthen ties with loved onesMMFAMFDC Museum Prescriptions contribute to the patients well-being and recovery,”explains a news conference from the MMFA.

It may look a lot like a marketing effort for the museum but there’s also increasing evidence that the display of visual artespecially if its showing naturecan have positive effects on health outcomes.

In some waysthe benefits of looking at art appear a little similar to physical activity.A systematic review of clinical art therapy(疗法) found that visual art has significant and positive effects on depressionanxietymoodand self-esteem.Findings like these are slowly gaining attraction in the medical communitymaking artwork a higher priority(优先)in hospitals around the world.

In the USnearly half of all health care institutions have reported including art in health care programmingsuch as art therapy and the placement of visual art in hospitals.With spaces  dedicated(专用的)to art therapy and also a medical consultation roomthe MMFA already provides services for people with mental health issueseating disordersand Alzheimers diseasejust to name a few.

1.How will some Canadian doctors treat their patients?

A. Introducing fine arts to their patients.

B. Feasting them in a peaceful and welcoming place.

C. Keeping them company through the Montreal Museum.

D. Giving them a prescription to access a local museum for free.

2.MMFA thinks the new initiative in Canada can be_______.

A. a help with patientsrecovery B. a chance to make friends

C. the best option for the treatment plan D. a substitute for conventional treatment

3.Why does the museum join in the program?

A. To make visual art known to the public. B. To promote the museum into market.

C. To strengthen ties with doctors. D. To advance the science of medicine.

4.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Fine arts will take the place of medicine.

B. Artists rarely suffer from some mental diseases.

C. More than 50 prescriptions are available for patients.

D. Art will be included in Canadian doctorsprescriptions.



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