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语法填空(请在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。) As we d...


As we do in the west, the Chinese also have an annual day devoted to love. Qi Qiao Jie 1.(think) as Chinese Valentine's Day. According to a legend, the seventh daughter of the Goddess of Heaven 2.(catch) sight of a cowboy during one of her 3.(visit) to earth. The daughter, Zhi Nu, and the cowboy, Niu Lang, got 4.(marry) and the couple lived happily for several years. 5.(eventual), the Goddess of Heaven became fed up with her daughter's 6.(absent), and ordered her to return to heaven. However, the mother took pity on the couple 7. allowed them to be reunited once a year. Legend has it that on the seventh night of the seventh month on the lunar calendar, magpies(喜鹊) form a bridge with their wings for Zhi Nu to cross 8.(meet) her husband. Today, star observers celebrate Qi Qiao Jie by looking up at the star Vega, 9. represents Zhi Nu, and at the star Altair, on the other side of the Milky Way, where NiuLang waits 10. his lover to join him.


1.is thought 2.caught 3.visits 4.married 5.Eventually 6.absence 7.and 8.to meet 9.which 10.for 【解析】 本文是一篇神话故事。文章讲述的是关于“牛郎织女”的故事。 1.考查一般现在时态的被动语态。句意:七巧节被认为是中国的情人节。句子主语是Qi Qiao Jie,单数第三人称形式,与谓语动词think之间是被动关系,所以这里用一般现在时态的被动语态,故答案为is thought。 2.考查一般过去时态。句意:据传说,天上女神的第七个女儿在一次访问地球时看到了一个牛仔。结合句意可知句子用一般过去时态,故答案为caught。 3.考查名词复数。根据one of可知后面的名词用复数形式,此处visit是名词,故答案为visits。 4.考查过去分词。get married“结婚”,故答案为married。 5.考查副词。此处eventual是形容词,副词修饰整个句子,故答案为Eventually。 6.考查名词。此处her daughter's是名词所有格形式,后面跟名词,故答案为absence。 7.考查并列连词。句意:然而,母亲很同情这对夫妻,允许他们每年团聚一次。此处是and连接两个并列谓语,故答案为and。 8.考查动词不定式做目的状语。句意:传说,在农历七月初七的晚上,喜鹊用翅膀搭成一座桥,让织女穿过桥去见她的丈夫。此处是动词不定式做目的状语。故答案为to meet。 9.考查定语从句。句意:星象观测者通过仰望代表织女的织女星来庆祝七巧节,这可织女星代表织女。此处Vega是先行词,指物,在后面的非限制性定语从句中作主语,that不能引导非限制性定语从句,故答案为which。 10.考查固定词组。句意:牛郎等待他的爱人与他相会。wait for ---,“等待---”,故答案为for。

    When Katherine and her daughter drove past Katherine's beloved old home, she would say, "I'd like to have that house back." On her 90th birthday, that wish came true.

All Katherine wanted for her 90th birthday was to ______ childhood home. Her daughter, Emily wasn't so ______ for the idea. And, as the old saying goes, you can ______ really go home again However, the mom and daughter often drove from their ______ town to pass Katherine's beloved old home.

One day, as Emily visited her local craft store, inspiration ______ her: Her mother could have her house back—in replica(复制品) ______. Emily connected with Ray Meyers, a local retired dentist with a ______ for woodworking. Ray took precise measurements and ______ details with the help of the current homeowners.

The replica home and the amazing story behind it deserved a special ______. Emily arranged a surprise party at which the replica and Katherine would be ______, But keeping Katherine in the ______ was a painful task.

"Ray would ask me questions about the house," Emily says of the planning ______." I couldn't ______ everything because the last time I was inside was when I was a teenager. I would ______ mother and start a conversation where I would say, ' Oh, by the way, do you remember...' and ask her something about the house. She would give details from her memory about the ______ and the color. She would tell me ______ what something looked like or where it was in the house. "

On the very day, Emily went to ______ Katherine to her house. "When we went inside, I was just ______," Katherine says. "There was a house load of people singing Happy Birthday to me." Emily presented Katherine with the carefully ______ replica home.

"The moment I opened the present, I just couldn't believe it,” Katherine says." I have ______ memories of that house. I have had several family dinners where we eat around it. I now turn on the tiny lights within it. It's so pretty. " For Katherine, it turned out that it is possible to go home again.

1.A. access B. decorate C. build D. own

2.A. eager B. fit C. prepared D. good

3.A. generally B. sometimes C. frequently D. never

4.A. primary B. temporary C. current D. permanent

5.A. overcame B. struck C. failed D. amazed

6.A. appearance B. pattern C. outline D. form

7.A. basis B. preference C. talent D. hunger

8.A. commented B. recorded C. committed D. compared

9.A. mention B. analysis C. research D. inspection

10.A. congratulated B. appreciated C. exhibited D. honored

11.A. back B. shadows C. clouds D. dark

12.A. expectation B. process C. advance D. destination

13.A. remember B. do C. make D. bring

14.A. chat with B. stick with C. deal with D. hold with

15.A. management B. equipment C. arrangement D. measurement

16.A. briefly B. partly C. exactly D. wrongly

17.A. fetch B. join C. welcome D. receive

18.A. embarrassed B. shocked C. inspired D. confused

19.A. sorted B. wrapped C. folded D. stored

20.A. recent B. distant C. fond D. collective



    Since technology has become popular, a new term was created for trouble on the web. cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is willful and repeated harm caused by the use of computers, cell phones or other electronic devices. Research on teens shows that 50% of them in our country have been bullied in their lifetime and 1/3 have been bullied online. 1.

Before that, it' s important to understand why cyberbullying happens. One reason is revenge(报复). 2. Another is that they sometimes just don' t understand what they are doing is wrong. In some cases, they think they are being funny.

3. But they couldn't be more wrong. The potential problem is that bullies will get into trouble in school, at home or even by the police if what they are doing is a threat. 4. Experiences with cyberbullying are linked to low self-respect, depression and even killing oneself.

If you have been affected by a cyberbully, there are some things you can do. If someone posts a mean comment, don't feel like you need to revenge. 5. You can also counteract(抵消) the negativity by creating positive content, such as posting nice and uplifting things on your Weibo or Wechat accounts. Finally, if the abuse really affects your social relationships, get help from a trusted adult or turn to the law. Together, cyberbullying will become a thing of the past.

A. Then what about their victims?

B. The victims are in need of help.

C. Bullies may think their comments are no big deal.

D. This problem is affecting so many teens across the country.

E. Delete it or keep all evidence by taking screenshots and report it to the app.

F. The other person did something to the bullies, and they feel it right to do it.

G. Therefore, we should look into the problem more carefully to see what can be done to end cyberbullying.



    As the saying goes, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." That's because this healthy food choice is supposed to be full of nutrients. The apple at the supermarket, though, might be so o1d that it has lost many of its nutrients. But soon there might be a way to check the quality of fruit by scanning it.

Scientists at Food+Future coLAB have come up with the idea of a handheld spectrometer(分光仪) that scans food. The machine will work by shining infrared(红外线的)light on a piece of produce. By measuring how chemicals in the fruit or vegetable take in the light, the scanner can recognize the food's chemical makeup.

"The machine can tell you exactly how old an apple is, how many calories it contains, what nutrients are present inside it, and even small differences in taste," Greg Shewmaker of Food+Future coLAB recently said.

For the new machine to be useful to consumers, researchers first need to create a database that contains possible chemicals for a particular type of fruit, like an apple, for example. Scientists will need to scan lots of pieces of produce to collect this data. The information collected will allow the scanners to tell customers the quality of fruit.

Once consumers know what's inside an apple, they can decide if they want to buy it. Knowing fruit quality may also affect how a store prices produce. "We can price produce based on the nutritional value," Shewmaker explained.

Food+Future coLAB has already created a working model of its machine. It says you may see one in your local supermarket within the next few years. Then deciding whether you've picked the healthiest fruit will be just a quick scan.

1.Why does the author mention the saying about apple at the beginning?

A. To prove that the apple is full of nutrients.

B. To introduce the topic of the fruit scanner.

C. To advise people to keep healthy by eating apples.

D. To state that the apple is the most tasty among fruits.

2.What do we know about the spectrometer?

A. It is powered by infrared light.

B. It is not useful in many customers' eyes.

C. It can help customers decide which fruit to buy.

D. It can improve the quality of fruit and vegetables.

3.According to Shewmaker, what's a spectrometer's influence on a store?

A. It makes a store more attractive.

B. It provides price reference for produce.

C. It enriches customers' knowledge about food nutrition.

D. It creates a database about the chemical makeup of fruit.

4.What would be the best title for this text?

A. The Fruit Scanner B. The Priced Fruit

C. How to Scan Fruits D. How to Pick Fruits



    Helping and supporting others may be key to living a longer and healthier life, according to a new research from the University of Bagel in Switzerland. The findings published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior, show that grandparents who care for their grandchildren enjoy longer lifespans. So do old people who care for others within their social networks.

Using data from the Berlin Aging Study, the researchers analyzed the longevity(寿命) and caregiving habits of more than 500 old people between the ages of 70 and 103. The study compared grandparents who acted as occasional caregivers with those who did not. It also compared these grandparents with old adults who did not have grandchildren but cared for people within their social networks.

Those grandparents who did not play the role of attending to grandchildren were more likely to have died within just five years of the testing period. While those old adults who provided, support to their family lived for an extra seven years on average and those provided support to their social networks lived for an extra four years on average.

Although the new study only focused on old adults, it's safe to assume that the health benefits of helping and taking care of others also reach those of all ages. However, it's important to note that too much caregiving often has just the opposite effect. There's a clear link between too much caregiving and a number of negative physical and mental health consequences.

1.How many groups of old people are involved in the study?

A. Two. B. Three.

C. Four. D. Five.

2.What does the research show?

A. Old people are more likely to support others.

B. Grandparents live longer than childless old adults.

C. Supporting others prevents diseases of old patients.

D. Helping others properly has a good effect on health.

3.What does the last paragraph imply?

A. Reducing earegiving can avoid bad health.

B. It's a good quality of all ages to be helpful.

C. Caregiving is not always beneficial to health.

D. Mental disorder is often caused by much caregiving.



    People who report news sometimes find themselves in the news. This is especially true for foreign correspondents(记者), who risk their lives to bring us important stories from dangerous parts of the world. To learn more about the life of a foreign correspondent, we interviewed Tim Craig, who has covered the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Q1: What draw you personally to dangerous places?

Tim Craig (TC): Experiencing problems that still exist in the world, seeing the struggles that soldiers face to keep peace, and the calamity that people meet during the war, and gaining a better understanding of how people from different countries live.

Q2: What do you like about your job?

TC: I like being able to talk to lots of different people about their problems and concerns. Sometimes the job can make you sad. You have to talk to kids who don't get enough to eat, or to someone whose mother or father was killed. But then I get to try to help these people by writing about their lives and problems.

Q3 : Do you worry about your own safety? How do you deal with that?

TC: Yes, I do worry, but I try not to think about it all the time. In Pakistan, many places are still safe enough for me to travel to without having to worry a lot about being injured, killed or kidnapped(绑架). There are, however, some places where I have to think about my safety all the time. Generally, it's best to travel with someone else so that we can help each other if something goes wrong. In dangerous places,. I also try not to stay in one spot for too long.

Q4: What are the most important qualities or skills a foreign correspondent needs?

TC : Being independent and able to quickly make decisions, being a good planner in order to reach places that may be hard to get to by car or plane, and being a good listener.

1.What do we know about Tim Craig?

A. He-suffers a lot during the war.

B. He covers news in foreign areas.

C. He works for world peace with soldiers.

D. He once helped look after homeless children.

2.What does the underlined word "calamity" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. Dilemma. B. Confusion.

C. Misfortune. D. Embarrassment.

3.When does Tim Craig feel sad about his job?

A. When he tries to meet some requirements.

B. When he has to travel to dangerous places.

C. When he writes his experiences in the war.

D. When he learns about people's sufferings due to the war.

4.Which of the following can best describe the job of a foreign correspondent?

A. Challenging but significant. B. Dangerous and boring.

C. Demanding but profitable. D. Impressive and relaxing.



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