满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

What did the man like about the movie? A...

What did the man like about the movie?

A. The acting B. The music C. The scenery.


A 【解析】 M: That movie was great! The acting is always good in movies with a famous director. W: The music was good, too. But I think the beautiful scenery was the best part. 此题为听力题,解析略。  

What will the speakers take to the picnic?

A. Some drinks. B. Some fruit. C. Some desserts




Recently, I told my 7-year-old grandson that I wouldn’t get to see him for a week because I was going away on business. He knows I often travel, but the “business” part caught  his attention.

“Can’t you write your articles at your house?” he asked. He knows I write some articles each week. “I’m not writing on this trip,” I said. “I’m speaking; it’s part of my job.”

For many years, my children knew me as simply their mother.

In kindergarten (幼儿园), when asked to tell his class about his family, my oldest child said, “My dad teaches chemistry and coaches basketball. And my mom drives us to his games.”

My own mother worked as a waitress to put food on the table and second-hand shoes on our feet. I was proud of all she did, but I loved her most for being my mother.

The best way to think of someone is never by their job description; it’s a celebration of the reasons why they’re loved and the ways they make the world a better place.

My children lost their father to cancer when they were just becoming adults. They admired  him greatly as a teacher and a coach. But they loved him most for simply being their dad.

We are defined ( ) not only by our job, but also how we treat people we work with and

deal with along the way.

I’m thankful for my job. But I’d like to be known to my family and friends and myself for the reasons that they love me and the ways I try to make their world a better place.


1)根据短文内容,用自己的语言以第一人称写一篇 60 词左右的英文摘要;







假定你是学校团委主席李华。你校决定于五四青年节当天举办系列活动,其中包括英语演讲比赛,希望邀请学校外教 Susan 担任评委。请给她写信,内容主要包括:

1. 邀请 Susan 担任评委;

2. 简介青年节 时间:每年 5 4 由来:纪念 1919 年的青年运动

3. 演讲主题(My Youth My Dream)、时间、地点和参加对象(青年教师和学生)

注意:1. 词数 80 左右(首尾句均已给出,不算词数);

2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。

Dear Susan,

I’m Li Hua, president of the Youth League of our school.


Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua



阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

According to the “Big Bang” theory, after settling into a solid globe, the earth exploded so 1.(violence) that it was not clear 2.the shape would last.     Meanwhile, the explosion produced many gases, which were in time 3.(make) the earth's atmosphere. The continued presence of water appeared as the earth cooled  down, making possible the 4.(develop) of life on the earth. Many millions of  years later, with tiny plants 5.(multiply) on the surface of the water, green    plants began to grow on land, 6.(follow) by insects, amphibians, reptiles and   dinosaurs. After the age of the dinosaurs ended, all mankind, in 7.(it) turn,      became the  most  important  animals 8.the  planet. Unfortunately, however, human beings put too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. As  9.result,  the increasing heat from the sun was prevented from escaping into space. So whether life will continue on the earth 10.(remain) unknown.



    My father was born in a small town in the US. He wasn’t sure what he      ________from life,   but something  told  him  to  get  out and begin  a(n)  _____.  He  took his  wife  and three daughters with him and went wherever the road took him.

It’s  easy to feel_____when you’re on the road. As my mother said repeatedly,    “We made lots of new friends on our trip – most of them were mechanics ( )”,  ____we often spent hours in      ________shops. But that was way      ________than sitting by the roadside  while waiting for the engine (发动机) to       _________when it was 40 outside.

_______on sometimes seemed impossible. There were always a lot of     ________,      especially among us back-seat passengers about who had to sit in the middle.

But even if it was hard, we did learn a lot about_____.

When we were traveling in the Philippines, we drove to Quezon City one day. It should have been a one-hour drive but was nearly three,       _________bad roads and worse traffic. “Did you     put our   _____in the car?” my father asked my mother as we arrived. “No,” she said, slowly turning toward my father. “I thought you did.” That was     ________a seven-hour car trip turned  into a 16-hour car trip, which was mostly        __________in silence.

On occasions like that, we had to learn to_____our anger because we were stuck (困在) in a rolling box with the same people for the     ________of the journey. Even if I sometimes felt  like opening the car door and        __________one of my sisters out, I kept my feelings to myself.

This is why road trips were like       _________universities to us. We earned our degrees in how  to get on just by traveling in that old car.

And if we were     ________given a second chance at life, we would do it all over again. Only this time,        __________would put the suitcases in the car.

1.A. wanted B. gained C. received D. learned

2.A. adventure B. cooperation C. voyage D. business

3.A. curious B. relaxed C. lonely D. exhausted

4.A. until B. since C. when D. if

5.A. corner B. repair C. beauty D. coffee

6.A. less B. more C. worse D. better

7.A. scream B. start C. cool D. stop

8.A. Staying B. Getting C. Going D. Carrying

9.A. discussions B. arguments C. weaknesses D. ideas

10.A. forgiveness B. independence C. balance D. patience

11.A. apart from B. according to C. regardless of D. thanks to

12.A. backpacks B. suitcases C. containers D. handbags

13.A. when B. because C. how D. where

14.A. driven B. spent C. taken D. made

15.A. hold on to B. give way to C. lose sight of D. let go of

16.A. half B. part C. rest D. end

17.A. letting B. leaving C. pushing D. taking

18.A. local B. public C. open D. mobile

19.A. somehow B. therefore C. anyhow D. otherwise

20.A. I myself B. my father C. my mother D. my sister



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