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Over the past five years, researchers in...

    Over the past five years, researchers in artificial intelligence have become the rock stars of the technology world. A branch of AI known as deep learning, has proven so useful that skilled operators can command six-figure salaries to build software for Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google. The top names can earn over $1 million a year.

The traditional way to get these jobs has been a Doctor’s degree in computer science from one of America’s top universities. Earning one takes years and requires a person who can be devoted to study, which is rare among normal people. Moreover, graduate students are regularly attracted away from their studies by various high-paid jobs.

That is changing. Last month Fast.ai, an education non-profit based in San Francisco, kicked off the third year of its course in deep learning. Since its beginning it has attracted more than 100,000 students from India to Nigeria. The course comes with a simple idea: there is no need to spend years obtaining a Doctor’s degree in order to practise deep learning. Fast.ai’s course can be completed in just seven weeks.

For example, a graduate from Fast.ai’s first year, Sara Hooker, was hired into Google’s highly competitive AI residency programme after finishing the course, having never worked on deep learning before. She is now a founding member of Google’s new AI research office in Accra, Ghana, the firm’s first in Africa.

To make it accessible to anyone who wants to learn how to build AI software, Jeremy Howard, who founded Fast.ai with Rachel Thomas, a mathematician, says middle school mathematics is enough. Fast.ai is not the only A.I. programme. AI4ALL, another non-profit organization, founded by leading technologists including Dr. Fei-Fei Li, works to bring AI education to schoolchildren that would otherwise not have access to it.

Howard’s ambitions run deeper than just dealing with the shortage in the AI labour market. His aim is to spread deep learning into many hands, so that it may be applied in as many fields as possible. The ambition, says Mr Howard, is for AI training software to become as easy to use and common as sending an email on a smart phone.

1.What’s Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A. The way to get a Doctor’s degree.

B. The difficulties to get a Doctor’s degree.

C. The importance to get a Doctor’s degree.

D. The necessity to get a Doctor’s degree.

2.What can we learn about Fast.ai?

A. It aims to produce AI graduates in a fast way.

B. It aims to collect money for poor students.

C. It charges a high free for offering courses.

D. It becomes popular only in India and Nigeria.

3.Where does Sara Hooker work according to the passage?

A. India. B. Nigeria.

C. Ghana. D. America.

4.What do Fast.ai and AI4ALL have in common?

A. They are both meant for children.

B. They require advanced math.

C. They have the same founder.

D. They are both non-profit.

5.What’s Howard’s attitude to AI training software in the future?

A. Anxious. B. Disappointed.

C. Optimistic. D. Surprised.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。近年来,人工智能发展迅速,但是人工智能方面的人才匮乏。数学家Rachel Thomas发明的fast.ai应用程序用非传统的方法来迅速培养人工智能类人才,文章对此内容做了具体说明。 1.段落大意题。根据本段后两句“Earning one takes years and requires a person who can be devoted to study, which is rare among normal people. Moreover, graduate students are regularly attracted away from their studies by various high-paid jobs.”可知,获得此类博士学位需要多年的努力学习,很多普通人难以做到。由此可见本段主要讲述获得博士学位的困难。故B项正确。 2.推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句“The course comes with a simple idea: there is no need to spend years obtaining a Doctor’s degree in order to practise deep learning. Fast.ai’s course can be completed in just seven weeks.”可知,Fast.ai课程并不需要多年学习来获得人工智能的博士学位,它的课程在7个星期内完成。由此可见这一课程的目的在于迅速培养AI类毕业生。故A项正确。 3.细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句“She is now a founding member of Google’s new AI research office in Accra, Ghana, the firm’s first in Africa.”可知,Sara Hooker现在是Google公司在非洲的第一家人工智能研究中心的创始成员。由此可知Sara Hooker现在加纳工作。故C项正确。 4.细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“That is changing. Last month Fast.ai, an education non-profit based in San Francisco, kicked off the third year of its course in deep learning.”和第五段第二句“Fast.ai is not the only A.I. programme. AI4ALL, another non-profit organization, founded by leading technologists including Dr. Fel-Fel Li, works to bring AI education to schoolchildren that would otherwise not have access to it.”可知,Fast.ai和AI4ALL都是非盈利组织。故D项正确。 5.推理判断题。根据文章最后一句“The ambition, says Mr Howard, is for AI training software to become as easy to use and common as sending an email on a smart phone.”可知,Mr Howard认为AI training software可以很容易使用,就像是在智能手机里发邮件那样常见。由此可见他对AI training software的未来是很乐观的。故C项正确。

    Student photographer Madeline Morales has had experiences most 15 year-olds have not. At the age of 15, she developed cancer and had to go through chemotherapy(化疗). But today will be a unique kind of experience—something most people will never have. “It makes me feel excited, a little bit nervous,” said Morales, whose photos were on display at a gallery show in Los Angeles. These images reflect her journey while battling cancer.

She tried to look at things with a lot of light, a lot of what draws her to positivity and something that means love or happiness. “I think photography has really helped me a lot to stay positive and be motivated to keep fighting this disease.”

Morales is one of 23 students sharing their experiences with cancer through photos at this gallery. They are graduates of the PABLOVE foundation’s SHUTTERBUGS advanced photography class. The foundation aims to improve the lives of children living with the disease through its photography program. It also provides money for underfunded cancer research. Incomes from sales of these prints will go toward cancer research programs.

The PABLOVE program offers classes in eight cities across the United States. “Being in these classes with other people who understand their experience has been really beneficial, and it has really made them feel a lot more comfortable in what they’ve been through,” said Ashley Blakeney, program manager of PABLOVE SHUTTERBUBS. She said the photography classes give students living with cancer a sense of community at a time when they often feel isolated in their experience.

With photography many young students gain an identity that is not controlled by cancer. “There’s more to us than just having cancer. We want people to see what we see even if it’s through the lens(镜头).” says Luckman who was diagnosed with cancer when he was 10 years old. “Photography has given me a small chance to actually assist in the world a bit. I’d love to express my story and allow it to hopefully reach other kids so they can understand how to deal with it hopefully.

1.Which of the following is true of Madeline Morals?

A. She has suffered from cancer for 15 years.

B. She has had a full recovery from cancer.

C. She has a positive attitude towards life.

D. She uses her photos to record her suffering.

2.The PABLOVE Foundation was created specially for ________.

A. homeless people B. photography-lovers

C. researcher on cancer D. children with cancer

3.What is the main idea of Paragraph 4?

A. The popularity of the program.

B. The great significance of this program.

C. The contributions of Ashley.

D. The future plan of the program.

4.The underlined word “isolated” can be best replaced by ________.

A. lonely B. painful

C. grateful D. positive

5.According to Lukman, how can photography class benefit children with cancer?

A. By giving them an identity card.

B. By offering a chance to help others.

C. By getting their cancer cured.

D. By offering a way to make money.



    When you’re choosing a college, a lot of factors probably may be considered: the school’s reputation, the classes offered, and the professors in your major, to name a few. However, considering the increasing competitiveness of universities to attract more and more applicants, many schools now offer extra benefits to be enjoyed by all of their students. Here are some of the coolest:

University of Missouri

When you think of a campus gym, you probably picture a room equipped with old weights and out-of-date machines. However, at the University of Missouri, you can enjoy one of the best campus fitness centers in the country. It features an “indoor beach” complete with a waterfall and a lazy river, as well as a full-service spa. Even if you don’t normally enjoy working out, Missouri’s fitness center will give you a reason to go to the gym.

High Point University

If you see yourself quickly tired of dining hall food—something that happens to almost all of us—High Point University in North Carolina has a great option for you: a private steakhouse for students. It’s a first-class restaurant, and, best of all, you don’t have to pay for the meal out of your own pocket. You can use your dining dollars instead.

Seton Hall University

If you’re stressing out about the extra cost of technology when you start college, Seton Hall has great news for you: all freshmen are given free laptops through the university’s Mobile Computing Program. As a freshman, you’ll receive a laptop already set up with all of the software that you’ll need as a student. Then, after two years, you’ll receive a new and updated laptop designed to carry to through until after you graduate.

New York University

If you’re a fan of museums, NYU(New York University) is the perfect university for you: not only are you located in the heart of a city featuring some of the best museums in the world, but the university will even provide you with free admission to many of them. You can take advantage of visiting free museums at any time you want—and you’ll never be bored on the weekends.

1.What can we learn from Paragraph1?

A. It is hard to be admitted to a university.

B. A university’s fame is the top consideration.

C. The competition to attract applicants is fierce.

D. Extra benefits makes no difference to applicants.

2.What can we learn about the fitness center in the University of Missouri?

A. Its equipment is out of date.

B. It is the best one in the world.

C. It has a real beach there.

D. It can arouse students’ interest in workout.

3.Which university offers extra benefit of food?

A. University of Missouri. B. High Point University.

C. Seton Hall University. D. New York University.

4.What can be guaranteed for students choosing Seton Hall University?

A. Free tuition. B. Free accommodation.

C. Free computers D. High graduation rate.

5.Which of the following is true of New York University?

A. It is located in the center of the city.

B. It houses the best museums in the world.

C. All the museums are open to its students for free.

D. Museums are usually closed on the weekends.



    Steve, a 12-year-old boy, has been failing since first grade. He generally went _______ ... until he joined Miss White’s class.

“You all did pretty well,” she told the _______ as she went over the test results, “_______ one boy, and it breaks my heart to tell you this, but ...” She hesitated, looking at Steve. “The _______ boy in the seventh grade is failing my class.” Steve _______ his eyes and carefully examined his fingertips.

After that, Steve refused to do his _______. Miss white was very _______ and tried to encourage him to study. “Give yourself a(n) _______! Don’t give up on your life!” Miss White told him, yet it didn’t _______.

Then one day, she said, “Steve! Please! I care about you!”

________, Steve got it. Someone cared about him.

He spent the whole afternoon thinking about what he should do. Arriving at his house after school, feeling determined, he headed to his bedroom to ________.

Monday morning, Miss White gave a ________ on the weekend homework. Steve ________ through the test, and was the first to hand in his paper. Miss White looked it over in total ________. The smartest boy in the seventh grade had just ________ his first test.

From that moment, nothing was the same for Steve. He discovered that not only could he learn, but he was ________ it.

After high school, Steve joined the Nave. During his naval career, he ________ many young people who might not have believed in themselves to build up confidence.

Miss White saved one boy who ________ changing many lives.

You see, it’s simple, really. A(n) ________ can take place within the heart of one boy, all because of one teacher, who ________.

1.A. unchallenged B. unaccompanied C. unnoticed D. unpunished

2.A. class B. staff C. colleagues D. parents

3.A. besides B. except C. instead of D. regardless of

4.A. laziest B. richest C. happiest D. smartest

5.A. opened B. closed C. raised D. dropped

6.A. research B. homework C. housework D. report

7.A. impressed B. surprised C. anxious D. embarrassed

8.A. chance B. excuse C. praise D. reward

9.A. stop B. work C. matter D. happen

10.A. Luckily B. Gradually C. Naturally D. Suddenly

11.A. study B. sleep C. cry D. play

12.A. question B. lesson C. quiz D. result

13.A. hurried B. lived C. broke D. saw

14.A. victory B. shock C. sadness D. anger

15.A. attended B. designed C. passed D. failed

16.A. ready for B. responsible for C. tired of D. good at

17.A. forced B. discouraged C. met D. inspired

18.A. put up B. gave up C. ended up D. took up

19.A. problem B. change C. recovery D. improvement

20.A. cares B. believes C. understands D. remembers



If the weather had been better, we ______ a picnic yesterday.

A. must have had B. would have

C. could have had D. will have



—Starting a conversation is a good way to kill time on the train.

—_______. I also like to talk with strangers.

A. That is true B. It sounds like fun

C. I don’t think so D. You are kidding



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