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假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有...

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。

修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last year, Zhang Pingyu paid visit to London. Worried about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the site she wanted to see. It was the Tower which she visited first. Fancy! This solid stone, square tower had been remained standing for one thousand years. Many new buildings had expanded around it. Therefore, it was still part of a royal palace and prison combined. There followed St Pauls Cathedral built after the terrible fire of London in 1666. It looked splendidly when first built. Westminster Abbey, too, was very interesting. Then just as he came out of the abbey, Pingyu heard the famous sound of the clock Big Ben, ring out the hour.

The next day Pingyu was leaving London to Windsor Castle. Perhaps I will see the Queen?” she wondered as she fall asleep.


paid后加a site →sites which →that 去掉been Therefore →However splendidly →splendid he →she ring →ringing to →for fall→fell 【解析】 本文属于记叙文,描述了张苹玉游览英国伦敦的日程安排。 第一处:考查冠词。句意:去年,张平雨去参观了伦敦。本句为短语pay a visit to 拜访,故在paid后加a。 第二处:考查名词。句意:担心时间有限,她列了一个想去参观的景点的清单。site为可数名词,一个景点的清单,可知用复数形式,故把site改为sites。 第三处:考查强调句。句意:她参观的第一个地方就是伦敦塔。本句为强调句,对the tower进行强调,故把which改为that。 第四处:考查动词语态。句意:这座坚固和石头砌成的塔矗立了一千年。分析句子可知,remain为系动词,无被动语态,故去掉been。 第五处:考查副词。句意:但是,伦敦塔依然是皇宫与监狱共用的地方。分析句子可知,前后句为转折关系,故把Therefore改为However。 第六处:考查形容词。句意:最初修建好的时候,看起来非常雄伟。look为系动词,后接形容词作表语,故把splendidly改为splendid。 第七处:考查代词。句意:当她从大教堂出来的时候,听到了大本钟报时的钟声。根据前文可知,张平雨为女性,故把he改为she。 第八处:考查非谓语动词。句意:当她从大教堂出来的时候,听到了大本钟报时的钟声。分析句子可知,ring为非谓语动词,作状语,与clock为主谓关系,故用现在分词形式,故把ring改为ringing。 第九处:考查介词。句意:第二天,她离开伦敦去温莎城堡。本句为leave for 动身去,故把to改为for。 第十处:考查动词时态。句意:她想着想着睡着了。本文讲述过去的事情,故用一般过去时,故把fall改为fell。


Letters as a way of communication have long given way to phone calls and WeChat messages. But a TV show, Letters Alive, is helping bring this old way to keep in touch back 1. the present.

Letters Alive took 2.(it) idea from a UK program, Letters Live, released in 2013. Both 3. (show) feature famous actors and actresses, but there 4.(be) no eyecatching visual effects or any regular showbiz(娱乐圈) activities. Instead, its just a live event 5. remarkable letters selected from a wide time span and a diverse range of subjects are read. There is, for example, a passionate letter from Huang Yongyu to playwright Cao Yu 30 years ago to criticize his lack of 6.(create).

Every letter is like a small piece of history. By hearing them 7. (read), its as if we are being sent back in time to experience a moment that we would otherwise never have had the chance to.

Compared to 8. (publish) texts, letters also 9.(natural) come with a personal touch. As well as celebrating the pain, joy, wisdom and humor, Letters Alive  10. (commit) to promoting Chinese literature since first run.



    Our teachers tried teaching us about death during nursing training. As a student nurse, I knew I would see death in my ______. I had no idea of the ______ it would have on me, ______.

The first person I saw die was an elderly man, John, who had been ______ for weeks. His heart was ______ and the healthcare team was keeping him comfortable and ______ his symptoms. He had stopped speaking days before but was still awake at times, and his ______ when we spoke to him was beautiful.

When I came on to the ______ one morning, the night staff said he had deteriorated (恶化) overnight and had ______ left to leave. A trained nurse and I gave him a bed bath, shaved him and changed his sheets. For the next six hours I ______ his hand and talked to him. The doctor came in regularly and asked if he needed more pain relief but he seemed ______ most of the time. He only ______ opened his eyes to smile at me. Early in the afternoon the nurse came back in and we washed his face and ______ his hair. As she was just about to leave the room, she stroked his hair and said:“Oh John, just ______.” Minutes later, he did.

It has been 20 years since John’s death. I have seen ______ deaths in my time nursing. I have seen staff go far beyond the ______ of their jobs to ______ that a patient has as good a death as possible. I remember some of the other faces, but none is quite as ______ as John’s. He, and the professionals who were ______ him, taught me that it ______ how we treat those who are dying.

1.A. life B. career C. mind D. family

2.A. impact B. difference C. reflection D. affection

3.A. instead B. regardless C. therefore D. however

4.A. insisting B. challenging C. struggling D. recovering

5.A. striking B. failing C. beating D. aging

6.A. comforting B. decreasing C. disappearing D. relieving

7.A. face B. eyes C. smile D. expression

8.A. ward B. classroom C. hospital D. department

9.A. days B. hours C. minutes D. seconds

10.A. held B. reached C. hugged D. touched

11.A. silent B. painful C. peaceful D. anxious

12.A. frequently B. occasionally C. hardly D. easily

13.A. combed B. tied C. washed D. smelt

14.A. come on B. pass away C. let go D. go away

15.A. priceless B. constant C. considerate D. countless

16.A. qualifications B. ability C. expectations D. exception

17.A. pretend B. assume C. believe D. ensure

18.A. beautiful B. vivid C. pale D. scary

19.A. caring for B. looking for C. bringing up D. cheering up

20.A. trains B. works C. influences D. matters



    We are surrounded by messages trying to get our attention. Advertisers, politicians and other groups all try to get us to agree with them. 1. Propaganda is not always a bad thing, but it often hides the truth about a topic. Its very similar to advertising, whose goal is to get people to buy something, while propaganda is to change what people believe.

Propaganda Techniques

To create propaganda, a common technique is name-calling. A politician might call someone a traitor or liar, which makes the other person look bad. Another is the trend technique. People want to be on the side in the favor. 2. Some propaganda is based on fear. It scares people into choosing a certain side or taking action, which might not be bad.   Anti—smoking campaigns are one example. They may scare people into thinking that if they smoke, they will get cancer.


Propaganda is used by many groups, such as businesses, politicians and the government .It is spread through posters, television and radio. The Internet makes it easy to send messages to the whole world.

Types of Propaganda

Political propaganda has been around as long as there have been politicians 4.People have used it for many years. War propaganda began during World War I, more than 100 years ago.

To see if propaganda is saying the truth, people need to do extra work. For example, ads might always sound like they're true. But before you believe them, try to think about who created and paid for them. Find out why they did it. 5.

A.Propaganda Targets

B.Propaganda Mediums

C.Another word for this is propaganda

D. So most people will agree with those politicians

E.Then, you can decide if they're being honest or not

F.However, religious propaganda was actually the first official one

G.People might join someone who claims to be popular or winning



    Have you ever spent an afternoon in the backyardmaybe grilling or enjoying a basketball game, when suddenly you notice that everything goes quiet? There is an old phrase “calm before the storm",often used in a situation—a quiet period just before a great activity or. excitement. According to our own experience, we know there is actually calm before the storm. But what causes this calm? And is it always calm before the storm? Let's hear what scientists have to say..

A period of calm happens in a particular kind of storm, the simplest kind of storm—a single-cell thunderstorm. In this type of thunderstorm, there is usually only one main updraft, which is warm, damp air and drawn from places near the ground. Storms need warm and damp air as fuel, so they typically draw that air in from surrounding environment. Storms can draw in the air that fit their need from all directions—even from the direction in which the storm is traveling.

As the warm, damp air is pulled into a storm system, it leaves a low-pressure vacuum(真 空)coming after. The rising air meets the cold dry air that has already existed in the storm clouds, thus the temperature of the warm, damp air drops, and the water vapour(水蒸汽)in it changes into tiny drops that are a precondition of rain. These drops accumulate and build on larger particles like dust, until they grow large enough to form raindrops.

This warm, damp air keeps moving upwards, but it becomes cooler and drier during its trip through cloud. When it reaches the top of the cloud, the air gets spit out(被挤出)at the top. This air is sent rolling out over the big thunderclouds. From there, the air goes down. Warm and dry air is relatively stable, and once it covers a region, that air, in turn, causes the calm before a storm.

Most thunderstorms, though, don't start with calm. That's because most are actually groups of storms with complex wind patterns. There's so much air moving up and down storm groups that the calm before the storm never happens. Instead, before the storm, might be really windy!

1.Which best fits the description of a particular kind of storm?

A. A thunderstorm with a single shape.

B. A thunderstorm without strong winds.

C. A storm with air drawn from every directi on.

D. A storm fueled by moving air from the ground.

2.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A. Cold and dry air. B. Warm and dry air.

C. Cold and damp air. D. Warm and damp air.

3.Which does the writer most likely agree to?

A. Presence of the calm relies on stable air.

B. Not all thunderstorms start with the calm.

C. The drier the air is, the bigger the storm will be.

D. Storm happens without air moving up and down.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Causes and effects of a heavy storm.

B. A brief description of a peaceful storm.

C. A personal experience of a heavy storm.

D. An explanation of the calm before a storm.



    The hemlock(铁杉) trees along the Wappinger Creek, New York, look healthy. However, scientist Gary Lovett says the white balls which provide protection for the bugs are created by a tiny insect. It’s hard to believe the tiny bug could kill a tree. However, trees can end up with millions and millions of the pests. When there are that many, it ends up killing the tree.

The bug from East Asia is slowly killing trees across the USA. The troublemaking bug is just one of many invasive(入侵的) pests that have slipped into the United States. They can hurt other living things in their new home.

Many invasive pests arrive on wooden pallets piled inside shipping containers. They support and separate goods, and keep them from sliding around. Invasive pests often tunnel into the pallets.  How can we stop pests from riding on pallets? Lovett says new rules are needed. The companies that make pallets don’t want more rules. Congress has added an amendment(修正案) in the 2018 Farm Bill to try and prevent this problem. However, Lovett is not hopeful it will make much of a difference. Pallets are checked by inspectors. Many are sprayed with bugkilling pesticide. “I believe in the system,” said Brent McClendon, president of The National Wooden Pallet and Container Association. He also said shipping containers are checked very carefully.

Still, each year 13 million containers are shipped to the U.S. Each is full of wooden pallets. Lovett says: “Inspectors can’t possibly check everything. All it takes are a few bad pallets; we should get rid of wooden pallets.” He believes pallets should be made of plastic or ecocomposite wood. Ecocomposite wood is a mix of wood fiber and plastic. Insects cannot hide into it. One problem is that these choices cost more. They may be worth the extra money, though. Invasive pests cost the U.S. $5 billion a year. Trees dont just die in forests. They also die in cities and our yards. Then, they need to be replaced. That costs money, too.

1.All the statements are TRUE except that ________.

A. pesticide has been applied to bugkilling

B. invasive pests are native to Wappinger Creek

C. invasive pests hide in pallets used in shipping

D. the companies making pallets dont want more rules

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Bugs can be easily spotted by eyes.

B. Bugs ruin the shipping goods slowly.

C. Bugs wont bother the tree if just in few numbers.

D. Bugs cover trees with white soft balls for protection.

3.Why does Gary Lovett want to get rid of wooden pallets?

A. Because insects mostly die in them.

B. Because plastic pallets are ecofriendly.

C. Because they are not worth extra money.

D. Because they are the major pest carriers.

4.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Invasive pests are harming plants in the USA.

B. Effective measures have stopped the pest invasion.

C. Congress contributes a lot to dealing with invasive pests.

D. Ecosystem in the USA is poorly damaged by invasive woods.



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