满分5 > 高中英语试题 >


一份调查显示:当今中学生最关心的问题之一就是人际关系的处理.良好的人际关系能够使他们的生活更愉快、精力更充沛、身体更健康.但是,对于中学生来说,要想处理好人际关系不是一件容易的事情,仅有主观热情是不够的,还要讲求方法.请你结合下面的要点写一则题为"How to Improve Interpersonal Relationship"的英文演讲稿.






注意:1 对所给要点,不要简单翻译,可适当发挥.

2 词数:80左右.

3 演讲稿中不能提及自己所在学校和本人姓名.

4 参考词汇:自卑inferiority

Good morning everyone!

The topic of my speech today is…


Thank you for listening!


Good morning, everyone! The topic of my speech today is "How to Improve Interpersonal Relationship". To improve interpersonal relationship, a student should respect others and be generous.In a way a selfish person can't make true friends.It is better to be active in improving interpersonal relationship and get rid of the sense of inferiority. It's wise to respect the rights of others and follow their advice, which makes you gain more respect and is beneficial to growing up.Last but not least, one should be ready to help any person in trouble.By doing so, one can improve interpersonal relationship with others. Thank you for listening! 【解析】 这是一篇应用文写作。 第1步:根据提示可知,本篇为一篇演讲稿;当今中学生最关心的问题之一就是人际关系的处理.良好的人际关系能够使他们的生活更愉快、精力更充沛、身体更健康.但是,对于中学生来说,要想处理好人际关系不是一件容易的事情,仅有主观热情是不够的,还要讲求方法.请你结合下面的要点写一则题为"How to Improve Interpersonal Relationship"的英文演讲稿.(1)尊重他人;(2)去掉自私心理;(3)主动交往,去掉自卑心理;(4)尊重他人权利,虚心接受他人的忠告和建议;(5)乐于助人. 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:inferiority (自卑),respect others(尊重他人),selfish(自私),get rid of(摆脱);follow their advice(听从建议)等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。 本文内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。另外全文中没有中国式英语的句式,显示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。


Jane Goodall was born on April 31934 in London1.grew up in Bournemouth on the southern coast of England On her second birthdayJane Goodall's father bought her a beautifullifelike toy chimp 2.name Jubileein honor of a baby chimp born at the London Zoo Jane Goodall loved the toyand todayJubilee still sits on a chair in her home in England

As a childJane Goodall was 3.regular reader of the popular Tarzan books But at the age of ten or elevenshe dreamed of going to Africa to live with4.animal).She had encouragement from her mother5.told her to work hardtake advantage of the opportunitiesand never give up

When a friend invited her to Kenya in 1957Jane 6.ready accepted the offer And that yearJane traveled to Kenya 7.boat and it was there 8.she heard of Dr Louis Leakey and managed to impress him with her knowledge of Africa and its wildlife Dr Leakey hired her as his assistant at Gombe National Park9.watch the wild chimps and recording everything she saw

Over the yearsGoodall's studies 10.continue to show the many striking similarities between humans and chimps



    A man was driving along the highway when he saw the Easter rabbit walking across the middle of the road He wanted to avoid _____the rabbit but unluckily the Easter rabbit jumped in front of the _____and was knocked over

The basket of candy which the rabbit was_____ went flying all over the place The driver being an animal _____stopped his car at the side of the _____ and got out to see what had become of the rabbit Much to his _____ the colorful rabbit was dead so the driver began to_____

A woman _____down the highway saw the man crying on the side of the road_____she stopped her car stepped out and asked the man what was _____ "I feel terrible" he explained "I hit the Easter rabbit and killed it _____ Children will be so sad they always _____to see it on Easter What should I do"

The woman told the man not to _____ She went to her car and pulled out a spray can She walked over to the _____rabbit and sprayed something onto it Immediately the Easter rabbit came to _____jumped up picked up the _____all over the ground waved at the two _____and walked down the road

The man was _____ He didn't know what was in the woman's spray can He ran over to the woman and asked "What did you spray on the Easter rabbit"

The woman _____the can around so that the man could _____the words on it It said "Hair spray restores life to dead hair"

1.A. beating B. seeing C. hitting D. striking

2.A. shop B. field C. tree D. car

3.A. giving B. carrying C. showing D. making

4.A. lover B. owner C. protector D. researcher

5.A. house B. station C. road D. ground

6.A. excitement B. joy C. anger D. sadness

7.A. laugh B. weep C. shout D. sing

8.A. driving B. walking C. running D. flying

9.A. though B. but C. so D. if

10.A. different B. important C. possible D. wrong

11.A. by hand B. by accident C. by design D. by contrast

12.A. expect B. forget C. hate D. learn

13.A. go B. worry C. rest D. explain

14.A. mad B. polite C. dead D. colorful

15.A. success B. life C. dream D. work

16.A. candy B. basket C. carrots D. eggs

17.A. men B. humans C. women D. children

18.A. encouraged B. pleased C. surprised D. amused

19.A. broke B. picked C. threw D. turned

20.A. read B. keep C. receive D. write



    Homework is made up of outofclass activities and athome activities teachers assign to students It can include practice assignments that emphasize newly acquired skills1. Projects that have to be worked on in agreement with schoolwork also form a part of homework

2. For example to complete their homework in time children start dividing their time into studying and playing thus learning to complete their scheduled tasks within the time they have They learn to do things on their own They manage their time and complete their work independently

Homework can also help build up children's confidence 3. Teachers' positive remarks can help develop students' confidence and encourage them to keep up with their good work

In addition homework gives students a chance to learn from their mistakes and overcome their weakness It provides them with a platform to express what they know or have newly found and exhibit their talents4. This helps them improve their academic results

However to be as beneficial to students as possible homework should be assigned properly The amount and difficulty level of homework assignments should match the ages and abilities of students5. Homework proves to be beneficial only if it does not put students under stress or pressure

A Otherwise it will become a punishment

B Homework can benefit students in many ways

C Teachers give comments on the work that students do

D It also gives students the practice of whatever they learn in school

E Completing homework requires planning organizing and acting upon it

F Students can gain a sense of accomplishment after completing homework

G It can be preparation assignments to make students ready for class activities



    I used to teach 7th grade boys I often got comments of sympathy but I loved those young students When I first started teaching them I soon realized I need to bring forth some new ideas to keep their attention so I came up with the idea of doing object lessons And one of my favourite lessons with them was the "Chocolate Cake Course"

I took a covered cake carrier one day saying " I want you to have some chocolate cakes this morning" Then I handed out a cup of cocoa powder a bowl of eggs and container with flour oil sugar and all the other ingredients to each boy They looked at me in puzzlement and disappointment I smiled as I told them "I know it doesn't look like a chocolate cake now but without adding all those ingredients you won't end up with a delicious chocolate cake"

We discussed the way the ingredients were put in a bowl and then beaten by a mixer We talked about how the batter(糊状物) was put into pans and placed in a hot oven Then I shared with them how the process mirrors our lives Sometimes there were sweet times like the sugar that went into the cake Sometimes there were bitter times like the cocoa when eaten alone And sometimes there were hard times when we felt as if we were being beaten like the batter Finally we talked about how it was necessary for the cake batter to go into a hot oven Sometimes we felt the heat of hot oven as if we were going through some hard circumstances Just like I need to have a plan for that chocolate cake we need to know exactly what ingredients to put into our lives and how long we need to stay in the oven of hard times so that we could become stronger and get the sweetness from life Looking at their faces throughout the room I could tell the boys had got it especially when I showed a chocolate cake for them to share

1.What is the writer's new idea as a teacher

A. Teaching children history

B. Doing object lessons

C. Going fishing with children

D. Sharing chocolate cakes in class

2.How did the writer know the students understood her lessons

A. From the students' answers

B. From the students' expressions

C. According to what the students did

D. According to the students' comments

3.Which of the following can describe the teacher properly

A. Kind helpful and goodtempered

B. Active diligent and sympathetic

C. Positive goodlooking and thoughtful

D. Caring creative and respectable

4.The writer not only taught the students how to make cakes but also    

A. told them the truth of life

B. taught them good discipline

C. stressed the importance of work

D. spread culture knowledge



    Mother's Day is the occasion upon which children stop and say "thank you" to moms all over the world Homemade cards express gratitude for countless meals cooked wounds dressed and hugs given Animal moms on the other hand never get any thanks But animal moms are also great moms You might be surprised at some of these moms

Octopuses (章鱼)

The mother octopus lays about 50000 eggs For about 300 days she stays with the eggs cleans them and protects them She does not leave to feed However this animal mom dies as soon as the eggs are hatched (孵化).

Crocodiles (鳄鱼)

A crocodile mother puts a lot of time and effort into raising her babies She starts by building a nest which she guards for over two months! When the eggs are ready to hatch the young crocodiles call out to their mother who digs them out and helps them hatch She then carries them in her mouth down to the water where she will guard them for several more weeks or months until they learn to hunt on their own


Bats become moms by hanging head up in a cave giving birth Catching the youngster before it can fall to the ground below she puts it in a pouch (育儿袋). Bat moms may carry babies with them when feeding for the first few days As the little bats get bigger and heavier moms help them hang on the wall of their caves and return often to feed them It continues for about three weeks until the babies are grown up and able to fly on their own

Koalas (考拉)

The animal mom gives birth after a pregnancy (怀孕期) of only 35 days The hairless baby climbs into its mother's pouch and lives there for another five months When the little koala is between five and eight months old it leaves the pouch for short periods of time but returns for safety Once it is too big to return to the pouch it will climb onto its mother's back and ride there until it is about 12 months old

1.A crocodile mother usually carries her baby to the water    

A. in her pouch

B. on her back

C. in her mouth

D. by her tail

2.A bat mom    

A. gives birth by lying in the nest

B. gives birth by hanging in a cave

C. leaves its babies in the pouch for months

D. lets its babies live on their own after birth

3.According to the passage what can we know about the koala

A. A young koala usually stay with its mom for twelve months

B. The hairless baby lives in the mother's pouch for about half a year

C. The little koala leaves the pouch at age between four and seven months old

D. The animal mom needs to be pregnant for over two months before the baby's birth



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