满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Years ago, we celebrated our oldest son’...

    Years ago, we celebrated our oldest son’s first birthday by holding a super party. I spent months ______, cutting out handmade banners(横幅)and making all kinds of decorations. I kept

____ my husband’s work as he built a cardboard city background. And I would lose ______ of my emotions when it didn’t progress exactly as I _____.

I didn’t know exactly why I stuck to ______ a party like that, but I felt this unspoken ______. It was a feeling that my ______ as a mom and my love for my son were tied to how ______ this party was. Actually my son was turning one year old, and he had no idea what was going on. ______, this clearly meant nothing to him.

I tried to ______ other people and maybe even prove something to myself, only to find it made me ______. On his birthday, I put on a ton of makeup(化妆品) to _____ my stress and smiled to our ______ even though I nearly broke down. It was the ______ party because of the memories attached to it! I ruined a ______ memory for me as a mother and decided to make a ____.

Last weekend, we celebrated my other son Hudson’s sixth birthday. He asked a Ninjago theme, so a week before the party, I searched Amazon (a shopping website) and ______ a banner and some basic party materials as he ______. On that day, we ordered a big meal and used disposable(一次性的)plates to avoid hours of cleaning up. The party was ______ but perfect. As Hudson went to bed that night, he told me it was his best birthday ever.

Parents’______ for kids does not lie in the complexity of celebrating kids’ birthday.

1.A. researching B. preparing C. thinking D. studying

2.A. ignoring B. doubting C. finding D. checking

3.A. control B. count C. sight D. track

4.A. learned B. explained C. expected D. promised

5.A. damaging B. arranging C. attending D. leaving

6.A. fears B. concern C. questions D. pressure

7.A. dream B. job C. identity D. post

8.A. personal B. difficult C. familiar D. brilliant

9.A. However B. Therefore C. Anyhow D. Besides

10.A. persuade B. remind C. inspire D. impress

11.A. delighted B. annoyed C. tired D. astonished

12.A. create B. cover C. express D. experience

13.A. neighbors B. relatives C. colleagues D. guests

14.A. worst B. newest C. best D. biggest

15.A. clear B. bitter C. precious D. accurate

16.A. mess B. deal C. joke D. change

17.A. designed B. purchased C. made D. wanted

18.A. taught B. did C. demanded D. commanded

19.A. splendid B. complicated C. plain D. boring

20.A. affection B. praise C. sympathy D. advice


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.D 11.C 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.B 18.C 19.C 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。短文叙述了作者为孩子举办派对的过程以及感受。作者最终意识到,父母对孩子的爱并不在于庆祝孩子生日派对的复杂性。形式不重要,重要的是爱无处不在。 1.考查动词辨析。A. researching调查;B. preparing准备;C. thinking想; D. studying学习。句意:我花了几个月的时间准备、裁剪手工横幅、制作各种装饰。由前文可知,作者要举办一个超级派对来庆祝大儿子的一岁生日,所以一定是要花费时间来准备的。故B选项切题。 2.考查动词辨析。A. ignoring忽略;B. doubting怀疑;C. finding发现;D. checking核对。句意:当我的丈夫制作城市纸板背景时。我就在旁边一直监督着他的工作。作者很重视这次派对,所以对各项工作就非常上心,对丈夫的工作也不例外,一直在监督,指导着丈夫的工作。故D选项切题。 3.考查名词辨析。A. control控制;B. count计数;C. sight视力;D. track轨道。句意:事情没有向我预期的那样发展时,我经常会大发雷霆。由“when it didn’t progress exactly as I expected”可知,事情没有向我预期的那样发展时,作者就会大发雷霆。lose control of“失去对...控制”符合题意。故A选项切题。 4.考查动词辨析。A. learned学习;B. explained解释;C. expected期望;D. promised承诺。句意:事情没有向我期望的那样发展时,我经常会大发雷霆。作者主办的派对,所以是按照自己的期望来进行的。所以,expected符合句意。故C选项切题。 5.考查动词辨析。A. damaging破坏;B. arranging 安排;C. attending参加;D. leaving离开。句意:我不知道为什么我坚持安排这样一个聚会,但是我感受到了一种莫名的压力。由前文“ by holding a super party”,可知,hold与arrange为相近词。故B选项切题。 6.考查名词辨析。A. fears害怕; B. concern关心;C. questions问题;D. pressure压力。句意:我不知道为什么我坚持安排这样一个聚会,但是我感受到了一种莫名的压力。由下文“ I put on a ton of makeup(化妆品) to cover my stress”可知,作者涂抹了很多的化妆品来掩饰内心的压力。所以这种压力是一直存在的,在准备派对期间就感觉到了。故D选项切题。 7.考查名词辨析。A. dream梦想;B. job工作;C. identity身份;D. post贴子。句意:这是一种感觉,我作为母亲的身份和我对儿子的爱与这个派对的精彩程度是息息相关的。母亲即使一种称呼也是一种身份。故C选项切题。 8.考查形容词辨析。A. personal个人的;B. difficult困难的;C. familiar相似的;D. brilliant极好的。句意:这是一种感觉,我作为母亲的身份和我对儿子的爱与这个派对的精彩程度是息息相关的。作者之所以花费了几个月来准备这么大的派对,就是希望能让派对精彩,作者认为这才能展示出母亲对儿子的爱。故D选项切题。 9.考查副词辨析。A. However然而;B. Therefore因此;C. Anyhow无论如何;D. Besides此外。句意:因此,这显然对他毫无意义。Therefore表示前后两句为承接关系。符合题意。故B选项切题。 10.考查动词辨析。A. persuade说服;B. remind提醒;C. inspire激励;D. impress使印象深刻。句意:我尽力给别人留下深刻印象,甚至向自己证明一些事情,结果却发现这让我感到很疲倦。作者身为女主人,一定要把最好的印象展现给宾客,这也是派对精不精彩的一个重要的因素。故D选项切题。 11.考查形容词辨析。A. delighted高兴的;B. annoyed生气的;C. tired累的;D. astonished惊讶的。句意:我尽力给别人留下深刻印象,甚至向自己证明一些事情,结果却发现这让我感到很疲倦。only to do 表示出乎意料的结果,这里表示作者很疲惫,这种疲惫即来自准备过程的疲惫,也来自应酬的疲惫。故C选项切题。 12.考查动词辨析。A. create创造;B. cover覆盖; C. express表达;D. experience经历。句意:在他生日那天,我涂抹了很多的化妆品来掩饰内心的压力,尽管我几乎要崩溃了,但我还是对我们的客人保持微笑。涂抹了很多的化妆品的目的就是来掩盖作者的疲惫。故B选项切题。 13.考查名词辨析。A. neighbors邻居;B. relatives亲戚;C. colleagues同事;D. guests客人。句意:在他生日那天,我涂抹了很多的化妆品来掩饰内心的压力,尽管我几乎要崩溃了,但我还是对我们的客人保持微笑。派对来的都是客人,所以guests符合语意。故D选项切题。 14.考查形容词辨析。A. worst最坏的;B. newest最新的;C. best最好的;D. biggest最大的。句意:它是我记忆中最糟糕的生日派对。由前文的“pressure,tired, break down”可知,作者认为这是记忆中最糟糕的生日派对。故A选项切题。 15.考查形容词词辨析。A. clear清晰的;B. bitter苦的;C. precious珍贵的;D. accurate正确的。句意:我毁了作为一个母亲珍贵的记忆,并决定做出改变。时光一去不复返,所以作者觉得这段记忆很珍贵。故C选项切题。 16.考查名词辨析。A. mess混乱;B. deal交易;C. joke笑话;D. change改变。句意:我毁了我作为一个母亲珍贵的记忆,并决定做出改变。由下文可知,作者在庆祝另一个儿子的生日派对时,庆祝的形式与风格与这个完全不同,所以作者做出了改变。故D选项切题。 17.考查动词辨析。A. designed设计;B. purchased购买;C. made制作;D. wanted想要。句意:他要求了一个忍者主题,所以在派对前一周,我就在亚马逊上搜索商品,按照他的要求买了一面横幅和一些基本的派对材料。作者搜索了亚马逊,所以一定是在网上买东西了。故B选项切题。 18.考查动词辨析。A. taught教;B. did做;C. demanded要求;D. commanded命令。句意:他要求了一个忍者主题,所以在派对前一周,我就在亚马逊上搜索商品,按照他的要求买了一面横幅和一些基本的派对材料。由前文“He asked a Ninjago theme,”可知,他要求了一个忍者主题,所以买的材料也是按照孩子的要求购买的。故C选项切题。 19.考查形容词辨析。A. splendid 壮观的;B. complicated复杂的;C. plain 坦 白;D. boring令人厌烦的。句意:晚会很简单,但很完美。由前文可知,派对准备过程简单,饮食简单。所以派对总体来说很简单。故C选项切题。 20.考查名词辨析。A. affection喜爱;B. praise赞扬;C. sympathy同情;D. advice建议。句意:父母对孩子的爱并不在于庆祝孩子生日的复杂性。对孩子的爱贯穿于为两个孩子举办的派对的故事中。故A选项切题。

在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

Beijing was once a city of bikes, the capital of a country 1. (know) as the Bicycle Kingdom, where cars were reserved for official and political business. 2. , decades of remarkable economic growth led to a huge flowing of cars in the city. Owning one became not just a marker of reaching the middle class but also a 3. (require) for marriage. As the economy boomed, autos pushed bikes off the roads, 4. (create) heavy pollution and miserable traffic.

Fortunately, now Beijing may be returning to its roots with a modem twist. Thanks to about 20 technology companies, brightly coloured shared bikes5. (flood) Beijing since last year. Many local residents welcome the shared bikes6. the flexibility and freedom they offer. They pick up the bikes and then ride and drop7. off anywhere they like, locking the back wheel, with no need to find a fixed place.

Analysis in China say there are three factors8. contribute to the sudden increase of bikes: a lot of cash looking for a home, a good idea and government support. “As the city’s population grew, traffic jams got9. (bad).” Cai, the Ofo spokeswoman, said, “Shared bikes could solve the ‘last mile’ problem in10. environmentally friendly way.”





提示词:毛笔writing brush





1. 介绍你的基本信息;

2. 说明你的优势;

3. 表示你希望被录用。


1. 词数不少于50

2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Sir or Madam



Li Hua



    Chuck was in my high-school English class.1.So, when he told me he had been accepted into the journalism program at the University of Missouri, I wasn’t surprised.

During the first year at college, Chuck stopped by school a few times. We talked about our work together several years before. We had raised money together for twenty-three sick and abandoned babies.2.. It was an activity that in some ways changed our formal relationship into a friendship.

In his second year in college, it was discovered that Chuck had lung cancer and had only a short while to live. So he left school and came home to be near to his loved ones.

About six weeks later, Chuck died.3.The youngest of nine children, Chuck was talented and full of promise. More importantly, he was a good person, a just man.

When I went to his funeral, his father asked to speak with me. He told me that before Chuck’s death, he chose six items to bury with him.4.He told me that Chuck had always kept the piece because he liked the message I had written to him at the bottom of the last page. In that little note, I affirmed his talent as a writer and I encouraged him to be responsible for the gift.

5.His taking my note with him forever offered me a great opportunity for influencing studentslives. I felt inspired with a sense of purpose that was greater than ever: teachers have the power to affect hearts and minds for a long time.

A. It was a great loss for everyone, especially for his family.

B. Chuck helped to raise several thousand dollars.

C. Whenever I forget my purpose, I think of Chuck.

D. He was a writer of great promise.

E. My spirits were lifted up as Chuck was filled with the joy of life.

F. One of them was an essay he had written in my class some years before.

G. I was touched and grateful to Chuck who gave me a special gift that would change my life.



    Inside a secured room in a beautiful castle near Paris, a small metal cylinder (圆柱体) rests on a shelf beneath a double set of bell jars. It has lain there for more than a century, its rest only occasionally disturbed when the room’s three key holders perform a coordinated opening ceremony to let technicians enter and clean this precious piece of metal.

First, the cylinder is rubbed with a piece of soft, alcohol-soaked cloth. Then it is steamed with pure water. Finally, the 1kg cylinder is returned, carefully, to its resting place.

Such attention to a lump of metal is unusual, but has a purpose. The castle houses the International Bureau of Weights and Measures and that piece of shining, circular metal is its holiest relic. It is the defining mass (质量)against which all other kilograms are measured. This is the international prototype, or standard, of the kilogram. The IPK, in short.

Dozens of carefully weighted copies of the original have been made. They are stored around the world and used to standardise individual nations’ weights and measures systems.

But the days of the IPK, in its current form, are numbered. The International Bureau of Weights and Measures has decided to replace this single physical specimen with a more fundamental measurement – based on electric current – in order to define the mass of an object. The king of kilograms is about to be dethroned.

“One key reason for doing this work is to provide international security,” says Bureau spokesman Paul Robinson. “If the castle burned down tomorrow and the kilogram was destroyed, we would have no reference left for the world’s metric weights system. There would be chaos. The current definition of the kilogram is the weight of that cylinder in Paris, after all.”

Another major motivation for the replacement of the IPK is the growing need to be able to carry out more and more precise measurements. “Drug companies will soon be wanting to use ingredients that will have to be measured in terms of a few millionths or even billionths of a gram,” says Robinson. “We need to be prepared to weigh substances with that kind of accuracy.”

1.What do we know about the IPK from the first two paragraphs?

A. It’s cared for with great devotion.

B. It’s used in religious ceremonies.

C. It’s beautifully designed and decorated.

D. It’s the most valuable metal in the world.

2.Which of the following best explains “dethroned” underlined in paragraph 5?

A. rebuilt B. removed

C. destroyed D. upgraded

3.What is a reason for replacing the current IPK?

A. To protect the metal cylinder from damage.

B. To make taking measurements more economical.

C. To provide all countries with the same standard.

D. To satisfy the increasing demand for exactness.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. No more kilos

B. A heavy technology

C. The future of the kilo

D. The history of measures



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