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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Two new...


Two new satellites of BeiDou Navigation (导航) Satellite System (BDS)1.(send) into space on a Long March-3D carrier rocket from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan Province, China at 2:07 a.m. on November 19, 2018. The satellites entered a Medium Earth orbit (轨道) 2.(safe) more than three hours later and will work with 17 other BDS-3 satellites already in space. They are also the 42nd and 43rd3.(member) of the BDS satellite family.

China launched these satellites with the aim of providing navigation services4.countries and regions which participate in the Belt and Road Proposal by the end of 2018. “This is a key and5.(value) step for BDS developing from a Chinese experimental system to a regional and then a global navigation system,” said Yang Changfeng, chief expert6.contributed much to the BeiDou system. The positioning7.(accurate) of the BDS-3 system has been improved to 2.5 meters to 5 meters, said Yang.

8.(name) after the Chinese term for the Big Dipper, the BeiDou system has been serving China for 18 years where another six BDS-3 satellites will be put into the Medium Earth orbit from 2019 to 2020. The system is expected9.(provide) first-class services around10.globe by the end of 2020.


1.were sent 2.safely 3.members 4.for 5.valuable 6.who/that 7.accuracy 8.Named 9.to provide 10.the 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了BeiDou-1, BeiDou-2,和BeiDou-3卫星导航系统的组成,重要作用,发展过程及对世界的影响。 1.考查一般过去时态的被动语态。句意:2018年11月19日凌晨2时07分,北斗导航卫星系统两颗新卫星由长征三号丙运载火箭从四川省西昌卫星发射中心发射升空。句子主语是“两颗新卫星”,是复数形式,且主语和send之间是一种被动关系,再根据文中提到的时间是过去时间,所以此空用一般过去时态的被动语态,故答案为were sent。 2.考查词形转换。句意:这些卫星在3个多小时后安全进入中轨,并将与已经进入太空的另外17颗北斗3号卫星一起工作。此处enter是动词,有副词来修饰,故答案为safely。 3.考查名词复数。句意:他们也是北斗卫星家族的第42和43个成员。结合句意可知此处用名词复数,故答案为members。 4.考查介词。句意:中国发射这些卫星的目的是,到2018年底为参与“一带一路”建设的国家和地区提供导航服务。考查固定搭配:provide sth. for sb.“为某人提供某事”,故答案为for。 5.考查词形转换。句意:这是北斗从中国实验系统向区域乃至全球导航系统发展的关键和有价值的一步。此处step“步伐”,是名词,由形容词来修饰,故答案为valuable。 6.考查定语从句。句意:为北斗系统做出巨大贡献的首席专家杨长峰说。此处Yang Changfeng是先行词,指人,在后面的定语从句中作主语,故答案为who/that。 7.考查词形转换。句意:杨说,北斗-3系统的定位精度已提高到2.5米至5米。此处用名词作主语,故答案为accuracy。 8.考查过去分词作时间状语。句意:北斗系统以北斗七星的中文名称命名之后,已经为中国服务了18年,2019年至2020年,另有6颗北斗3号卫星将被送入中轨。此处句子主语the BeiDou system和name之间是一种被动关系,是过去分词作时间状语,故答案为Named。 9.考查固定搭配。句意:预计到2020年底,该系统将在全球范围内提供一流的服务。固定搭配:expect sb. to do sth.“期盼某人做某事”,此处是被动语态,故答案为to provide。 10.考查固定用法。句意:预计到2020年底,该系统将在全球范围内提供一流的服务。此处是固定用法,故答案为the。

    I always come across random acts of kindness in my life. Many years ago, I was _______Costa Rica when I found myself in an _______situation: my credit cards and bank cards went out of _________ abroad, and I only had $5 to my ________.

I had no way to get money. I didn’t know anybody in this country. I only knew basic Spanish, and besides the cash the only ________I had was a return ticket to my country in almost two ________. Back then, there was no such thing as mobile phones, and________email was very limited. To find help, I decided to go to the countryside . With the only coins I had, I _________the bus terminal(终点站)and found a village, which ________almost the exact amount. About 4 hours later, I arrived at Santa Rosa Abajo at midnight.

I knocked door to door,________in my very poor Spanish that I was a foreigner travelling in Costa Rica with no money but I ________to stay here for over ten days. I begged them for a __________such as cooking , cleaning and looking after their kids, anything like that. Everybody _________, “oh my, but so poor are we that we have no _______ food or space. Maybe you can try the next ________.” And they’d point me to another house.

________, I arrived at a Chinese restaurant. The owner of the restaurant was very _________. She gave me food and called the Red Cross to come to ________me. With the help of the Red Cross , I spent my_________days in Costa Rica.

This is one of the best trips I’ve ever had, because I realized that when you’re in a position to be able to _________, it actually makes you feel happy.

1.A. circling B. entering C. visiting D. considering

2.A. absurd B. impossible C. ordinary D. awkward

3.A. date B. use C. range D. control

4.A. name B. delight C. wonder D. advantage

5.A. necessity B. memory C. impression D. possession

6.A. months B. weeks C. days D. hours

7.A. again B. thus C. yet D. even

8.A. looked for B. stayed at C. headed to D. thought of

9.A. cost B. saved C. earned D. created

10.A. reminding B. explaining C. apologizing D. informing

11.A. needed B. agreed C. failed D. hesitated

12.A. conversation B. meal C. room D. job

13.A. accepted B. nodded C. replied D. withdrew

14.A. prepared B. wasted C. extra D. cheap

15.A. family B. chance C. time D. restaurant

16.A. Normally B. Naturally C. Finally D. Directly

17.A. generous B. sensible C. wealthy D. outstanding

18.A. comfort B. rescue C. interview D. encourage

19.A. frightening B. training C. exciting D. remaining

20.A. help B. receive C. succeed D. travel



    After a long day at work, coming home is a breath of fresh air. Home is a comfortable place to sit back and relax. 1. Below are a number of things we can do to create a healthy home environment that will help to ease the workday stress and promote our physical and mental health.

Cleaning the house regularly is the first thing we should do. It may seem like a tiring thing to clean but there is a reason for doing so. We can remove dust by cleaning the house. Leaving layers of dust everywhere means that there is a build-up of dust. And where do these layers of dust go?2.

Making sure the rooms are full of sunlight is also important. We may not realize it but sunlight is an important part of our growth. We all know that sunlight promotes better working conditions. 3. Think about using a Parans system where sunlight does not reach. This technology gathers the sunlight by using solar panels. It can send out sunlight wherever we are.

4. Going green will help to remove toxins(毒素)in the air. They also give off oxygen, which can lower stress and improve our moods.

Along the lines of being green, it can also be vital to think about what things we are bringing into the house. Try to avoid specific plastics that are harmful to health. 5. They may contain poisonous chemicals that can be breathed in, or simple absorbed through the skin.

A. Into our lungs.

B. However, is it as healthy as it can be?

C. Is our home as comfortable as it used to be?

D. It is also a good idea to add more plants in our house.

E. The same thing applies to things like carpets and paint.

F. Besides, it can reduce both stress and high blood pressure.

G. It is acknowledges that a greener lifestyle is linked to better health.



    On average, Americans spend about 10 hours a day in front of a computer or other electronic devices and less than 30 minutes a day outdoors. That is a claim made by David Strayer, a professor of psychology at the University of Utah. In his 2017 TED Talk , Strayer explained that all this time spent with technology is making our brains tired.

Using an electronic device to answer emails, listen to the news and look at Facebook puts a lot of pressure on the front of the brain, which, Strayer explains, is important for critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making.

So it is important to give the brain a rest. And being in nature, Strayer claims , helps get a tired brain away from too much technology. More than 15,000 campers from around the world attended an international camping festival in September. That is when friends and family take time off and escape to nature for several days. They take walks, climb, explore, swim, sleep, eat and play. Camping may be just what a tired brain needs.

Take Carl for example. He lives in West Virginia and enjoys camping. He says that staying outdoors makes him feel at ease. It also prepares him for the work he must do. Kate Somers is another example who also lives in West Virginia. She says she enjoys camping with her husband and two children. She calls it a “regenerative” experience.

At the University of Utah, David Strayer has studied both short-term and long-term exposure to nature. He found that spending short amounts of time in nature without technology does calm the brain and helps it to remember better. However, he found it is the long-term contact with nature that does the most good. He and his research team found spending three days in nature without any technology is enough time for the brain to fully relax and reset itself.

1.What is David Strayer’s opinion?

A. Americans dislike outdoor activities.

B. Electronic equipment should be quitted.

C. New technologies are a double-edged sword.

D. Electronic equipment brings great convenience.

2.Why does Strayer insist we go outdoors?

A. To refresh our brain B. To try another lifestyle

C. To make better decisions. D. To play with our family and friends

3.What does the underlined word “regenerative” mean?

A. Exhausting B. Ridiculous

C. Relevant. D. Reborn

4.Which is the proper title for the passage?

A. How to Use New Technologies. B. Good Rest Develops Good Memory.

C. Being in Nature Is Good for the Brain. D. Electronic Equipment Harms the Brain.



    A study showed that the experiences children have in their first few years are important . These experiences affect the development of the brain. When children receive more attention, they often have higher IQs. Babies receive information when they see, hear and feel things, which makes connections between different parts of the brain. There are a hundred trillion (万亿) connections in the brain of a three-year-old child.

Researcher Judit Gervain tested how good newborns are at distinguishing different sound patterns. Her researchers produced images of the brains of babies as they heard different sound patterns. For example, one order was mu-ba-ba. This is the pattern “A-B-B". Another order was mu-ba-ge. This is the pattern “A-B-C”. The images showed that the part of the brain responsible for speech was more active during the “A-B-B” pattern. This shows that babies can tell the difference between different patterns. They also were sensitive to where it occurred in the order.

Gervain is excited by these findings because the order of sounds is the building block of words and grammar. “Position is key to language," she says. “If something is at the beginning or at the end, it makes a big difference: ‘John caught the bear.’ is very different from ‘The bear caught John.’ ”

Researchers led by scientist Patricia Kuhl have found that language delivered by televisions, audio books,the Internet, or smartphonesno matter how educationaldoesn’t appear to be enough for children’s brain development. They carried out a study of nine-month-old American babies. They expected the first group who’d watched videos in Chinese to show the same kind of learning as the second group who were brought face-to-face with the same sounds. Instead they found a huge difference. The babies in the second group were able to distinguish between similar Chinese sounds as well as native listeners. But the other babies regardless of whether they had watched the video or listened to the audiolearned nothing.

1.What makes connections in a baby’s brain?

A. Having a higher IQ. B. The connection with other babies.

C. The baby’s early age. D. Experiencing new information.

2.What did Judit Gervain and her team find in the experiment?

A. Word order is relevant to meaning. B. Babies identify different sound patterns.

C. A certain brain region processes language. D. Babies can well understand different words.

3.What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 3?

A. Words have different sounds.

B. Grammar is important in learning languages

C. Different orders have different meanings.

D. Different languages have different grammar.

4.What is the main conclusion from the study led by Patricia Kuhl?

A. Babies shouldn’t watch a lot of television.

B. Social communication improves babies’ brain development.

C. Listening to different languages helps to develop babies’ brain

D. Foreign languages are beneficial to babies’ brain development



    Judy Wright and her husband decided to move closer to their son, Chris, who lived in Georgia. About a month after the move, Judy fell ill, suffering from her ongoing (不间断的) battle against Parkinson disease.

Her condition worsened rapidly and she required medical care at home. The family hired a nursing aid who canceled at the last minute. Instead, a woman named TunDe Hector showed up in her place.

One day, TunDe shared a story with Judy and her family. She remembered a particularly difficult day in 2014, when a stranger had helped her with a kind gesture. She had run out of gas, and with only $5 in her pocket, was walking to a gas station. A man saw her walking and turned his car around. He paid for her gas and gave her all the cash left in his wallet. Upon hearing the story, Judy’s son, Chris, took off his hat and said ,“That was me!” He was the stranger that had helped TunDe on that difficult day.

During the care of Judy, the Wright family learned about TunDe’s family and her own dream. The nursing aid, TunDe hoped that one day she could become an OB-GYN nurse. Her tuition was past due (逾期) and she had a family to care for, but she was determined to achieve that goal for herself and her family.

Judy died on July 9,2017. Instead of flowers, her family asked mourners (悼念者) to donate to TunDe’s education, to assist her in paying for her nursing school. In less than a week, they raised more than $8,000 and presented her with the surprise check.

1.Why did Judy’s family choose TunDe in the end?

A. To help her with a kind gesture. B. To look after Judy in the hospital.

C. To replace another nursing aid. D. To give Judy the best medical care.

2.How might Chris feel when hearing TunDe’s story?

A. Thrilled B. Shocked

C. Puzzled D. Delighted

3.How did the Wright family help TunDe after Judy’s death?

A. They paid for her education. B. They helped care for her family.

C. They bought her a surprise present. D. They helped her realize her dream.

4.What does the whole story mainly tell us ?

A. Kindness comes full circle. B. Constant dropping wears stone.

C. The truth never fears investigation. D. Actions speak louder than words.



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