满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When I was a kid, I kept using a bike wi...

    When I was a kid, I kept using a bike with training wheels. And I didn't______much, so, of course, I didn't learn how to______. One day I observed that my younger sister was getting closer to______ how to get rid of the assistance than I was. I couldn't let her______ me! Like an out­of­control mad man, I grabbed(抓住) my bike, ______the training wheels, pushed it out, and pedaled(踩踏板) all over the neighborhood. I tried to stay near the______ as close as I could, so when I fell, I'd______ crash onto the lawn(草坪) instead of the street. After many short­lived______ I finally learned how to balance!

The process seemed______ since I was afraid of falling. I______ the fear which held me back and gathered the______ instead. I tried my best to fall as much as I might have to, to______ getting hurt, and to quickly get back on the bike and try again. There might be some pain and______ and if so, I'd get hurt and bleed and keep going. It took me probably less than an hour to master the basic skill.

What______ pushed me to set aside the fear and take action? Nothing but the feeling that I was______My sister could ride without the training wheels while I couldn't. This feeling of ______ gave me a much needed kick. Using such pressure to motivate(激励) progress is ______. Go take action. Make the attempt. Fall. Get hurt. Get up and try again______ the very moment you create the______ results. Everything can be as ______ as riding a bike.

1.A. watch B. practice C. transport D. fall

2.A. park B. speed C. drive D. balance

3.A. figuring out B. deciding on C. looking into D. giving up

4.A. alarm B. assist C. beat D. judge

5.A. examined B. removed C. fixed D. adjusted

6.A. crossing B. handle C. street D. grass

7.A. unbelievably B. hopefully C. awkwardly D. slowly

8.A. attempts B. competitions C. discussions D. lessons

9.A. frightening B. amazing C. embarrassing D. satisfying

10.A. experienced B. canceled C. overcame D. collected

11.A. courage B. patience C. interest D. expectation

12.A. avoid B. regret C. prevent D. risk

13.A. pauses B. blood C. joy D. shock

14.A. easily B. gradually C. luckily D. exactly

15.A. giving in B. catching up C. falling behind D. standing out

16.A. disappointment B. confusion C. respect D. excitement

17.A. confident B. powerful C. negative D. harmful

18.A. while B. though C. since D. until

19.A. unexpected B. direct C. desired D. various

20.A. necessary B. useful C. easy D. complex


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.C 11.A 12.D 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.C 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了作者还是个孩子的时候,一直在使用一辆带辅助轮的自行车。因为看到妹妹逐渐地学的比自己好,作者不想被妹妹战胜,所以他开始了练习,经过无数次的失败后,作者终于学会了平衡。这个过程似乎很可怕,但作者忽略了阻碍他前进的恐惧,反而鼓起了勇气。最后在多次摔倒,受伤之后,他站起来再试一次,最后他创造出了他想要的结果。 1.考查动词。A. watch 观看;B. practice 练习;C. transport 运输,运送[货物、人等];D. fall 落下。依据后文可知,作者没有学会平衡,原因是他没有怎么练习。故选B。 2.考查动词。A. park 停车;B. speed 疾驰;超速驾驶;C. drive 开车;D. balance 平衡。根据第一段最后一句I finally learned how to balance可知是考查上下文,故选D。 3.考查动词词组。A. figuring out 想出,弄明白;B. deciding on 决定,选定;C. looking into 调查;D. giving up 放弃。有一天,作者发现他的妹妹即将比他先学会不借助辅助轮骑车。故选A。 4.考查动词。A. alarm 使担心,使害怕,使警觉;B. assist 帮助;C. beat 打败,战胜;D. judge 判断。由上文可知,作者的妹妹学的比作者好,所以作者不想让他的妹妹战胜他。故选C。 5.考查动词。A. examined 检查;B. removed 移除;C. fixed 修理,安装;D. adjusted 调整。像一个失控的疯子一样,作者拿起自行车,移开训练轮,把车推了出来,然后在附近骑着。文章第一句提到带着训练轮在学自行车,所以此处他把训练轮移走了。故选B。 6.考查名词。A. crossing 十字路口;B. handle (车、门等)把手;C. street 街;D. grass 草地,依据下文crash onto the lawn(草坪) instead of the street可知,作者想尽可能地靠近草地。故选D。 7.考查副词。A. unbelievably 难以置信地;B. hopefully 希望,但愿如此;C. awkwardly 笨拙地;D. slowly 慢慢地。前文提到,作者要尽可能地靠近草地,这样摔倒时,他希望(hopefully)撞到草坪上而不是街道上。故选B。 8.考查名词。A. attempts 尝试;B. competitions 比赛;C. discussions 讨论;D. lessons 课,经验,教训。经过多次短暂的(shortlived)尝试,作者终于学会了平衡!故选A。 9.考查形容词。A. frightening 可怕的;B. amazing 令人惊讶的;C. embarrassing 使人尴尬的;D. satisfying 令人满意的。这个过程似乎很可怕,因为作者害怕摔倒。故选A。 10.考查动词。A. experienced经历;B. canceled 取消;C. overcame 克服;D. collected 收集。本句句意为:作者克服了阻碍他前进的恐惧,而且鼓起了勇气。故选C。 11.考查名词。A. courage 勇气;B. patience 耐心;C. interest 兴趣;D. expectation 期望。句意同上。选A。 12.考查动词。A. avoid 避免;B. regret 后悔;C. prevent 阻止;D. risk 冒险。作者尽最大的努力,承受一次次摔倒的体验,冒着受伤的危险,迅速回到自行车上,再试一次。故选D。 13.考查名词。A. pauses 暂停;B. blood 血;C. joy 喜悦;D. shock 震惊。可能会有疼痛,会流血,如果是这样的话,作者愿意受伤流血,继续前进。根据本句的“bleed”选B。 14.考查副词。A. easily 容易地;B. gradually 逐渐地;C. luckily 幸运地;D. exactly 恰好地,正好(表强调)。作者问自己,到底是什么促使他放下恐惧,并采取行动的。故选D。 15.考查动词词组。A. giving in 屈服;B. catching up 赶上;C. falling behind 落后;D. standing out 突出;脱颖而出。故选C。 16.考查名词。A. disappointment 失望,失落;B. confusion 困惑;C. respect 尊敬;D. excitement 兴奋。这种失落感给了作者一个非常必要的刺激(kick)。故选A。 17.考查形容词。A. confident 自信的;B. powerful 强有力的;C. negative 消极的,负面的;D. harmful 有害的。句意为“用这种压力来激励(自己)进步是非常强有力的”。故选B。 18.考查状语从句。A. while 当……时候,尽管;B. though 虽然;C. since 既然,因为;D. until 直到。站起来再试一次,直到你创造出想要的结果的那一刻。故选D。 19.考查形容词。A. unexpected 意外的;B. direct 直接的;C. desired 期望的;D. various 各种各样的。选C。 20.考查形容词。A. necessary 必要的;B. useful 有用的;C. easy 容易的;D. complex 复杂的。根据本段句意,以及第二段最后一句,可知作者想说明凡事都可以和骑自行车一样容易,即有动力、敢于不断尝试就能成功。故选C。

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Dear Mum

Today I went to a conference. In the conference, 1.两个学生就因特网的优缺点进行了辩论。They made diverse points about the Internet that I had never thought about before. For example, some experts think that 2.花过多的时间上网的后果就是很难建立社会联系。 They were also quite explicit about how heavy Internet users spend more time with their Internet friends than with their real­life friends from school and work. 3.This__is__another__drawback__of__the__Internet__that__alarms__me.They addressed good points of the Internet, as well. For example, with the Internet, up­to­date information is only a click away. 4.We can also correspond with people in distant places. This is very important for disabled people who can't always leave their homes.

5.Both sides presented lots of statistics to support their arguments. My own judgement is that the Internet is beneficial. Otherwise, I would unable to write this e­mail to you!

Love from your son








1.Most early TV broadcasts were made using a system developing by John Logie Baird in the UK. ______

2.The Amish people vote on if they will accept it. ______________

3.Not only has aspirin proved vital for reducing fever and helping stop pain, but there are also other things that aspirin can help. ______________

4.One fortunate outcome of Internet is that it damages people’s ability to live normal lives. ___________

5.One theory explaining this phenomenon suggests that acupuncture blocks pain signals from reaching to the brain. _______________




John Allen, an American scientist once said, “The Internet is the world's 1.(large) library, but all the books in it are on the floor” What he meant 2.(be) that the Internet is full of information but it can be difficult to find 3.you really need. The Internet has another 4.(advantage). Anyone can create a website, so you can find websites about whatever you can imagine. Unfortunately, a lot of what 5.(write) on them isn't always true! At the same time, the Internet provides many other things. On some websites, you can download music and films. They are usually very cheap and some are even free. On some other websites, you can connect with people 6. all over the world. And there are some great online shops, too.

It is true that the Internet 7.(change) the way we work and communicate so far. But we shouldn't depend on  8.too much. Some people are also afraid that 9.(surf) the Internet has taken the place of other healthier activities10.(especial) for young people. Whether you love it or hate it, though, you'd better get used to it because it's right here to stay.



    Todd Jones is a 15­year­old student from Washington, DC. In a chat room called Webfriends, he started talking to someone ______ to be a 13­year­old junior high school student in Texas named Josh. For several weeks, they chatted online about their hobbies and quickly ______. Then Josh started telling Todd about his ______. He said that his father had lost his job and his grandmother was very ill. ______ money was urgently needed, he wondered if Todd could help. Feeling bad for his new friend, Todd transferred(转账) $50 to Josh's bank account.

Two weeks later, Josh asked Todd for $50 to help pay for school supplies like notebooks. ______ Todd sent the money. Over the next month, Josh asked Todd for money five times, for a total of $300. Gradually, Todd was beginning to feel ______ of his chat room friend. He turned to Bob Howard, a cybercrime specialist at the police department. After some checking, Howard discovered that Todd's chat room friend was not 13­year­old Josh from Texas but 38­year­old David Klein from New York. As it ______ Klein had made friends with more than twenty middle school students in different chat rooms, using a different ______ each time. By claiming to be poor or ill, Klein had ______ more than $3000 from these students.

Howard urges everyone to be ______ when they visit chat rooms: “Never send money to someone you meet online or meet online friends in person.”

1.A. seeming B. claiming C. tending D. wishing

2.A. met B. got through C. bonded D. split up

3.A. family B. study C. dream D. outcome

4.A. Before B. Unless C. Once D. Since

5.A. Yet B. Again C. Altogether D. Hardly

6.A. unhappy B. worried C. frightened D. skeptical

7.A. turned out B. came across C. gave away D. broke out

8.A. voice B. relationship C. identity D. outline

9.A. withdrawn B. received C. offered D. stolen

10.A. careful B. sincere C. accurate D. simple



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