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Summer Camps Make your summer magical wi...

Summer Camps

Make your summer magical with a one-of-a-kind summer camp experience!

Half-day, week-long camps are held from 9 am-12 pm or 1 pm-4pm.

Daily snacks will be provided and even become part of the hands-on fun!

Session 1---Ocean Commotion(暴动)

Set sail for fun and adventure on the deep blue sea!Campers explore uncharted land at The Magic House and discover something fishy as they come into the exciting world of sea creatures.

June 6-10

June 13-17

June 20-24

Session 2---Super kids Explore Earth

Campers become superheroes to the earth as they learn about the environment and discover how to use their super powers to protect it! During this action-packed week, campers will explore the earth from the sky to the sea and participate in fun, earth-friendly activities such as turning trash into treasure.

June 27-July 1

July 11-15

July 18-22

Session 3---Once Upon A Time

At this unique fairy tale-themed camp, campers have a magical, make-believe adventure through the pages of some of their favorite storybooks. Campers experience gaint-sized fun as they use their imaginations to travel to places found only in fairy tales.

July 25-29

August 1-5

August 8-12(am sessions only)

All campers must be registered in advance.

1.What does the underlined word “one-of-a-kind” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. Long    B. Unique

C. Official    D. Moving

2.What is the main purpose of Session 2?

A. To encourage reading.

B. To inspire imagination.

C. To develop the spirit of adventure.

D. To raise environmental awareness.

3.What do campers probably do during Session 3?

A. Read fairy stories.

B. Travel the country.

C. Search for treasure.

D. Learn about animals.


1.B 2.D 3.A 【解析】本文是一篇说明文。介绍整个夏令营的活动流程。 1.词义辨析题。根据本文介绍的夏令营的活动并且结合one可以推断出是独一无二的意思。故B选项正确。 2.细节理解题。根据“Campers become superheroes to the earth as they learn about the environment and discover how to use their super powers to protect it!”可以推断出是呼吁人们增强环境保护意识。故D选项正确。 3.细节推理题。根据“At this unique fairy tale-themed camp, campers have a magical, make-believe adventure through the pages of some of their favorite storybooks.”可知露营者在在这个环节主要是讲故事。故A选项正确。
















Overseas study tours are becoming more and more popular with Chinese parents





1.A saying goes that one minuted performance on s______needs ten years' hard work

2.Your computer is still under g______ You can have it repaired for free

3.It is hoped that the relationship between the two countries can be s______ by the President's visit

4.Of all the teams p______ in the competition I think the Oxford team is the best one

5.Before entering college you need to receive education in primary j______ and senior school

6.These desks and seats can be______(调节)to the height of each child

7.In order to stop poverty the World Bank will provide______(技术的)assistance to developing countries

8.You will have the chance to join one of these large assemblies and take part in the dancing listen to traditional______ (叙述)of bravery and play games

9.The heating system in the hotel has an______(自动的)temperature control

10.We must work harder to live up to our parents'______ (期望).



    A book on etiquette (礼节) explained the proper behavior Americans should follow in many different social situations But in modern society it is not enough to simply know the proper rules for behavior in your own country International travel for work and pleasure is becoming increasingly popular which makes it necessary for people to understand the rules of etiquette in other cultures as well

Take for example the etiquette required in giving and receiving gifts Cultural differences may appear even in such simple processes In Western cultures a gift can be handed over to the receiver with relatively little ceremony When a gift is offeredthe receiver typically takes the gift while expressing his or her thanks However in some Asian culturesthe act of giving is an important aspect of gift-givingand this process may appear confusing or frustrating to Westerners In Chinese culture a receiver will typically refuse to accept the gift at first with the understanding between the giver and receiver that after being turned down several times the gift will finally be accepted In addition to show respect for the receiver it is customary in several Asian cultures to use two hands when offering a gift to another person

After receiving a gift tradition may demand that the person open the gift right away or alternatively wait before opening the gift In many Western cultures etiquette requires the receiver to open the gift immediately and show appreciation for the thoughtfulness of the giver In Asian cultures on the other hand the gift may be accepted with appreciation and then set aside to be opened later The gift will then be opened in private in order not to show their greed or impatience

Another tip for cross-cultural gift-giving relates to wrapping presents especially in choosing the color of paper used to wrap a gift In Japan for example white or very bright colors are traditionally not good choices for wrapping a gift In Japanese culture white is the color associated with mourning and bright colors may be considered by some people to be vulgar (庸俗的).Plain white and black are also to be avoided when wrapping presents in China because of the relation of these colors to funerals (葬礼). Joyful colors such as red yellow and pink are preferred in Chinese culture In contrast Europeans seem to prefer softer colors for wrapping presents A good rule of thumb for wrapping gifts especially for business travelers is to travel with unwrapped gifts and then wrap the gift with paper bought in the country where the gift will be given

Finally when choosing the appropriate gift to give a good rule to bear in minds is the following "Never give vodka to Russians chocolate to Belgians or beer to Germans" It is better to travel with quality gifts from one's own region or culture These increase the chances of being appreciated in other cultures because of their unique nature

Culturally Appropriate Gift-Giving



We need to have a good command of proper 1.and domestic gift-giving rules because of the increasing 2.of international travel

Western cultures

Asian cultures

How to receive a gift

•Receivers take the gift saying "thanks" to givers

• Great importance are 3.to the act of gift-


4.the refusals receivers finally accept the

Gift which is common in China

•Giving gifts with two hands is a way to show respect for the receiver

When to open a gift

•Traditionally receivers open the gift without 5.

•Givers are appreciated for their consideration

•Receivers tend to set aside the gifts and 6.them privately later to avoid appearing  7.or impatient

How to wrap a gift

•Softer colours are accepted by people in European countries

•Because of negative cultural meaning white and bright colors are not good choices of the Japanese

•Chinese people 8.joyful colours to white and black

A good rule of 9.a gift to give

Quality gifts from one's own region or culture are more 10.to be appreciated in other cultures because of their unique nature





    The story happened in India An official and his wife are giving a large dinner party They are seated with their guests-officers and their wives and a visiting American-in their dining room

A heated discussion springs up between a young girl who says that ______have grown out of the jumping-on-a-chair-at-the-sight-of-a-mouse era (时代)and a major who says that they haven't

"A woman's ______in any crisis (危机)," the major says "is to scream And ______a man may feel like ithe has that ounce (盎司)more of ______than a woman has"

The American does not join in the argument He sees an______expression come over the face of the _____ She is ______straight ahead her muscles tightening slightly She ______to the native boy standing behind her chair and ______something to him The boy's eyes _____ he quickly leaves the room

Of the guests none ______the American notices this or sees the boy place a bowl of milk just ______the open doors

The American comes to with a start (惊跳).In India milk in a bowl means only one thing-bait (诱饵)for a snake He realizes there must be a cobra in the room ______he can't warn the others as the noise would frighten the cobra into _____

He speaks calmly "I want to know just what control everyone at this table has I will count three hundred and not one of you is to move an_____ Those who move will lose 50 rupees Ready"

20 people sit like stone images while he counts He is saying "two hundred and eighty…" _____ out of the corner of his eye he sees the cobra appear and ______the bowl of milk______ring out as he jumps to slam the doors safely shut

"You were _____ Major!" the host cries "A man has just shown us an example of perfect self-control"

"Just a minutethe American says turning to his hostess "Mrs Wynnes how did you know that the cobra was in the room"

A faint smile ______up the woman's face as she replies "Because it was crawling across my foot"

1.A. men B. women C. humans D. children

2.A. movement B. performance C. motivation D. reaction

3.A. while B. since C. unless D. as

4.A. carefulness B. selfishness C. control D. panic

5.A. amused B. strange C. blank D. puzzled

6.A. girl B. hostess C. major D. servant

7.A. staring B. sitting C. marching D. pointing

8.A. refers B. dashes C. walks D. gestures

9.A. explains B. whispers C. confirms D. offers

10.A. tighten B. soften C. widen D. lengthen

11.A. rather than B. other than C. more than D. less than

12.A. inside B. outside C. through D. into

13.A. for B. or C. so D. but

14.A. fleeing B. hiding C. striking D. jumping

15.A. person B. bowl C. eye D. muscle

16.A. after B. before C. once D. when

17.A. make up B. make out C. make for D. make off

18.A. Screams B. Shots C. Complaints D. Thanks

19.A. wrong B. right C. stubborn D. absurd

20.A. takes B. brings C. picks D. lights



    It was a bright clear February afternoon in Gettysburg (葛底斯堡). A strong sun and layers of warm clothes did little to ease the biting cold From the top of Little Round Top we looked down on the wheat field where the young men fighting there had fallen so close together that one could not see the ground A frozen wind whipped tears from our eyes Despite the cold it was hard to leave this place

Driving east out of Gettysburg on a country road the gray car ahead of us ran into a small truck on the passenger side when it tried to take a left turn at a rural crossroad We immediately pulled over to investigate The driver of the car looked finebut the truck driver was unconscious and starting to turn blue A young man from a house at the crossroads called an ambulance

There were six empty beer bottles on the floor of the truck I could smell beer through the window I knew I had to move him to open his airway (气管).I had no idea what neck injuries he had suffered He could easily end up paralyzed (瘫痪的).But he'd be dead before the arrival of the ambulance if I did nothing to help him

An image flashed before my mind I could see the truck driver sitting in a wheelchair in the courtroom I could see his lawyer pointing at me and shouting at title jury "This young doctor with still a year left in his residency training took it upon himself to move this seriously injured man condemning him forever to this wheelchair…"

What was I going to do

The response from long hours in the emergency room came to me I pulled off my overcoat and rolled up my sleeves The trick would be to keep his head up while I moved his body so that his probable broken neck and spinal-cord injury wouldn't be made worse

With Amy's assistance I lifted him off the window He was deep blue now his pulse was rapid The alcohol turned my stomach but I tried to blow air down his mouth into his lungs

Amy brought me a large needle from my car My numb hands covered with freezing blood and bits of broken glasswere trying to find the thyroid gland (甲状腺). It was a lucky first shot I placed a second needle next to the first Almost immediately the driver's face turned bright red After a minute his pulse slowed down and his eyes moved slightly An ambulance approached from the distance

The ambulance captain took down my name and address for his reports I had just destroyed my career I would never be able to finish my residency training if the man put the law on me My life was over

The ambulance crew had controlled the bleeding and began giving the truck driver a drip (输液). He was slowly waking up As they loaded him into the ambulance I saw him move his feet Maybe my future wasn't lost

A few days later I went into the office of my senior professor "You did the right thing medically But do you know what you put at risk by doing that" he said strictly "What was I supposed to do" I asked "Drive on' he replied "If that driver had turned out to be paralyzed you might never practice medicine again You were a very lucky young man"

The day I graduated from medical schoolI took an oath (誓言)to serve the sick and the injured I remember truly believing I would be able to do just that But I have found out it isn't so simple Despite my oath I would drive on

1.What did the writer see when he stopped his car to investigate ______

A. The truck driver was fine

B. The car driver's face was turning red

C. The truck driver was unconscious

D. The car driver had drunk much beer

2.What happened after the truck driver's eyes moved slightly ______

A. He was lifted off the window

B. The writer blew air down his mouth into his lungs

C. The writer found his thyroid gland

D. The ambulance crew loaded him into the ambulance

3.What does the underlined sentence "Maybe my future wasn't lost" mean ______

A. The writer wouldn't necessarily be taken to court

B. The driver was so fortunateas to be saved by the senior professor

C. The ambulance crew had given the driver the best treatment

D. The writer would have a promising career after his residency training

4.What can we infer from the professor's words ______

A. Offering timely help could have taken the writer to court

B. The unreasonable law against doctors needs to be changed

C. The writer's unthoughtful kindness wouldn't affect his future

D. The writer shouldn't have driven on

5.Which of the following sentences best reflects the theme of the story ______

A. You were a very lucky young man

B. I remember truly believing I would be able to do just that

C. I could see his lawyer pointing at me and shouting at the jury…

D. I would never be able to finish my residency training if he put law on me

6.What's the best title of the passage ______

A. A professor's warning B. A doctor's dilemma

C. An accident in Gettysburg D. An oath in the court



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