满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Directions: After reading the passage be...

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

The Best Way of Losing Weight

Forget what the skinny movie stars and the TV adverts say - losing weight is hard work. 1. you do it through exercise, diet, or a bit of both, it’s extremely challenging to lose those pounds and then to keep them off. Sometimes it can involve 2. (change) huge parts of your day-to-day life and it can mean breaking decades-old habits.

But it turns out there’s one little thing you 3. do to help you achieve your goal and it’s got nothing to do with food or exercise. The experts at Weight Watchers did research which shows many of their members were more successful and 4. (discouraged) when they shared regular updates on their new healthy lifestyle online. They found people who shared a diary of their daily lives with friends and followers were stimulated and inspired by positive feedback 5. they lost some pounds and kept them off.

More than 50 per cent of people said the support of a weight loss community was crucial when it came 6. changing their eating habits and 53 per cent shared photos of their meals on social media. With this knowledge under their belts, Weight Watchers 7. (launch) a series of short films lately which show people recording their daily weight loss journey.

One of the members who shared her journey was Danielle Duggins, and her video shows her enjoying a range of healthy meals and a few treats, while 8. (play) with her children.

The company’s marketing director Claudia Nicholls said: “The support of a community has always proved to be an effective way of forming and sustaining healthy habits, but there has never been an easier or more affordable way 9. (tap) into the power of the crowd for support and inspiration with the explosion of online communities. Weight Watchers owns a social community for members, Connect, 10. sees over 14,000 daily posts in the UK alone, and provides our members with instant access to a community of people who are on similar journeys to them.


1.Whether 2.changing 3.can 4.less discouraged 5.that 6.to 7.has launched 8.playing 9.to tap 10.which 【解析】 本文属于新闻,介绍减肥以及维持体重最有效的方式不是锻炼,也不是节食,而是与他人分享自己的成功经历,Weight Watchers专门建立了一个会员专属的社交平台。 1.考查连词。句意:不管你是通过锻炼还是饮食,也或是两者兼备,都很难减掉体重并且维持减掉后体重。分析句子可知,you do it through exercise, diet, or a bit of both属于选择关系,故用whether…or不管是…还是,故用whether。 2.考查非谓语动词。句意:有时,这需要改变大部分的日常生活。本句为involve的用法involve doing sth需要做某事,故用changing。 3.考查情态动词。句意:结果是只需要做一件小事就可以帮你达成目标,这与饮食和锻炼没有关系。分析句子可知,本句结构完整,谓语动词为do 原形,故用情态动词can可以。 4.考查比较级。句意:专家做了一份研究发现,当成员们在网上定期分享他们新的健康生活方式的时候,减肥更容易成功,更少泄气。根据文章可知,介绍减肥的最好方法,效果最好的方式,由于前面有more successful,故用比较级,less discouraged。 5.考查同位语从句。句意:当他们与朋友们分享自己的日常生活的时候,他们的跟随者会受到他们积极的反馈的鼓励和启发,这种积极反馈就是他们减了肥,保持了体重。分析句子可知,they lost some pounds and kept them off是对feedback的解释说明,故为同位语从句,从句结构意思完整,故用连接词that。 6.考查介词。句意:当涉及到改变日常饮食习惯的时候,超过50%的人说减肥社区的鼓励是至关重要的的。本句为句型when it comes to sth当涉及到某事,故用to。 7.考查现在完成时。句意:基于这个知识,Weight Watchers最近拍摄了一系列的短片。由于lately修饰,故用现在完成时,故用has launched。 8.考查非谓语动词。句意:在与孩子玩耍的时候,Danielle Duggins展示了一个短片,短片里,她分享了广泛的健康饮食以及吃的更少。while是连词,句中主语和动词play是主动关系,故用playing。 9.考查非谓语动词。句意:但是从未有更容易或者更经济的方式把大众支持的力量融入进去。分析句子可知,tap做后置定语修饰名词way,故用不定式to tap。 10.考查定语从句。句意:Weight Watchers的会员们有一个专门的社交平台,Connect,在这个平台上,仅在英国,每天就有超过14000条帖子。分析句子可知,sees over 14,000 daily posts in the UK alone为非限制性定语从句修饰先行词Connect,从句缺乏主语,故用关系代词which。

Questions are based on the following passage.


A. She bumped into a coffee table.

B. She chatted with the cafe owner.

C. She talked with someone she knew.

D. She was listening to a lively debate.


A. Newspapers were given out to customers.

B. An entrance fee was charged for getting in.

C. It was the meeting place for debating clubs.

D. It was first started in Oxford in the 16th century.


A. Partly right. B. Extremely interesting.

C. Very unfair. D. A bit unreasonable.


A. By providing free laptops for use.

B. By making sofas comfortable to sit on.

C. By engaging them in stimulating conversation.

D. By transporting customers to various destinations.



Questions are based on the following passage.


A. Because of the course materials.

B. Because of the discussion topics.

C. Because of others’ misuse of technology.

D. Because of a rule the speaker made for his class.


A. The speaker’s history class received low assessment.

B. The students think highly of the speaker’s history class.

C. The speaker made the rule because he was against technology.

D. The speaker made the rule just because of his unpleasant experiences.


A. It may improve teaching and offer more help.

B. It may allow students to get on well with each other.

C. It may distract students from being involved in class.

D. It may help students to better understand complex themes.



Questions are based on the following passage.


A. In multi-cultural countries. B. In developing countries.

C. In developed countries. D. In densely-populated countries.


A. Lack of communication facilities. B. Temporary shelter.

C. Power failure. D. No access to recreation.


A. Features of different types of poverty. B. Approaches to poverty elimination.

C. Changes in three poverty categories. D. Ways to calculate the poverty line.



A. Mr. Johnson’s ideas are nonsense.

B. He quite agrees with Mr. Johnson’s views.

C. He has his own opinions on social welfare.

D. Mr. Johnson is skillful in expressing his ideas.



A. The elderly are expert at using apps.

B. The elderly don’t know how to use apps.

C. The elderly can help to develop smart apps.

D. The app developers can’t afford to ignore the elderly.



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