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Florence Nightingale was named after her...

    Florence Nightingale was named after her birthplace, Florence, Italy. When she was almost a year old, she returned with her family to England.

Florence often helped her mother deliver(运送) food to the poor and sick.1. Her family was shocked because nursing was not a respected profession.

But Florence was determined. She studied books on medicine. Later, she visited hospitals in France, Germany and Ireland and learned everything she could.2.

In 1854, Britain was at war with Russia. Florence went to the British hospital in Scutari (now Üsküdar in Istanbul) and she was shocked. The hospital left men lying on the floor, and rats were running everywhere.3. Many soldiers died before receiving help.

The doctors wouldn’t listen to Florence because they didn’t like the idea of women in army hospitalsuntil one day 500 unexpected casualties(伤亡者) arrived. 4. Florence made changes, making sure the men were washed and their injuries were cared for. Every night she would check the patients with her lamp.

When she returned home after the war, a fund had been set up in her honor. Many of the soldiers she had nursed had made contributions(捐款).Now she could set up the Nightingale Training School in London.

After years of hard work, Florence Nightingale saw cleaner and more cheerful hospitals.5. All of this was because of the “lady with the lamp”.

A.Nursing became an honored profession.

B.There was no running water and no heat.

C.She knew she had much to learn about nursing.

D.Florence saw the soldiers’ health had improved.

E.As she grew older, she decided to become a nurse.

F.They soon realized that Florence knew what she was doing.

G.Upon returning home, she was an expert on hospital management.


1.E 2.G 3.B 4.F 5.A 【解析】 这是一篇人物传记类阅读。文章介绍了Nightingale经过多年的努力,使得护理成为了一个令人尊敬的职业。 1.下文Her family was shocked because nursing was not a respected profession.说她的家人感到震惊,因为护理不是一个受人尊敬的职业。该空引出下文,E选项“随着Nightingale慢慢长大,她决定要当一名护士”切题,故选E。 2.上文Later, she visited hospitals in France, Germany and Ireland and learned everything she could.说后来,她去了法国、德国和爱尔兰的医院,尽她所能地学习。该空承接上文,G选项“回到英国后,Nightingale已经非常熟悉医院管理方面的知识”切题,故选G。 3.B选项“没有自来水,也没有暖气。”与上一句The hospital left men lying on the floor, and rats were running everywhere.(医院的地上到处躺着人,到处都是老鼠)并列,描述医院的惨状,故选B。 4.上文The doctors wouldn’t listen to Florence because they didn’t like the idea of women in army hospitals—until one day 500 unexpected casualties(伤亡者) arrived.说医生们不愿听从Florence的建议,因为他们不喜欢军队医院里有女性的存在——直到有一天,500名意外的伤员来到了医院。下文Florence made changes, making sure the men were washed and their injuries were cared for.说Florence做了一些改变,确保这些人被清洗干净,他们的伤势得到了治疗。该空承上启下,F选项“他们很快意识到Florence知道她在做什么”切题,故选F。 5.根据上一段末句中的she could set up the Nightingale Training School in London(现在她可以在伦敦建立Nightingale培训学校了。)以及该段中的After years of hard work, Florence Nightingale saw cleaner and more cheerful hospitals.(经过多年的努力,Florence Nightingale看到了更干净、更令人愉快的医院。)可知,A选项“Nightingale经过多年的努力,使得护理成为了一个令人尊敬的职业”切题,故选A。

    There’s a good chance something you've bought online has been in the hands of a “ picker” first. These are the workers in warehouses(仓库)who pick, pack and ship all those things we’re ordering.

At Amazon and other companies, they’re working side by side with robots. Experts say while the robots are replacing some human workers, the machines aren't quite ready to take over completely.

When a robot finds its storage unit, it slides underneath, lifts it up and then delivers it to a worker they’re called pickers. On a recent day, the computer told a picker to grab what looked like a fantasy board (棋盘)game. The picker found it, canned it and placed it on the conveyor belt.

In a traditional fulfillment center where the associate would walk to the different items , it can take hours to fulfill a customer order. “ Robinson says.

Now, with the help of robots, that task takes minutes and fewer humans.

So is this a sign we're entering a new industrial revolution?

“It’s definitely going to take over a lot of jobs. " says Karen Myers, a scientist at SRI, one of Silicon Valley's oldest research centers.

At the same time, she says, we're running against the limits of technology. Take “the picker” at the Amazon fulfillment center. Myers says those skills are proving to be uniquely human.

“Our fingers are incredibly flexible and the current generation of robotic operators, they’re getting much, much better,” she says. “But they're just not quite there yet. ”

There’s also the robot’s brain.

Remember that board game the Amazon worker was looking for? She could barely see the box filled into the storage bin — but she could tell it was a board game. Robots can’t do that.

Technologists say that, increasingly, humans will work side by side with robots — instead of robots working alone.

Amazon says robots and humans enabled the Tracy warehouse to fulfill customer orders faster. That means more customers and more human workers.

1.A picker does some tasks except  .

A. picking goods B. producing goods C. spotting goods D. packing goods

2.With the help of robots, some tasks are   .

A. more efficient B. less straight C. more difficult D. less profitable

3.Compared with robots, humans are more   .

A. powerful B. artificial C. flexible D. energetic

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. Robots replacing humans completely.

B. The advantages of shopping online.

C. The future of robots.

D. Robots and humans working side by side.



    In the waters off Brisbane, Australia, a seven­foot­long sand tiger shark swims in pain. A two­foot­long spike sticks out of her side. It’s a piece of fishing equipment that the shark ate carelessly. After traveling into her body, the spike punctured() through the shark’s stomach.

A man swimming in the water notices the shark. Then, he warns Sea World Marine Park in the nearby town of Gold Coast. Sea World sends a 12­person team from its rescue center to where the shark was discovered in Moreton Bay Marine Park. Soon, they find her lying on the seafloor. She’ll die without help,”says Trevor Long, leader of the rescue center.

Using an onboard crane(吊车), the rescuers move the shark into their boat’s 13­foot­long tank(). Then Dr. David Blyde gives the shark pain medicine and performs an operation to remove the spike. After that, the team sails with the shark to Sea World 33 miles away. They place the fish in a 49­foot­long tank and wait to see if she gets better.

To give the shark's stomach time to get better, she isn’t fed for the first few days. A week after her operation, Long offers the shark a small, dead fish. The animal refuses to eat. But days later when he drops another fish into her tank, the shark enjoys her meal. By now the shark’s wounds are getting better.

Two weeks after her rescue, they take the shark back to the boat and return her to Moreton Bay Marine Park. As the fish is lowered by the crane to the water’s surface, two rescuers jump into the ocean and guide her into the sea. From the boat, Long watches her swim away.The shark has another chance,” Long says.

1.What happens to the sand tiger shark?

A. She is unlucky and gets hurt badly.

B. She has nothing to eat for a few days.

C. She swims in Sea World and loses her way.

D. She is seriously ill because of sea water.

2.According to the text, Sea World________.

A. helps protect and save animals

B. is 33 miles away from Gold Coast

C. hasn’t enough space for another shark

D. has never performed operations on sharks

3.How does Long feel when feeding the shark for the first time after the operation?

A. Very proud. B. Quite worried.

C. Really relaxed. D. Extremely afraid.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A. Dangers from sharks B. Sand tiger shark rescue

C. Moreton Bay Marine Park D. A rescue team from Sea World



    In the four months since I last posted articles on my blogI’ve been spending a lot of time studying Chinese.I wanted to pass the HSK.From the beginning of my programthe HSK was the end goal of my Chinese learning this year.LuckilyI passed it and now I have one and a half months to go home and stay with my family.

It’s really exciting to learn Chinese in an environment where I can study very fast.What’s moreI can see my own progress in different ways.When I got here eight and a half months agoI only knew a few of the 150 words tested in the HSK 1.However,until now,I’ve taken and passed the 2500­word HSK 5.

I remember a time around January.I thought my Chinese had reached the point where I was comfortable in my day­to­day conversations.So my progress would slow down greatly.Howeverit turned out that I was totally wrong.The conversations I can have now far surpass(超过) the ones I was having in January.

Today I hit a language­learning landmark(里程碑) that was particularly exciting for me:I finished reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone in Chinese.It might not seem that excitingbut it was for me because it’s the first full book I’ve read in Chinese.And it’s the third language I’ve read Harry Potter in.I’m especially proud because I spent about seven months reading the first 35 pages,but in the last month and a half,I managed to read about 150 pages.My next challenge is to read a novel written by a Chinese authorrather than one that I’ve already read many times in English!

HopefullyI’ll be able to keep up my language­learning progress over the next month and a halfbecause I know I’ll probably never have another opportunity to learn a language like this.

Do you want to learn a new languageIf you dogo to the country where people speak it and learn it from the locals.

1.What do we know about the author when she first came to China?

A. She didn’t want to learn Chinese.

B. She took the HSK 1 immediately.

C. She was extremely poor at Chinese.

D. She just knew 150 words tested in the HSK 1.

2.Why does the author say she was totally wrong in Paragraph 3?

A. Because she didn’t really know how to learn Chinese.

B. Because she could learn better in a Chinese environment.

C. Because she was uncomfortable in her day to day conversations.

D. Because she made rapid progress in her day to day conversations.

3.What does the author want to show by mentioning reading Harry Potter?

A. She could read books really fast.

B. It’s good to learn through reading.

C. She learned the Chinese language quickly.

D. The Harry Potter books are worth reading.

4.What does the author’s Chinese learning experience mainly tell us?

A. We should learn a language through travelling.

B. Learning a second language is really important.

C. The Chinese language is not so difficult to learn.

D. The language learning environment is important.



John Michael Thomas, 14, Florida

When John Michael Thomas decided to honor his friend and classmate Elizabeth Buckley, who died from cancer, he remembered how much she loved peacocks(孔雀).

He wanted to build a life­sized peacock fountain(喷泉) in Elizabeth’s favorite park in the city. He thought it could be a place for people to relax and be inspired.

John Michael raised $52,000 to build the fountain.

Barrett England,13,Utah

The wheels began to turn for Barrett England when he heard about Karma Bike Shop, a place where young people can earn a free bike by reading and performing community(社区) service.

Barrett visited Karma’s owner with his idea: He would collect and repair used bikes and donate(捐赠) them to the shop.

He expected to get about 10 donated bikes. In the end, Barrett received 39.

Zachary Blohm,15, Wisconsin

The 25­year­old playground at an elementary school near Milwaukee, Wis., was so small that only 70 of its 575 students could play on it at a time.

That’s when Zachary Blohm saved the day:He and some volunteers built a huge playground.To raise money, Zac planned T­shirt and bake sales, sold tickets and more. He held monthly money­raising events for more than a year. Overall, he collected $130,000enough to finish his project.

Jack Zimmerman, 16,New Jersey

For some people, finding a meal is as simple as opening the refrigerator. For more than 366,000 hungry kids in New Jersey, it’s not that easy.

That fact didn’t sit well with Jack Zimmerman, who organized a drive to lessen childhood hunger in his state. His goal: create 40,000 packaged meals that could be donated to those in need.On game day, Jack and his volunteers started their work. After the final count, the team had packaged 47,124 mealswell above Jack’s goal.

1.The peacock fountain was built in a park________.

A. to inspire people B. for the love of animals

C. in memory of a teenager D. to encourage a cancer sufferer

2.What did Barrett do for Karma Bike Shop?

A. He donated bikes to it. B. He repaired bikes there.

C. He helped it win customers. D. He offered a reading service there.

3.What do the four people have in common?

A. They’re top students. B. They care about others.

C. They like various public activities. D. They’re money raisers for the poor.




1.What subject is added this year?

A. Comedy. B. Mystery. C. World travel.

2.Who is Jenny Paige?

A. A children’s author. B. A short story writer. C. A writer of travel books.

3.What will happen to the first prize winners?

A. They will have a chance to travel.

B. A $2,000 prize will be given to them.

C. Their stories will be published in a magazine.

4.When is the deadline?

A. September 1. B. September 25. C. October 1.



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