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假定你是高三学生李华,你的美国华人朋友Usa看到2019新年之际,中国各地放歌 ...

假定你是高三学生李华,你的美国华人朋友Usa看到2019新年之际,中国各地放歌 《我和我的祖国》,来信问询此事.请你写封回信,谈谈感触,内容包括:














Dear Lisa, Nice to hear from you. As you've said,to celebrate the 70th anniversary of our country's birth, My motherland and I is being passionately sung across China, which conveys people's love of her. Actually, we Chinese think one should love his country,work diligently and strive to be a faithful and friendly person. As a Senior 3 student, I love our country, eager to make contributions to her. I will realize my full potential to acquire a good knowledge, preparing for my bright future.Meanwhile, I am fit in with my classmates, keeping moving together. I am proud of our booming country today! Our country will be proud of me tomorrow, I believe! Best wishes to you. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 这是一篇应用文写作。 第1步:根据提示可知,本篇为一封邮件;假定你是高三学生李华,你的美国华人朋友Usa看到2019新年之际,中国各地放歌 《我和我的祖国》,来信问询此事.请你写封回信,谈谈感触,内容包括:1.此活动的意义;2.中国公民个人价值观;3.你会怎么做。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:the 70th anniversary of our country's birth(祖国七十周年),passionately(热情地),convey(表达),faithful and friendly (诚信友好),eager to(渴望)等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。 本文内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。另外全文中没有中国式英语的句式,显示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文.文中 共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改. 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号,并在其下面写出该加的词.





Released on 6 Aug 2010Flipped is arguably my favorite US film It told the heartwarming story of a boy named Bryce or a girl named Juli It's hard to imagine that two teenagers who in others' eye might not know about love actually have so a pure and beautiful love Besides the film is not only about puppy love It also tells us about dreams respect selfesteem and the important of working hard Julies attitude towards the life is also worth appreciating She has characteristics many of us gradually lose with we grow up The film successful creates a warm atmosphere for audiences longing love and happiness I hope you will enjoy the movie as many as I do




On Oct 16 2018 one of the two cofounders of Microsoft Paul G Allen 1.die at age 65 from cancer

When  2. comes to Microsoft the first person we think of 3.be Bill Gates the other cofounder of the firm However Allen was just as important to the 4.create of the company Allen wasmany people saya much quieter person He was content with the science side of things while Gates has the 5.good head for business

When the pair started Microsoft in the mid1970s they focused on the microcomputer industry Microcomputers were small computers 6.design to be used in the home

7. they lacked though was an operating system which is where Microsoft came in The company's big break came in 19808. Microsoft created the MSDOS operating system Later came Windows

After Allen passed away Bill Gates made a statement 9.praise Allen "Even in high school before most people knew what a personal computer was Paul predicted that chips would get superpowerful and would 10.eventual give rise to a whole new industry



    Parents they are here to clothe us feed us and embarrass us Sixteen is a_____ ripe age for embarrassment and poor Rain Price of Utah was no_____It was the beginning of his high school year and his first time to_____the bus So it was really embarrassing when his dad Dale_____him off After school he_____ his mom Rochelle to stop Dale from doing it again Guess who overheard

To Rain's_____not only did the father decide to go on waving his son goodbye_____he decided to send him off dressed in costume But this wasn't a onetime_____

Dale dressed up in different clothes every_____day for 170 straight school days"When he did it the first day I was in shock You don' t want to see your dad dressing up in a wedding dress waving at you on the_____" Rain told the Metroto which his dad_____"I hope this lives with him for the rest of his life" Dale made his_____goodbye on and on from the Little Mermaid to the Wonder Woman

Dale became_____as the "Wave At The Bus Dad''coming out in the most strange and funny costumes and never repeating the same_____ He said he only spent around $ 50 the whole year and relied on friends and neighbors to_____ him costume and other materials So the family could_____ the incidents with the rest of the world Rochelle created a blog to_____ all the costumes

Rain is now all grown up at 19 He still_____ Dale as a blushing bride "In the end it was just_____I was laughing on the bus the  whole way I am_____ of him

1.A. hopefully B. slightly C. particularly D. quietly

2.A. use B. way C. excuse D. exception

3.A. ride B. see C. follow D. choose

4.A. kissed B. waved C. hugged D. chased

5.A. ordered B. begged C. advised D. persuaded

6.A. joy B. sorrow C. relief D. disappointment

7.A. and B. but C. so D. while

8.A. event B. incident C. accident D. affair

9.A. other B. busy C. single D. happy

10.A. bus B. bike C. subway D. train

11.A. stuck B. objected C. responded D. adapted

12.A. special B. beautiful C. considerate D. valuable

13.A. regarded B. treated C. scolded D. known

14.A. time B. look C. place D. location

15.A. hand B. show C. lend D. award

16.A. learn B. discuss C. share D. overcome

17.A. document B. house C. book D. name

18.A. doubted B. confused C. blamed D. remembered

19.A. fun B. popularity C. reputation D. complaint

20.A. critical B. confident C. ashamed D. proud



    Are you happy with your appearance1. "Almost all the girls with singlefold eyelids in our class have had doubleeyelid operations"Zeng a Senior 2 student from Chengdu told Xinhua Zeng had the same surgery done this summer 2.

From popular photoediting apps to plastic surgery it seems that large eyes pale skin and a skinny body are the only standard for beauty these days But can following this standard really make us feel good about ourselves

3. According to Huxiu Newsover six in ten girls choose not to take part in certain daily activities such as attending school because they feel bad about their looks As much as 31 percent of teenagers avoid speaking up in class because they worry that others will notice their looks

Many teenagers are upset about their appearance because they believe in unrealistic standards of beauty experts say4. Seeing all these things can make anyone believe that they^re too dark too fat too short or too tall

However trying to live up to strict standards can make us feel anxious What troubles us is not just our "imperfect" looksbut the fact that we criticize ourselves too much

5. Plussize models are being featured in some fashion shows All of us should be just as confident as they are

ABeauty comes in all shapes and sizes

BBody image anxiety is common among teenagers

CGuys care just as much as girls do about their body image

DSome teenagers might feel negatively about their appearance

EShe and many of her classmates believe bigger eyes look more beautiful

FIt's not uncommon for teenagers to feel confident about their appearance

GPerfect faces and bodies are everywhere in advertising  TV shows and social media



    Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg took out fullpage ads in British and American newspapers on 21 March 2018 to apologize for a "breach of trust" in the Cambridge Analytical scandal admitting the quiz app built by a university researcher that leaked Facebook data of millions of people in 2014 was a "breach of trust"

Since the scandal of Big Data broke the public has become more aware and concerned about that their online behavior may be used for purposes to which they have not agreed It contributes to the urgent need for better protection of personal information

In China apps enabling users to steal private information from WiFi providers are generating serious privacy concerns

An app can break home WiFi cryptographic WiFi at commercial locations and even the WiFi being used in China's foreign ministry building according to a CCTV report With the help of the app the CCTV reporter entered the ministry's network

Almost 100000 Chinese users ranked WiFi Master Key app 4.5 out of 5 at the Apple store for convenience But the app secretly stores WiFi information and serves like a mobile spy between users a show reported It lets users access everything that links with the WiFi such as a providers Wechat contact information and phone numbers

At the China Development Forum Li Yanhong CEO of domestic Internet services giant Baidu Inc.,said that many Chinese users are willing to trade privacy for convenience Li′s remarks aroused heated debates on social networks as there is too much convenience and too little privacy

It's an age of Big Data It′s an age when privacy is under threat The users are in an inferior position compared with the companies but the law should not allow an unlimited trade of privacy for convenience A simple click on "I agree' should not be considered an excuse for the service providers to collect use and store users' data which must be better protected by the law

1.What do the underlined words "breach of trust" in paragraph 1 probably mean

A. Risk of trust

B. Report of trust

C. Research of trust

D. Betrayal of trust

2.Why do many Chinese users support the WiFi Master Key app

A. It is convenient to use

B. It can be used to protect privacy

C. It can steal everything from others

D. It is generating serious privacy concerns

3.What is the author's attitude towards privacy protection

A. Neutral

B. Critical

C. Indifferent

D. Approving

4.What can be a suitable title for the text

A. The Future of Big Data

B. The Dark Side of Big Data

C. The Convenience of Big Data

D. The Pros and Cons of Big Data



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