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单词和语法填空(原题,词汇范围为人教版必修三Unit1-3单元。) 1.Moha...


1.Mohandas Gandhi is the leader who helped gain India’s i __________ from Britain.

2.She showed us all the athletics __________() she had won.

3.I am writing this letter to a __________ to you for the mistake I made in the work.

4.You have to b __________ the advantages of living in the country against the disadvantages.

5.The president __________(商量) with European leaders before taking action.

6.__________(好奇心) drove the girl to open that box.

7.Since time was __________(有限的)I drafted out my speech in 10 minutes.

8.Henry earned his passage by working as an unpaid hand, which a _________ for his poor appearance.

9.She __________(发现,认出) her friend among the passengers who got off the train.

10.Tom went out to play football without his mother’s p __________.

11.Something terrible __________(happen) if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.

12.You_________(tell) him, for I had told him about it earlier.

13.I made it clear _________I was determined to carry out the plan.

14.The reason why I like the new rule is __________it sets a good example to young athletes.

15.We have been prepared to do __________ it takes to save her life.


1.independence 2.awards 3.apologize 4.balance 5.consulted 6.Curiosity 7.limited 8.accounted 9.spotted 10.permission 11.must have happened 12.needn’t have told 13.that 14.that 15.whatever 【解析】 1.考查名词。句意:甘地帮助印度用英国手中取得独立。因为有India’s 修饰,故用名词,根据句意可知,故填independence。 2.句意:她向我们展示获得所有运动奖项。根据汉语意思,故用awards。 3.考查动词。句意:我写信给你是因为我工作中犯的错误向你道歉。To 后接动词原形,本句为短语apologize to sb for sth因某事向某人道歉,故用apologize。 4.考查动词。句意:你必须要衡量在乡村生活的弊端和优点。分析句子可知,本句用动词,本句为短语balance sth against sth衡量某物,故用balance。 5.句意:总统在采取行动之前与欧洲领导人进行了协商。根据汉语意思,用consult,由于陈述过去事情,故用一般过去时,故用consulted。 6.句意:好奇心驱使女孩打开那个盒子。根据汉语意思,故用curiosity。 7.句意:由于时间有限,我十分钟就拟了一个演讲的草稿。根据汉语意思,故用limited。 8.句意:他通过免费做工挣得船票,这也是为什么看起来很可怜的原因。本句为短语account for 解释,说明,故用accounted。 9.句意:他从下火车的人群中认出了他的朋友。根据汉语意思,故用spot,陈述过去事情,故用spotted。 10.考查名词。句意:Tom未经母亲的允许就出去踢足球了。Withou为介词,后接名词,根据汉语意思,故用permission。Without permission未经许可。 11.考查情态动词表推测。句意:如果Li Chang没有像平时那样来他的餐厅吃饭的话,肯定就发生了一些可怕的事情。分析句子可知,本句为对过去事情的推测,且语气强烈,故用must have done,故用must have happened。 12.句意:你本没必要告诉他,我之前就告诉了他。分析句子可知,本句为短语needn’t have done本没必要做某事,故用needn’t have told。 13.考查宾语从句。句意:我讲清楚了,我要实施那个计划。本句为it作形式宾语,真正的宾语为从句,从句结构意思完整,故用引导词that。 14.考查表语从句。句意:我喜欢新的规定的原因是它为年轻的运动员树立了榜样。本句为结构the reason why…is that,表语从句结构意思完整,故用引导词that。 15.考查宾语从句。句意:我们必须准备做能够做的事情来拯救他。分析句子可知,it takes to save her life为do的宾语,从句缺乏take的宾语,故用what。

    Mr. Glen is a millionaire. Years ago, after returning from abroad to his motherland, he ___his company. Speaking of success, Glen often tells us a story about his extra expensive “school” fee. He always __ his success to it.

At that time, Glen, who already got a Ph.Ddegree, __ to return home, starting a company. Before leaving, he bought a Rolex watch with the __ made through years. At the airport hehad to accept the routine customs(海关) check. The watch on his wrist was also required to be taken down for __. Glen knew that carrying such goods out had to pay the tax, and he worried about paying __ for his watch. So while checked, he told a lie that his watch was a __ fake(假货). When he was __ of his “smarts”, immediately, in the presence of Glen, the officers hit the watch, __ cost nearly 100,000, into pieces __ hearing Glen’s words. Glen was __. Before he understood why, he was taken to the office to be examined __. For many times of entry-exit __ he knew that only those people in the “blacklist” would “enjoy” this special treatment. The officers looked over everything carefully, and __ him no matter what time of entry and exit he must accept the check and if__ reusing and carrying fake goods, he would be __ by law! Suddenly, his face turned red, and he had nothing in mind after __ the plane for long.

After that, he often told the story to his family and his employees. He said that this made a deep __ on him, because the additional high “school” fee that he had ever paid made him realize the value of __, which he would remember as the __ of his success forever.

1.A. went up B. set up C. took up D. picked up

2.A. honors B. mentions C. brings D. owes

3.A. objected B. refused C. decided D. asked

4.A. books B. things C. pounds D. savings

5.A. inspection B. Look C. test D. experiment

6.A. it B. one C. them D. these

7.A. careless B. priceless C. hopeless D. worthless

8.A. afraid B. ashamed C. Proud D. hard

9.A. whose B. What C. which D. as

10.A. at B. On C. in D. by

11.A. shocked B. delighted C. disappointed D. satisfied

12.A. closely B. quietly C. quickly D. curiously

13.A. conditions B. chances C. experiments D. experiences

14.A. stopped B. warned C. urged D. hoped

15.A. found out B. came out C. sent out D. set out

16.A. hit B. charged C. praised D. blamed

17.A. boarding B. getting off C. flying D. observing

18.A. expression B. Idea C. thought D. impression

19.A. lies B. honesty C. goods D. bravery

20.A. choice B. lesson C. secret D. belief



    Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving Day in the USA, falling on the Friday after the fourth Thursday in November.


Many people have a day off work or choose to take a day from their annual leave on Black Friday. Some people use this to make trips to see family members or friends who live in other areas or to go on vacation. Shopping for Christmas presents is popular on Black Friday. Many stores have special offers and lower their prices on some goods, such as toys.

Public life

2.Many people take a day off on the day after Thanksgiving Day. Many organizations also close for the Thanksgiving weekend.

Public transportation systems may run on their normal schedule or may have changes. Some stores extend their opening hours on Black Friday.3.


Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving Day, is one of the busiest shopping days in the USA.4.One theory is that the wheels of vehicles in heavy traffic on the day after Thanksgiving Day left many black marking on the road surface, leading to the term “Black Friday”.

The other theory is that the term “Black Friday” comes from an old way of recording business accounts.5.Many businesses, particularly small businesses, started making profits before Christmas. Many hoped to start showing a profit, marked in black ink, on the day after Thanksgiving Day.

More recently, Black Friday has been exported to nations outside of North America such as the United Kingdom by major online retailers like Amazon or Apple. In 2011, IBM reported online Black Friday sales were up by 24.3%, according to a study that includes 500 retailers.

A. People’s activities.

B. History of Black Friday.

C. Losses were recorded in red ink and profits in black ink.

D. A busy shopping day is a holiday in some states.

E. There can also be jams on roads to popular shopping destinations.

F. There are two popular theories as to why it is called Black Friday.

G. Black Friday is not a federal (联邦政府的) holiday but a public one in some states.



    Let’s face it. No one drinks diet sodas for the taste. People drink diet sodas in the hope that it will help them lose weight or at least keep them from gaining it. Yet it seems to have exactly the opposite effect, according to a new study.

Researchers from the University of Texas said those who drank two or more diet sodas a day had waist size increases that were six times greater than those who didn’t drink diet sodas. What we saw was that the more diet sodas a person drank, the more weight they were likely to gain,said Sharon Fowler.

The study was based on data from 474 participants in a large, ongoing research project, where the participants were followed for nearly 10 years.

While the findings are surprising, they also offer some explanations. Nutrition expert, Melanie Rogers, who works with overweight patients in New York, has found that when patients are switched from regular to diet sodas, they don’t lose weight at all. We weren’t seeing weight loss necessarily, and that was confusing to us, said Rogers.

So why would diet soda cause weight gain? No one knows for sure yet, but it could be that people think they can eat more if they drink diet sodas, and so over-compensate for the missing calories.

A related study found some sweeteners (甜味剂) raised blood sugar levels in some mice. Data from this and other potential studies suggest that the promotion of diet sodas and artificial sweeteners may be risky, said Helen P. Hazuda, professor at the University of Texas’s school of medicine. They may be free of calories, but not of consequences.

1.People drink diet sodas to ____________.

A. enjoy its taste B. stay in fashion

C. achieve weight loss D. gain more energy

2.The new study suggests that drinking diet sodas ____________.

A. causes people to become heavier B. helps people to be healthier

C. makes people much thinner D. offers people more calories

3.We can learn from the passage that ____________.

A. regular sodas make people lose more weight B. diet soda drinkers tend to eat more food

C. diet sodas do help reduce calories D. most blood diseases come from diet sodas

4.The underlined word They in the last paragraph probably refers to ____________.

A. sweeteners B. diet sodas and artificial sweeteners

C. sodas D. diet soda drinkers and sweetener takers



    When I was five years old my parents would have to pull me home from yet another painful English vacation I still didn't want to leave I want to be away from home I wanted to go somewhere new and exciting This became the theme of the next twenty years I'd spend the whole year counting down to my next holiday and then as soon as I left I'd begin to dread having to return home Year after year

Ten years ago I decided to build a life that I didn't want to escape from I knew I wanted to travel in the long term but I didn't have a lot of money or savings and there is no one paying for my adventures For five years I did three jobs while studying full-time at university I didn't eat out and I didn't buy anything I didn't need I even moved in with my parents I was able to save 16000 over those five yearswhich was enough to keep me on the road for a couple of years

But what if two years wouldn't be enough Before leaving I began to spend my time in making plans that would allow me to work anywhere that had an Internet connection At the time I was studying for a master degree in physics While studying I came up with a list of my interests and skills and began researching into a way to do these anywhere If I could make money from it and if I could do it online then it was something worth going after

I created a writing file that would help me to find free writing jobs I researched English and physics teaching online and built travel websites to earn income through sales and advertising Most of these failed but I didn't give up

The work I do has changed over the years and it's still changing now Now I pay my traveling through several different things I'm the Student Travel Expert for Aboutcom and a senior writer for Too Many Adapters a travel technology website In addition I will have my first book published this summer I also offer a travel planning service to help readers prepare for their travels abroad

To reach this point where I can cover my expenses and travel full-time took many many years of hard work For me the freedom makes it worth it With everything set in place finally my dreams came true

1.What does the underlined word "dread" mean in Paragraph 1 ______

A. fear B. forget

C. miss D. consider

2.The author has taken the following jobs except ______

A. placing advertisements online B. offering a travel planning service

C. teaching physics in a university D. free writing on the websites

3.Which of the following best describes the author ______

A. open-minded B. kind-hearted

C. cold-blooded D. strong-willed

4.What is the passage mainly about ______

A. Why the author desired freedom B. Why the author needed money

C. How the author made his living D. How the author realized his dream



    When young people begin to live independently home-hunting can be difficult But they would do well to remember that a new choice is available --- micro-homes

Fondly called "tiny houses" these houses have all living necessities in a small package including kitchen bedroom and bathroom Generally under 50 square meters most tiny houses can hold just one or two people though some claim the space for more What's lost in size is not lost in designas these homes are often quite modern in design

Besides an attractive appearance tiny houses can also have practical features Making the best of urban space the 72-to-122-centimeter-wide Keret House in Warsaw the world's narrowest home filled in an alley(小巷). The home Ecocapsule uses solar power wind power and rainwater collection to enable its owner to live practically anywhere

Although micro-homes are attractive there are a few disadvantages to consider before getting comfortable on a minicouch Moving into a tiny house you should throw away unnecessary things It is also mostly impossible to invite guests And finally a micro-home is likely a temporary(暂时的) living choice for most people since they will probably start families and own more things

Though the limitation will scare some there is usually a benefit A small size results in low prices and small bills making tiny houses easier to save up for And though you won't have many things around the house it makes it easy and simple to keep it clean Micro-homes are also eco-friendly which can't be matched by other homes They probably aren't for everyone or forever but when it comes to your next or first home they could be just what you need

1.What can be learnt about micro-homes from Paragraph 2 ______

A. People can't take a package into the tiny houses

B. All of the houses can hold more than two people

C. These houses are convenient though tiny in size

D. Such houses are poorly designed due to the small size

2.The author develops Paragraph 3 mainly ______

A. by example B. by comparisons

C. by order in space D. by causes and effects

3.Micro-homes are especially suitable for ______

A. a young person who has many things

B. a person who doesn't have much money

C. a family wanting to protect environment

D. a family hoping to settle down in a city

4.What can be the best title for the text ______

A. East or west home is the best B. Micro-homes --- more than tiny!

C. Home-hunting --- no easy matter! D. Tiny or large this is a choice



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