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I took an airplane to Beijing in Februar...

    I took an airplane to Beijing in February, on an Air Canada Boeing 777. ______ all were seated, I used my computer for a while. Ahead of me to my right, a kid was ______.

I went up to a Chinese woman. She had in her arms a kid that ______ crying. I told the mother that the kid needed to be walked and then she would ______ and sleep. I knew this because i am a father of four ______ children. The woman, who was from North York, said she was too tired as she had been ______ the whole night before. I ______ to walk the kid so she could get some sleep.

As I took the kid in my arms, I ______ her for the kid’s name and age. I then started ______ walking up to the front of the economy section. The kid immediately fell to sleep. When I got back to the mother’s ______, I found her fast asleep. I kept walking for over six hours and walked slowly ______. Since it was a 13-hour flight, I walked halfway to China-______ a kid.

Women on board would ______ me during my long walk, wanting to see the kid. One woman ask me some questions like “How many ______ do you have?” “Four,” I said. She looked ______ at my wrinkled (有皱纹的) face and white hair (I was almost   60  ) and said, “Well, I hope this is your ______ one.” She thought I was Mary’s ______. I just ______ and walked on.

When I was back to the mother, the mother ______. I gave Mary back to her, who ______ sound asleep.

1.A. Before B. After C. Though D. Unless

2.A. singing B. talking C. sleeping D. crying

3.A. kept B. started C. practised D. stopped

4.A. break down B. go ahead C. settle down D. set off

5.A. grown B. energetic C. curious D. slim

6.A. down B. back C. away D. up

7.A. deserved B. offered C. pretended D. agreed

8.A. requested B. commanded C. asked D. consulted

9.A. slowly B. quickly C. calmly D. strongly

10.A. home B. seat C. calmly D. strongly

11.A. upside down B. inside out C. day and night D. up and down

12.A. watching B. carrying C. tricking D. seeking

13.A. spot B. remind C. stop D. award

14.A. customers B. passengers C. members D. children

15.A. obviously B. confidently C. closely D. firmly

16.A. last B. active C. naughty D. troubled

17.A. mother B. teacher C. father D. nurse

18.A. refused B. smiled C. apologized D. sighed

19.A. woke B. left C. wandered D. shouted

20.A. turned B. fell C. remained D. looked


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.D 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.C 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。故事发生在去中国的一个航班上。作者在航班上帮助一位妇女哄孩子睡觉并带了孩子六个多小时,而妈妈在座位上睡着了。 1.考查状语从句。A. Before在---之前;B. After在---之后;C. Though尽管;D. Unless除非。根据___1___ all were seated, I used my computer for a while.“大家都坐好后,我用了一会儿电脑。”此处是after引导的时间状语从句,故答案为B。 2.考查动词。A. singing唱歌;B. talking谈论;C. sleeping睡觉;D. crying哭。根据下段中的She had in her arms a kid that ___3___ crying.可知,一个孩子在哭。故选D。 3.A考查动词。A. kept保持;B. started开始;C. practised练习;D. stopped停止。根据She had in her arms a kid that ___3___ crying.结合选项只有A项符合题意。keep doing“一直做某事”,故答案为A。 4.考查动词词组。A. break down发生故障;B. go ahead前进,进行;C. settle down定居,专心于;D. set off出发,引起。根据I told the mother that the kid needed to be walked and then she would ___4___ and sleep.可知,我告诉那位母亲,孩子需要有人带着走,然后她就会坐下来睡觉。故选C。 5.考查形容词。A. grown长大的; B. energetic精力充沛的;C. curious好奇的;D. slim苗条的。根据. I knew this because I am a father of four ___5___ children. 可知,我知道这一点,因为我是四个成年孩子的父亲。故选A。 6.考查副词。A. down向下;B. back向后;C. away离去;D. up向上。这位来自North York的女士说,她太累了,因为她前一晚都没睡。故选D。 7.考查动词。A. deserved值得;B. offered提供;C. pretended假装;D. agreed同意。我主动提出带孩子去散步,这样她就能睡一会儿了。offer to do sth.“提出要做某事”,故答案为B。 8.考查动词。A. requested请求;B. commanded命令;C. asked问;D. consulted请教。根据for the kid’s name and age可知是在“问”孩子的名字和年龄。故选C。 9.考查副词。A. slowly慢慢地;B. quickly迅速地;C. calmly冷静地;D. strongly强壮地。根据后面的The kid immediately fell to sleep.可知,在哄孩子睡,所以是开始慢慢地走到经济舱的前面。故选A。 10.考查名词。A. home家;B. seat 座位;C. calmly冷静地;D. strongly强壮地。作者把孩子哄睡了,自然要送回到妈妈那里,也就是回到妈妈的“座位”。故选B。 11.考查词组。A. upside down颠倒的; B. inside out 彻底地,里面翻到外面;C. day and night日日夜夜;D. up and down前前后后,上上下下。根据The kid immediately fell to sleep. When I got back to the mother’s ___10___, I found her fast asleep.可知作者抱着孩子睡了,但孩子的妈妈也睡了,所以作者就抱着孩子来回走。故选D。 12.考查动词。A. watching观看;B. carrying搬运;C. tricking戏弄;D. seeking寻找。根据I kept walking for over six hours and walked slowly ___11___. Since it was a 13-hour flight, I walked halfway to China-___12___ a kid.可知在去中国的航班上作者有一半的时间抱着一个孩子。故选B。 13.考查动词。A. spot发现;B. remind提醒;C. stop停止;D. award授奖。根据wanting to see the kid.可知航班上女士们要看孩子,因为作者抱着孩子来回走,所以要让作者停下来。故选C。 14.考查名词。A. customers顾客; B. passengers旅客;C. members成员;D. children孩子。根据“Four,”可知在问作者有多少孩子。故选D。 15.考查副词。A. obviously明显地;B. confidently自信地;C. closely紧密地,仔细地;D. firmly坚定地。仔细看着我满是皱纹的脸。故选C。 16.考查形容词。A. last最后的,最新的;B. active积极的;C. naughty淘气的;D. troubled不安的。我希望这是你最后一个孩子。故选A。 17.考查名词。A. mother妈妈;B. teacher教师;C. father父亲;D. nurse护士。她认为我是孩子的父亲。故选C。 18.考查动词。A. refused拒绝;B. smiled微笑;C. apologized道歉;D. sighed叹息。我微笑着继续来回走。故选B。 19.考查动词。A. woke唤醒;B. left离开;C. wandered徘徊;D. shouted大喊。根据下文的I gave Mary back to her,可知孩子的妈妈醒了。故选A。 20.考查动词。A. turned使变成;B. fell落下;C. remained保持,仍然;D. looked看。我把玛丽送给她,孩子仍然在熟睡。故选C。

    It is back to school time in much of the world. Calm, easy mornings are replaced with busy, hurried ones. Children wake up early and get ready for school. Many parents are also getting ready for work, helping their children and preparing food for lunches. 1.. But that may be a big mistake for students, Whether at home, on the way to school or at school, eating something healthy for breakfast may help a student get better grades.

2.? The answer is yes. Experts at Healthy Children. org say that in the United States about 8 to 12 percent of all students in grade school (Kindergarten through 8th grade) do not eat breakfast. By the time students are in high school ( grades 9-12), 20 to 30 percent of them ignore the morning meal.

3.. This gives your body the energy it needs to think clearly and to remember what it learns. When it comes to giving the brain what it needs to work at its highest level, not all breakfasts are created equal. The best breakfast should include complex sugar that slowly release energy to the body. 4..

A good breakfast is not just helpful for school-aged children. 5..

A. Do many children hate breakfast

B. Some people ignore breakfast to save time

C. Lunches are also important for students’ health

D. Whole grain bread and low-sugar cakes are examples

E. The best breakfast is a combination of sugar, protein and fat

F. Are there really that many children who do not eat breakfast

G. We all may gain from eating something healthy in the morning



    Nearly one in four Americans made money over the last 12 months by using their personal computers or other devices connected to the Internet. The Pew Research Center, an independent research group in Washington, found that people are using the Internet to find extra work. They go online to sell things such as used books and furniture or they offer to provide services such as babysitting, house cleaning or computer repairs.

Pew found that income earned on the Internet can come in many forms. Some said they had jobs that paid a few pennies each to take surveys. In these surveys, people are asked for their opinions of different products or well-known people. About two percent of Americans earned money from ride-sharing companies such as Uber and Lyft. When drivers are ready to pick up passengers, they use their ride-share company’s app. The computer program lets them know when passengers are ready to be picked up and how to reach them. Some people make their homes, apartments, or rooms inside their homes, available for money to people visiting their cities.

About 60 percent of people say the income they earn is important to them. But just one in five people who sell things online say the income is enough to be important to their lives. Only 16 percent believe doing online work will lead to a meaningful career. But 37 percent say the extra income earned from online jobs helps them make up for shortages in money.

The number one reason people gave for taking online jobs was that the work gave them something to do and was fun. What kind of people work online or use online devices to find work?The answer appears to be: mostly people who already have jobs.

1.What is the main idea of paragraph 1?

A. How to sell used books.

B. How to find extra work online.

C. A new way of making money.

D. A new research on the Internet.

2.How many forms of earning money online are mentioned in paragraph 2?

A. 1. B. 2.

C. 3. D. 4.

3.How does the author make the point more persuasive?

A. By listing numbers. B. By asking questions.

C. By telling stories. D. By doing surveys.

4.What is implied in the last paragraph?

A. Many people have found jobs using the Internet.

B. Those who have jobs enjoy making money online.

C. The future of the Internet is questioned.

D. More people will lose their job soon.



    Have you ever wondered what wild animals do when no one is watching?

Low cost, dependable and small modern cameras offered a big help. Cameras placed in hard-to-reach places have shot everything from small desert cats to larger snow-lowing cats in the northern Rocky Mountains. Scientists have been able to document the “private” moments of wildlife with leading technology.

Grant Harris is a government biologist with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service in Albuquerque, New Mexico. In his words, “there’s no doubt that these wild cameras are important tools to learn new information on wildlife.” Harris said some images help scientists see the eflects of climate change.

Researchers with the Wyoming Migration Initiative, or WMI, are among those using wild cameras along with global positioning systems, or GPS. But WMI director Matthew Kauffman says as those devices are limited, so is the amount of information they can gather from GPS. However, cameras can be left in very wild areas for days, weeks or even months. They can provide information on how many animals are moving over a given period of time.

Putting those cameras in place requires careful planning. Wild video can show details about animal behavior. However, wild cameras have their problems too. Animals such as wolverines and bears sometimes attack them. Scientists do not know if the attacks are the result of anger or interest. Also, the devices have become popular tools to help hunters look for animals. Some people argue that it is unfair to use the cameras that way.

Even with such problems, wild cameras are clearly an important scientific tool in researching wild animals.

1.What does the underlined word “document” in paragraph 2 mean?

A. Remind. B. Enrich.

C. Appreciate. D. Record.

2.Which is a disadvantage of wild cameras?

A. They cannot be left in the wild over a long period.

B. They cannot be placed in hard-to-reach areas.

C. They provide limited information.

D. They might be stolen by people.

3.Why do some people argue against using wild cameras?

A. It is difficult to fix the cameras.

B. It helps hunters find animals easily.

C. It is hard to achieve careful planning.

D. It makes animals interested in the cameras.

4.What is the authors attitude towards wild cameras?

A. Doubtful. B. Positive.

C. Uncertain. D. Uncaring.



    Cruz Genet, 11, and Anthony Skopick, 10, couldn’t agree. Were the birds on the ice ducks or geese? There was only one way to find out. So on a cold January evening, the two friends risked onto the frozen pond near their house in Frankfort, Illinois, to get a better look. First they threw a small stone to test it. Then they stepped on it. Believing the ice would hold their weight, Anthony took a few steps, then.... He fell through the seemingly frozen ice.

Cruz rushed to help his frightened friend—the pond “ate” him too. Gruz managed to lift himself out of the water and onto a more reliable part. He then carefully made his way to Anthony. But the ice didn’t hold, and he fell in again. This time he couldn’t get out. The boys quickly lost feeling in their arms and legs. Cruz was sure he was going to die.

Anthony’s older sister had seen the boys fall through the ice and started screaming for help. John Lavin, a neighbor driving nearby on his way to the grocery store, heard her. He quickly pulled over. Seeing the boys, he kicked off his shoes, and run into the freezing water. Lavin made his way to Cruz and Anthony and saved them back to land. They were taken to the hospital, where doctors discovered that their five-minute stay in the water had lowered their body temperature nearly ten degrees.

Fortunately, the boys have fully recovered, though they are still moved by their fearless neighbor. “Just to think,” says Gruz, “if he wasn’t there, I could have died.”

1.Why did Gruz and Anthony step on the ice?

A. To go skating. B. To trap some birds.

C. To settle a disagreement. D. To test the strength of the ice.

2.How did Cruz feel when caught in the water?

A. Hopeless. B. Puzzled.

C. Shocked. D. Calm.

3.What basically saved the two boys’ lives?

A. Screaming of an older sister. B. Better care of doctors.

C. lowering of their body temperature. D. Brave act of a neighbor.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. Two Boys Falling in the Water B. A Heroic Man to the Rescue

C. Duck or Geese, It Is a Question D. Curiosity Kills the Cat



Films to watch in March


A lonely young waitress finds a handbag on a New York subway train. Luckily, the address is inside, so she returns it to the piano teacher who left it there. She then discovers that the piano teacher makes a habit of dropping bags around the city on purpose to make new friends. Directed by Neil Jordan, the actors are attractive. Grace Moretz is the waitress and Isabelle Huppert is the one who admires her. Thanks to them, Greta winds up being far more enjoyable than it has any right to be.

The Aftermath

The Aftermath is one of the few World War -related films. Based on Rhidian Brook’s novel, this touching romantic movie is starred by Keira Knightley, who is the wife of a British officer. She hates the Germans because her son was killed in an air raid (抢劫). But is there a chance that a tall, dark and handsome man might persuade her to overcome her hate?

Captain Marvel

It took Marvel Studios a decade to finally make a female superhero. It’s also the first Marvel film to be directed by a woman, who has directed Half Nelson and Missisippi Grind. Captain Marvel is set in the 1990s. The Oscar-winning Brie Larson stars as Carol Danvers, a US Air Force fighter pilot, while Samuel L Jackson, as usual, plays Nick Fury.

Dumbo is, a classic Disney cartoon, who has big ears and there have been plenty of those kind of movies in recent years. Burton always has inspirations to direct such kind of movies from Edward Scissorhands to Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. Magical figures have always been his favorite characters.

1.Who works on a different job?

A. Isabelle Huppert. B. Keira Knightley.

C. Rhidian Brook. D. Brie Larson.

2.What makes Captain Marvel special?

A. Winning Oscar. B. Its female director.

C. Time setting. D. A woman pilot.

3.Which film is better for a 7-year-old kid to watch?

A. The Aftermath B. Captain Marvel

C. Grete D. Dumbo

4.Where can you most probably read the text?

A. Reader’s Digest B. Nature

C. Scientific American D. National Geographic



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