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In the famous fairy tale, Snow White eat...

    In the famous fairy tale, Snow White eats the Queen's apple and falls victim to a curse(诅咒);in Shakespeare's novel, Romeo drinks the poison and dies; some ancient Chinese emperors took pellets(药丸)that contained mercury(水银), believing that it would make them immortal, but they died afterward.

Poison(毒药) has long been an important ingredient in literature and history, and it seems to always be associated with evil, danger and death. But how much do you really know about poison?

An exhibition, The Power of Poison, opened last month at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, intended to give the audience a more vivid understanding of poison.

The museum tour starts in a rainforest setting, where you can see live examples of some of the most poisonous animals: caterpillars(毛毛虫), frogs and spiders. Golden poison frogs, for instance, aren't much bigger than a coin, but their skin is covered with a poison that can cut off the signaling power of your nerves, and a single frog has enough venom to kill 10 grown humans.

"Poisons can be bad for some things," Michael Novacek, senior vice president of the museum, told NBC News. "Yet they can also be good for others."

A poisonous chemical found in the yew tree is effective against cancer, which is what led to the invention of a cancer-fighting drug called Taxol.

The benefits from natural poisons are not limited to just medicine. Believe it or not, many substances(物质)that we regularly ingest(摄入)-chili, coffee and chocolate-owe their special flavors or stimulating(提神的)effects to chemicals that plants make to poison insects.

1.What does the underlined word "immortal" in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. happy B. not moral

C. living forever D. sick

2.What is the main purpose of the exhibition The Power of Poison?

A. To give people more in-depth knowledge about poison.

B. To teach people how to handle poisonous animals.

C. To inform people about which animals are the most poisonous.

D. To show how poison has been used for medical treatment.

3.Which of the following statements about the Golden poison frog is TRUE according to the article?

A. Its skin can cut off the signaling power of your nerves.

B. It's about the size of a coin.

C. It's the most poisonous animal on display.

D. You can only see it in a rainforest setting of the museum.

4.The stimulating effects of coffee come from ________.

A. natural poison made by the plant B. the substances that we regularly ingest

C. chemicals produced by poisonous insects                D. its special flavor


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 【解析】 本文主要讲述了毒药的渊源,毒药在历史中的地位,以及纽约举办的《毒药的力量》的展览,该展览阐述了毒药真正的力量与实体存在形式,让人们对毒药有更深入的了解。 1.词义猜测题。根据“some ancient Chinese emperors took pellets(药丸)that contained mercury(水银),believing that it would make them immortal, but they died afterward”根据but表转折,故与前句意思相反,结合they died afterward(他们之后就死了),推知他们认为这些药丸可以让他们长命百岁。故选C。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段“An exhibition, The Power of Poison, opened last month at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, intended to give the audience a more vivid understanding of poison”可知,这个展览的目的是让人们对毒药有更深入的了解。故选A。 3.细节理解题。根据第四段“Golden poison frogs, for instance, aren't much bigger than a coin”可知,金毒蛙大概有硬币大小。故选B。 4.细节理解题。根据最后一段的表述可知,咖啡的刺激性来自于植物自然产生的毒性。故选A。

    If you find yourself checking your phone first thing in the morning, if you find you're text-messaging while driving, checking your phone instead of working on an important assignment—you are addicted.

Don't worry. The new NoPhone might be just the thing you need. It looks and feels exactly like a smartphone, but it does nothing. It's just a piece of plastic that you can carry around in your hand to fool yourself.

NoPhone is currently a prototype(手机模型) that will cost only $12 once it hits the market. Its makers are trying to raise $30,000 in order to cover the production and marketing costs.

Dutch designer Ingmar Larsen, who helped create the NoPhone, said that he had the idea as a joke along with his friends Van Gould and Ben Langveld. To their great surprise, the idea received a lot of attention online and people from all over the world started placing requests for NoPhone of their own, so that's when the three friends decided to raise money for mass production.

David H said,“ I used to sleep with my phone in my hand, but my night terrors would cause me to throw it across the room in an unconscious panic. With the NoPhone, I can still enjoy the comfort of holding a phone in my sleep, without waking up to a broken screen, thanks, NoPhone.”

If you're interested in NoPhone, but concerned about not being able to take selfies anymore, don't worry. The makers do have an update at no extra charge—the mirror sticker. That way, they say, you can enjoy “real-time” selfies with your friends when they're standing right behind you.

1.From the third paragraph we can infer that_______.

A. NoPhone is a device made of high technology.         

B. the makers want to raise money to improve their technology.

C. NoPhone has not been on the market at present.         

D. the users of NoPhone can stay away from the real world.

2.What made the designers surprised was that________.

A. many people thought of the idea as a joke at first         

B. people in Dutch began to make NoPhone of their own

C. people worldwide began to fund mass production

D. people worldwide were interested in NoPhone on the net

3.According to David H, he often ______at night.

A. used his smartphone B. had nightmare

C. became unconscious D. looked for his smartphone

4.What does the underlined phrases “take selfies” most probably mean?

A. take a photo of oneself                                                 B. get in touch with someone

C. take the place of someone                                            D. catch sight of someone




注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当加入细节,使行文连贯;

3. 不可使用真实姓名和班级等

Dear Mr. Huang,








Li Hua









My mom, my dad or my friends don’t know me more than one person which I admire a lot. He’s my grandfather. My parents are both working and I am being take care of during the week. They left the house at 7:30 every morning and get home around 8 pm. It is my grandfather who makes me physical strong. He is the one who takes me for long walks and cycle rides. He plays football with me every Saturday when I am on a holiday. We share stories and jokes and spend many happy moment together. If I do something wrong, it is him who protects me from get into trouble with my parents. Compared other children’s life, mine is much happier because of my grandfather.




Pets aren’t just hairy toys for your children. Recently it 1. (prove) that animals play a great role in the child’s identity development. They get on well with children and love them sincerely, because they aren’t so impatient 2. many adults can be. It seems to me that there 3.(be) some kind of link between pets and kids. Pets can help parents train 4.(responsible), self-confidence and carefulness in children.

Pets often act as 5. caring family member. Those children 6. family has no brothers or sisters sometimes feel lonely, especially when parents are at work or busy with their housework. Children have a chance 7. (talk) to the pet or share their feelings, which gives 8. (they) a big relief from stress and worries. The children attach great importance 9. being together with pets. Let your child grow up with a nice and 10. (devote) pet. It doesn’t matter, whether it’s a dog, cat or fish. Everything depends on the type of the child’s character.



Dear ______,

It is the first time for my beloved son to step out of his home where he is happy and safe. The school life is going to be strange and ______ to him for a while. And I wish you would take care of him with enough ________.

So far, he's been ________ of his own room. He's been boss of the back yard. I have always been around to repair his wounds, and to ______ his feelings.

______, things seem to be different now. Today, he is required to walk down the front steps, say goodbye to me and start on his great ________ that will probably include wars, tragedy and ________. To live his life in the world in which he has to live will ________ faith, love and courage.

So, World, I wish you would take him ________ his young hand and teach him things he will have to know. Teach him — but gently, if you can. Teach him that for every scoundrel (恶人) there is a _______; that for every dishonest politician, there is a ________ leader; that for every enemy there is a friend. Teach him the wonders of books. Give him quiet time to _______ the mysteries of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and flowers on the green hills. Teach him it is far more honorable to _________ than to cheat. Teach him to have ________ in his own ideas, ______ everyone else tells him they are wrong. Teach him to _______ his strength and brains to the highest bidder (投标人), but never to put a price on his heart and soul. Teach him to close his ears to a ________ crowd, and to stand and ________ if he believes he's right. Teach him kindly, World, but don't spoil him, because only the _______ of fire makes fine steel.

This is a big order, World, but see what you can do. He is such a nice little fellow.



1.A. World B. School C. Headmaster D. Friend

2.A. interesting B. amazing C. challenging D. concerning

3.A. determination B. kindness C. patience D. courage

4.A. manager B. monitor C. king D. instructor

5.A. explore B. contain C. express D. comfort

6.A. Otherwise B. Therefore C. Besides D. However

7.A. adventure B. experience C. revolution D. inspection

8.A. sorrow B. relief C. fortune D. luck

9.A. weaken B. require C. strengthen D. increase

10.A. at B. in C. on D. by

11.A. hero B. commander C. performer D. competitor

12.A. powerful B. faithful C. distant D. valuable

13.A. reserve B. replace C. solve D. survive

14.A. respond B. admit C. fail D. win

15.A. mercy B. basis C. reasons D. confidence

16.A. as if B. even if C. in case D. for fear

17.A. attach B. devote C. apply D. sell

18.A. local B. total C. fierce D. noisy

19.A. affect B. signal C. fight D. bargain

20.A. test B. temperature C. flame D. spread



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