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New research about male guppies, a tropi...

    New research about male guppies, a tropical fish found in most fresh and saltwater environments published in the journal Functional Ecology suggests that male guppies exposed to high predation (捕食行动) levels often develop larger brain sizes than those living in low-risk environments. Consequently, the development of larger brain sizes among the male guppy population allows for better chances of survival under high predation conditions.

The team began its research in the southern Caribbean. They concentrated their observations on populations located in two independent rivers. In each, they collected male guppies living above and below the waterfalls. A small amount of predators lived in the waters above the waterfall, therefore the local guppy population had evolved (进化) under predation-poor conditions into a predation-poor population.

On the other hand, below the waterfall, predators were found to be increasing, making environment dangerous. Scientists noticed that male guppies located above the waterfalls often displayed on average smaller brain sizes than males living under the waterfall.

The next step was to find out if male guppies from high-predation population only had larger brains as a result of long evolutionary processes or a direct response to exposure (暴露) to risk during development. This question took the team away from the tropics and back to the laboratory, taking a sample group of guppies originating from high predation group. These were divided into two test populations. The first group was exposed to the sight and smell of a predator living in a nearby aquarium for five minutes at a time, five times a week. The other guppies served as a control group and lived in non-predatory places. The results showed that males exposed to predators have 21 per cent heavier brains than those of the control group.

Male guppies are generally more colorful than females and thus more likely to be exposed to predation threats. The increase in intellect could offer males advantages such as the ability to detect and react to danger earlier, increasing their chances of survival.

1.We learn from the passage that ______.

A. smarter fish have better chances of survival

B. guppies can’t survive in high predator conditions

C. the size of guppies changes with the environment

D. larger brains only result from long evolutionary process

2.This new research was done mainly by _______.

A. listing facts B. analyzing data

C. making comparisons D. explaining reasons

3.Male guppies are more easily attacked than females because of their _____.

A. appearance B. behavior

C. life history D. living environment

4.Which of the following proverbs reflects the findings of the research?

A. Pain past is pleasure.

B. Great hopes make great man.

C. While there is life, there is hope.

D. Storms make trees take deeper roots.


1.A 2.C 3.A 4.D 【解析】 本文为应用文。最新研究表明,在高捕食条件下,暴露在高捕食行动下的雄性古比鱼通常比生活在低风险环境中的雄性古比鱼的大脑更大更聪明,他们有更好的生存机会。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段最后“Consequently, the development of larger brain sizes among the male guppy population allows for better chances of survival under high predation conditions.”及最后一段“Male guppies are generally more colorful than females and thus more likely to be exposed to predation threats. The increase in intellect could offer males advantages such as the ability to detect and react to danger earlier, increasing their chances of survival.” 通过这两部分的内容可知,研究发现在高捕食条件下,暴露在高捕食行动下的雄性鱼通常比生活在低风险环境中的雄性鱼的大脑更大、更聪明,他们有更好的生存机会。它们能早发现危险,早应对危险,这增加了他们生存的机会。由此可推断出更聪明的鱼儿生存机会更好。分析选项可知A 符合题意,故选A 。 2.细节理解题。文章在第二段至第三段可知,研究小组在南加勒比地区开始了研究中对比了位于河流上下游的两个雄性guppies,第四段把一群源自高捕食群的guppies分为两个试验群体进行了对比。分析选项可知C符合题意,故选C。 3.推理判断题。根据最后一段的“Male guppies are generally more colorful than females and thus more likely to be exposed to predation threats.” 雄性鱼比雌性外表颜色更鲜艳,因此更容易受到被捕食的威胁。由此可推断出雄性鱼易受攻击是因为其外表,故选A。 4.推理判断题。根据第一段内容“在《功能生态学》杂志上发表的一项关于热带鱼类雄性鱼的最新研究表明,暴露在高捕食水平下的雄性鱼通常比生活在低风险环境中的雄性鱼的大脑更大。因此,在高捕食条件下,雄性鱼群体中大脑发育体积较大的 有更好的生存机会。”由此可知,在环境愈恶劣的环境中生存能力强。分析选项:A. Pain past is pleasure. 苦尽甘来;B. Great hopes make great man 伟大的抱负造就伟大的人物;C. While there is life, there is hope只要活着,就有希望;D. Storms make trees take deeper roots. 暴风雨使树木扎根更深。可知D项符合题意,故选D。

    In 2000, Jodi had a lot going on: Not only was she working, but she was taking care of her husband, Kevin, who was suffering from Lou Gehrig’s Disease (重症肌无力). Being a caretaker is never easy, and on one afternoon after Labor Day, her brother decided to cheer her up.

“While a day at the beach sounded great, it was too much to ask from Kevin. A day at the beach was like running a marathon—an extraordinary event. It would mean having help with us, keeping the wheelchair and medical equipment free of water and sand, it would mean keeping Kevin cool and comfortable, and it would mean a tough day for everyone involved. After work, I got home and I saw my brother’s car. After asking me to wait before coming in, he covered my eyes with a scarf and took my hand. Once inside, he asked me to sit down and then took off my shoes and socks. My foot landed on something cool. I soon realized that my toes were sinking into sand. It was a beautiful morning and the sand felt cool and welcoming under my feet. Still blindfolded, Jamie then guided me to sit down on a towel. Then he sat behind me and held me in his arms. Seagulls flew in front of me. Mists of water touched my face.

‘Here you go’, said my brother, handing me a hot latte. We sat there, not needing to say anything. He embraced me while I sipped my coffee. What a miracle of love! I hadn’t made it to the beach but my brother had brought the beach to me! It was the nicest thing that anyone had ever done for me. For 15 minutes, until Kevin woke and needed care as usual, I was at the beach. When this was over, my brother gently removed my blindfold. Now I could see where I really was. The patio (平台) was covered in sand. A CD player gave the sounds of the ocean. He had supported the hose on a bucket and the water was set to mist.

With my eyes open, the beach was gone. But that memory, that sincere gesture of love and hope, kept me happy for a long time.”

1.Which of the following made a day at the beach beyond reach?

A. The terrible weather.

B. Economic pressures.

C. A lack of a wheelchair.

D. Kevin’s physical condition.

2.The underlined word in paragraph 3 may refer to the brand of _____.

A. dessert B. coffee

C. snacks D. tea

3.What do we learn about Kevin?

A. He was mentally disabled.

B. He was crazy about the beach.

C. He was used to taking a nap in the day.

D. He planned a day at the beach for Jodi.

4.In Jodi’s eyes, her brother was _______.

A. strong and optimistic

B. considerate and caring

C. loyal and friendly

D. honest and enthusiastic



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1.If Jim suffers from overweight, which book will he choose to read?

A. Better Health Can Be B. Mind Stretchers

C. Everyday Garden Solutions D. Stop & Drop Diet

2.How much does it cost to order Better Health Can Be online?

A. $14.39    . B. $23.99.

C. $21.59. D. $10.99.

3.By reading Mind Stretchers, you can ________.

A. know more about gardening

B. exercise your mental muscles

C. improve the quality of your life

D. get a fast loss of your weight



目前,快餐在中国很流行,请参考下面给出的信息写一篇以“FAST FOOD” 为题的英语短文。



(1) 方便、节约时间;

(2) 既可在快餐店里吃又可带回家吃;……


(1) 营养不均衡

(2) 能量太高……











注意: 1、词数 120 左右;  2、行文应连贯,内容应完整;3、开头语已为你写好。


Fast food is becoming more and more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers.





增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号 () ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线 (\) 划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。

2. 只允许修改10处,多者 (从第11处起) 不计分。

In the afternoon of May 20th, a charity sale activity held on our school playground. In order to organize a meaningful activity, we made fully preparations. Although it was a hard work, students actively take part. Some students brought various book, daily necessities, and others offered to design posters for the sale. The activity was a great success. The money raising from the activity would be donated to Project Hope. We might not have enough money or things to donate, but you all should take part in this kind of activity and do something to help others. More than one student whom took part in the activity think that the charity sale activity means a lot.




1.Mohandas Gandhi is the leader who helped gain India’s i __________ from Britain.

2.She showed us all the athletics __________() she had won.

3.I am writing this letter to a __________ to you for the mistake I made in the work.

4.You have to b __________ the advantages of living in the country against the disadvantages.

5.The president __________(商量) with European leaders before taking action.

6.__________(好奇心) drove the girl to open that box.

7.Since time was __________(有限的)I drafted out my speech in 10 minutes.

8.Henry earned his passage by working as an unpaid hand, which a _________ for his poor appearance.

9.She __________(发现,认出) her friend among the passengers who got off the train.

10.Tom went out to play football without his mother’s p __________.

11.Something terrible __________(happen) if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.

12.You_________(tell) him, for I had told him about it earlier.

13.I made it clear _________I was determined to carry out the plan.

14.The reason why I like the new rule is __________it sets a good example to young athletes.

15.We have been prepared to do __________ it takes to save her life.



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