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In recent years, a new idea 1. is called a “naked marriage” has arisen as the cost of living goes up. It has become a new trend for many young people in China. With a small marriage certificate in hand, they get married. And for the couples in a “naked marriage”, this certificate also contains other  2. (meaning).

A resident from Chengdu said, “There are many people like us born in 3. 1980s. Our families cannot afford 4. (buy) us new apartments, cars, let alone diamond rings. I think that's very normal for regular families. We must make a better future on 5. (we) own.”

A graduate of Sichuan University said, “The most important element in a marriage 6. (be) love. I believe our living conditions will 7. (gradual) get better.”

A professor says a “naked marriage” is in direct contradiction to China's 8. (tradition) marriage customs. However, as living costs continue to rise, this phenomenon may become more popular in the future.

But not all people have a positive opinion about a “naked marriage”. According to a survey  9. (conduct) by sohu.com, only about 40% of the 3, 500 people surveyed like the idea of a “naked marriage”. About 80% of men support a “naked marriage”, 10. there are also 70% of women not supporting the idea because they think these marriages are not stable.


1.which/that 2.meanings 3.the 4.to buy 5.our 6.is 7.gradually 8.traditional 9.conducted 10.while/but 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍近几年来随着生活成本的上升,出现的一种被称为“裸婚”的新观念。 1.考查定语从句。句意:近年来,随着生活成本的上升,出现了一种被称为“裸婚”的新观念。此处idea是先行词,指物,在后面的定语从句中作主语,故答案为which/that。 2.考查名词复数。句意:对于“裸婚”的夫妻,本证书还包含其他含义。此处other“其他的”,后面跟名词复数,故答案为meanings。 3.考查固定结构。in the1980s“在二十世纪八十年代”,此处表示特指,故答案为the。 4.考查非谓语动词。afford 后面跟不定式作宾语。故答案为to buy。 5.考查固定词组。on one’s own“靠某人自己”,所以此处用形容词性物主代词,故答案为our。 6.考查时态和主谓一致。句意:婚姻中最重要的因素是爱。结合句意可知句子用一般现在时态,且主语是The most important element,单数第三人称形式,故答案为is。 7.考查词形转换。gradual此处修饰谓语动词作状语,用副词形式。故答案为gradually。 8.考查词形转换。tradition此处用形容词形式修饰名词customs。故答案为traditional。 9.考查过去分词作后置定语。句意:据搜狐网的一项调查显示,在3500名受访者中,只有40%的人喜欢“裸婚”。此处survey 和conduct之间是一种被动关系,是过去分词作后置定语,故答案为conducted。 10.考查副词。表示转折,“然而”。故答案为while/but。

    I always hear about brave people on social media. If bravery is as simple as showing ______ during a time of fear, I ______ a time when I had a scary experience.

My family had just arrived at our Christmas holiday house when the ______ came to drop off the keys and ______ us to watch out for wild mice running around his house. My parents ______ and said they would ______ the situation if they appear. The thought of ______ something like a mouse ______ entered my mind. Besides, my father always came to my ______ if I needed him.

While my parents ______ our bags, I decided to watch a movie in my room. Everyone else was ______ so I had to take care of my brother. Halfway through the movie, I really needed to take a bathroom ______ so I stepped out of my room, leaving him alone in his baby bed. He disliked it, but I would only be ______ for a moment. “What's the ______ that could happen?” I thought.

When I left the room, my brother began to cry ______ he usually did. However, his crying grew louder and more fearful, so I hurried back, and was greeted by an ______ furry visitor.

“Dad!” I cried, “There is a rat in my room!”

“Kill it!” he ______.

“But dad, I can’t.”

My mind ______; I was so frightened. The first thing I saw was an umbrella, so I ______ it. I began to hit the rat until it stopped moving.

My parents were ______ that I put my fears aside to protect my brother. That day, I felt brave.

1.A. strength B. progress C. intelligence D. skill

2.A. waste B. recall C. spend D. appreciate

3.A. neighbor B. agent C. stranger D. owner

4.A. warned B. begged C. allowed D. encouraged

5.A. sighed B. nodded C. coughed D. shook

6.A. ignore B. handle C. overcome D. challenge

7.A. observing B. playing C. teasing D. killing

8.A. almost B. gradually C. never D. suddenly

9.A. life B. hand C. mind D. aid

10.A. unpacked B. unfolded C. unlocked D. uncovered

11.A. occupied B. excited C. hurried D. frightened

12.A. leave B. walk C. break D. chance

13.A. available B. brave C. lost D. gone

14.A. least B. worst C. most D. best

15.A. when B. if C. as D. until

16.A. unreasonable B. unexpected C. unconscious D. unqualified

17.A. complained B. informed C. yelled D. signed

18.A. froze B. broke C. wandered D. changed

19.A. kicked B. handed C. seized D. threw

20.A. afraid B. awkward C. overjoyed D. proud



Easy Ways to Expand Your Vocabulary

Why expand your knowledge and use of words? 1., people will understand you more easily, and you will increase the concept that you are an intelligent person. Besides, learning new words is a fun activity.

Read, read, and read. The more you read — not only novels and literary works, but also magazines and newspapers — the more words you’ll be exposed to. 2., attempt to derive meaning from the context of the words as well as from looking up the definition in a dictionary.

Keep a dictionary handy. 3.. When you uncover a new word, look it up in the dictionary to get both its pronunciation and its meaning. Next, go to the dictionary and find similar words and phrases — and their opposites — and learn the slight differences among the words.

4.. Simply talking with other people can help you learn new words. Once you hear a new word, remember to take it down so that you can study it later — and then slowly add the new word to your vocabulary.

Learn a word a day. Using a calendar or website — or developing your own list of words to learn — is a great technique many people use to learn new words. 5..

A. Get involved in conversations

B. As you read and uncover new words

C. By using the tips outlined in this article

D. Use whatever versions you prefer

E. Because you’ll be able to communicate (speak and write) more clearly and precisely

F. Plus, keeping a journal of all your new words can provide motivation for learning even more words

G. This approach may be too rigid (死板的;僵硬的) for some people, so even if you do use this method, don't feel you must learn a new word every day



    Vinegar is great. It makes salad, fries and dumplings taste better, and you can even clean your windows with it. And now, according to scientists, it may even help the plant’s population survive climate change. Researchers from the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science (CSRS) in Japan proved that. They found growing plants in vinegar makes them more resistant to droughts. This could mean that in the future, worries about climate change affecting the world’s supply of food will be much lower.

The discovery was made after the researchers studied the Arabidopsis, a plant known for its ability to survive in dry weather. It was found that when the plant was placed in drought—like conditions, it produced a chemical called acetate (醋酸盐) — the main component of vinegar.

After discovering this, the scientists experimented further by adding acetate to the soil of other plants before they stopped giving them water completely. After leaving the plants for 14 days, they found that the ones treated with acetate had survived, while the untreated plants had dried up and died.

It’s hoped that this simple method of survival could soon be used to help farmers in dry countries keep their crops alive. “In the experiment, we targeted the staple foods of the world-rice, wheat and maize… and proved successful” Jong Myong Kim, co-author of the study, told Popular Science magazine.

Kim has already been in touch with people around the world who are interested in trying this simple and cost-effective method out for themselves from farmers to companies and amateur gardeners. “Now we are trying to cooperate with them to make a method to apply this system, and make the process as simple as possible,” he said. Hopefully, this means the end of hunger caused by bad weather in the future.

1.What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 1 refer to?

A. Vinegar may help creatures survive bad weather.

B. Vinegar is found in plants by Japanese scientists.

C. Vinegar is very useful for cooking a good meal.

D. Vinegar is mainly used by people to clean houses.

2.Scientists in Japan find from their studies that        .

A. the Arabidopsis could survive in dry weather because of the shape

B. soil condition could be changed by pouring vinegar continually

C. the acetate can be used by farmers to substitute the soil

D. the plants treated with acetate could survive dry conditions

3.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. It’s too difficult for farmers to accept the method.

B. How to decrease the cost is the main issue.

C. The method is promising especially in agriculture.

D. Keeping plants alive means a lot for scientists.



    US scientists say they have poured cold water on the theory that washing hands with hot water kills more germs (细菌) than unheated water. The small study of 20 people found using water at 15 (59F) left hands as clean as water heated to 38 (100F).

National Health Service (NHS) recommends that people wash their hands in either cold or warm water. In this study, scientists at Rutgers University — New Brunswick wanted to find out if popular assumptions about the benefits of warm or hot water and official guidance on hot water — given to the food industry in the US — held true. They asked 20 people to wash their hands 20 times each with water that was 15 (59F), 26 (79F) or 38 degrees (100F). Volunteers were also asked to experiment with varying amounts of soap. Before they started the tests, their hands were covered in harmless bugs. Researchers say there was no difference in the amount of bugs removed as the temperature of the water or the amount of soap changed.

Prof Donald Schaffner said, “People need to feel comfortable when they are washing their hands but as far as effectiveness goes, this study shows us that the temperature of the water used did not matter.”

However, the researchers accept their study is small and say more extensive work is needed to determine the best ways to remove harmful bacteria.

In the UK, NHS experts say people can use cold or hot water to wash their hands. They say hands should be washed for at least 20 seconds and stress the importance of using enough soap to cover the whole surface of the hands. Their guidance focuses on rubbing hands together in various ways to make sure each surface of each hand is clean.

1.What does the underlined phrase “poured cold water” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A. Proved.

B. Contradicted.

C. Created.

D. Accepted.

2.After they washed their hands with either hot or cold water, _______.

A. volunteers all didn't feel very comfortable

B. volunteers all talked about American food industry

C. volunteers still had much germ on their hands

D. volunteers nearly had the same amount of germ removed

3.How do researchers feel about their study?

A. It is popular.

B. It is convincing.

C. It is incomplete.

D. It is abstract.

4.Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A. Using Cold Water Instead of Hot Water

B. How to Use Cold Water to Wash Hands

C. It’s Better to Wash Hands in Cold Water

D. Washing Hands in Cold Water as Good as in Hot Water



    I visited Copenhagen for the first time last Easter. As a student, I’m always strapped for cash, so I assumed I could only afford to breathe the air — but luckily everything about Copenhagen is breathtaking.

I was staying in an Airbnb, and rented a bike so I could cover more ground. One of the first places I visited was the Rundetaarn, or “round tower” built in the 17th century as an astronomical observatory. It has an equestrian staircase (a wide set of stairs big enough for horses to use) that went on and on. As I was going up, I stopped to visit the tower’s library hall. At the top, there’s a glass platform that gives a view 80-foot straight down, as well as a bell loft. Luckily, the views over Copenhagen from the top were well worth the climb.

After coming down, I hiked up to the Kastellet Fortress to see the famous Little Mermaid statue. Taking a photo with her was almost impossible with all the tourists crowding around — but sitting there and hearing the lapping waves of the deep blue Baltic Sea, waiting for the sun to set, was an unforgettable and calming experience.

The next day, I visited the Glyptotek art museum, exploring the grand exhibits. I looked into the marble eyes of many Roman gods, and walked down dimly lit staircases to see mummies from Egypt.

Before I unwillingly boarded the train back to the airport, I told myself that I must visit again — to experience the thrills of Tivoli Gardens, try more of the street food and everything else from this amazing city.

1.Why did the author rent a bike?

A. Because she loved to ride a bike.

B. Because she didn’t afford to rent a car.

C. Because she found nowhere to rent other vehicles.

D. Because she wanted to see as many attractions as possible.

2.What did the author find difficult at the Kastellet Fortress?

A. Finding a sitting place.

B. Having a photo taken with a statue.

C. Listening to the sound of waves.

D. Waiting for the sun to set.

3.Which of the following didn’t the author visit?

A. Rundetaarn.

B. Tivoli Gardens.

C. Glyptotek art museum.

D. Little Mermaid Statue.

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A. To remember a holiday.

B. To introduce a new attraction.

C. To share her travel experience.

D. To show her love of Copenhagen.



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