满分5 > 高中英语试题 >








Last SaturdayI went on journey by trainThere were such many passengers that not everyone could get a seatMany people had to standwhich was really tiredI had a reserved seat so I could sit comfortableIn front of my seat is a woman with two little kidsWith the kid squeezing into their single seatshe had to stand up all the waySo I moved a bit but shared my seat with herThe woman felt very grateful to my selflessnessSeeing her beautiful smileI also smiledShare increased happiness!


【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。记叙了作者上周六乘坐火车去旅行,在火车上发生的故事。 1.考查冠词。固定短语go on a journey意为“去旅行”中间需要冠词,故on后添加a。 2.考查固定句式。many前用so,与that构成so...that...句型,表示“如此……以致于……”,故such改为so。 3.考查形容词。根据句意可知,此处表示上文“站着”这个动作是“令人累的”,所以用tiring。 4.考查副词。sit为动词,应该用副词修饰,故comfortable改为comfortably。 5.考查动词时态。故事介绍过去是事情,应该用一般过去时,故is改为was。 6.考查名词的数。kid为可数名词,由下文their可知,因此这里kid用复数形式。故kid改为kids。 7.考查介词。根据句意可知,那位妈妈是一直站立着,而stand up只是表示瞬间的动作“站起来”,不能和all the way连用。故去掉up。 8.考查连词。根据句意可知两个动词之间是并列关系而非转折关系。故把but改为and。 9.考查介词。固定短语be grateful to sb for sth.意为“因……而感激某人”,故to改为for。 10.考查非谓语动词。Share在句中作主语应该用动名词形式,意为“分享”,故Share改为Sharing。  


The national college entrance exam in RussiaUnified State Examwill include Chinese as  1.  elective foreign language starting from 2019Chinese will become the fifth elective test item for the Unified State Exam 2.  (follow)EnglishGermanFrench and Spanish

The number of Chinese learners in Russia  3. (grow)quickly in the past decadeaccording to a survey 4. (conduct)by a linguistic research center in Russia

Approaches to learning Chinese vary from person to person5. more and more people choosing university courses in Russia

The three-hour-long Chinese test will quiz students on 6. (they)listeningreadingand writing abilities and a fourth section will examine students on grammarvocabulary and Chinese 7. (character)Some parts in the exam are even a little bit difficult for native Chinese speakers

According to the Office of Chinese Language Council International(Hanban)7 as of 2017 some 100 million peopleexcluding native speakersuse Chinese 8. (global)

The United Nations(UN)in 2010 suggested a Chinese Language Day 9. falls on April 20 each year  10. (celebrate)cultural diversity as well as to promote the equal use of a11 official languages



    Next weekstrangers with a truck will take away everything we ownexcept the clothes on our backsthe car we will driveand as much stuff as we can pack into it

It’s called ____ Some people do it oftenFor otherslike meit’g a _____experienceIn all my adult yearsI’ve moved only three times

My first ____ and I moved into our first house with a bedour clothes and a few giftsThat was many years agoOver the yearsI ____ that house with three childrena few dogs and enough stuff to ____ the ceiling

Then the kids grew upI lost my husband to cancerand I began to learn about ____

FirstI let go of the ____ of being in contro1Life isn’t about being in charge of what  ___ it’s about being in charge of what we do with it

NextI let go of  ___ the things I care most aboutlike keeping in touch with the people that ____ the most to me

I let go of the people whose ____ are about anger or hatredand tried instead to ____ myself with those who shine with ____

FinallyI let go of being alone—I remarriedI ____ moved to a new city with my new husbandand after that move__  I’d stop collecting meaningless thingsBut 12 years laterhere I amstill learning about letting go

We’11 all move someday from this ____ to the nextbut we won’t need a truck to do itWe’ll take ____ with us and leave behind a(n) ____ of the life we livedthe mistakes we  __  and all the love and kindness we tried to show

That memory might not be a treasurebut if we’re  ___ someone will keep it and hold it close and never let it go

1.A. moving B. changing C. losing D. missing

2.A. similar B. familiar C. rare D. valuable

3.A. son B. daughter C. husband D. wife

4.A. equipped B. filled C. involved D. provided

5.A. paint B. repair C. build D. reach

6.A. holding on B. 1etting go C. giving back D. turning down

7.A. plan B. idea C. concept D. decision

8.A. devotes B. matters C. happens D. arrives

9.A. putting off B. coming across C. making out D. taking over

10.A. offer B. appear C. indicate D. mean

11.A. issues B. subjects C. 1ives D. beliefs

12.A. present B. attract C. support D. surround

13.A. kindness B. patience C. fortune D. humour

14.A. naturally B. eventually C. formally D. regularly

15.A. suggested B. informed C. insisted D. promised

16.A. city B. town C. world D. country

17.A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

18.A. memory B. experience C. record D. history

19.A. completed B. made C. conducted D. forgot

20.A. optimistic B. generous C. determined D. fortunate



    Every minuteevery single dayabout a truckload of plastic enters our oceans1. And to dateonly 9of that has been recycled

We buy a bottle of waterdrink it for a few minutesand toss its permanent packaging“away”We eat potato chipsfinish themthen throw their permanent packaging“away”We buy producetake it out of the unnecessary plastic wrapthen throw its permanent packaging“away”

The cycle is endlessand it happens countless times every single day2. As far as we try to toss a piece of plastic—whether it’s into a recycling bin or not——it does not disappearChances areit ends up polluting our communitiesoceans or waterways in some form

For yearswe’ve been told the problem of plastic packaging can be solved through batter individual action3. But the truth is that we cannot recycle our way out of this mess

Recycling alone will never stop the flow of plastics into our oceanswe have to get to the source of the problem and slow down the production of all this plastic wasteThink about itif your home was flooding because you had left the tap onyour first step wouldn’t be to start moppingYou’d first cut the flooding off at its source—the tap4.

We need corporations—those like Coca-ColaUnileverStarbucks and Neatlé that continue to produce throwaway plastic bottles—to step up and take their responsibility for the mess they’ve created5. We will continue to do our partbut it’s time for the world’s largest corporations to do theirs

AThis is their problem to deal with

BPlastic pollution is becoming very serious

CBut here is the problem—there is no“away”

DIn many waysour plastic problem is no different

EWe think that if we simply recycle we’re doing our part

FIt’s impossible for us to get rid of plastic pollution completely

GSince the 1950ssome 83bn tons of plastic have been produced worldwide



    It sounds almost too good to be truebut a new study on sleeping brains suggests that listening to languages while you sleep can actually help you to learn them

For the studyresearchers played recordings of foreign words and their translations to subjects enjoying slow-wave sleepa stage when a person has 1ittle consciousness of their environmentTo ensure that the results were not compromised by foreign language words that subjects may have had some contact with at some point in their waking livesresearchers made up totally nonexistent foreign words

When the subjects woke upthey were presented with the made-up words again without their translationsThe subjects were then asked to imagine whether this made-up word indicated an object that was either smaller or largerThis vague(模糊的)way of testing their understanding of the words is an approach that is supposed to tap into the unconscious memory

Unbelievablythe subjects were able to correctly classify the words in this way at an accuracy rate that was 10 percent higher than random chanceThat’s not a rate high enough to have them suddenly communicating in a foreign tonguebut it is enough to suggest that the brain is still absorbing information on some leveleven during sleep

Researchers have long known that sleep is important for memorybut previously its role in memory was thought to relate only to the preservation and organization of memories acquired during wakefulnessThis is the first time that memory formation has been shown to be active during sleep

In other wordsour brains are listening to the worldand learning about iteven when our conscious selves are not present

The next step for researchers will be to see if new information can be 1earned quicker during wakefulness if it was already presented during sleepIf soit could forever change how we train our brains to learn new thingsSleep learning might become a widespread practice

1.Why did researchers use some made-up words in the study?

A. To guarantee the accuracy of the test result

B. To increase the difficulty of testing information

C. To avoid the subjects cheating in the experiment

D. To test if our brain are good at learning something new

2.What were the subjects asked to do in the study?

A. Classify what they heard by size

B. Make up a word to represent“large”or“small”

C. Repeat the words they heard in the sleep

D. Imagine the meanings of the made-up words

3.What conclusion did researchers draw from this study?

A. Sleep is necessary for a good memory

B. Memory formation goes on during sleep

C. Listening during sleep is good for our brain

D. Learning languages in sleep has better effects

4.What will be the researchers’next plan?

A. To train people how to learn during sleep

B. To prove the existence of unconscious memory

C. To dig out the reason for unconscious learning

D. To study the effect of sleep learning on conscious learning



    In Americathe number of people killed in car crashes in 2016 was above 40000 for the  first time in a decadedata released on Wednesday shows

“Americans believe there is nothing we can do to stop crashes from happeningbut that isn't trueWe are behind the rest of the developed world in addressing highway fatalities(死亡)We just haven't been willing to do what needs to be done”said Deborah APHersmanpresident of the National Safety Council

The National Safety Council data shows a 6 percent increase in deaths in 2018 when compared with 2015 and a 3 percent increase in the number of miles Americana drove in 2016

“Motor vehicle fatality numbers have been ringing the alarm for two years”Hersman said“Unfortunatelywe have been blind to the data and the killings on our roadwaysIf we fail to take actionthe death tell will continue to rise

“The trend is clearAfter years of progresshighway deaths are heading in the wrong direction”said Jonathan Adkinsa state safety official

The number of people killed reached a record low of 32675 in 2014according to NHTSA statisticsThat record followed a fairly steady downward track for the past six years that experts attributed it primarily to safety features that have been built into cars and trucks

Safety advances including increased seat-belt useair bagsanti-lock brakingstability controls and electronic warnings and cameras

The bad economy and high gas prices also influenced the reduction in deathsNowwith unemployment and gas prices both lowmore people are driving for work and pleasure trips

“It’s not just that Americans drive more miles when the economy improves it’s the kind of miles they drive”said Adrian Lundpresident of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

1.What’s Hersman’s attitude towards the present situation?

A. It has been getting better B. It can hardly be improved

C. The efforts are far from enough D. Much work hart already been done

2.What do we learn about the number of highway deaths in 2013 in America?

A. It’s lower than that in 2014 B. It’s lower than that in 2010

C. It’s the lowest in recent years D. It’s the highest in recently years

3.What will happen with the economic recovery?

A. The gas prices will go up B. The gas price will go down

C. There will be more highway deaths D. There will be fewer highway deaths

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Traffic Deaths Are on the Rise B. Highway Deaths Will Drop off

C. Measures to Handle Car Crashes D. Safety Advances in Cars Are Made



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